IVF/ICSI Support Group

Gals, normally my shortcut way to make my yogurt drink not so cold is running the bottle of yogurt drink under tap water. I think it can be done for the other drink also. Hope it help
Blessbaby: what medication are taking now after the ET and what supplement are you taking?

I heard frm other sisters here that you can request for Immunocal home delivery when you buy 2 packs and above.
Er....no stage at the moment. Did first fresh cycle in Jan, then BFN. Now in my second mense cycle after bfn. Am monitoring if this cycle is normal, if so will do FET next mense.
Leor: Thanks for the tip! I will try next time.

I used to add in Milo in the Immunocal but after getting to know that Milo also have caffein, I stopped adding and now I just drink on its own. No more feeling if it is not nice... just drink for the sake of my embbies.
Hi, can I check what is the benefit for immunocal? I am starting my ivf in end march hence am I suppose to drink now or just during 2WW?
And can I also ask ladies who did accup with dr Zou, did u also take her medicine? I thought of not taking the medicine but not too sure if that will affect the chances of bfp..
Hi anyone still awake
Just back from toilet and found that seems to have some brown spotting when cleaning what should I do today is 10dpt. And I just have Assam fish for dinner
babybaby - could be just some old blood clearing with all those yucky prog inserts (are you taking crinone)? or it could be implantation bleeding...
but don't read too much into it -a few brown spots is ok as long as not bleeding.. another few days to BT (jiayou)!
Hi ladies, i'm back. Finally hv bit of time to come in here. Hv been busy wf my assignment for the past 2 weeks. Wah, missing 2 weeks thread seems like missing 2 mths thread. The thread moves so fast. Gonna take some time to read the archive.

Did i miss out any bbdust?
Sunshines - the sistas helped me out earlier with this. You can phone & order Immunocal directly from distributor. If you order above $200 (ie 2 boxes of 30 sachets), they will deliver to you FOC the next day. First time order they give you a shaker FOC then must pay $1 each later if you want, but i just stir with a fork + horlicks/milo.. haha..


I think the sisters here start drinking it even before their IVF cycle. They just increase the intake when they start the stimulation phase cause Immunocal is protein that can help improve egg quality.
Morning all!

Sun, I received yr pm n replied. I think cos of Jap tsunami that cause the delay. My co's Internet was affected too for international sites.

Bingo, I started during mid of my suppression stage and until now. I didn't increase the qty though
Janice: Today is my 10dpt. I don't have any symptom leh. Really getting worried. I m getting sore throat soon. Mucus just stuck at the back of my throat. Very uncomfortable.
I m on my way to see chinese doctor to replenish my tcm.
Janice, so after take immunocal can straight away take breakfast?

Valteen, haaa so we must b careful of what we did hor cos dr zou can tell
Hi good morning ladies, happy weekend!!!

Congratz janice, leor and who i have missed out, grabing bb dusts and have a happy and smooth 9mths journey.

Hi ladies, Do i need to wait for some time before i can take food after immunocal? Can i have take immunocal just after egg white?

Please add me to fb, c h i a ltj _03@ yahoo.com

My sore throat, running nose and cough is getting worst,is anything can i take to cool down my body? Is the suprefact jab cos the heatiness or immunocal? I am now take 2x immunocal and three eggs white daily, will it be too much during stimulation stage? I mix immunocal with hl strawberry milk now, taste better then yakult and use chopstick better use shaker, you try and see. Lastly AF just reported this morning, what about yours?
Hi moo
Oh no.. Me still thot of email u whether u hv recover and here u reply... Drink more water... Me also feel heaty recently and hv been drinking one litre of orange juice for past two days...very scare..;( my af still not here...think will come tomorow... U got to rest more as stimulation is critical stage for us..;) glad that my recommendation to use hl milk is good for you. Me feel ok using shaker as i dun want it to stick to chopstick.. Feel wasted...;)

Dear all sis,
Me at doc zou place now before my af come... Anyone here?
Btw, pls add me in facebk too. E c a r e e r [email protected]. (take away the space)

Feel sad for the recent tsunami n earthquake in japan...;(
Yes very sad when heard it last night, indeed japan is one of the nice countries for living. Our planet is getting weak now.

Due to bad cough, dare not to drink orange juice, is barley juice ok to take? I didnt see doctor thought of it can just go off itself...egg i took this morning witu 2 yolks, chicken also have twin.....haha!

Wonder How is miracle and shoes? Hope to hear from them soon and receive tons of bb dusts.
Hey janice & leor, jus read fm moom post that u bfp ar, congrats congrats. Guess i'm the last one to catch ur bbdust.

Stickybfp, i also want join ur fb group. Add me hor. I send pm to u later. Duno how to send pm using iphone.
Hi val
Me was there fr 11plus to 12pm.. U?

Hi moo
Barley shd be ok or crysamthemum tea? Shd see doctor to recover faster.. If u cough, no orange for u.. How much water u drink daily? They say minimum 2litre..

Hi sister with kkivf
May i check with u how long it takes to do e2 bt and scan at kk? Must go in the morning? Will they gives medical chip if i request since no see doc? Need the info badly as dun know whether shd i take leave or mc now..;( plsadvise sister.. Thk u...
Hi stickybfp, can add me too? Will PM email address to you later. Wonder how is Shoes and Miracles? Anyone has any news on them?

Hi sisters, can we eat seafood, medium raw beef and sashimi before ER? Please advise because they are my favourite. :p
