IVF/ICSI Support Group

Janice, u go hint hint him lor...claypot rice also very nice. but my area dun have nice one

Okie, chat with u all tomoro....going rest now. U also must rest early hor.
Shoes, aiyo so poor thing.

Sticky, why need to change nick?

Leor, I told him le but he juz dun remember lol... Okie good nite ^^
she not ard lor... dun even noe if she will ask moderator to delete or not upon my request... is terrible... i feel so awful now...
Bdct, welcome

Shoes, tmr gonna jab thigh again meh? Better go back to the butt ba. Butt pain better than cannot walk
janice: I am in 7dpt. Why sometimes I feel giddy? and just now I have a feeling something happening on my tummy. Is this a sign of implantation??

Can you teach me about clicking on the BDCT icon on the left? After you click, what should you see?

What happens when we forget?
Sun, giddy might b cause of blood pressure n the med or r u feeling hungry? The rest I'm not sure cos me blur blur de.
hi sun, u noe hor... implantation would feel a thing de la... onli when they grow u will feel cramps etc... but gals 6th sense are very active de lorz...

hi piggy buddy...
now u noe who liao...

I don't dare to post on the Facebook closed group yet as she say we must remember to click on BDCT first. But I'm not sure what to do...
take ur time explore... u click on bdct, the page will show u closed group... then u can post anything u wan... if u on the news feed page... u will see a lock sign on the posts... can see... is a small yellow icon.... it means it locked away and ur frens cant see it...
BCDT: Orh... now I know....

Baby: my clinic don't do blood test de. I am support to do hpt on 19/3.... still more than half way to go...

Janice: 2ww realy must stay at home meh? My upstair doing renovation, then how??

Also I still have to go out to buy my lunch and dinner or food for cooking from supermarket. I am so worried that everyday I have been going out leh.

Sun, only me lah cos there's no eating place or supermarket near my place. Some sisters go back to work after a few days of rest. Juz move slowly n dun carry heavy things
