IVF/ICSI Support Group

Chrisl, cannot find. Backache after searching a while. Nvmind, can always get another new one! :p

Yes, I know of mozart cd n classical music can help in bb brain's development. But, m too lazy to listen after I come bk from work. Just lie in bed n watch tv, after that zzz. I can on music n sleep but hub cannot. Anyway, my gynae always says, his mother also nv take fish oil or listening to music when pregnant with him, but he still make it to medical sch! Haha..

Anyway, I just bought many bb board books, touch & feel books, vcd/CDs online today.. Cheap cheap! Free shipping. Next mth will arrive.

Fatefully, good result for early BT! Important is for the number to double up and to prevent spotting. Rest well and minimize stress!

Hi Imel, FET is way better than fresh since no OHSS, haha! Took 2-day leave for FET then back to work. Sometimes felt some pulling in the lower abdomen, making me worried so I walk slower in office. You are taking folic acid only? Why dun take Blackmore's Conceive Well?
Fuyutsuki01, www.bookdepository.com But currently no stock for bb mozart CD. The other website I use is www,flipkart.com. But is an Indian website that only delivers to an Indian address. My sil is there. Will bring bk for me next mth. A lot of books n CDs are made in India. So, they r cheap!
Hi gals,
Just curious to ask... Since I hv on off brown discharge... Do u smell "below"? Cos I can smell it when I pee... It like the smell of my after AF that come as brownish discharge ( I hope u kw wa I mean). Now my brown discharge stop... Nt as much as this morning... But still can stain abit...
Fatefully, go to 24hrs for a prolution jab if staining dun stop. Tell the dr on duty u r pregnant,dun risk it in case in due to hormones support not enough.
I did a saline sonography too before my 1st ivf as dr loh know of my previous polyp issues. There's this recurring polyp in the endometrium but near the cervix. The sonography also detected several other smaller polyps tt can't be detected by ultrasound. I think this did help with the success of my first try.

I like book depository. The books r cheaper than kinokuniys. Just thAt their delivery is quite unpredictable sometimes come very fast sometimes takes weeks n they will individually pack per book n deliver them separately too.
Hi Faithfully, even though u r to repeat ur test, u r consider positive (preggy). I had the same tots as u, low HCG reading but when I went down to the clinic to request for addtional support, all the nurses asked "u r pregnant ah?" cause from their record, it is recorded as positive. I was hesitant to answer loud n clear on dat question before my re-test as well. So I truly understand hw u r feeling nw. But do take extra care like the other ladies' advise, if u hv light spotting. It might b caused of implantation or not enough support. Call the clinic and seek professional advise, to hv a peace of mind.

Take care and hope to hear gd news from u soon
Fatefully, I agree with hazel , u need to go back for additional support . Are u wih dr loh? He will administer proluton straight away.
Hi Fatefully
Maybe u can try to email ur gynea? Else call kkivf to check r u consider early pregnancy? If they say yes, then request for the injection..btw, u can also do daily hpt test at home to see if the line gets darker day by day to assure urself tt u r pregnant. Oh ya, Congrat to u ya..;) pls gives us tons of bb dust after wed bt..;)
Hi meryl, my dr is marianna. How am
I suppose to ask her? Send her an email? Tomo I will be going for a retest maybe I will see hw after tomo...
hi sister, last nite in the sleep, I forgotten that I am in my 2ww, I use my left leg to kick the blanket up, immediately the pain kicks in, the pain is with me until now, now I notice my panties is stain with 4 light brownish stains, are they ok? call kkivf they say is implantation which I think is impossible, my BT is on thu should I wait n see or just go kk
FateFully, no need to email her. Just go down to 24hrs. Insist that u wan extra horrmones support. Your file will hv the BT result tt shows u r pregnant. The MO refused to give, ask him to call your gynae! She is in hospital, can be contacted. Just go, pls dun delay anymore.

U r pregnant lah! Just early pregnancy as u tested on d12! Confirmed pregnant with tt reading!! Bhcg will pick up very fast in a few days time. But if this is caused by inadequate support, bleeding will increase n u know wat will be next! So, for God's sake, go do something! If MO makes it difficult for u, dun hv to be nice to them also! Ask him r they going to take responsibility if anything were to happen! Tell them the pregnancy is vvvv precious.
Looking forward, ur bhcg BT is on this Thursday? Not likely to be implantation blood. Same principle, use hpt, positive go down for additional support & confirm via BT. Alternately, just go for early BT.
Hi hazel, ya heading to KK now, just now go toilet wipe see fresh blood, currently in pain, has call dr Loh's nurse she will arrange me to see him, thanks
Hi usagi, how ur menses starts, is it start with spotting then fresh blood in paper, then continuing with spotting? Mi worry waiting for blood test result

Hi fatefully, care to share your experience also me scare n worr...
Hi usagi, how ur menses starts, is it start with spotting then fresh blood in paper, then continuing with spotting? Mi worry waiting for blood test result

Hi fatefully, care to share your experience also me scare n worr...
Hi looking forward,
What experience u wa? Mine D8 I have some white leakage of cycolgest with 1 dot of brown stain but it didnt stain my pantyliner. Then D10 same thing happen still it didnt stain my pantyliner. Then yest which is D12, I wipe after my morning pee, I saw pinkish brown, I quickly go KK for early BT with a heavy heart. Then I went home... my pantyliner gt brown stain.. not spotting. Then now this morning brown become kaki color...turn light. I dnt hv cramps or anything till now. I oni experience some cramp in 1st week. Then leg and back cramps in 1st week. Till now i dont feel anything changes... I feel so so normal...now putting much hope.

Hi Hazel,
Now my stain become light brown and I hv email to Dr Marianne and see what she say. Beside this I dnt feel anything... I am trying to relax as much as I can and hope for the best. I know u mean well...thanks. If Dr. ask me to go for support I will go. Anyway tomo I going for BT so I will also ask them if I need extra support...
Hi fatefully urs brown mine is Kaki col then red now on Pantyliner but spotting, worr, I hv cramp pain on n off, urs seems to be implantation, mi look like gone case more n more brownish blood stain
hi looking forward,

mine was on D11. got brown spotting. I called SGH and they ask me to go BT next day. The brown spotting stop in D11's nite. But D12 got brown blood clots. The nurse tried to comfort me say could be implantation but unlikely for me la. implanation is near first WW, me already D11. So i roughly know no chance. The blood wasn't red. just brown. is only i stop the support, then red blood came on D13.

Just came back from SGH, blackmore products got 20% off. I bought 3 box of Conceive well to try.
Juz seen Dr Tan HH, will b gg for short protocol for my 2nd fresh. Will b using gonal-f 600iu...super high dosage.

And I hv to wait till nx yr march as their schedule r super full...I tot can start feb.

I will also b gg for SIS again as Dr Tan wanna ensure womb r ok b4 start 2nd fresh as I hv gone thru D&C(miscarriage). The last round I went thru was super cramp....dread gg thru tis again.

Any sistas plan for cycle in mar 12 too??
Hi Tahope,

I hope to start in Feb/Mar. Me also 2nd fresh. I wonder what's my next dosage. I wsa on 450 le. See what doc says when i meet her next mth. Feb better for me coz I cant take leave in Apr.

Anything we can do to tiao besides tcm? Can we take Dom?
Just back from KK, waiting for bt result to cfm whether to start Gonal F on Fri. Question - if injecting both Lucrin & Gonal F, will you inject on same side or different side?
mmfeen2011, progynova is for lining growth; asprin is for thining the blood to prevent blood clot.

Tahope and Usagi, we might be cycle buddy next year.

Noy, Lucrin will be on one side and Gonal-F on another side. Do a switch every day.
Actually just before you leave the resting lounge, the nurse who briefed you on the "to-dos" etc etc would have told you & indicated the number of eggs retrieved on the form, next to your name sticker. You try check see have or not. If no, then possibly you left before the "results" are out (maybe cuz I was in the resting lounge for 4 hours).

Otherwise, on your ET day, the embryologist will give you an IVF summary sheet that will show how many eggs retrieved, fertilized and transferred.
Thanks JoynFaith, the nurse told me to inject both same side. But I remember the last Fresh the nurse told me each at one side and rotate alternate day. Guess diff nurse got diff theory.

Oh yeah... I'm clear to start the Gonal F this Friday. :)

For ladies doing ER, how many days you have taken for resting?
Thanks Usagi

Hi miracle_happens, <1.2, I think no implantation at all

Mi don't know what to do, Dr Loh leaving, I will not stay in kk, so either follow him or go nuh, any view to share, thanks
Dear sisters,
Jus saw Dr Loh after 3hr+wait and rcd my day2 bloodtest results. Can help me "decode" my results below? Thank you.
1) Fsh 4.1
2) LH 3.33
3) Prolactin 33.68
4) Estradiol 79
Hi Looking forward,

Sorry to hear that... anyway mine will also be the same as u...

thing happen for a reason...just rest well and give urself some time off and try again.

If I fail I will try again..
Hi Looking Fwd, take a good rest!

You still have FET? I asked the nurse during my last visit if FE can be transferred if I want to follow Dr. Loh. She said is possible with a cost but I didn't enquire how much. I'll have to make the decision after the result of my fresh.
Just now Dr marianne called, she ask me whether I still bleed, I told her now it become very light brown stain. She told me if I still bleed I will hv to get support, if not tomo she will give me a progestron jab after my BT.

She even told me actually 93.2 is consider preggie but still early to tell. So I ask her if tomo BT result decrease meaning dont hve if increase meaning have... her reply is yes.

I will just leave to god...
Hi Usagi, I also wanted Feb'12 but too bad can't.
I'm taking chicken essence daily, plus Dr Zou herb. Will continue accu till next cycle.
I'm also taking conceive well &amp; folic acid..
I still take egg white occasionally now.

I didn't take DOM but I think should be ok ba.

Ok, now I know U, me &amp; joynfaith can be cycle buddy next Mar'12...

Jia You sistas....
