IVF/ICSI Support Group

Bingo: if you did your accup at tmc-tcm, you will be having an accup one time before ET and one time after ET. My ET was quite an emergency one so I did not do the accup before ET but I did one time after ET and after resting for about half an hour. But I still bfn leh.

Ultimately, I find that it really depend on how strong the embbies are and also God's mercy.

Vann, Dr Cheng is now officially registered with Mount E for ivf. So the procedures which TMC cannot perform will be performed at Mount E by Dr Cheng. These procedure includes egg harvest, lab stuff and embryo transfer. The remaining will be at TMC.

Serene, yes I was from the iui thread. After 1 round of failed so-iui, I was with tcm Dr Tan from clementi for 4 months. Still no news so eventually decide on this move. So how have u been? How's your ivf journey?
Hi gals. Did my bt today and as expected it's a negative. But the nurse called me again and told me to go back on Tue to redo the bt as it's my actual bt day. They said this is to play safe and ensure i'm not pregnant. Actually I really think it's a waste of time but will still go just to play safe. Will be seeing SF Loh next Sat to discuss about FET....
Hi, melodi,
Okie okie.. I go try immunocal with f&n magnolia strawberry instead.. Yup.. Leaving the lumps there for awhile dissolve them faster.. Thanks for the little tip..
Hi, j03, I bot my immunocal fr OG leh.. No shaker.. Mayb I shld get one hor..
Hi, clb, thanks for the detailed info on hw to resolve the immunocal lumps.. ll definitely try ur method..
Hi, j03,
Ur post brot tears to my eyes..,reason being I felt the same way towards my mum.. A sense of guilt.. Recently smthg happened @ home.. Tis has added stress to my mum.. My mum olreadi can't hv too much stress.. Yet got to take care of my aging papa, my bro who juz recovered fr illness, the new episode tt juz hppn + a daughter (aka me) who has to go thru ivf.. Which is unheard of in their generation.. I felt useless . I hate to see my mum worrying non-stop.. Yet I m doing it.. I hv yet to start my jabs, she olreadi start to worry.. Then if she ever see me in pain of cramp, I can't imagine wat ll go thru in her mind.. Haiz.. Unfilial daughter..
hi everyone - woke up early and missed you gals! thx for the hugz again. I just had to take 1 day off IVF & not think abt it. Glad to see the thread is getting more active with more sistas cycling in Apr/May.

Loves to those in 2ww - Keep positive & happy! Today is only d5-d8pdt - many many more happy days to come. Start stressing nearer to BT so don't bother stressing yourself now since got another whole week to go. Enjoy being pregnant

I always find peace in Nadia's post as she is right. We are only plan & hope, but in the end it's all up to God. Until proven otherwise by BT or AF, still in the game. The little ones need your positivity, and we are also cheering them on from the side. Don't let the BFN from us affect you - everyone has different situation & it may not be my/JT's turn to become mummy yet, but it may be your turn. Jia you and keep happy.

babybun - welcome & sorry to hear the IUI didn't work out. May i ask if what is your scenario (male/female/unexplained factor)? Glad to hear Dr Cheng can now proceed with ivf @ MtE. When are you starting the ocp (oral contraceptive pills)?

yck/itjabi - I hope you get a positive again! Do you have male/female/unexplained factor?

Vann - same situation as you. One of our key questions too is should we change clinics for next cycle. I was actually dr cheng's patient but was transferred due to the stoppage just as starting round1. Our current doc is v good (no bleeding @ ER, i see lots of his ivf patients getting +ve somehow just not for me!!
, v nice clinic environment and he's super nice to work with) but after 2 cycles, we are thinking should we change just to try our luck somewhere even if I don't find any fault with my current doc... hope the FET works out for you then no need to think so far

sunshines - thanks for the offer, gal! sorry dunno how to swich on pm from my phone. will try it back at work next week. no worries, i'm ok. i know deep inside this will work out for me, just that God is giving us time to want it more
keep on going & dun let the bfn stop you from chasing your dream. We will be here for ya. When are you planning your FET? I'm taking 2 periods off so probaby jun/jul for me. Maybe can cycle together for the FET!

fatefully - for me, your "what if" questions are the hardest when we get a bfn. cycle1 is usually a learning as no one really know how you will react to the meds, and quality of egg, until you complete 1 cycle. If all ok, should kena sui-sui like yck
for some sistas, during cycle#1, can identify some issues, such as whether or not need to increase stimulaton dosage, or overstimulation, and general egg quality. However, if after fertilisation & embryo quality is ok/good during ET, still no implantation, Docs usually have no scientific explanation for now. That's in God's hands. Good to prepare that it may not work the first round (i find that maybe our hospitals/clinics should remind patients that it may take a few round, so that we know it's a journey, not a short-trip) but i pray that it will be success for everyone who tries ivf, regardless fresh/fet or # of cycle. Take care of the body & soul & keep positive.

Serene & melodi - hope you feel better from the pregnyl soon.

JT - we'll be cycle buddies again & hopefully we will both kena then can celebrate. Maybe buddy with Moo too if she will wait for us... :p

hubbies & mummies - the 2 of our real loves of our lives. i pray we are all there for them when they need us, as they are now being here for us when we need them most, whether in person or in thoughts.

i was thinking to myself yesterday - Dragon babies quite good too
super long post, hor? hehehe.. Have a good weekend ladies.
oh, and i just wanted to say to sistas who didn't have snowbabies, i know it sucks ! (I had 2 borderline frozen from earlier round but quite poor quality that i had to do cycle2 instd of FET. Basically, the embryologist was thinking not to freeze already..).

I hope you don't knock yourself too much about it. I found that our embryo quality from Cycle2 were much better than cycle1 (to a point the embryologist was repeating the word "much better" a few times), probably due to learning how to take care of the body better & docs knowing our bodies too. I have another 2 snowbabies this round & for first time, doc & embryologist are happy to discuss abt FET on these 2.. So jia-you & here's to healthy embryos.
Just dropping by to say hi!. Any plans to start FET soon ? This journey is an arduous one and it doesn't ends when we are bfp. I was blessed to strike in first fet but now am dealing with a tough preg which almost robbed me of my sanity. Pls press on and don't give up. As long as u persevere, there is still HOPE.

Nadia, hey..when are you cycling again ?

yck, gd luck for ur hpt.

To all the rest of the ladies who are cycling now, best of luck & don't give up.
Hi Morning sisters
Wow so many post this morning. Let me read them later.

I just called KKIVF to check on my blood test for the progesterone level since they missed me out yesterday. The nurse told me mine is 400 plus and i am on 1000iu.May i know what should the level be if we are on jab? I understand from clb and j03, their is 70+. Is mine normal or too much that i need to reduce red date or durians?
Hi Ron, good to see you today.
Yes dragon baby is definitely good
I was telling my mum yesterday if this round cannot make it, next cycele is dragon baby. wow
ron: My first choice was Dr Cheng cause one of my friends bfp under him but because of the issues I decided to choose s f loh. After the first fresh cycle failed, I am more prepared to face failures. I think I will FET till all my stored embbies finish and move to private. Like u said sometimes a diff enviro would do good...despite having a good doc already. All the best for your FET.

I think when when everything is smooth, good quality emmbies and good no of emmbies, I got my hopes up high and latter felt so much sadder when it was bfn. Like what everyone says, if only HE wills you will be blessed.
Hi morning gals,

Seem like most of u are going to SF log in kk. Mine is Dr. Marianne but seem like not much ppl doing under her.
Elo Morning To All...Hepi Weekend...

Ron: glad u r dg k... We will succeed soon definitely... Our patience will pay off well with a baby in our hands SOON... ;-)

Joanne: strange that u nd to do bt again... Did u ask the nurse ur reading? Is it possible there is a reading? Or ur dpt too early?

Day: Elo dear... Giving birth soon... ;-)... Me dg my fresh again in July...;-).. Cant wait.. U take care

Melodi: ur level is good.. No worries...

The rest of sistas... Jia You...Jia You... Stay positive n hepi no matter wat the obstacle may be.. Our body reads our -veness n thats not good... Tell our embbies n womb to be strong n werk hand in hand to succeed (tips from someone i know).. Hehe... Take one step at a time so at least we wont be so stress or too overwhelm
Hi Nadia, thanks! Do you know for those doing jab, what is the range for that?
I have been a silent reader at your time too. Welcome and bfp waiting for you too
Mill: elo... Shld be under edit profile...;-)

Melodi: not sure of the range but there r who do inserts n hv high P level... So dun worry so much... KK as long more than 30 is passing mark liao.. Some private like CARE wans higher P.. The higher it is the better thats wat I know from CARE... ;-)
Hi all...I am new to this thread. Never knew this thread is active. Visited sometime back but it seems really quiet. It's nice to have one another to lean on.

I'm also on ivf and will be doing my blood test next Thurs morning at 8.30am. It has been a gruelling experience for me since the embryo transfer on 30March. The most moving part was to witness the 3 selected embryos before the transfer. I was almost near to tears. They are like my little babies...so real. It's really God's creation. Had my last jab yesterday and now hoping that the implantation has taken place successfully. Like some of you, what i fear most is THE DAY on Thurs.......wonder if I will break down if it's negative again. Sighz...have gone through countless IUI and ivf is our last resort...the mental, physical and emotional turmoil is not a piece of cake. Wonder if man truly understand what we are going through...
Hi ron8129, it was initially by hubby's count, motility and morphorlogy problem. We were with TCM Dr Tan at clementi and his condition improved but sad to say, still no good news. My hormones and all seemed fine. Since his soldiers are ok now, I'm worried that the actual problem lies with me. Starting the pills this Sunday.

The nurse just called to inform that I'm a hep b carrier. Will this cause any problem to our ivf?
Havent pop yet ya...I will swing in here to cheer u on in july ....

I m also a hep-b carrier n dr asked me to get myself immunised but lazy me didnt n i still proceeded with ivf n bfp.
Daylesford, is there an immunization for hep b carrier? I thought if u are a carrier, there's nothing u can do abt it? The nurse mentioned that I should see a doctor to constantly monitor my liver function. And then she refused to say anymore, she say we'll discuss further when we see Dr Cheng the next time round. What a way to start my weekend.
nadia - thks! hope for success for you soon too. We can only leave it in God's hands.

melodi - i did pregnyl jabs both rounds but my clinic doesn't even track the levels, so i can't help. but i guess no need to worry, if the levels weren't enough, I'm sure they have told u already, so your level must be acceptable
just relax and continue to "suffer" the effects of the last jab. We will cheer for your embbies!

babybun - looks good news if hubby's condition improved. Maybe ivf will work since it helps to get sperm meet egg to fertilised, which is one hurdle not guaranteed by IUI. No can't worry too much for now, all we can do is <tiao> the body &amp; eat well during this period. We are blessed with what we are given, so we can only do our best
Your hubby went for TCM to help his condition? I remember nurse said if hep B carrier should get immunised, but i can't remember if there were any restrictions (ie. when need to do it before starting jabs, etc).

giselle - hi &amp; congrats on your journey. come &amp; join us, no one really knows what we are going through (yes, that sometimes includes dh!). Stay positive, keep happy, and remember that we have done whatever we can. So i hope it's a bfp for you this round - waiting is the worst bit

Day - good luck &amp; hope you have a safe pregnancy to delivery the bundle of job.
Good morning ladies. Ivf/Fet is really a difficult time for all of us but we have to tell ourselves even though nobody understands what we r going through and the number of countless jabs n trips to the hospitals when we finally succeed, we will appreciate our babies so much more. We will do it!! Hugs to all.

Btw, anyone taking Brazilian nuts during 2ww? Don't know if can take or can't.
Nadia. The nurse said my bt is 7.5 yesterday and it's 13dp2dt. My actual bt day is next Tue, which is 17dp2dt but as my AF is here, the nurse told me to go for early bt...
Joanne tan; I have heard for people doing acup. Before IVF to improve chances. I remember a couple of sisters from this forum doing it a couple of years back from dr Zhou. Be strong and god bless ya. Hugs.
Day: thanks dear... I need all the cheer n support I can get... Hehe... Wish u a smooth delivery...;-)

Joanne: urs got reading which means that if ur HCG double.. Preggie is confirmed.. Still got hope... Bleeding during early pregnancy is normal... For now u rest well... Hope by tues... It triple n double... Then u ask for prolutpn jab support bah... Wish u all the best...

Accu does help in egg n lining growth... I see alot of difference in me after doing accu.. Been with Dr Zou for 1 yr liao
<font color="0000ff">Hi Bingo, Melodi &amp; Fatefully,</font>

I have a doggie too, shetland sheepdog, female, 11.5 years old... Can see she's aging, very sad
I'm her mum, so im sashamama, she's sasha
What are the breeds, gender and ages of ur doggies?

Melodi, u are so cute talking abt ur dog wanting to be hugged and blocking ur view, lol...

<font color="0000ff">Dear J03,</font>
I also agree, that my DH will also think nothing wrong has happened if I keep quiet. I also need to stir it up, before he will take notice and address the issue. Sigh, Men!!! Your mum is really nice to you. I know my mum cares for me loads too, through her actions. Really need to try and spend more time with her...

<font color="0000ff">Dear gals,</font>
I visited Dr Zou last evening with DH. Accu both of us 45mins, and medicine to last 7 days for both of us. Total bill is $162. Is that the norm? I am advised to return for accu twice a week, booked next tuesday at 5pm. DH accu once a week. I really gotta persist this time round, I gave up seeing Dr tan @ clementi the previous time due to the long waits. I also heard the marine parade ban choon chan is good actually,one of my friends strike after under him for 2-3 months.
Joanne: yup hv... Above 2/5 is considered pregnant but of cos very low... It can be chemical pregnancy .. But if ur HCG double.. Got chance.. Some bleed red... So for now u rest n hope for the best.. Hope tues BT will give some gd result for u... We will never noe mah... Miracle can happen too... So u rest n c how it goes on tues...

I will be doing my 2nd fresh in July.. End of this mth gg bk to Dr Zou..;-)
Joanne tan; ya, as Nadia said. Still got hope. U Juz have to rest n pray for the best on ur next bt. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. God bless.
ron, thanks! I still have 2 more jabs to go. Tomorrow and next wed. Just come back from brunch and go to show room to buy things. So tired. Really guilty my implantation is these few days ba but because I don't want to just lie at home and think whether my embbies will implant or not, I tend to go out for a walk these few days. Hee after knowing Yuk continues to work after ET, i think if it is mine, eventually no matter how low grade the eggs are and how much I walk for a day(slow walk), I will still be pregnant.

clb,MMS, Bingo and fatefully, cheers! We will add another didi or mei mei to our doggie son or daughter soon :p

JT, don't give up yet. Wait for next BT to confirm ba. Let's hope for miracle to happy ok :D

MMS, with accu and 7 days med, it usually cost me 75 to 80 dollars. So for two persons, roughly around there also.
Hi all
I am back, yes, i was here some time ago while doing FET (which failed) and now towards the homestretch of my 3rd fresh cycle. I am a poor responder of the jabs so far...now day 10...only 3 eggs stimulated despite suprefact, growth hormone saizen and 600iu of gonal F (max liao). Sigh...doc says still can take out..target shld be this Wed. Sizes 12mm, 14mm, 16mm..all from left side.. He saw some vague scans from the right ovary, but he cant confirm if they are follicles.He wanted to wait till wed for the smaller ones to catch up..Lining is 9mm...More sighs...Monday is my last checkup before OR...hope no more surprises for me till then.
jt- hoping for a miracle for u too.

babybun- urself with clementi dr tan too, or jus ur DH? i'm with him too =)... in my 2ww now after ivf. how abt u?

melodi- mine is kitty =P...
Hi Joanne.. Looking at your bt, I tink still got chance.. You may be pregnant.. Your bleeding could actually be decidual bleeding whereby you might have a vanishing twin.. Which means that your embbies did implant but one of them failed to grow.. The bleeding will look exactly like menses.. Im hoping that it is just decidual bleeding and that you really are pregnant!

On a side note, just wanna share something I learnt from a Malay traditional "healer" focusing on male fertility.. This is for men who has male factor infertility.. I tink it's important for the quality of eggs and sperm are improved to increase chances of conception.. Since most of the sisters here are preparing your body for ivf, why not prepare the men also? Hee~
What they can do is to buy chicken eggs(the white one- they are "kampung" egss: can get them at all major supermarkets) and pure honey.. You should separate the yolk from the white.. He personally taught me how to do it la.. Break the egg onto a bowl, use a spoon to scoop up the yolk.. You should see a string hanging from the yolk.. Use your fingers to 'cut' the string from the yolk and place it into a cup.. Using a plastic spoon, add in about 2-3 spoonfuls of honey into the yolk and mix the mixture.. He should consume this every other morning(not everyday)..
Does any other sisters here knows of other treatments to improve sperm quality that you can share?
Any good tcm that treat make factor cases? My dh is looking into it..
Silsilly- Dr tan at clementi is supposedly specialising in male infertility, but he deals with female side also...my DH soldiers improved under him.. but due to his heavy workload and insomnia, went downhill again.. jus to share with u =p
dr tan at clementi central - 68723237.
u can call them now.. they are closed on sunday and wed.

do not confuse with another dr tan at jurong east.
Clb, both of us is with Dr Tan. We just made this ivf decision yesterday, will be starting on the bcp tomorrow. Good luck on yours! Is this your 1st ivf cycle?
this is my 3rd fresh cycle lor..after this one, no more liao..i dunwan to go through the whole thing again..so whatever the doc can do this wed, that is it lor..i accept it..2 yrs ago, with the same dosage, i still had 7 eggs, 2 years on, the eggs have dwindled...how many did u put in? wat was the grading? how abt lining?
sisilly - thanks for the tip. We have male factor so anything helps.

JT - my doc says anything 5 &amp; above is possible pregnancy at d12pd3t/d13pd2t. Mine was 4 so he asked to stopped support. Are you continuing the support inserts (is that still possible with the bleeding)? Whatever will be, will be. No harm to see the results on Tues. Rest well this weekend, dear.
Hi gals
Soo many posts suddenly.. Glad to see u gals r back chatting..;) am always more busy on weekend as son is back home...

Hi giselle
Hi.. U r only 2 days ahead of us for et.. Are u going to test hpt before bt? All the best to all of our coming bt..;) any positive sympton u hv?

Hi yck
U say today u want to test hpt.. Did u? Oh.. Think giselle is ur exact cycle buddy..;)

Hi melodi
Wah.. Ur p support so high.. Which is gd as u hv enough support.. Prenyl support is always better than insert definitely..;) me today also go market buy breakfast and fruits.. Just iron all my clothes too.. Now so tired.. And finally can take a rest..;) feel good to be able to do things..

Hi jt
At least there is a level so dun give up yet.. Lets pray that only ur grade 4 bb is gone but ur grade 5 bb is still attach sticky to ur lining..;) yes.. Accu definitely help alot as i remember doc zou say there was one gal whose lining is 17mm and ssooo thick that almost cant do ivf but after accu.. It drop to 15mm.. So accu will adjust ur body condition to the optimal condition.. No harm at all actually soo why not? Infact alot of ang mo are also doing ivf and accu together in states now..

Hi ron
Guess u cant sleep well last night as u hv post such a long post in the middle of the night... Hope after pour out how u feel.. Now u r feeling better... Jiayou and all the best to ur coming fet k..;)

Hi itjabi
Yes.. Infact we r suppose to take brazil nuts during the 2ww as it is gd for implantation. So i am taking both brazil nuts and durian for my 2ww daily now but i will stop durian after dpt10 since implantation shd hv done by then...;) worry get too heaty too..;) pls drink more water as brazil nuts n durian are heaty..;)

Hi shasha
How ur first impression with doc zou? Wait very long? Actually i am surprise they hv two beds for u n ur hubby do accu at that time since evening usually more pp.. Is it ur first accu? Pain? Yes, is actually consider worthwhile as for the same skill in eu yang sang, the accu for one pax cost $75 whereas here only $25.. Also, the medi is so much cheaper.. Their powder are get fr the same factory as eu yan sang but for one or two wks medi, it cost me $300 plus.. For me, i dun take doc zou medi during ivf as worry will conflict.. But i buy her 2ww medi for two wks and medi alone only cost me $105.. Hope u find comfort toking to her..;) she dun charge consultation charges and during the provedure for anything unsure, u can call her anytime to check things with her.. She always willing to lend u a listen ear and advise u.. See her calendar on her table next time..she wrote alot of names of her patient name there who r due for ivf or iui bt.. If tick means bfp and cross means bfn.. Btw, i see parkway ban choon before.. His medi is more troublesome as need to brew and very bitter.. Also drink only twice or thrice per cycle.. Personally i stop after see him three times as i feel very unhygiene to see him always blow nose using his hand and sometime use the same hand to da mai.. Yucks.. There is no room for privacy during consultation too and waiting time is very long on weekends so i didnt go after only few treatment..;)

Hi 76
Nice to see u back here again.. All the best to ur coming ivf..;) so ur er shd be next wk hor.. Jiayou and this is ur final ivf as u going bfp this time..;)

76: I put in 2 grade 3. Do Juz hoping for the best. Did doctor say why ur follicles Juz remain the same? R u taking tcm?
