IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Amelia, Welcome.

Sorry to hear abt the BFN and glad you r ready to fight again. Some ladies have better chances with FET (we have a few recent pregnant sistas succeeding now from FET!).

There are a few TCM which the sistas recommend. I copied this from other forums. I have been to EYS paragon for TCM (meds only, didn't do accu) now change to Dr zou @ amk for accu+tcm meds coz cheaper
The rest of the tcm here i have not visited so maybe some other sista can give feedback.

Dr Tan Kian Sing
TCM Healthcare Medical Centre
433 Clementi Avenue 3
Singapore 120433
Telephone: 68723237

Ban Choon Chan
Blk 81, #01-636, Marine Parade Central Singapore 440081
Tel: 6334 6718
Business Hours:
Mon-Wed-Thur-Fri: 8.30am-4pm
Sat: 8.30am-3pm
Sun: 8.30am-12pm
Closed on Tue and Public Holidays

Tai Choon Foh & Co.,
Low Wei Meow, Chinese Physician
Blk 465 North Bridge Road #01-5045, Crawford Court Singapore 191465 (Near Lavender MRT)
Tel: 6294 3008, 6294 5068
Mon-Fri: 10.30 am - 7.30 pm
Sat: 10.30 - 6.30 pm
Sun & PH: Closed

Thong Chai Medical
Dr Tan Siew Buoy or Dr Chen Siew Mei
50 Chin Swee Rd
Infertility unit
(can register yourself half an hr before consultation time)

Zou Yumin TAM Physician & Acupuncturist
Blk 505 #01-2670 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 S560505 Opp Nanyang Polytechnic
Tel: 64560833
Closed on WEDS

(no name given)
Blk 603 Clementi West St.1
#01-35 S(120603)
Mon-Thurs up till 9pm fri ,Sat till 5pm

amelia > sorry, woke up too early this morning. also meant to say dr zou not only cheaper, but alot of sistas also have success with her and she is familiar with the ivf process. i need some coffee ....
Awoken in the middle of the night again! Coughing and sneezing and mr Asthma decided to attack!!

Ok, cannot tahan liao.. Today go and see doctor.. I'm feeling very disheartened already.. :'(
Hi bbnn & 12happy.. All the best to ur bt today..;) bfp on the way...

Hi pink, enjoy ur busy work again..

Hi amelia
Most of us see doc zou for accu as she is good, concern abt u oways n like motherly.. I hv visit her for many yrs since my soiui.. No regret! She knows tons of our art process here though she is fr china..;) cheap n good.. Most ladies fr here see her too..
sisilly - oh dear. do go and see doctor.

J03 - you are always early. next scan is this weekend? u are still working now or on leave?
Hi ron
;) no choice as my hb go work so will wakeup by him.. Now lazing on bed n read u gals post.. My next scan next monday.. Stress coming again..still on leave this whole wk..
Nice weather to sleep... My favourite rain is here.. Weather too hot yesterday..

Takecare silsilly.. Take more water n vit C..
J03 > do rest & don't stress. All will be good, as good as things have been so far. All your efforts & preparations will become a baby, and 1st tri will pass quickly. Sorry been busy @ work the last few week so was sneaking in to forum irregularly & lost track of everyone's status.. & you are right, your rain is arriving soon!! so far MS ok?
Take care & b consoled tt we shall always b here for u.. makan as well...

Thanks alot for keeping me in yr prayers.. U jiayou too..
hi ladies

i am not new to ivf, having done 2 fresh cycles and 6 FET under sf loh, had 2 miscarriages, and 1 ectopic pregnancy.

succeeded only on 2nd fresh cycle but it was a very traumatic pregnancy.

and now embarking on 3rd fresh cycle on short protocol in a couple of days but feeling very anxious about it and was thinking about seeking professional help.

did some googling can came across this: http://www.allinthefamilycounselling.com/index.php/marriage-a-couple/infertility-counselling/125

wondering if there's anyone here who wish to go as well to support each other?
Hw is ur bloat? Hw many eggs u retrieved? I hv to take blood test to monitor my ohss.. The nurse said > 15 eggs sure got ohss.. No wonder my bloat all the way fr ER tt day..
Silsilly, take care...

Yesterday I met Kris they all when I went for the BT. They have all the symptoms that I don't have, I felt bit depressed. But the nurse tell me dun compare with others. Will continue to stay positive, so do u okay? Get well soon and bfp

Thks.. What symptoms do they have? Now I'm feeling more disheartened and trying to look for symptoms..

But my flu is preventing me from looking for symptoms.. I should get better now and stay positive but it's not easy lor.. When I went for BT yesterday I was half dead and not talking to anyone.. I just handed my arm 4 blood collection and my dh did all the talking.. I was literally a zombie.. Lucky didn't meet you guys cos you will think like I'm a bitter old granma! My face super black and the nurses were like "what happen to you?" and I just stared! OMG! I AM a bitter old grandma! FML!
I cant wait to start....what food, soup to take while preparing for ivf or conceiving ? I'm taking folic v vit c only. Bai feng wan after menses. Will try that longan ginger drink.. Anything else to warm the womb. Btw Dr zou acpunuture got 1 hr so long ? How come the guy that answer the phone says that? Who is he huh? I tot at most 20 min is ok? A bit put off by him.. Also hmmm, Dr zou medicine is how much per day? Just wan to be prepared of the cost per visit..
Queenie - am still here. Wah after the individual briefing earlier I actually find the information overload quite daunting! So many things to note & for antagonist protocol, if I ovulate too early, cycle abandon. Ohss also abandon, and so on.
I think all sisters who have gone through this are so wei da (courageous).

Enjoy yr 2ww! If u need lunch kaki during 2nd week just shout out k
hi Tanny,

Can start taking multi-vits. Alot of sistas take blackmore Conceive Well (can get from guardian/watson) or GNC Pre-Natal.

Accu is about 40 min (abt 20 min each side). The guy is dr zou's dh
each accu session is $25. For me, 1wk supply meds + accu cost $70+ ... but if you bring $100 cash more than enough (first time visiting she may give more meds, but $150 should be more than enough for accu + 1 week's supply of meds).
hi babymaking - Good luck for Fresh#3, your journey so far sounds like it has not been easy and a counselling will probably help during the stressful periods. Am not planning to join but I hope you will have a smooth & successful cycle.
Hi ron
Thk u..;) me no ms.. Just no apetite for meals n if eat too full like last night, hv indigestion problem.. Taste bud very bland.. Think or smell of food, i run away.. Give me very delicious food now, i will oso say smelly n disgusted food.. Hee.. I remember the gals here tok abt pau few days ago, i see the forum, feel erxin n dun even want to read further.. So jialat hor.. But i dun mind lah as this shows bb r ok.. Pray hard to see bb grow bigger at 8thwk now.. N pray hard 1st trimester over soon...

Hi queenie
All the best to ur et today..

Hi ritcz n silsilly
Relax k.. U gals will strike.. When will be ur bt? Gambatte..;)
Queenie, so far so good not so bloated. Maybe yest only ate 1 meal for whole day. I had total 20eggs. No leh they never take BT for me. Maybe tml they will ask me how's me doing.
Cramp also reduce. I guess I'm doing fine as at now.
Shall see how later aft lunch n dinner.

Had bread n milo for breaksfast. Mum juz reach hm to buy me lunch.
Silsilly, im bad w names, the other lady beside kris,told me she has sore boobs and heavy stomach and that the nurse told her these normal.

J03, i'm most concern coz i dun have any cramps, boobs full but not sore and frankly nothing except initial backaches which has gotten much better by now.1st BT yesterday, kkivf says my hormones stable, so only left 1 last pregynel jab on sat. Next BT is next fri. Cramps is important symptom right?
Hi ritc
Dun worry too much (know say easier than done as i worry alot too) hee.. As different pp different sympton so dun read into it too much k..;) relax relax.. Gambatte..

Hi bbnn n 12happy
All the best to ur bt result..;)
RitzC, don't worry. As J03 said, everyone has different symptoms & effects of Pregnyl mimics pregnancy symptoms so no need to read too much into the signs. Enjoy the rest of the 2ww - pregnant until proven otherwise
J03 and ron, the most difficult period i feel will be the 6 days after my last pregynel jab this sat. Got jab somehow still feel more secure, as if contributing to well being of the embbies. After the last jab will be the real waiting for the results. Anyway thanks.
I let her say when she's back k?

Funnily she remembered the first time we met for lunch w pink, I gave her additional $2 & called it bb dust money. Hahah so I told her maybe she should pass that note ard to add to the fun ;)))))
Hehe j03 ;)
Mm not sure what's her reading cuz her doc just said +ve but I recall today is only day 12 considering she et on 1 may...
no prob J03. I relay congrats to her already. but she said her dr said don't celebrate so fast until scan heartbeat 2 weeks later...
bingo >> wahah i think the $2 is just for fun one lah. cuz that day i pass her dessert money then she dun wan. so i said keeep it. its bb dust money, keep for good luck k. then when she reminded me of it earlier i was like ooooo.

I also ask her to share her tips what she did during 2ww and all so that all can have an additional reference. hehehe
Hi sisters... Sorry juz awake as today hit by bad gastric. ;(

Kimmy - im here!!!! Juz receive call for my blood test result... Its ;). *jump jump*

Hi ltjabi
Nope.. Just duphaston n folic.. Why u asks? Doc loh gives u?

Hi 12happy
Congrat...;) r u fr kkh? Whts ur level n at wht day? Happy for u too.. See the hpt result is not true..
