IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks all.

Sissilly; I can totally understand how u r feeling coz I was in ur shoes 2 years back. My sister in law worst coz we don't meet eye to eye n she gave birth n didn't want me to touch her child. Sister in laws r Juz b**chs n u should Juz take care of urself. At the end of the day no one can understand what u r going through only u know. Juz try to focus on ur goal. K ? Huggz
Sissilly, jia you! Focus on your goal and don't give up. The sisters here would help you.

clb, I called and he is fully book. Hee his earliest appt is next Wed, same timing and date as my KK appointment. Think is fated :p See how maybe would wait til next week then.
silsilly - it's not easy to go thru IVF process and your hormones are haywired now.
very easy to feel emo n frustrations.
u have to stay positive despite everything,take everything they say with a pinch of salt.
smile more coz it pisses them off more.hahaha
clb, yah i try to ren until KK appt..but if anything unusual pops up then will go scan for assurance. Just hanging on...Yr gynae add is the same place as LC Cheng. That room all very gd gynaes. So u shld be sticking with Dr Benjamin? Gd at least don't have to wait long long for Dr Loh...I shall finish the scan & decide where to go.
Hi Melodi, a no. of girls BFP this mth and I already congrats to them earlier on. Tks for ur encouragement. Wish u hv a smooth 9 mths ahead.

Looking for cycle buddy? Anyone?
Just to share with you.. heard there is another gynae at KKH who is also v good and specialise in high risk birth (twins)...think his name is John Tee..Saw him once before. Recommended by frens.
Heloz SiS's
How r u all today?

J03: I also like u. I have been waking up in the middle of night feeling hot and frustrated..usually around 5am..

DJ: took my last jab yesterday. Today not much appetite!!

Itjabi: hope all foes well with u??
Hi gals
Just out fr a meeting.. Soo many post.. Habent read them yet..

Hi clb
Fr ur link, i realise there r bad review abt doc Paul..;( so now i am in a delimma.. Very lucky as hv manage to get an appointment on wed morning for doc benjamin too.. Shd i see him instead of doc paul? Hazel.. Wht u think?
Hmm... Does he does gd stiches during delivery for ur collegues too?
Is he ok if we r to go to kkh give birth and only see him for assurance? Thks for the question to doc benjamin abt the retinol toxic.. So he meant apply on face is ok?? Is his waiting time long? I need a reassuring gynea than a gynea who makes me keep worry for things he say..;(

Hi dj
Hee.. U see me too high.. I didnt even sure whether i hv twins..keke.. Though i hope to hv..;)

Hi ltjabi
Whts ur hcg reading and u r at day wht now?
Sounds positive leh to have no appetite...heheh.me having tumy cramps and leg abit aching...so been trying to rest as much as i can..Wat have u been doing today??? me v bored leh... 2 more days to end the misery adn torturous wait.I may be enjoying my feasting on thurs, so may not get back to update this forum so fast..i m not on iphone.
J03- I also wrote

have reviews on them...take them with a pinch of salt..coz some are definitely good docs.. but perhaps pple who are unhappy with them posted comments, and pple who are happy with them din post any comments...best is choose from those recommended by sisters/frens/relatives, who have had positive experiences with them...

Think as urs is high chance twins, shld go with Paul, who is ok with u delivering in Kk?I recalled Hazel also had good experience with him de.sure he's fine,think u search motherhood thread will always see his name mentioned positvely too.I din ask Benjamin whether can deliver under dr loh as only singleton. Will prob cancel Kk Appt for me.so girl, i think u r overloaded with infor, juz stick to orginal plan? Tat link was intended for Melodi only.
Hi Sistas,

I will be doing my ER tomorrow morning, anyone around the same timing as me?

Hi Summer,

When are you starting your cycling?
Jt; no la, don't think triplets coz I only transfer 2. No didn't do accu. In fact Juz normal daily routine. Only drank anmum milk n sometimes chicken essences.my bt was d19 so later then glimmer.
Hi ltjabi
Woah.. Sure get twins liao.., so when is ur scan? U intend to wait till kkh scan or?

Hi clb
Hee.. Me still considering...
Wah ltjabi, yr hcg is even higher than mine..mine is 3165. Congrats on your twins! heng u trsf two..so if yr reading is so high yet kena two, then i don't worry abt triplets anymore. This is yr 2nd IVF with FET rite? superb lucky another gd strike! u mentioned yr previous also kena twins, wat was yr reading then, can rem?
Hi Goh
Ltjabi reading is taken on day 19 while ours r on day 17 so if pp say every two days shd increase double then hers maybe around 2000 on day 17 too.. Which means.. U may still be having triplets since ur reading so high than any of us too..;)
Btw, how r u feeling? Ms kick in already.. I always hungry and now my taste bud getting more jia lat day by day for dinner.. Like now, i dun feel like eating anything but yet feel hungry.. Last time i love my mum homecook dinner but today, totally feel not so appealing.. Last night still quite okbut not today.. Just feel tired and want to zzzz...

Hi ltjabi
Wah.. U already hv twins? Means u will be having 4kids in total? Thats gd..;) still remember ur last twin bfp reading?
hi everyone..jst got up after comin home fm my ET tis morn.

eventho thawed 6embbies..only transferred 3(Grade 2-good/Care in-house grading) w no balance left..sad..(2embbies v low grade n 1embbie didnt survive).

so will b officially 2ww..will b able to check thread more often fm now on..

itjabi: Congratz!*hugz**hugz*...so happy for u! tis month is really a fantastic month!!hope more good news rolling in

will b collectin plenty of bbdust fm all sistas here..*grab* *grab*
Joanne; I will wait for kk scan coz scan early also can't detect anything. What was ur reading?

Glimmer; can't remember previous reading think 2000++ if not wrong. But still early so Juz wait wait n c. Coz last time also twin but m/c one. So now dun dare to be happy.
Joanne; no la. I only have one daughter. Was twins at first then m/c one at 8 weeks. Ya I also think my reading was 2000+ on same day as u gals. So Glimmer u r still higher

Last time also 2000+

Pink; Congrats on ET. Enjoy ur 2ww
Hi Silsilly
Hugz... Must try to stay positive for ur follicle development k.. Dun let anyone affect u.. They r just insenstive as they r not in ur shoe so u dun take it too hard too k.. At least u stay happy n relax, ur chances of joining ur sis in law will be soon..;) whenever u not happy, just vent here k..;) jiayou..

Hi bb nn
All the best to ur er tomorow..;)

Hi pink
How ur et today? Congrat for official 2ww le..

Hi lamby
Hope gd news are on the way for u soon too on coming Thursday..;)
oh..my remainin 2 low grade embbies were discarded.so no more frozen FET 4me liao.

if i intend 2do anoth round of ivf next time must re-do fresh cycle w lucrin jabs etc..sigh!

hope to strike tis round..triplets/twins or singleton oso can...like melodi said...as long they are born healthy..gender unimportant oso.
Hi ltjabi
My hcg reading is 2008.4 at day 17bt.. Not sure will be singleton or twin yet... oh.. Wht happen at ur wk8? Got bleed suddenly or u carry something heavy that time? Can imagine the stress u gone thru after mc one.. So how gynea remove ur 2nd embroye after mc.. U give birth to ur gal at kkh that time?

Hi pink
At least u put in three gd grade embroye so got chance to bfp..;) all the best..
Hi BB NN, wish u hv a smooth ER tmr.

Am waiting my AF to report on this few days so that I can start. R u on long or short protocol?
itjabi/j03: thnx!
happy to 'relax' alittle now dun hv 2think abt work.wil religiously take my Care meds/supports n dr.zou's herbs...evryth elz will b beyong my control.def will b very anxious wen itz time to test after 2weeks..i can imagine the anxiety u sistas had...haha

ordy stock up on my fridge n my bread.will buy some black kampung chix n try e recipe(chix essence 1 sista generously shared
.. thank you.

will oso make some dried longan/wolfberries/dates drink n keep warm my womb.brazil nuts will oso b on my shoppin list.itz not cheap but i thnk my embbies r worth it..hee!

ok got2go makan...continue later!
Hi Pink, congrats on ur successful ET. Do share with us ur 2WW progress.

Hi Silsilly, just ignore her and concentrate on ur IVF. We r here to support u. U r not alone. Cheers.
If lucky, 2 embryos can split further to become 4..hehhehe..thats super lucky.
U still comparing Paul and benjamin and thinking whether to go ah...hehehehe...must relax ok?
welcome to the 2ww club...so good, u transferred 3.... May i know why ur gynae decided to let u transfer 3? Is it coz of ur history or wat? Me coming to the end of the 2ww while u have just started...do take things slowly..the sistas here will surely provide u with comfort and advice on the dos and dons...Enjoy..
Dj; 4!!! No la. 4 how to manage? N bb healthay be affected so 1 okie 2 also okie as long as healthy. I had flu n sore thoart n cough during 2ww n AF like symptoms like menses reporting. Nothing else.

Joanne; everything was okie. Both embryo had heartbeat then one day suddenly like got menses come. I was in the train going to cousin place. I remember it was labour day. So frightened of that day now. I ran to toilet n found bleeding. Didn't have pad so had to wear tissue then rush to kkh. They did vaginal scan n detected one embryo heartbeat stop to it was trying to come out. But danger was it cud pull the other one with it so was hospitalized for a while then bedrest n support for few weeks.
Summer, I'm also waiting for my menses to arrive before starting on the jabs. Just finished my birth control pills on saturday. What is short and long protocol? I'll be with TMC Dr LC Cheng, how about u?
Hi PinkMartini, how are you? Graduated from Care?
I'm coming 17 weeks, tml do GTT. Inject Proluton twice a week till detail scan.
Joanna >> thanks

Summer >> I think mine is long protocol, I have to take the birth control pills, is that considered the long protocol?

Just getting nervous about tomorrow morning ER scheduled at 1030 hours, any sistas doing ER tomorrow too?
Hi Mill
How r u? R u having boy or gal? U r seeing which gynea now? When is ur edd date? Hv a smooth delivery..;)

Hi ltjabi
I see.. It must be a stress moment for u at that period.. U must hv a sense of relief after ur daughter is born..;) this time will be smooth smooth pregnancy for us k..;)
BB- Good luck for your ER tomor..dun worry, u'll be knocked out.. when u wake up, all will be over.

Pink - welcome to 2ww. dun worry abt remaining embbies, concentrate on this round, i'm sure you will "infected" with the positive vibes going around in Apr mth, catch the growing big ball of bb ddust n strike. =)

Melodi- yes i thinked "fated". then dun think abt seeing pte till after next wed. sure all will be fine during next wed's scan okie? did you explain to ur colleagues abt ur absence?
Joanne03, Congrat!
I'm fine, thks. Dont know yet is boy or girl. As long as baby are born healthy. I'm still under Care. Haven switch to gynea yet. Mine edd on early of Oct.
You cant decide see which gynea?

Anyone heard abt Douglas Ong Kheng Ho at Mt Elizabeth? My husband colleagues introduce her gynea to me. She mention he is very good and careful, takes very good care of her during her two pregnancies. Is a nice and gentle man.
dj/summer/clb: thnx 4e blessings..will try enjoy my 2ww..i'm sure u sistas will "keep me company" n i wont feel so lonely..
i will oso try stay positive and stay focus tis round.will relax more n not overly stress over minor stuff.best of all..enjoy DH's pampering..hahah! ;)

hi j03:e remaining 3embbies..1 dint survive thaw n 2 was of lower grade,so Care discarded them.thus am prayin hard the 3embbies transferred today continue to multiply in cells n will deliver good news at the end of the 2ww!i'm counting on them to grow healthily..

I will continue w Paul for awhl til i decide if i wan to chg to my regular gynae.Paul is wonderful!he's always cheerful and friendly.he's been really attentive to my concerns and he's patient to all my queries wic was my grouses w other doctors.he never overlook anyth so he will scan/check again n again...tatz how meticulous he is.most importantly i can connect w him and felt comfortable wen i visit him.

btw,Paul doesnt practice caesarian unless absolute necessary.he's all natural,no induce no snipping below too.u must consider these if u wish to engage him all the way till delivery.

Hi Mill
How many bbies are u carrying? So u hv been seeing doc Paul till today?? How do u find him? And how many wks r u at now? Rest well woah... Thk u..

Hi Pink
Thks so much for ur doc Paul advise..;) seems like u feel gd to be under him.. Hmm.. Me decide to see him together with doc Loh if is twins and deliver at kkh.. If after check tomorow is singleton, i will change to another pte gynea fr tmc again who got package provide.. (wonder whether doc benjamin has any package?) so i hv decide to see him first since he is CARE ivf specialist so i guess he is proficient in ivf patient who bfp.. Thk u for making my mind too..;)

Hi melodi
Since i no longer seeing doc benjamin tomorow, u want to take up my slot at 10:30am? Since u say appment is full this week.. Strange is after u say full, i try call up and they manage to get one slot for me.. U want to go?

Hi fate
Hugz... Glad and admire ur never give up attitude.. Jiayou and u will bfp next round k..

Hi gals
I feel so much relax after make the decision to see gynea tomorow as this hestitation has been stressing me.. So hv a gd night sleep last night.. Tonight gonna stress with tomorow apptment again..;) thks soo much for all of ur kind and patient with me..
