IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi leor,
ya lor... hopefully embbies thaw and culture well... Else like day must do emergency transfer... If all ok will be 27th... U le?
gals ar,
When u start the cycle must be guai guai and prioritise ur diet... Is very crucial for ur body to be strong... When or before u do er and released u got lots of eggs... U got to adapt ur diet... Ur diet is everything to the ivf, else u be very xinku... Ur diet doesnt guarantee success, but it does improve the chances and it does makes ur body stronger and less xinku in the process... Thats y some gals are strong enough to do et in continuous cycle...
Jiayou wor, and be faithful...
lynn, Ya...u also start yr lucrin today rite

I will go there very early. Maybe i will try to reach there by 7.45am cos after scan, will need to rush to office. U le?

StickyBFP: Am just starting my 1st ivf lor...still got a long way to go.
hi all
its me again...din come in for some time liao...so, just walking by and waving to all of you and saying jia you...wooosh! Hubby just went for sperm analysis this morning..If results ok, will be going for iui. If not, then proceed with my 3rd IVF....wooosh wooosh.
Leor, yah..tonite starting lucrin…so scare man! Duno my hubby can do it rite or not..if he poke wrongly i think i will box him! LOL..

The nurse say to be there between 8.30am-10am, didn't know can go earlier. I go take full day leave already..*sigh*

Sticky, I'm taking 5 egg whites and 1 pkt immunocal everyday…when nearer to ER should I increase to 10 egg white and 2 immunocal? I'm worried about OHSS.
lynn: I had started mine this morning after collected it from phamacy. Demo it in front of the nurse. I will self inject myself cos my hubby scare he will hurt me more...lolz
lynn: The nurse mention that menses will be coming soon wor...am wondering isnt after finishing the ocp pills or even during ocp pills menses will still come huh? Do u have any idea? Or anyone here know?
Leor: yah..the nurse told me the same thing too. I'm stopping my pills on 22nd, 1 week later the mense will come. This is normal. No worries. You have to continue the jab even when u have mense.
Sticky U mean that even on suppression jabs, we still would have menses ah?
Rabbit-U are how far in 2ww? Jiayou wor, BFP, all would have baby bunnies ;)
Lynn: U finish your ocp pills 22nd or u will stop at 22nd and left with some ocp pills? I will finish it on 25th wor.

StickyBFP: Thanks for the info. Now i knw even halfway on ocp, af will still come. Heehee...
Leor, I will be stopping on 22nd and left with some pills. I started taking the pills on 24th Dec…mayb u started later than me so end later loh
Leor..i think I'm on the pill for a longer period coz my mense is very irregular so the nurse wants to take for a longer than other people. The mense will only come after u stop the pills so it's not here yet.
lynn: OIC...so if i stop 25 Jan and menses flow will come say a few days later...so while we menses flowing scanning will still proceed lor cos our scan is at 31 Jan.
Faithbb, tmr is your bt right? Have u test hpt?

Joanne, my cycle is abt 32days & lmp is 29dec. I wanted to skip Jan af so tat et won't crash with Dr Loh leave & proceed using Feb af but based on my cycle, most likely af will come in early Mar.
Hi mina
I see... We maybe cycle buddies as my er/et shd be around march if af wont play a prank on me again..;)

Hi sticky
I finally found the tumbler at a minimart... ;) thks to ur picture and i can find it else very hard to imagine..;) Just curious, i notice the thing made using plastic, can withstand the hot water heat? U use boiling water fr gas or water direct fr the water flask? Thk u so much gal... Oh ya, all the best to ur coming ET.. Sure strike bfp this time k..;)
hi joanne,
can hold hot water... i use the flask hot water... cos lazy to boil... so far i use for yrs... ok le...
how much u buy? should be very cheap de...
76, jiayou!!! ^^

Eh... I m getting more confuse. Now suppression stage already nd to load egg whites le? I didn't wor, juz take 1x immunocal a day only. But these few days mix w 3 scope of milk powder, taste like milk shake
Hi Sticky
As i worry water fr flask is not hot enough.. If u try is ok then it means can..;)

Hi Leor and sticky
I buy it at $4.50.. Cheap or ex? It looks like toilet roll tissue box.. Haha.. Not easy recognise and i search three ntuc before finally buy it at minimart at kallang area..;)
Joanne: i think $4.50 consider cheap ba. Hmmm...think i will try harder & find it. Maybe i will try finding at chinatown
Hi sticky
May i check with u some questions?
1) if i am starting my ivf next month and will like to start take egg white fr this month onwards. How many egg white shd i take since is just prepare myself for cycling now?
2) r u taking normal egg or first born egg?
3) did u pour the hot water in when egg is already put inside or pour in the hot water first before put the egg in?
4) did u drink one pkt of immounical daily before u start ur cycling?
5) lastly, u drink red date tea and chicken essence daily
before u start cycling or ??

Sorry for so many questions..;) as i really admire u to be able to cure ohss urself.. Really must learn fr u..;) thk u soooo much...
hi joanne,
mus rem different body react to different diet...
so u must feel ur body changes and adjust ur diet accordingly

1. u can start with 3 egg whites for a few days then slowly add to 4 then 5...
2. i taking vitamin E eggs... try get better quality eggs, doesnt matter if first born or normal
3. put egg in the add hot hot water
4. immunocal can start 1 mth before ivf, 1 pkt before bed
5. my body belongs to super heaty and my lining builds very fast... so my red dates drink is alt day. i started 2 mths before ivf
chicken essence i onli took during ivf cycle... from start of suppression stage till er...
Hi snuggly
U also searching for it? Am not sure abt the shop name but i think u can try all those shop houses selling plates etc..;)

Hi sticky
I use the elephant brand kettle. Just press a button and got hot water come out one.. Is that call airpot too?
Joanne: haha I dunno what it is really for. I assume it's easier to cook half boil eggs with that. I see very cute and interesting, so if can find then I buy lor
Nip & stickybfp...

This is wat I posted in the ivf mummies to be support group:
Rostrum... I'm only 6 wks but hv been spotting for 2 wks... Went to pte gynae 3 times... Had 3 pregnyl jabs but still spotting... Went kk today... Asked if there is any add'l support... After much prompting, then they increased duphaston fm 2 to 3 times a day... Was given 14 days mc... I asked if I can be hl instead as I will hv used up all my mcs for the year... Ans is no... As if I'm all out to geng mc... The doc also said give me benefit of doubt... Like I like to lie tat I'm spotting... Both gynaes who I went to did not examine me & could not give me an ans as to why I'm spotting... Both are adopting the wait & see approach...
Nip... How r u? Did u go back to work? Tmr ur appt w dr loh ar... Rem to ask him on ur spotting & bleeding issue.... Ask for more support... Our bbs dun come easy...
oh dear happybb...
then u jus stay home and rest... as for mcs and all, jus one step at a time... i hate docs... they are all wait and see type...
but no worries, bed rest all the way... will be a sticky bfp de...
Ya... Stickybfp... I'm asking myself... Why wait & see? Really nothing they can do meh? They din even find out the reason & made it sound like I just wan to geng mc... I told the gynae today tat I will take no pay leave then...

But lucky bb growing well... Maybe tat's the reason tat they feel nothing else needs to be done...
'wave'! Jiayou!

Hope you are fine. Do keep us updated.

Am going for my scan tmr to check on the growth of the follicles. Tmr will be day 7 of stimulation. Hopefully everything is going well inside!
