IVF/ICSI Support Group

The old nurse at kkh said cannot always bedrest. Today felt better so went for breakfast. I had being wearing socks during bedtime and use another small blanket to cover my tummy. Just remember don't carry heavy things during this 2ww. Our BT on 10 oct right.
Hope283, thanks! You still testing hpts daily? 2 more days will be DPT what? Your HCG level sure high!
Me too BT next week... :)

Having sore throat (since ET) so can't take hazel nut & red date tea... and didn't take 2ww to rest cause busy at work :-(

Hm... juz hope for the best... ... and nope, not going to test before the blood test.
Piglet, ya 10 Oct which is quite far leh. KKH always do D17 BT but for us its D19 leh. Are you on HL till 10 Oct? Btw i read that you taking the jabs, should be pregnyl jabs right? Do take care to avoid OHSS which pregnyl can bring on also. Dont be like me, OHSS very xin ku one.
Heartbeats, bedrest is not necessary but if you are tired, just rest. I felt very tired during my OHSS period, hence the best position is to lay on bed, sleep when sleepy and get out from bed only for meals, water and toilet. Due to my severe bloatedness, 2-3 steps were very challenging and tiring. Be positive and keep your stress level as low as possible during 2ww. BTW, embryos will be safe inside even if you cough. I was thinking whether they were there in the past when there was changes to me. Haha... nurse always say we gals are over reacting over some small matters. But she can't understand it's also our first time and especially we know the embryos are inside us.

Noy, you can rinse your throat with salt water every morning after brushing your teeth if you are in the initial stage.
Hi Fatefully,

I also have severe endo n adeyomoysis. I have preggie twice but unfortunately miscarried them. Failed first fresh IVF so now taking a break before going for FET.

I know of ladies whom have our conditions successfully gave birth. yeah dun give up n that is what I have been telling myself too. Not easy but have to go on n hang on there. A lot of ladies have gone thru much more.

I always feel that when there is a will there is a way
now waiting for hubby to be back before goin to makan a good dinner
Hey heartbeats, ys still checking daily. My bt day 26th sep will be 14dpt since blasto trnsfr.

Girls- read somewhere that we shd be sleeping sideways towards left for better blood circulation to uterus and also for good functioning of kidneys. I started following from last two days since I read. U can chk with dr or read in net if u also wnt to follow.
Thanks for sharing JoynFaith!
Ya, yesterday even walking to toilet like taking the life out of me, was curling up even as i walked.

I m so bored. Any TVB fans here? Any good titles to recommend? I have watched Moonlight Resonance, Rosy Business, Beyond Realm of Conscience and Heart of Greed.
Hope283, ya thats my best sleeping pos too! In fact these few days even more sleep on my sides cos dont know why sleep on back, my ohss like even more unbearable.

Hope283, i think your embryos are sprinters, implant so early! And maybe both implanted so twins on the way, yuhoo!
Hi heartbeat cos our D17 is on sat. Yes yes I need to go to kkh every 3days once for the jab. Other days just rest at home. I took HL all the way to our BT.
Hello gals, juz did my ER tOday. Anyone experience bad cramping like pains? Was literally flat most of the day on e bed. Now aft dinner thought it's better but tried lying down and nearly died from e pulling pain in my abdomen. Is it supposed to be that bad?
Hope283 n other gals
Is best to sleep on ur left side as to prevent major blood vessels being press on esp if u r heavy preggy.
if u hav ohss Also best to sleep on sideway, cos if u lying flat ur breathing muscle will tend to push upwards causing u more diff to breathe.
In addition u can add extra pillow to help u breathe easily, also better for lung expansion
Sophia: thanks but I missed it :p. Hope she gave some good advice. How are u? Still continuing TCM?
Pierced: it's normal once the anesthetics wear off, u will feel more raw... After all they did aspirated the follicles from the ovaries. Please hydrate and up your intake on protein ok... Will help reduce bloating..
Heartbeats, for me it took ard 3 to 4 days to get rid of the pain during my fresh cycle. Later was feeling normal. Hope u get well soon. Until then rest as much as possible.

I slowly started gettg small symptoms of pregy like, pain in the nipples and frequent urination. Also feelg sleepy most of the time. Although these are all good signs, deep in my heart I am bit scared that there shd be no obstacles throughout the period.
Linda, no wonder!

Ok thanks Hope283.

Pierced, ya its the anes wearing off so you feel more pain now than before dinner. I was also walking about with a curved back the day after ER. How many eggs you retieved?
All the best ladies in your ivf journey

Jus wondering has any lady seen doctor at eu REN Shang premier huh? Watch the show on infertility. Can anyone share huh? The show show my problem. I m thinkng hard but will definitely not give up.

My mense still not here yet after the last menses. Dr Loh say menses will be go heywire after failed ivf. How do I know when menses coming huh?;)
enig: went to visit her last week.. gave me stuff to regulate my menses.. she wants me to try natural FET next round..

sunbelle, there were 2 doctors featured in the show juz now, the first one was dr zhong xi ming.. enig and myself are seeing her.. she's not bad.. will always 'nag' at me to sleep early.. haha.. the other one's dr xia rong.. dunno her
Stay relax Sophia and Ur menses will regulate one...
Sun belle: xia wrong is a visiting physician aka she is not always around the clinic. Dr Zhong is a compassionate doc in my opinion and does not oversell u...
Morning ladies any experience crampy feeling? I had this feeling on off for the past 3 days since my ER. Today a little worse it's implant day?
Enig, i see. Thanks for e advice. Much better today but still walking slowly and hunched.

Heartbeat, yup! m still walking ard like old lady. Thy retrieved 13 yest. Will hope for e best tomorrow.

Gg for ET tomoro morn!
Noy: I am not a water person too so I find the boiled red dates + longan to be a good substitute for fluids
Pierced: trust me.. U will feel better by the day. Meanwhile take it easy and have the pain killer prescribed or panadol if pain gets too unbearable. 13 is a great number and I wish u all the best for ET tomorrow...

Hope all you ladies have a good Sunday and a great week ahead.
Hi Enig n Sophia, thank you very much for your information.
Can u share with me what are the procedures to see dr ZHONG li ming? How frequent? Cost? Any difference betwn Camden n paragon huh?
Sun belle: I actually see her for the TCM concoction and once I start stimulation, I visited her alternate days for accu. All the way up to ER and once after ET. Her consult is $40 and medication ranges... Approximately $190 for 14 days.... Accu cost $92 thereabouts....
Piglet02, I did not confine myself for 2ww house arrest. I have already started to walk around as usual on the day of my ET.

This 2ww is nerve wrecking. As time goes by, my heart sank a little. I hope this 2ww will come to an end quickly and I can have a break, eat some ice-cream and go for some workout, before I start my next fresh cycle.
Sunstillshines: believe in ur baobei. Take it easy. My 2ww just start already having lot of craving like roti prata, mee Siam. Heehee. This is my 2nd fresh cycle. No embryo to frozen. A little upset.
Thank you enigmaysl. My tcm Dr also gave me something to brew daily for the first week and going back for review in a week time. My IVF dr also only give me 1 wk jabs. Is 1 week gd enough?
My TCM is pre-prepared powder so easier to drink and during this 2ww, I do not get any jabs but only Crinone inserts every day. When will your beta test be? Did u have a 3-day transfer? Take it easy during this time.. Stay relaxed and happy
Piglet02, Enigmaysl, which clinic are you with?

Piglet02, this is my 2nd FET already. I did my 1st fresh cycle in Nov 10. Due to OHSS after ER, the ET was not able to carry out and I have waited for 3 mths before starting my 1st FET. It failed. Now, waited for another 4 mths and started 2nd FET. Very tired... buddies in 2010 already have a baobei in their hands and I have not even attain Step 2 of bfp... very very sad...
Hi sunstillshines don't be sad. I started mine in last yr sept. Failed 1st cycle and 2 fet. This one is my 2nd cycle. Tmr going back to kkh for my jab and will go to bugis to bai bai. Will bai bai for you also. Take care and rest well.
Sunstillshines: jia you! I do understand that it can get us down from time to time and after all that you have gone through, you feel tired from waiting... I am sure good news will await you soon! Hugssss.... I am with glen E and this is my first cycle.. Sometimes I read too much into things and get freaked out myself... But then I got reminded that God has a good plan for all of us and we will all destine to be mummies!!! Rest all ur worries and you will be surprised ok
Enigmaysl, thanks for being so encouraging. Everything is in the hands of God.

Piglet02, have you think back and see what went wrong?

Frankly, I feel more and more like we are all taking an exam which involved practical test... but this exam costs more than a Uni deg. I really hope this 2ww will end quickly. I can't wait to take another exam in a few months time.

Hi Sunstillshines!

I am preparing to start my 2nd fresh cycle in late October.
Quite apprehensive and am more concerned now with mental preparation for the cycle ahead.
