IVF/ICSI Support Group

Morning Sistas,

I am up and preparing to go to the hospital now, cross fingers and pray that all is well and that I have some good eggs for collection.

Clb >> Yeah I know I will be knocked out but still nervous, I wonder what happens after the ER will the Dr brief me on what happens next, any mor blood test before the ET?

So many questions but I thought wait till this step is done before I start thinking about next step.

Hi Itjabi >> thanks still at home but will be leaving in a while. Getting hungry coz have to fast since last night hee hee that itself is also a challenge
All the best to ur er...;) dun worry.. Kkh are professional, they will guide u step by step.. After operation, nurse will only tell u how many follicles retrieve and when need to come back for et.. ;) take care..
Hugz, dun worry, sure u will strike the next round. May i know what support were you given? was it a fresh/FET that you just had? How come AF will come while under support, sorry to ask so many qns..coz me on the last2 days of my 2ww, i keep feeling cramp, worry that AF may come too..and game over before my BT this thurs.
Hi Ron >> thanks thanks

Hi Joanna >> thanks, I am not with KKH, I am with Parkway East Shore, I hope all will be ok.

Thanks for all the sistas support, hopefully I will have positive things to update.

pinkcapri - congrats on your 2ww! enjoy yourself & grab lots of babydust from the April gals. You sounds like you had a much better
Hi dj,

I am trying naturally cos doc ask me to try till my 1st ivf start in jun/July. Doc ask me dnt give up and continue to try naturally. So I hvnt start my ivf yet. 1st timer for ivf.
Hi Babybun, short protocol means no lucrin or BCP, start Gonal-F or Puregon on D3 of menses. Am a poor responder and low ovarian reserve hence Dr SF Loh wants me to try on short protocol. First IVF was long protocol but only manange to retrieve 2 eggs.
Summer, in that case, mine is the long protocol. So does that means short protocol is better? This will be my 1st try, hopefully the last. I think we'll are going to be cycle buddies, I'm also waiting for my menses to arrive. Let's support each other through this cycle!
Fate> sori to hear your AF came.hugz..rest and try again wen u redy ok?most sistas here oso had tried numorous times inclu of me..3rd try..so never give up.jia you!

BB_NN> hope ur ER was a smooth one.take care n hv plenty of bed-rest ok?u will feel some pain after the pain-killers has worn off,but follow e meds prescribed..u'll b ok after a day or 2.fill us in on the eggs collected ya

my 2ww will b HL/TMC.As my company doesnt recognise mc fm pte,i had to register w Thomson 1st durin 1 of my earlier visits tho all other BT/scans,meds collected were fm Care.I'm holding 2appmt cards..fm Care n TMC.Will only clear my own leave wen there's a neccessity to do so like occassional BT/Scan to be done.

according to lab assistant,my embbies were thawed a day before and they continued to split cell in the lab before the ET on mon...wic is a good sign. embbies were 3-4cells n 1 even had a dumbell..meaning 1 cell in e midst of splitting into 2cells.considered D2/D3 embbies

ron> ya it was a much better ET @Care.did 2x in kkh previously..was very rushing(many patients of sf waiting outside)..collect meds n go home after tat.no bed-rest in between at kkh.

Care experience was totally different.my DH n I was asked to chg out of our clothes into 'hospital' attire complete w disposable shower caps n hubby wore a dispo mask.wen in the sterile 'operating theatre',i lie down on my back w legs propped up like macam giving birth.there's 2monitors, 1 for the black/white scan to guide the cathether w embbies in it and 1 monitor showing my 3embbies up close w all e cells visible.after transf,nurse inserted 1 crinone cream n i was ask to continue lie for anoth 15mins. after i beg to go pee urgently i came bk n lie in bed again further half hour..wic they obliged w no Q asked
.after tat angela briefed me on the Do's n Dont's(gave me a list) n jab me w 2vials of support to 'relax' the womb.i go home after meds collection.

next BT 28apr..
I was at Dr Zhou's place last night and she said from my pulse reading, i seemed to be very stress. She said besides accu, the herbs also plays an important part to tiao our body....
Thanks Nadia for your detailed info. U mentioned KKH will do D2 and D21 blood test. May I know what's D2 and D21 tests for?
Hi Sista's, Afternoon!!

Itjabi, Congrats!! U made it. Did u take a med when u were il..

Was very busy yesterday hence came online and went off.

DJ: I I see you having cramp. I didn't have much appetite and was feeling tired with backache yesterday. At night still feel hot with aircon especially early morning. Aside to that feel sharp pulling sensation near vagina area from yesterday. Never hear any Sista's have this...Stress!!
Dj: yes I did check yesterday still + but it may be due to PREGNYL. Now I get scare testing...

J03: My BT is on Fri D15 but I check it Is a unlucky day for me. I thought if I should call to change to D16, Sat...
J03, thanks but I don't need to go Dr Benjamin anymore.Have on off cramp and slight fever since yesterday and this morning cramp still there so very worried and make a decison to go for scan and checkup. Worried is ectopic pregnancy but KK not answering my call so go early scan to my private gyane first. Luckily is not and can see the small small sac(5 weeks only)but tomorrow must go and check HCG again to see if it has double. Next weeks also must go through another stage to see if it has heart beats at KK but at least I see my sac there today more assuring after those pain. Two days mc to rest again since falling sick soon.
Hi Melodi
Oh.. Me also keep having cramp when test bfp.. And feel better these two days.. U go to scan bec of worry etopic? Glad u manage to see ur bb sac.. Hmm..but why still need test on hcg?? They do v scan or tummy scan?Take care gal..

Hi lamby
Congrat to u... Positive chance high woah..;)
Dj: I hope so but the scary part is it was + even on dpt3. It is guaranteed nothing happen then. The line got lighter remember...I was still on PREGNYL on Sun so it could just be fake+. I really hope to bfp cause I spend lots of time not working this cycle and I am only left with 1 frozen embby
Dj: let's bfp together.. I see a big fat POSITIVE in u too...

Sista's anyone has this sharp pulling sensation at vagina area. It started on me last night at dpt 10
J03, I did a V scan today after the gynae assure many times no problem else tummy scan too early to see. As he scared is ectopic pregnancy so I do lor.

Lamby, take care do worry, I think is a good sign cos some HPT might be lighter in colour. Hope you n DJ BFP soon too.
melodi>do take care and hv plenty of rest..

lamby>have faith in your embbies..u'll join the BFP mommies here

dj>sounds like BFP to me
i remember last time wen i was BFP..during last few days of 2ww,i was hvg some crampin oso..googled.."indication the womb expanding to accommodate the growin embbies".oso had symtoms like contantly goin to the toilet to pee(every 5min!) n lots of passing wind..hee.but MS hvnt kick in yet..still early then.
Pink and Lamby
i have some symptoms (cramps, no appetite, nauseas, leg ache, sore boobs)but i dunwan to read too much into them coz i had the same symptoms in my last failed FET...i also highly suspect these are due to my medcation- having so much support, crinone and jabs. Getng more worrisome as the day draws nearer..more exciting than the elections.
Hi melodi
But since u hv see ur sac, why still need do hcg? So u going kk to do tomorow? Actually just curious.. Wht will be the sympton of etopic? *touchwood*.. now u can really rest well and is my turn to stress tomorow...seems like 一关闯一关。hope soon we can see our healthy bb soon... Pray hard that my scan will be ok tomorow.. Stress...
Hi J03,
Mine is singleton =)
I haven see Paul yet. He did ET for me. Now is 17 weeks. Taking care under Care till 20 weeks will switch to gynea. I haven decide to see which gynea.
I have a very good rest. Cos I been rest at home from ET untill now. 2 weeks HL, 3 months unpaid leave.
wld like to share w sistas here:
the Do's list fm Care after ET:- *hv plenty of rest/ *drink plenty of water/ *eat more fish n leafy veg/ remember to take meds on time/ *inform Care if feel bloated or hv menstrual cramps,bleeding,diarrhoea or vaginal itchiness or fever./ Do take prunes or prune juice if hv constipation.

Dont list:-
Don not eat:watermelon/banana-green skin/papaya/coconut/oysters/sashimi/rojak/bitter gourd/brinjal/brown cucumber/spicy food.

Do not drink:cold n gassy drinks,coffee,cocoa.(milo 1 cup ok)

Do not do strenuous exercise or carry heavy items.

Avoid chinese herbal tea/soup eg bak kut teh etc.

**Stay Relax and Do not Stress Yourslf**

Hope above benefits sistas durin 2ww..
Val> u r welcome
as all sistas here share same goal tat is to get preg,i hope wat i can contirbute makes a diff in the prepration n the journey

sistas here oso very generous sharing their experiences so tat we are more careful in our ivf journey.their knwledge r immense n invaluable..but best of all the SUPPORT were just AMAZING! THANK YOU!
Dr @ kkh ask me to go for a scan cos he says its good for kkh to hv one for their record since my previous scan are done elsewhere... strange, is it reay necessary cos I read that some sister did not even do a scan b4? How abt hep b test - how long is this test valid until?
Melodi- Take care and rest well. At least you can put your mind at ease as the sac is there. u mean you own pte gyane wants to play safe by requesting another BT for you?

Lamby and Dj- the symptoms sound good. Remain positive and soon, you can pass the ball to Valteen.
Thanks a lot.. Seen dr @kWh today and nurse says I'm on short protocol according to Dr. The Dr din explain... I'm curious to know how they determine long or short protocol...anyone can shed some light? Just first consultation he knows already. Without any tests done. Except I showed him one of my blood test result only.
Hi tanny, sarah,

Are you gals both with KK?

Short (“antagonist”) protocol is generally used for women with lower ovarian response, older women or women with issues. The long protocol (“agonist” cycle) requires you to down-regulate (suppression stage, generally Lucrin) to stop all the eggs from growing, and then start stimulating all follicles at once when the hormone level reaches are required level after down-regulating for 1-2 weeks. Suppression starts CD21. The long protocol is the trial-and-tested procedure which was developed 30 yo and is almost the standard being used in most hospitals.

Some private clinics here use the short protocol (no suppression stage, straight go to stimulation on CD3) as a standard protocol as it is more patient- friendly (no suppression jabs, and shorter timing of jabbing). The result is you will have a pack of follicles which are “leading” the stimulation, and some which are a little more behind (uneven maturity of your follicles when doing retrieval). Due to fact no down-regulation/suppression was done, the clinic needs to monitor the patient more frequently (ie. more scans in between) to track the growth of the follicles and make dosage adjustments. There is supposed to be no significant difference in IVF success rates between long and short protocol. Also in SG, we are limited to transfer only 2 (max 3 or 4) of the best looking embryos anyway. Also, as the name implies, it's very fast. Start ivf cycle in CD3 with stimulation jabs, then ER estimated CD12-16, then 2WW. With the Long cycle, you need to add another 3 weeks to the process due to the down-regulation stage.

I know this doesn’t answer your question on why you are on the short protocol when the rest of the gals at KK seem to be on the long – but maybe KK is trying out the short protocol on their patients as I think it is much friendly not having to do the suppressions? You may still want to ask doc when you see them why they selected you

Good luck for your journey!

j03, clb I think the gynae at Gleneagle just want to play safe by checking my hcg again because my sac is still very small 0.5 cm at week 5. Clb do you know what's yours size now?

J03, don't worry. As this is my first pregnancy, most of the things I am not sure so just want to play safe. After a good nap just now, I feel better. I heard that usually ectopic pregnancy symptons is to have lots of pain and fever but I think if you can go to work for so many days already so be ok. Your scan tomorrow sure come out ok don't worry. Maybe twins :p I cancelled appt with Dr Zou today. After tomorrow BT then fix appt with her.
