IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hazel, I pm u to ask u something.

Oh ya Hazel, dr Loh travels every dec when KKIVF close for cleaning and maintenance. O maybe the other way round? kekeke .. he looks different to me, maybe hairstyle, maybe he put on abit weight, face like rounder. Oh dear, if he is really leaving ..

JoynFaith, during my FET, i went to D Zou as though fresh cycle, ie. everyday 5 days before ET. Should be no harm in fact more good as acupuncture do help promote lining growth and blood circulation which is all the more critical for FETs.

Gd luck Pinpanter!! They call yet? My past cycles, they always call by noon. Baby dust, baby dust, baby dust!!

u were at KKH for scan just now? me too.. im on natural fet..my ET on monday. how many u going to transfer?

during my previous FET , i think i accu 2-3 times in total. but my lining took forever to build up.. i guess its up to individual..dont be nervous ya.
Jaded, that's fast. What's your lining's measurement? Any 3 layers seen? Did you take TCM lining from your DR before your U/S? Or take any special remedy for the lining growth?
Pierced and JoynFaith, I believe Dr Loh wasn't joking. He joined so many years liao so it's natural for him to want to move to pte or start his own clinic. He told my fren she could follow him or be assigned to another doctor. I doubt he would joke abt such things.

Good luck to Sugary, Jaded and JoynFaith on ur FET! Have a smooth one!

930am..so we probably meet each other


i think he wasnt joking too..probably he doesnt want to announce first, thats why only tell those new patients?
Well, I hv black n white from him where he said "he is joking abt him leaving for pte!" we all know his style by now that if it is real or he is still thinking abt it, he won't even response to us in black n white.. He just scheduled my gf to start Ivf in Jan 2012..,

haha. He is such a joker!

Anyway, It doesn't matter. Will just follow him.
Hi Sugary, yes i was at kkh this morning. Maybe we were within very close distance from other each
. I said to trf 2 since that's what dr loh advised too.

Hi joynfaith, my lining's 8mm triple today. I suppose it will thicken further since I have to continue the progynova? I was on Chinese med supposedly to help with the growth of the lining on tues n wed, but I stopped taking the dose yesterday night because coincidentally, I was feeling giddy n didn't sleep well for the 2 days that I took the Chinese med, hence decided to stop n let the tcm dr know when I visit her later this evening. When I saw the tcm dr on mon evening, she kept emphasizing that my lining wouldn't be gd enough by this fri becoz I shd have started the chinese med much earlier...turned out I have met the min lining requirement and I'm not sure if I shd attribute this to the 2 doses of Chinese med I took or not....

Hi chocolate, thks for your well wishes! I'll be praying hard for all the sistas!
Jaded, will you need to go for scan again on next Mon before Tue's ET? Inform your TCM DR on your giddiness and not sleeping well for the past 2 days after taking her medicine. Check with her if it's advisible to continue. My TCM DR mentions our lining will grow 1mm in average everyday. Thus, by Tuesday, yours will be likely to grow to 13mm that is in the ideal range for implantation later on. I'll be starting my lining medicine tomorrow. As I was caught with activities in the past week, I felt tired. This week has been obedient to rest more and be low profile. Cos of that and nervous, this week nights were tough to doze off fast and tend to wake up in the middle of the night. Thus, telling myself to stay calm.

Chocolate, thanks for your well wishes. If Dr Loh is leaving, must see where he is going and whether to follow if BFP. Wonder how much does PTE charge on consultation, scan and other area.
Sugary, ideal thickness for implantation is between 11mm - 13mm as told by my TCM Dr. Can google search if you are interested. What's your lining measured?
i think the range is more than this.. shld be 8mm - 14mm.. im preg with previous FET at 8mm leh.. this cycle also 8mm for now.. i've heard of cases where preg occurs 6-7mm too.. during the 2nd phase of the cycle, progestrone is released..once its release, it will continue to thicken the lining.. actually too thick also not gd..
Sigh~ i suddenly have another thought .. could it be either ethically dr Loh cannot openly tell his patients leaving (not to be seen as poaching)?

Jaded, i also take forever to grow lining. Whats your progynova dosage? There is another way to increase lining fast. It worked for me so maybe i share. I took maximum progynova (doc approved) and step up on acupuncture and ate red bean soup (warms womb) and beef (rich in iron) and durians (moderately). End up lining grom from 8mm to 10mm within 2 days. Dr Zou also gave some TCM in that few days to grow lining.

But dont be too stressed also. As long as got 8mm already safe to proceed.
Just read up from google search on some websites, some mention implantation occurs from 6mm-14mm.

Heartbeats, what is the maximum progynova amount given in your previous FET?
Hi ladies, just received call from kk. Reading is 183,need to repeat blood test on Mon b4 further confirmation. So have to wait again.
Pinpanter, hugs~ JY! Next try sure can, our perseverance will definitely pay off

JoynFaith, mine was 10mg, if still cannot, they intended to even use estrogen patches. Luckily 10mg was enough.

Sunniegal, today is D17? Dont worry, its KK always wanting their own benchmark of 250 thats why need you repeat BT. If other clinic this will already be a good level!
Joy, I called kkh n the nurse there's no scan required on mon before the et, on et itself they will measure lining again.

Sugary, was ur first preggy at 8mm lining successful?

Heartbeats, I'm currently taking 3 progynova pills a day n will continue until before the et. how many mg is that?
Hi Jaded, that should be 3x 2mg = 6mg if its the same small blue pill i took. If you are already at 8 triple then no need increase dosage cos cannot anyhow increase also. Cos once increased have to maintain all the way till near 2nd trimester so docs are usually very reluctant to easily increase.
Hi heartbeats, I see. Well, I hope the lining will continue to increase until et day. But strangely, immediately after et, they will decrease my dosage to 4mg per day...not sure how it works...
Hi joy, r u taking the same Amt of progynova as me?
Jaded, hmm .. now that you mentioned, i think mine also reduced by 1 tab after ET?? Cant remember. Anyway, whatever dose at BT will be continued till near 2nd tri when body can produce enough hormones on our own.
yeah, i delivered him safely.

i also have problem building up my lining that time..took me 26days to get to 8mm even im on progynova.. terrible

am also on 10mg that time ...but dont worry, once u preg, can slowly reduce dosage..
Wow, this forum is moving so fast i can't keep up. Haha.. I have yet to start on program yet, next appt tentatively on next fri, and hopefully can start jabs the following week. When that happens, will be able to join in all this techie talk.
I'm feeling good and peaceful about it so hope that's a good start.
For all going thru ER,ET or BT, all the best, hang in there and i've a very good feeling ALL of us here will be mummies or 2nd time mummies real soon!

I've noticed a couple of gals here have succeeded. Big congrats! And do spread the baby dust to the rest of us!
Hi pinpanter, sorry abt the news. Rest well and best of luck for ur next cycle.

I had my first appt w Dr Loh this mrng. He did not mention abt him moving to pte. He did a scan for me and told me that my lining is thick and i hv many eggs. So i might hv OHSS when we start ivf. Is there anything i can do to for my thick lining and prevent ohss?

Dr Loh schedule me to to do some blood test n scan next mth and will start ivf in Nov2011. Super excited...
Hi ladies

I dont know whether it is due to the injection or happens to be stomache upset, anyone experience the below

I started my injection on wed late night, thu morning whenever i eat, my stomache started to have pain and need to go for business, i try a few times, i eat i go, until i put medicial oil at noon it stops. i too my 1st meal today at 2pm, it happens the same, until now, stomache pain, once input and will sure go for output, normal?
Thanks Linda & sunnie. Yes I booked my tour as a rewards to myself invade I failed and now it helps.

I will not be posting too frequently as oct mark my travel month. After Tuesday leaving for korea, I am going to Bali and followed by Spain.

So be well rested for nov cycle of fet again. How does that sound since dec is not a good month to start.
Hi ladies. Hope all is well. I have lost track already. I have been busy with work ever since my HL ended. Sianz is the word. Dr Loh tells me I can't start medicated Fet after Oct menses. Does this mean start using Nov menses? Do we need to make an appointment to see him in order to start? Or we can ask him write a memo to kkivf centre will do?
Hi heartbeats, Dr Loh just did a V scan and say i hv many eggs. He did not tell me how many eggs. He just said i hv many eggs and will hv ohss when i start ivf. I also dunno how he can see i hv many eggs. Wat is antral count?

Did he tell u the same thing when u went for ur first appt?
Sisters, I just asked a friend who saw dr loh today to ask him again if he is leaving. Yes, he is leaving for TMC in Jan 2012.....

He is movIng from KKH to TMC I mean
Jaded, I'm currently on 6mg. Just now got diahorrea twice, suspected is from the red paste soup I've taken in the afternoon. Hope to get over soon.

Pinpanter, take good care of your body before preparing your next cycle.
It seems like a misunderstanding on Dr Loh in this thread that he is from TMC instead of KKH. Thanks, Hazel for your clarification. Properly we need to input DR's last name initial to prevent the repeat case again. At least now I know I can follow Dr Loh SF if I BFP. Phew...
