IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi hazel,
I am supposed to start last month menses for a fresh cycle and inform KKIVF in turn tell me to cancel due to manpower at lab. I email to Dr Loh about it and sadly, he kept apologizing to me it was really unexpected. He asked me to start next year. There is nothing I can do and I guess God has a purpose for me that things turn out this way.. I accept it calmly and see no point pushing things too far otherwise I may blame myself for rushing myself in end failing my next cycle.
So better go with the flow and follow wat is for me..

Right now the important is to build up my body. Cheers

Hi gals, I've updated the spreadsheet too. Will be starting my cycle soon, but not sure if i can still catch Dr Loh to do ER/ET. Nurse said depends on my response to the medication. Shall not think too much about it.
Good luck to all of us in our journey to motherhood!
I was in the resting lounge from 930am to 130pm.
Yup .. time flies! Good luck & all the best to tomorrow's ET.

Ya ... the fertility treatments outside are so much more costly than KKH. So far I have pretty good experience at KKH and my gynae is very good too, so guess I'll stay put here. Cost is one factor, facilities/complications another, my gynae the last. I think most importantly is the chemistry bet us and the gynae and their expertise. You seems pretty close to Dr Loh.

I'm not sure of Dr Yong's success rate, because I left SGH before even embarking on IVF. I like SGH because I am on subsidized rates there. But for me, I couldn't quite understand what she is talking about half the time. I have high prolactic but she didn't prescribe med for me. My hubby's sperm analysis was not very ideal then, but she said it was ok, average. I went to see her right after I got married and told her my fertility concerns but she told me to monitor a year then see how. Maybe if I had started on IVF earlier, I would have better ovarian reserve (before the endometrosis/adenomyosis complications came in).

I guess it's because there's not much chemistry between us. She has to be good .... my gynae Dr Khoo said she was his mentor before. But it was Dr Khoo CK from KKH who managed to diagnose my endometrosis/adenomyosis. I guess overall, it's all the pleasant experience i had in KKH plus my affinity with Dr Khoo that made me changed to KKH. Hows your experience with her so far? Most of the girls here are with KKH Dr Loh though. Most important you must be comfortable & happy with her.

Take good care of yourself then. If need be, go for IVF or whatever your doc recommend because our thyroxine level will affect our fertility ability.

Why do you abort your cycle? You still have 1 egg, still can transfer this 1 egg right?
Hi baby_me, i still have 7 frozen embbies left, i really hope that all are well.

Hi ron8129, thanks for your concern, going for the next appointment next tues and see wat the doctor says then.
Ron n dee, thank u for the info on the menopause thingy.

Usagi...i think I wld be devastated too if tt happens but take care, dear. Stay strong and have faith on the next cycle to come. I always believe we r strong women cos not everyone wld have the faith n courage to go through what we r all going thru.
Ron n dee, thank u for the info on the menopause thingy.

Usagi...i think I wld be devastated too if tt happens but take care, dear. Stay strong and have faith on the next cycle to come. I always believe we r strong women cos not everyone wld have the faith n courage to go through what we r all going thru.
Someone ask about TCM's information. You may refer to TCM DRs tab in the online spreadsheet.

LuvNhope, I put in 8 small deseeded red dates, 2 black dates with some wolfberries (10 for big ones; 10-15 for small ones) to put to boil at medium fire and turn to small fire for about 20 mins . Sometimes I will put in logan but can be heaty. You can place them in vacuum flask and consume later since it can keep warm.

Cherishu, you are added to the online spreadsheet. Do help yourself on your status. It's advisable to have 2 months rest before embark on your FET. Do check with your DR too. In the mean time, enhance your body with tonic. For me, I went to see TCM for acupuncture and medicine. I also regain my exercise once my AF was cleared.

Usagi, sorry about your news. When is your BT? It's advisable to rest for 3 months before you embark the next fresh cycle. In the mean time, enhance your body with tonic.

My Little Joy, sometimes it's good to go with the flow. Glad you are positive in that. When did Dr Loh book for you for next year? Do you plan to go with him to TMC? If not, which DR did Dr Loh transfer you to for next year's procedure?

Heartbeat, are you starting your FET soon? Are you on natural/ medicated FET?
I feel pre AF signs..cravings for chocolates and also bloated + breast tenderness..hope it's soon

Thanks gals..im trying to hang on and work a little to keep my mind off and not think too much..maybe i stress hehe
Tips tips .... On boiling of dates drink part..i have slow cooker and it works for me
I just place all the ingredients into the pot and add 1 liter water, switch on and let it slow cook overnight and volia! I have a nice drink for the next day. I then transfer the drink over to a termos and it lasts me for one whole day..still is hot the evening after..
Im just curious about cysts..can they be detected thru normal vaginal scans? the tube scan which the doc used to place inside 'down there' --is it good enough scan for doc to see cysts? small or big...

I already started my lucrin jab on 5th this month and just had my menses. But it's very light and not full flow. Is it normal? May I know what food should I take at this stage? Chicken essences, red dates drink, egg whites etc....? And can I take Korea ginseng now? It's consider not heaty type

May I know for lucrin stage is consider stimulation stage? That's is to grow the eggs? Then what is puregon stage? Sorry for the ignorant question.
hi Ocean~,
in my 1st cycle, my menses after suppression was also rather light, so i supposed it's normal ba.. Im in my suppression stage now too (2nd fresh cycle) and im already drinking longan/dates drink as well as ginseng drink..not really started on egg white now though. No, lucrin is suppression stage. Puregon stage is stage 2 or stimulation stage. Don't be sorry, it's good to ask to be sure
Mylittlejoy: stay positive. Who knows, maybe u get preggie naturally by then! There is a purpose in life for everything.. Start some exercise in the meantime?
Hi Ocean, my MIL also bought korean ginseng for me, but she was told not to take the ginseng during menses. not sure abt the reason though.
Hi ladies, is it possible to buy extra syringes and alcohol swaps for lucrin at KKH pharmacy over the counter without a prescription? Just realised that they didn't give me an extra pack when I collected lucrin the last time.
Hi all, Thanks for your encouragement. Supposed to be next Monday but now I am on my way to do. I can't tell is period or spotting le. But I felt frightened the entire yesterday. Coz usually first day is brownish discharge. Mentally prepared for the worst. Sob. My hubby was overseas again and only be back today again. Only tell him period come. Hope there will be miracle.
Dee, my whole stage 1 to er took 2 mths. Nt a smooth
Cycle due to cyst growth during cycle
N unresponsive to drug. Doc say my body nt in optimal dont waste the precious one
As succesa rate less than 10%
Bfp can result in some spotting too.. Hope u really hv bfp and just support not enough.. When us ur ET? Take care and hope for the best ya..

All the best to Tanny12 and miracle happen's ET today!!
Dee, which stage r u in right now?

Hope 4 bb, dun despair... Hv u tried Tcm? I heard from my Tcm ladies like us have to tiao our bodies first before getting pregnant. Try taking cordyceps... Those that u hv to boil and get both u and hub to eat.

R u under the care of a rheumatologist?
Dee, I m definitely gng for Ivf but in Nuh cos I'm under the care of a team of drs specializing in repeated miscarriages for lupus and thyroid patients. I think my body has learnt to recognize fetuses as foreign objects after my previous 2 miscarriages.
Hi tanny12 & miracle_happen, all the best to your ET and welcome to 2ww

Hi Usagi_2011, 'hugz', take care and dont worries, it might be implantation
Tricia, u can but over counter. Alternatively, u can get at guardian, those for insulin jabs. I like guardian ones better than KKH ones. Swaps guardian also has.

Miracle_bb, my gf's case is complicated. One of her ovary is gone during the removal of a cyst. During the op, dr loh found out tt she has endometrosis n cleaned up the womb for her. Also her other ovary is too high up n dr loh did a reconstruction surgery for her to faciliate egg retrieval for Ivf later. But he still commented that it will be a challenge to do ER for her. Thus, he decided to write the memo for my gf after thinking thru. Even her lapascopy earlier to remove the cyst, is a v complicated process due to some underlying issues. dr loh commented then that even an experienced surgeon will hv second thought operating on her.. My gf knew too, that was why she delayed doing the op until I asked her to see dr loh. At first appointment, dr loh noticed a long scar on her abdomen. Immediately he asked her what op did she did.. It was done >30 yrs ago when she was born. Her organs are all not in the usual position after that op. So, imagine the risk when dr performs a laperscopy, he can pierce other organs by mistake n she can die from it. Dr loh told her is a mess inside her given the technology so long ago.

Her cousin is a dr at KKH n also assured her that she will be safe with dr loh a he is the best around. After that op, She really trusted him.
Hi Tanny12 & Miracle happen, all the best for your ET today.

Hi Jasmine, 7 snow babies is a good number. You should go for FET. Jia you Gal

Hi Usagi, don't think too much. I had brown discharged too previously and It was bfp. Just go for the test and wish u good luck and bfp. Now, I don't see any discharge at all, no pain, no cramp, a bit worry.
Morning ladies~ I'm back from ET.. I hve 6 embryos, 2 more under observations. Hve to wait till 17nov to collect my ivf summary report.

Tanny, I was there at 8, the 1st to do the ET
That's great. Welcome to the 2ww club. What is ivf summary report? I din have that the last ET. Only rem I was given a picture of the snowbabies.

I'm still waiting for an hour now... I should hv arrived at 10am..lol.
Thanks, Joynfaith & Tanny for your words

I understand,hazel.
Though i am unhappy, I got over it already and even start feeling little grateful thinking I can enjoy eating Xmas Choc & New Year goodies WITHOUT worry & stress to little embroys inside me! haha hehe

Of course I really love following Dr Loh to TMC but over there IVF cost is a bomb and I rather be wise with money matters. I think only after my 2nd pregnancy go smoothly. My case taken over by Dr Tan and I will see him next week for "introduction & my case discussions". Prior to this appointment, my name is already in Jan 2012 cycle list as Dr Loh assumed me there won't be the second time cancellation no matter what. I trust him Liao.
Hi Tromso,

I just failed my second fresh cycle....

Now just gathering some new information here and there hopefully to help me in future...

Btw, i would like to know more about Dr Tan Siew Buoy over at NTU consultation. Can you advise? TIA!

For diet in 2ww, some say eat durian too... Heard can help in implantation... and of cos high protein food. Some were taking immonucal or Amway protein powder too.
Hazel, do you know if we can See Dr Loh for usual women problems over at Thomson too? He will be gynae as well as doing IVF right?
Your gf is a very lucky one! Dr.Loh helped her to bring her ivf forward to this month! I don't even have a chance to talk to Dr.Loh as I was too late to register as his patient

Since I cannot see him in KK anymore, I am thinking of should I see him at TMC to see what is his opinion and suggestion for my case . I dunno should I follow him to TMC or not. Cost is a factor, but I think the most important is to get pregnant as I have oredi failed 4 fresh cycles. Do you hv any idea when can we make appt to see him at TMC? Will he start seeing patient once he is in TMC or he will take some time to settle down?
Tanny, I'm not sure wats the summary report for.. The embryologist just gave me the photo of my 2 embbies & told me to come back next week for the report. She looks busy, so din ask
DecEmber, his pte clinic at TMC is an O&G clinic so will see patients on non ivf matters of course. U can always consult him on any women issues. Whether u wan to do Ivf with him at pte Ivf centre u can decide later after u hv enquired n comfortable with the cost. He has a good heart, wun rip his patients off.

Ching, On wed when I saw him, he told me he will see my 5 wks later! I told him too long lah, how abt 3 wks gap, once end nov n another time 3rd wk of dec before he goes for Xmas holiday then 3rd visit will be in Jan at TMC? He laff n said since I hv planned so nicely ok loh! So, he shld be seeing his patients in Jan immediately when he crosses over to TMC! Anyway, his new biz card & appointment card are ready. Also has clinc office no, email n opening hrs printed. The clinic has 2 drs, dr loh & dr marriane n is the only pte clinic at tmc to hv night clinc till 8p on 2 week days.
Hazel, err... Dr Loh will still be going for his Xmas break this yr end? Cos like a lot of patients lined up for him over at KKH IVF??
Tanny and Miracles, take plenty of rest from now on, take more Bu too, jia you....

Hi LovNhope, I have asked dr Zou, huai san is for stomach and spleen - 脾胃 so it's ok throughout pregnancy too
I just had a crash course about cordyceps (really hitting myself hard for not heeding parents advice in the past when they give us those ginseng cordycep capsules, thought they were crap and ignored totally, sigh...). if budget allows good to take ginseng and cordyceps, more Bu. I'm taking cos feeling very tired and bit breathless after starting stage 2.
Still waiting since 9am. He had gone to see patients and went for a cesarean op now. Hungry now really. And emptied half my bladder in the meantime. Nurse says too full. This nurse is better than the last one during my last ET.
December, I hv. But not with me now. Will extract n post here tonight. If I got, remind me.

Ching, ur Ivf is scheduled in march next yr right? N u r the one who has scarring issues in womb? If I were u, will call on first working day of January and book an appt to see dr loh at his TMC clinic. Bring your KKH scan reports over to see him. The one that said u hv scarring n other reports for detailed checks u hv done at KKH. Asked for his views on whether u need to fix the scars before Ivf. If he said yes, asked him his charges to fix it. U hv insurance right? Shld br able to claim depends on how it writes the report. He can always put "disrupt your menses cycle", as long as it does not linked to fertility treatment u can claim. Discuss with him on this. He can help. It is a day surgery. Just a few ks at most I think. U can claim from co insurance or your own hospitalization plan.

Ask him his Ivf cost. Too ex, u can always proceed to do Ivf at KKIVF in march. At least u hv a good n healthy womb then without affecting your success to Ivf. Day surgery done in Jan, in march u shld hv recovered. If not, do in April.

These are my personal views. Is better to fix your problems n increase your chance of success. Rather than spending money, go thru the pains n ups & downs n if fail u start to wonder wat r the causes which we can nv pinpoint for sure.
December, short break. 27-29 dec. He already cancelled his 2 wks leave... KKIVF already cancelled 50 of his Ivf cases till next yr! He was complaining to me te other day.
Hazel, Wah! 50!! my god... i think they are not able to handle it probably... thats why cancelled... so, those postphoned till next yr, Dr Loh cant do for them le?
Just curious.. My gf does not hve her period for almost a yr, her gynae only gave her clomid..took for 6mths. Her gynae did not ask her to go for any tests, so she got no idea wats wrong wif her. Recently, she seek tcm help, just noe tht her body is 'liang'

Does any ladies experience this or know anyone who is like tht???
Thanks for your advice. Yes, that is exactly what I think also. I will consult him and see what he can do for my womb scars...I just want to fix all the adverse factors before I start another round of fresh .

Will need your help to post his contact info in TMC here so that I can write it down.

Hi December, sorry to hear about your previous experience, You mean your recent 2WW was unsuccessful? just helped you asked about the baby aspirin...I thought still in 2WW...
Cheer up ok, things will get better from here I'm sure, good time to tiao your body too.

Dr Tan Siew Boey, I think many came to know her as Mark Lee's wife gynae, delivered 2 kids. Some of the sisters here are currently seeing her too. She prescribes herbs in original form (not powdered form), so will need to brew but with help of those specialized herb pot, it can be quite easily done. I think may need to book a week or more in advance now, unless you can visit during off peak hours.

She is registered in the TCM dr list, can google for it, and is an examiner at NTU for the TCM studies. She also holds talks and has been invited for radio talkshow. I think she is quite reputable in fertility treatments

My SIL couldn't conceive for abt 5 yrs and into 4th months of taking her herbs, got pregnant. Now she is trying for 3rd child and still seeing Tan SB.

For myself, I see my BBT chart improving first month into taking Chinese herbs and cramps were all gone (actually felt weird not having pre-warning now...lol...). I'm was seeing her about 3 times a month before IVF, as she will regulate prescriptions according to mensus cycle. Total bill betw $50-$80 each visit (incl $25 per consultation).

It's good to tiao the body I feel. Have you tried TCM before?
Ladies, i have a concern.

i get yeast/bacteria infections very often... almost every month these few years... will it affect my womb? only these few years then started... lately occur even more often than previously....

im actually very worried about this. but i cant find a solution to prevent the infection from occuring so often... already tried so many methods etc... sigh... drs also Seen so many times and cost a bomb....
December, other drs do loh.

Miracle_happens, her gynae is most likely an O&G gynae n not an Ivf gynae. I went to see a kkh O&G gynae 1 yr after marriage for normal woman check up. Did paps smear, normal scans & blood tests to confirm I m well. all gd I was put on clomid, yes I took 6 mths without success n I requested to be referred to dr loh specializing in fertility then all the detailed checks kick in.

I saw tcm too prior to that For > 6 mths. I even did accupuncture! Same comment "liang". Well, there is no way to proof that. Was told ovulation not gd too by tcm. But when I did hormones BT at KKH, I was told good enough. When I m preg 3x, my protroesgone level was v high too. I nv have spotting issues in early pregnancies. So, tcm said my womb "liang", how come?

Dun be mistaken. I m not anti TMC. It does build up our health n compliment any procedure we r going thru. But it will not fix underlying issues like cyst, endometrosis, etc. First, need to rule out any underlying problems first, if that is done, then tcm will build our health. But if that is not done, underlying conditions will hinder coz only western medicine can resolve.

Ask ur gf to go see a fertility gynae n check her organs n her hubby's are well n healthy first.
Hi Tromso,

yes, i have been on TCm and accu since first fresh... this second fresh decided not to go for it. :p lately started to tiao again...

i asked about the baby aspirin thingy is for my information for future use. ;) he he...

I went to Thong chai before also... but the hrs were really like mad... diff for us who work... so we gave up back then... then went to dr Zou... i was with her for before my first fresh till first fresh and few FETs after.... all failed and i stopped...
December, yes I'm taking both immunocal and amway protein powder, also Ensure milk powder. Amongst other things, I think has helped with my stage 2 cos manageable side effects so far, whilst a year plus ago when I was on hormone pills, I had quite bad reactions to the side effects and wasn't taking anything then. Are you taking them too?
Hazel, Actually she was referred to kkh by polyclinic but dunno y she chose to seek gynae & tcm instead. I told her abt the tests I went thru & advise her to test too. I guess she's afraid of the tests bahz.. She prefer tcm..at least no blood test or hsg in tcm
Btw she's overweight..could be obese..maybe one of the factors of her irregular period.
