IVF/ICSI Support Group

Just now i tried to push for an earlier date to do ivf but was told march'12 is e earliest coz Dec'11 close for cleanng, jan+feb'12 fully booked coz shorthanded due to dr loh n marianne leaving.

FET can use medisave. Just now the nurse told me fet cost ard $1500-$2000, so normally e couple will pay by cash n use the medisave for fresh cycle since it costs more.
Hi Fatefully,My ET was on 8th n had a day 5 blastocysts..Just went for my progestrone test and it is low..did a preliminary round of HCG and it is below 2..
was very upset with it..Am left with no more embbies..thaw 3 and put in 2..sad...
Tahope, Babyjourney and Usagi, I am hoping to start my first fresh next March too. Will only be seeing Dr Tan end of this month, hope that there are still slots.

Did Dr Tan giv u the confirmation to start in Mar?

Lookingforward, rest well, take care and try again..

Fatefully, crossing my fingers for you. Good luck
Hi Wendy,

I didn't go for progesterone test at all not like my 1st ivf. I kw hw u feel... I am like u too... Till nw I am still worrying abt tomo bt... Hope it will increase... Hope the god up there can answer my prayer... And I hope u guys dnt give up.
Hi Fatefully..in fact i was BFP during my 1st fresh cycle..but i got miscarriage during week 17..so this time round is my FET..my official BT is friday but seems like today bloodtest for HCG is too low till it cant be multiplied till the required reading like yours...Sad..
Now dr loh leaving, me too dunno where to go..I also hv no more embbies left. SGH near my home. Is it the most expensive of all govt hospitals? Do they like NUH let u rest after ET? which doc is good at SGH and when is their earliest slot now?
Usagi_2011, miracle_happens, Noy, LovNHope, thanks for all your support and comfort

Hi fatefully, ur case is diff, ur is brownish, more like implantation and your timing of spotting. Jia You, dont worry it will sure increase

Hi Tanny12, i left with 1 but Dr loh say no point ask me to start new cycle. NUH lets people rest after ET, i hear that rest after ET is good.
Hi Tanny,

They let u lie down 10min after ET b4 they let u go toilet and go home. I dunno their earliest slot leh, if u want, call in to ask ba. I will only see doc next mth b4 they give me a slot. So far, Dr Yong is ok. Head i think is Dr Yu. Not sure what other doc are there.
Dr loh gog to tmc.

dr loh ask me to choose which dr i wan n give me a memo to give to ivf center to instruct them to let me start at earliest posible date. But earliest still march'12. So no need to see dr tan, just call ivf center when my march menses report.
I did my cyclogest at 830pm then 1 hr later 930pm tummy ache and went toilet to do big biz. I suppose the progesterone is all passed out now. Can I put another one again? Or half of it? Or really cannot?
Cyclogest is 200mg ?? Only need to insert 1 right?
Mine is utrogestan..100mg.. I need to insert 2! How lucky m I.. Hve to tahan the pee, poo & poot for at least 2 hrs..
Dee: I think some sis has- in the past when reading I rem
Some had and they went on to bfp leh. Which day r u now? Me already 4pd3dt. Dry dry, no spotting...

Miracles : kkh fresh use utrogestan. Fet use cyclogest. Dunno y..

Sorry for gross description. That white pill after farted out in 15min is still hard not even absorbed yet. So I thnk the whole thing need 1-2 hr to dissolve and absorbed?

Bandar CD like so nice. I want to buy too. Where to gt it? CD stores or any reliable online site?
Looking forward, Wendy, sorry to hear abt ur result. Take care & rest well before you start the next cycle!

Someone posted IVF cost at TMC Fertility Centre: cost of fresh cycle $15K - $17K. As it's a private hospital, no government subsidy but you can use medisave to pay up to 3X (6K, 5K, 4K). FET is $6K. Plus additional consultation fee.

Dee, Tanny, I have some white discharge last week, now quite dry. Ahh, 2ww feels super long! No OHSS is good, but no symptom is making me super worried.. yesterday tested hpt, -ve. Just wondering whether progesterone insert will delay menses if not pregnant?
Hi moo3moo
How many dpt r u now? All the best..;)

Hugz to looking forward, pls tiao ur body strong before ur next try k.. See tcm to tiao, u will strike the next round.. Jiayou..

Hi wendy
I know u as both of us r fr the dec mum to be thread last time.. It was a shocking news when i read abt ur mc at 17 wks as i know it has been a tough pregnancy for u..hugz... Now lets Hope ur hcg will increase on this fri.. Maybe now still early to test as late implant.. Dun give up yet k..

Hi faithfully
All the best to ur bt retest today.. Did u test hpt at home?
Thanks for the info. I didn't notice.
Tomorrow then see how many embryos. Now kena ohss and feeling so tired.

Noy, I m given 2 weeks hospital leave starting from ER. Nurse said only, but I haven't gotten the paper yet.
Hi Fatefully, Oh my, can't imagine how stressed you must be feeling.. Please stay calm and try not to stress too much abt it. rest well and distract yourself with other stuff.. like u said, there's nothing we can do already... leave it to god to help u.. I'll pray that things go well for u

Hi Tanny, Usagi, during my first ET at KKIVF, I was allowed to rest on the bed after transfer for at least 10 mins before they brought me out. During the FET, they were jam-packed with ppl doing transfers so i was only allowed to lie down for like 2 mins and then since i requested the nurse to let me lie down for a while, she walked me to another empty room and asked me to lie there as long as i want... they couldnt let me rest on the ET bed longer as there were too many waiting... But if i stand and walk to another room, what if the embryo doesn't implant?? It's kinda inefficient on their part... anyway, both times were BFN.. so i guess it is still up to luck... sighs

Hi Wendy, really sad to hear abt your miscarraige... can't imagine how devastated i would feel in that situation.. I'm glad you're up and still trying
Thanks for being an inspiration
Booboolina : The nurse wouldn't even let me lie down for my first ET not even 1 min. It's an elderly nurse.

Anyone here who is highly intuitive or with those six sense? Means if it feel something, it will come true?I would like to test hpt on 25 nov. My BT is mon 28 nov and I think I want to test on Fri 25 nov cos cannot tahan the weekend wait... Go for beta BT no mc hor? They take blood and we go home then they call us by noon or 2pm for result right? Otherwise I go at night to 24 Hr OG wait 1-2 will know result quicker... If got kkkivf on sat am, do they call us on sat pm for the results or wait till mon then tell us?
Hi Joanne..How are you??Yup..i was @ the dec mum a few months back..Yes..my pregnancy was bad the other round as you know..Was tramautised back then but 3months later..was upset again today..I dont think i had a late implantation..coz mine was blastocyst..
..Was really sad..put in 2 but none stick to me..

At least when i had miscarriaged 3 months back,i tell myself that i still have 3 frozen embbies..but none i had none..haiz..I spent almost 40k+++ all in all..really exhausted my $$,physically and mentally..i am really tired.Perhaps everything is destinated.

Anyway,i might not be going for my bloodtest this friday..since i kinda know the end result..with a current reading of less than 2,i dont think it will multipy to the required BFP reading..Anyway,thanks for remembering me..
Booboolina..your are right..really upset..i lost my son @ week 17 when my waterbag leak..I pray for miracle another this round..but i dont think i will be successful this time round..I also dont know what i shall do next..
thnks moo3moo : TMC pricing very high for ivf n fet. dont think i can afford..

how abt gynae charges? twinkle the nurse says the difference for ivf is big, but for gynae (normal) is not much difference.

wendy : ask for divine help~~ i know some went to temples and their hopes materialise..
Tanny12..I try and drain out all my resources..temples,church,fengshui and many stuff..but none helps..
..Perhaps must resign to fate..no choice..

By the way,you can try my gynae,the rates are reasonable and cheaper than TMC..
hi all,

i would like to seek your advise if i were to go for FET back to KKH. I've called Dr Marianne but she says she will be leaving KKH soon.

What are the procedures that I need to follow?
Hi gals,

Just went for my 2nd BT and progestron jab. Now waiting for news. Btw, the progestrone jab is only 50mg... is it too little cos my insert is 400 mg.
I'm at 4dp2dt .... I noticed most girls had 4-cells/8-cells transferred. Although mine is grade 5, it has only 2 cells. Embryologist said it's normal because fertilization was only the day before transfer. So like that, I'm considered '2dt" right?

How come some people have progesterone inserts, some HCG jabs? I read about most of you having to insert some stuff up your axx .... but all I was given is HCG jab 1000 units 4x over 3 days apart. You are only 8dpt right? Maybe too early to test.
Hi Tanny12, what are your plans, stay in KKH, who will you be with, where you stay, i stay in Jurong, thinking to changes to nuh

hi wendy, where is ur doctor?
Congrats and ask for more support. Take care and stay positive.

Can Dr Marianne refer u directly to another gynea?
I am worry cos the no. so little... and I am scared... I feel so normal... i hv to ask the doc u confirm? U sure? I ask her i dnt feel anything...then she say why should u...
Can someone help explain to me wat does my blood test reading means? Dr Loh just told me "OK".
1) Fsh 4.1
2) LH 3.33
3) Prolactin 33.68
4) Estradiol 79

Thank you.

Hi Fatefully, congrats! Don't worry and try to be relax. HCG will increase everyday. Maybe you can ask them to test again next week? When is your first scan?

I still don't dare to go for early test, afraid of the outcome. Feeling slight cramp and pulling around bottom part of tummy area since yesterday, dunno why. No discharge.
