IVF/ICSI Support Group

Yay!!! Congratz Fatefully!!
Another 2ww for the heartbeat izzit??
Thts a stressful 1..

Dee, wat does 4dp& 2dt stands for?? I see other sisters using but I dun understand

Fatefully, when i tested bfpon hpt, my gynae told me to go for a BT every 2 days, just to make sure the hcg level is increasing. So if u are worried, can request for a bt 2,3 days later. Most impt is to stay relax and don't think too much, will be gd for ur pregnancy
Fatefully, your first BT was on D12. Today is at most D14/15 for 2nd BT. KKH always schedule BT at d17 or d18. That means u r still 2-3 days earlier than the schedule bhcg BT. So, wat low bhcg are u talking abt? I can't help but wan to knock in ur head & scold u! :p
>> Fatefully,

Maybe you should spend some time to read up about getting pregnant now that you can see your HCG doubling & that can give you some comfort. The more knowledge you have, the more prepared we are as MTB & less worried. There are alot of resource on the internet, or in library. The doctors are there to help us, not to hold our hands every step of the way.

Sorry to be so frank but don't worry about things u shouldn't be worried about. Worry about the things we SHOULD be wroried about, like is the embryo growing, is the sac progressing, etc. For instance u think 250 is low, but you don't know why.. (it is not low). Or you went to do BT early and tested at a respectable level of 93 hcg (at 4 days earlier than BT appointment), but you tot you weren't pregnant. Don't scare ourselves unnecessarily. It's normal to worry whether the pregnancy will be viable all the way to holding the bb in our hands, and yes, we will leave it to God in the end, but we really shouldn't scare ourselves unnecessarily.

Alot of women in natural TTC won't even know they are pregnant until 2-3 months menses is late.

and therefore, a BIG Congratulations.
Stay positive & talk to bb to grow!! The next 2-3 weeks wait to the next scan is actually even worse than 2ww, so hang in there. We are all here to support you.

>> To the rest of the sistas (esp those in KK whereby there is a benchmark of 250),

I am not from KKIVF but I really doubt if your beta HCG bloodtest is below 250 the nurse said "you are not pregnant, come in and test again". The nurse will not say you are not pregnant, coz you ARE pregnant, otherwise they won't ask you to go in and test again.

Anything above 5 is considered pregnant. HCG only gets produced when we are pregnant. The nurse is probably saying that below 250 is considered lower than KK's benchmark for them to comfortable that you are having a viable pregnancy, when testing BT at day17-19 past ER (which is the usual day KKIVF tests bHCG BT, i believe). Having to go and re-do a 2nd test does NOT mean you are not pregnant. and it does not mean the pregnancy is not viable. They are just asking u to go back after 48 hours as bhcg doubles every 48 hours. If your bhcg levels double during the 2nd BT, they will not ask you to go back for 3rd BT.

I know i sound abit harsh today with this post, but I really wanted to just share & clarify this so that sistas who go for early BT, or go for BT and being asked to do 2nd BT do not think they are not pregnant, or think negative thoughts.

It's difficult enough getting that positive, and when tested positive, you need to stay positive for the baby, and not put unnecessary negative tots in our minds during that time.

>> To sistas who are still trying,

Please stay strong. We all know it completely sucks when getting that negative, and it will suck for a while, esp after all the effort. But God has plans for all of us, and if we are ready again, give it another try if your heart, finances and emotions are ready.
Hey Fatefully, dun worry too much rem I mentioned my 156 is on day 16. Comparing to ur reading, today is ur day 15? Ur reading is ok.

I can understand ur worries abt the scan in 2 weeks, cos me too feels tat 2 weeks like crawling. My scan is next Tuesday, me too at times can't help worrying.
Thanks Hazel and Rons,

U gals mean well I know...not harsh... just straigh forward.

I still cant believe it... I will try to stay calm and positive... I only hope my sac is nt empty/eptoic preggie...

I will start to read more on pregancy stuff cos I nv dare to do so...
Looking forward : I will bfp on this cycle and then I will have to choose a gynae, or follow Dr Loh to TMC (but need to find out his charges first).

I stay around near to Outram, thats why say SGH is the best for me.

Btw, 2ww can eat orange, pumpkin a not? orange = liang? LRD drink is ok right? My tcm knowledge v bad. I dunno what is liang also.
Fatefully, so, u shld take care of yourself now! If still staining n spotting, pls go for weekly prolution jab. Dun say things like "leave it to GoD". God only helps those who help themselves. Rest in bed more coz though u hv crossed the first hurdle of getting pregnant, now is still unstable. So take mc or Hl n rest at home. Bhcg minimum doubles every 2-3 days for a healthy pregnancy. So, that means by d18, ur true BT date, the figure will be v good! No need to retest again for BT n stress yourself out unnecessary. Just br careful if staining dun stop. Request for More support. The dupaston that u are taking now also can up the dosage n te no of times to be taken a day. Just seek clearance from yr doc.

Ron, ^5!
So nice to have 2 seniors here - Hazel n Ron.

Be prepared to stay bed rest if need to. V precious one.. take no chances..
Thanks BabyJourney!
Sigh! Why don't they allow the ivf subsidy at private hospital too? So that we have more options. KKh seems to be overloaded and long queue
yes very overloaded... I even tried to use my "Nov cycle" (coz i was initially scheduled to start my cycle in Nov ) to start but was told even some ladies who have been scheduled for Nov cycle have to postpone to later date as KKH is overloaded... so my only option is March2012 or later date. haiz...

I agree with hazel n ron. Now that u bfp, be cautious but at the same time rejoice that u have done it. I understand after going thru so much u r afraid this happiness will not last. Now ur aim is to have a baby in ur arm but let me tell u ur worry will not go away ever again once u get pregnant up till the day u grow old n pass on. Cos even if u have ur baby in ur arms u'll still worry abt whether they will grow well, when ur baby fall sick u'll be sick with worry too... So it's neverending. so u gotta tell urself to be optimistic n be happy... At the same time prepare urself by knowing more. so enjoy ur pregnancy, u truly deserve it!
Hi Tanny, really, that's quite bad.. i think they should let us be down for at least 10 mins, for our mental peace. i mean, i know that their logic is like "oh, many women who do it and walk ard after that still get pregnant" but we are not privileged enuf to leave things to chance like that. every 'conception' takes lots of effort, pain, stress and money. We need to do all we can to make it work. not just leave it to fate. they really need to understand that

It's best for you to wait for the BT on 28 nov, cos HPT might not be able to capture true results so early in the pregnancy. Then u know, if it is neg, then u will be upset and all so better to wait. I know the feeling, i wanted to just do a blood test at private gp but i forced myself to wait. and yes, no mc for BT cos u just give blood then leave and wait for phone call. u need to see doc to get mc. Dunno abt the A&E though... Hmm..
My experience with doing the BT on sat was horrendous!! I went early morn and did the test and they said they will call during lunchtime. I went back home and waited for the call. it was already 1.30pm and no call. so i called the IVF centre and the office was closed. I started to panic and called the main line and they said the office is closed and i have to wait till Tues for my results (cos mon was a public hol). I screamed frantically over the phone that i can't wait and finally, after a lot ding dong (getting me to call here and there) they got the A&E side to call me and tell me my results. and then later, at 3pm, KKIVF nurse called me and told me the results. So really, try your best to avoid a SAT BT...

Hi Wendy, thats so awful.. i'm tearing just reading your post.. pls take care and keep your faith up. hugs
just jeep trying and one day, we will definitely reach our goal

Hi Fatefully, congrats sweetie
don't overthink it n stress yourself.. hope for the best

Thank you so much Ron, for the clear clarification.. i think the uncertainty is what worries us the most... then our imaginations run wild and we get stressed.. thank u
Hi Eskimobaby..
Thanks. Now I am at work when I got the news... the excitment still inside me. I will go home and start to read more ab "preparing for pregnancy"... wa to eat, Do & Dont for pregnancy. I also need to pray to god for helping me. I just thanks my bb for being so strong when I didnt really rest well for my last 2 weeks.

Now that my stain hv stop... I will keep monitoring if there is any spotting/bleeding... I will be more careful for the next 9 mths no matter how tough it is.

Tomo I am going down to get pregnancy support (dont kw wa they give me). Am I suppose to see my gynae too?

When I start to do IVF... I read alot of IVF... now that I pass... I hvnt read up to that stage yet... so alot of blur blur..in fact I hv a big !? above my head.
Most likely they will give u duphaston n will help u make appt to see gynae at wk 6 or 7 for scan to see bb heartbeat. I used to read this book wat to expect when u r expecting. I like it that it tells u wat to expect month by month. The context is American but still a lot of useful info n u dun have to read everything at one go. I will read it when I go into the next month of pregnancy.

This month I'm on high stress at work n fell sick n I'm on fet. I'm just leaving it to fate if I will be blessed with another child.
Hi Looking forward..My gynae is @ parkway east..Dr roland Chieng..just visited him earlier and had a long chat with him..he is really patient and encouraging..If you are thinking of changing a gynae to a pte 1..you can consider him..
Hi fatefully..congras..anything above 50 is considered BFP..
Our body will not produce HCG unless we are preggy..have to rest well..
Booboolina..yup..the whole pregnancy experience is really a suffering from me..While everyone were happily enjoying their pregnancy..i was always in and out for hospital during my last pregnancy..total 5times before my MC.

I am classified the top 10 patients in my dr list in terms of spending..I am considered the top 3 patients in his list too for Severe OHSS..And i ask him today why isnt i am the one who is in his top list for having a miracle bb...

I could only consider this as god will..with the fact that i had such a gd dr and embryologist..i cant think of anything that goes wrong..And definitely on the fact that i had a lovely hubby who is so accomodating..

I always ask myself this question..why is it simply so difficult for us to just have a bb and go thru all the trauma..I tell myself not to give up on this but again i really do not know how to pick myself up..

I do not know how long i had to go thru all the craps and sufferings,yr 2008,i had a MC,Yr 2011,i had a MC again and this time round my HCG is <2..Haiz..

Congrats! You might like to get the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and read up on what to expect in the different trimesters.
Stay strong, and don't despair. There's hope as long as you keep trying!
Rest well and tiao your body first before the next round. Meantime, try naturally, and who knows?!

Thanks for giving me hope..I havent decide if i shall pursue further..I am tired and exhausted..even if i have to start a fresh cycle..i had to go for a short protocol since i had severe OHSS using long protocol last round.

Short protocol will also affect my embryos quality thus really in a dilemma..doing something that is not the best one..I am firm in doing a long one though but my dr do not want as he mentioned that it is life threatening in my case.i could even be suffering from strokes if things dont turn out well...
hello ladies. anyone could advise me? got the following results from the blood test i took recently:

FSH 6.0
Luteinizing Hormone 6.1

so do I have PCOS? i'm under Prof PC Wong @ NUH &amp; he said i do not have PCOS
Listen to the doc's advice and seek a second opinion if necessary? While we understand your desire to have a child, I'm sure your husband wouldn't want you to risk your life too. Take care!!
Hi Dee, I think progesterone inserts are only for FET. During my fresh cycle, I was also given the same HCG jabs. Dun worry abt ur embryo, grade 5 sounds very good (I know it's the highest grade at KK), so maybe although only 2-cell, hopefully it can continue to divide &amp; grow

Ya.. I know I tested hpt too early. I just couldn't help it.. the agony of waiting... ooh. No OHSS to distract me this time.
hi ching

I had 19follicles but only 7 fertilised and 5 make it to blastocyst @ day 5..

I was on 200iu of puregon then 250iu..How about you??Are you @ kkh too??
21 Nov, Channel U, got a TV programme for Daddy taking care of babies. Ask my hubby to watch first..u gals interested, can take a look too
Anybody taken puregon and gonal f in e same cycle? I was given puregon for 1st 5 days n today collected another round of injection but pharmacist gv wrongly. Gv gonal f to me instead and I also blur. Didn't check e med. Now dunno how. Suppose to tk 200iu puregon but I left with 150iu only. Call e hospital and one of e doc told me to tk e 150iu puregon plus 50iu gonal f. Anyone with similar encounter? DH is now very upset with me n the hospital
sigh.. Why I so careless??
The dr KKIVF centre every gave me Puregon instead of gonal f one time. But I discovered it when I collected the med at the pharmacy. Was asked to go bk n get revised prescription from dr. Not sure if can mix like this....
fatefully GRATZ!!!

Babyjourney, I will be glad to get a March slot.. will jus pass my probation. Going down for SIS on next Monday and seeing Dr Tan for the first time on 30Nov..hope my results are fine
This morning I was given 50mg of progesterone jab now my buttom side like feel sour...

In my this 1st FET, I didnt take care of myself well. My dad was hospitalise during the holiday so I have to travel up and dw to visit him. I only managed to rest 1 day which is after my ET. I didnt take Dr Zou med this time. I didnt eat brazil nuts. Only thing I eat was "conceive well gold" &amp; chix essence. Food wise I eat everything moderate. I still take chilli but little bit. No cold drinks and everyday I drink red dates with wolfberry. Everyday sleep late also... nothing chances in my 1st FET. I still go to work but I walk slow. I talk to my tummy and tell them to hold tight.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes.... and I sincerely hope you all will pass..
Fateully, that jab is v painful as it is oil based. So, will take w while for the pain to go away. Use a heat / cold pack to soothe it.
U mentioned that you have severe OHSS with 19 follicles?

Here my story to share with you:
I was on 187.5iu &amp; 150iu Gonal-F (for diff cycles), and follicles retrieved were ard 20-25 each time, but only very mild or no OHSS. However, I didn't manage to get pregnant for those cycles.

I went to KK to do some tests and dr found that I have some strands on one side of my womb. He has helped me to clean up some. Am arranged to start another fresh in Mar 2012 with Gonal-F + menopur on long protocol.

I then seek a second advice at Gleneagles, Prof Ng . He proposed to me on another protocol called Modified Minimal Stimulated IVF. This protocol requires no stimulation injection like Gonal-F or Puregon. This requires no stimulations jabs. Patient will be asked to take a medicine called Letrozole (something like Clomid) from D2-D4, after that will need to take menopur jabs. In this protocol, not many follicles will be produced, only abt 5-8 depends on individual. So, this is will certainly reduce the risk of OHSS. I m not very clear on this as it is totally a new thing to me. Maybe you can check with your doctor on this protocol?

p/s: Prof Ng proposed this to me not bcoz I have OHSS but bcoz I have already failed so many cycles with normal long &amp; short protocols. So, he suggested maybe I should try something diff.
Congrats Congrats!!

oh no!! Hope you've settled the case now..

Oh sounds like an interesting tv show
btw, you mentioned you would like to buy the bandari cd? The bandari cd i got was way back in 2003 or 2004..so it might not be that easily avaliable now (im not sure).. but you can try the bigger cd stores and see if they can get it for you or they might have in stock? Or try google and check, the last time i checked, on ebay, a person is selling a brand new one.

As for myself i've started stage 2 today...with very much frustrations! Called the clinic and was advised to jab nevertheless..Despite the spotting/little bleeding.(Actually took BT yesterday as i couldn't stand not knowing if im really positive or not but was told that i've to wait for results within 1 week!!! by then it'll be too late!!)

Anyone had a failed cycled b4 with puregon then menses was late and also very very little??
Hi Faithfully..
Congrat to u ya!! So happy for u.. Is this ur first pregnancy? Tts why pp say sometime no sympton during 2ww oso can bfp.. Take care n rest well k..

Hi baby
U r quiet these few days.. Hope u r well ya.. When r u going back to work? All the best to u too..;)

Hi wendy
Hugz.. Me fine.. I know how u feel as really mentally torture for us but if u never giveup, there is still chance.. Jiayou n dun give up like rest of the sister here...u will be a mummy one day...
Dear sisters,

Its been a while since i last log in ad i hope all is well with you girls. I have a pack of Immunocal (protein shake) which i have gotten during my last cycle and will like to sell it off at $50 for the remaining 22 satchets (box of 30). Expiry date is July 2013. Please ping me at 84480792 if you are interested ok. I took this after my ET to help curb with the bloating as a I was having mild OHSS and i guessed it work for me
I just realised i have another new unopened box of Immunocal with same July 2013 expiry. Will like to let go at $80 for this new box as well.
Hi Ladies,

U might wanna explore Maybe Baby website. http://www.maybebaby.sg/

Pledge to have a baby and get vouchers worth $300 for Similac milk powder for baby or mum when u BFP

You can also read on the interesting blog of a couple who went tru IVF &amp; FET before conceiving

Most interesting &amp; informative. I just wish I had made a pledge earlier :p
