IVF/ICSI Support Group

Piglet: AMH 20 is very good.. no problem no need worry..

Ching: 14.8 also not bad.. I think less than 10 is bad..

I think your report will show you what each range mean..no meh?

Ching, is AMH the blood test done at Day02 of our cycle?

I managed to find my last year's record, my AMH was 40.3. Worried abt the reading for this year since I am a year older.
No, no range is stated for AMH. There is only ranges stated for FSH.

Yes, AMH is the BT done on D2 of your menses. 40.3??? That's super high...Did you produce many follices?
That was last year's record. My previous gynea did not tell me abt my follices etc. When I did my IUIs last year i only had 1 egg or 2-3 eggs each cycle but they grow v slowly.

When I saw Dr Loh last month, he did mention I have alot of eggs when he did U/S scan for me. This is my first IVF.
IUI and IVF are different. Normally 2-3 eggs for IUI is consider good...But for IVF, we will need more than that..

But no worries, based on your previous result, I believe that you will sure have many beautiful follicles
Jia You!
Thanks for your explanation. My previous gynea is not a man of many words. I have to ask him den he will reply, and worst thing is i dont know wat to ask.

Shall see my results for this year when I meet Dr Loh again. Let's jiayou together.
Hi Luvnhope, I was told tt due to high volume of cases as a result of Dr. Loh's leaving, my protocol will be extended from 6 weeks to 8 weeks, so my 2nd stage on 15/11, what about you ladies?
Long time no log in , then now saw this news.. Hope u r ok. I Noe it's a trauma for u.. Sigh .. Take care ya. I heard from nurse that dr marianne might follow dr loh over , but it's not confirmed. Singapoh conceived under her and I Wana give her a try too, but heard that she might follow over too. So now u may wan to consider dr sad ?
Piglet~ oh i see..Thanks thanks!! btw, can ask for me also if watercress soup once a while ok?

Linda~ Sorry to hear that gal *HUGS* stay strong

baby~ huh..me love honey with water ... or in tea ..but i seldom drink tea except fruit/green tea..but i cut down a lot already

btw, I'm down wif secondary infection - throat infection after my flu..now on antibotics til saturday..and i hope it'll be ok when i start this sunday ....
Hi Linda,

My heart goes out to you... You are not alone. I just did my D&C yesterday on 20 Oct too. Was in week 10, went for my scan and there's no heartbeat anymore. Let's be strong together. Take this time to build up our health and try again. Who knows we will be cycle buddy the next round. I am sure if we persist, we will get what we want. Take good care of your health!
Hi Gals, no babydust to share. Wonder will there be heavy menses this round. The queue was long this morning and seems many gals were being taught on either 1st/ 2nd stage jab.

Sugary and Jaded, how's your BT?

Linda and Koirc, very sorry for your loss, big hugs! Take good care and don't give up! Strengthen your building and try again later. Let's work hard together for next round.
Hi Linda & koirc, be strong & try again. Take care & rest well.

IVF really a tough path. So many hurdles to pass. Hai.
Long time no chat
my AF came on Monday as expected. Initially doesnt want to do bt, but later decided to do on tues, don't Wana upset dr loh la.

So wats ur next plan ?
Sugary, is your AF heavier than normal? Do you have the pulling at pelvic region before your AF. Do you have any more frozen embryos? Or what's your next plan? I will do a fresh cycle but likely in Feb but was wondering to ask which Dr to do it. Will discuss with Dr Loh whether I can proceed or any other test I need to do. Gals here mention about AMH test, I've never do before but I remember my other Dr told me I still have reserve many years back, wondering he read from Progesterone result.
Noy, vi4n, sugary, luvnhope, chrisl, hazel, dec, cocoapops, joynfaith, tahope

Thanks gals...although will still tearing ESP when alone, even when I look at my son (thought can give him a sibling), but I believe time will slowly heal... The moments I stepped into house from hosp, I told my mil it was like a drama to me, too dramatic... but I will definitely stay strong n move on

My heart goes out to u .... Reali don one where has gone wrong.... Too many possible reasons but it is reali hurts... It was reali like a roller coster ...
Hi Linda, sorry to hear about your lost, take care n rest well

Hi Ladies
Can advise on red dates n longan drink, longan which one, dry one from thailand or black one, thanks
Sisters: doing confinement can also continue to do red date Longan water.

For those look for royal jelly, I saw this honey world shop at wistma atrium near famous Amos, selling NZ royal jelly with honey at abt $56. you may one to check that out. This is the cheapest I come across for fresh/ raw royal jelly.
Piglet ~ it's called 'Fu Pen Mei' 覆盆莓 or 'Fu Pen Zi' 覆盆子.. also some called it 树梅 'shu mei'

AF is normal , no pulling or cramp before and during AF .. Everything is normal. No more frozen. Duno yet until I see dr loh
Chrisl, drink honey moderately should be okay. Just don't drink everyday. It's really very liang. After my miscarried, I became weak n always caught by cough n flu non-stop. I started to drink honey 1-2x a wk n it's stopped now. No more flu n cough for past weeks.
Looking forward, baby me, sunniegal, meryl
hav a Appt on 3rd nov to see dr Loh , and still left one more frozen, will see wat dr Loh say N will move from there.
But my mil strongly against me to go thru all tis procedure, she say dun wan to see me suffer.
My mum said to rest first , then try the last fet next yr after my boy settle in cc next yr.

Hugs .... R u planing for a fresh next yr? or maybe see wat dr Loh suggest
Linda, you may wan to check with dr loh how come ur cervix takes a while to close after the event. Check with him That is the cause of miscarriage. Early stage. sac is v tiny like blood clots. During our mthly menses, our cervix is nv open even if we hv big clots.

When the sad event happened for me last yr, where I went thru induced labour at mid term, my cervix was closed quite fast after bb was out. When he did uterus evacuation for me, cervix was already closed. When pregnant, our cervix is closed at all times unless there r labour contractions or ladies have incompetent cervix. Pls check with him. If cause can be determined, it can be prevented next pregnancy.
Hi gals,

I just had my AF today and I should call KKIVF once my AF come, but they close. It it ok I call them on Mon morning/afternoon? This is my 1st FET. Pls advise. Thanks
Dear Linda, I was tearing when i read your post. I understand the feeling of wanting something so badly, finally going to have it then losing it in such a short time. It all happened too fast. My heart goes out to you. Take time to heal both physically and emotionally. Rest rest and take care! *Hugs*
Thanks... Ya was in deep upset when the moment at the scan room I saw the baby was no more in the uterus....

Could it be bcos I still have left over clots inside my womb that's y my cervix was not close? Cos when the ward dr examine my below , she said is still 2-3 cm opening... Now ur question make me wonder tis cervix opening is happen before the miscarriage or after? If the cervix opened before the miscarriages, I reali cant find any answer why it caused to open? Since the scan at 9am was still ok? And my miscarriage happened at 2pm?
Fatefully, call on Monday at 8am. No one picks up keep calling If not after 815am or so, the line will be engaged n u will hv to wait till afternoon before u can get thru.
Linda, I went thru similar process as u last yr. After induces labour at night, next day first thing in the morning I was push to DI department to do a scan.. Same thing, thick lining is inside n clots. So, I had to so uterus evacuation but cervix was Closed already. I knew coz Dr loh Told me. My cervix shld open during induced labour. But i dun understand qhy urs Should loh., Just ask dr loh abt the cervix is opened part n why,

When we r preg, lining is confirmed thick coz there is a fetus inside. I asked dr loh why lining was still thick when placenta was out n the ward dr did press on my womb to remove all the remains. I asked him why those who went thru full term delivery No such prob. He said coz the bbs are Bigger n so ia the umbical cord n dr will just pull the cord n everything will be out. So no uterus evacuation is required. For my case, cord will break when ward dr pull.
Thanks... As I didn't reali think of that part... I will sure posed tis question to him
Btw cos urs was " induce " that's y eventually ur cervix will open in order to let the fetus n placenta out... It was just same like induce labour for a full term woman... Then eventually the cervix will close it immediately.
As for my cervix why was still open after e event, the only answer I could give to myself was bcos still got left with remains clots n tissues that didn't expel fr my body completely...
Anyhow, I believe tis event could be due to other possible reasons too, anyway thanks for bringing up n analyzed it so detail...
Fatefully, my AF also came this morning. I quickly called KKH as I'm afraid they closed early today. Called them at 10.30am. This is also my 1st FET. They scheduled me for scan on 31 Oct which is Day 10.

You can call them on Monday morning n tell them your Day 1 is on Sat. Most likely our scan will be same day. Jia you!

Linda, I too had clots n remains so need uterus evacuation. If go by ur explanation, then my cervix shld still be opened right? There r many ways to remove the remains, one way is to uterus evacuation n the other way is thru taking oral medicine to make it bleed heavily so that blood cots m remains come out menses. If use Method 2, there is a ridk that not all tissues will be flushed out. I hv friends at 6-8 wks preg went thru method 2. But their cervix was not opened even at the point of bleeding heavily. Got 1 girl nv go thru scan after that. Only after 2 m/c then dr sent her to do detailed scan at DI.. Cervix also not opened. Guess wat? Tissue of prior pregnancy was still there n that most likely caused the m/c. She did uterus evacuation thereafter n successfully preg with twins after that.

Cervix shld be closed at all times. Unless during labour, trauma or some other reasons. Incompetent cervix is one of the causes. If so, need to stitch up the cervix once pregnant. Well, think thru n get ready all the qns to ask dr loh. So that precautions can be taken next time. Take care!
