IVF/ICSI Support Group

alot of flow ma? sounds like ur af le... is possible for ur af to flow now de... =) dun worry... tomolo call ur doc... should be ok...

Not alot... Will flow only when i pass urine.. Sigh.. Ya, i had email Doc Loh, i also wish is af then it means i can offically start ivf le but i doubt so as i rarely hv so short cycle.. Hope is not infection.. Worry again..;( thks friend for ur advise..;)
Are u 2ww too? I oso experiencing cramp like Menses cramp but no spotting. I keep thingking is it My Menses coming soon? But last Menses same as urs le.. Cannot be so early This Time rite?
hi mina,
high fever with flu?
depends on wat meds u taking... no worries... our antibiotics and immunity increase with each fever we have...
Minako: is really up to u but personally if is me I will postpone to next cycle... Healthy body may lead to higher chances of bfp ;) My DH also think so .. Why high fever?? Faster go drink lots of water.. Tomorrow u go n consult ur doctor see what he say...
Mina... I had fever while at stim stage... But not high fever... Din take any med cos dunno if it will affect my eggies anot... Maybe u monitor & see how when et is nearer...
can take panadol... most impt is to get well...
cos me on 2 course of antibiotics before my fet... which is now too.. cos sick... mine abit jialat... cos got virus...
but doc say ok... panadol is safe too... but must recover before fet, cos before fet if u recover... ur body have the immunity for that particular virus... and is stronger... which is not a bad thing for ur embryo to grow...
but then hor... if u fall sick during fet then cannot do fet... cos ur antibodies will attack the embryo that is growing... and not the virus itself... =)
dunno if the way i explain ur can understand ma?
Ladies, thanks for advice! I talk to Dr Zou, she asked if it's flu or juz fever. I told her is heaty fever, no flu. She told me if flu virus might attack embbie. But then again if fever also affect o & implantation. She ask me discuss with DH & he say abort cycle & try again when I'm well. But inside me.. I feel so 'bu kan yuan' cos I almost there liao *sob*
Actually I scare dr zou too busy to answer my call so i sms her ask her if she can call me. Ya, I was in the ET procedure room then Dr tell me about the 10% ohss chances n I already inside, on procedure chair le then he tell me abt the day 3 day 5, really feel like telling him if i can think for 5-10mins before i decide..
Thank you..really hope I can BFP

I really sick of egg white n immunocal, the thot of drinking them makes me wanna puke! My MIL steam fish for me, I smell only wanna vomit. Today whole day feel like vomiting.

BTW, the insert is it brown colour one har? I saw some brown discharge leh yesterday...
hi sticky
So sweet of u... Touch..

Hi rita
I dun know whether i am 2ww but my cycle never so short and i just remove polyp recently so very worry is something inside.. Sigh... Will check with doc loh tomorow..;(

Hi mina
I think better check with ur gynea or doc zou whether it will impact.. In the mean time, do drink tons of water and eat vit c.. Hope u will recover better soon... Rest well and sleep early k...jiayou!!
hi bobzai,
doc got give u ohss meds?
if cannot take then dun force...
hm... not sure wat bubble feeling u talking abt... but are u gassy? mouth got bitter taste?
should go away as days past by...
how many eggs u extracted?
Hi sticky my appt wif SGH is next thurs actually. Today after discussion wif DH to go back kkivf. I will call up kkivf see if I can make appt soon.
Will drop by update again n seek advice fr u ladies here. Thx much!
I oso did removed polyp 1.5 month ago, i think ur spotting caused by the procedure that u did. Last mine was spotting for 8 days n continue with my menses.
bubble feeling is like you are hungry then got the "bubble" in the stomach, but this bubble feeling i have is like many many small bubble at the center right below the cleavage area, very uncomfortable. Dr only give Cabergoline. Extracted 34 eggs.
Minako: don't think so much now.. Try to recover from ur fever okay..

Joanne: 2ww is after ET meaning 2 weeks waiting for BT result to see u got bfp anot ;)
hi bobzai,
i think the doc say 10% ohss is not accurate... based on ur eggs extracted and symptons... should be moderate ohss liao...
got to force urself drink immunocal... with the cabergoline will help u recover... is very impt that u get it under control...
cos the risk of cannot do et or after et u are pregnant and ohss kicks in... very dangerous for mummy and baby...
=) guai la, go take immunocal with yakult...
Hi Bobzai,

I'm usually a silent reader but tot i can share with you my OHSS exp. I had slight bloatedness after ER and during ET day but proceeded with the ET. The bubble feeling u have is the building up of the gas and fluid. It was so bad that i was admitted twice. Once 6 days after ET, and the second time after BFP.

With severe OHSS, you might feel breatheless and difficult to walk, and also gastric pains/heartburn.

When i got discharged the second time, i whacked like 6 egg whites and 4 packets of immunocal everyday. Things improved over the days but now that it's been a month, i'm still not fully recovered. Personally, i feel that egg whites are more effective.

OHSS is a condition that can only be managed but not treated. When properly managed, it should pose no problems for the baby. It's the mummy that will be very Xin Ku. It will go away towards end of 1st tri if BFP.

Like what Sticky said, be diligent with your eggwhites and immunocal.
Hi piggy
Haha... But i havent did ET yet... So not sure whether hv i o..;(

Hi rita
Oh.. U also did ur polyp removal recently? When u did ur polyp removal after ur menses? I did it after 14days of my menses so now worry wht happen..;( did ur next menses after polyp removal, comes early or as per ur usual cycle??
Am glad doc Loh prompt reply. He say maybe fungus infection..;( want me see him tomorrow.. Hopefully nothing serious... Pray hard...
Good morning everyone!
I am now at kkivf waiting for my second ultrasound. Wish me luck and hope my follicles have grown to ideal, so that I can er/et this week.
Hi all, I decide to postpone fet cos fever haven subside fully. Will call KKH later to abort tis cycle.. Health more impt. I was thinking if medicated fet is better for me cos I got too stress with natural fet.
Good morning all sisters... Have a good start for the week.

*hugs*.. mina. Ya its better to get fully recover b4 gg in FET. tat time i having slight flu and no fever and I go ahead w er/et and I thk that contributed to my failure too. so now i building and keeping myself in good health so tat I can proceed when the time comes.. take care hor!!
good morning everyone, how's weekends?

bcube, i'm always feeling headace and head light light de, not sure is that effect from buserelin. do u experience this? btw, do u drop hair? mine alot leh esp when washing hair. i realise my last cycle oso like dat :s
Janice: I realise mine dropping like mad too... faint i thought i got problem.. so is the medication
Hi Mina

Agree that health is more important, ET should b done when body is in tip top condition.
In the meantime, pls load uP on vit c to get well faster. Drink orange juice etc. There is also this method that I heard & tried myself & somehow it worked. When u wake up in the morning, drink a glass of water before u wash up. Somehow the funny bacteria we have in our mouths do help with building up the immune system of our bodies.

I understand doing Natural FET has it's own stress factors, the constant monitoring of lining & follicle, the intensive accu but yet don't know when exactly can do ET. I went through it in Sep/Oct last year. Super stressed out in the end cycle got aborted at 20+ days, stopped doing OPK & I ovulated. That cycle was 44 days before next AF came. I'm usually a regular 28/30 days cycle person.

Following month, I did medicated FET & BFP.
The stress level is really much lower for me for medicated cycle. Although I know Dr Zou did recommend natural FET to medicated FET but I had no choice cos I wouldn't want to go through what I went through in natural FET. During medicated cycle, just jab & pop pills, nothing that we've no done before in fresh cycle. Price difference for natural & medicated FET also not too great cos suppression jab medicine & medicine to increase lining is not expensive. It's the after ET support medicine that is expensive. Hope I've helped in some ways. =)
hi mina,
Get well soon...
I prefer medicated fet too, is lesser stress... But hey, i have faith that u'll have a speedy recovery and sticky bfp the next cycle... Jiayou wor...

Hi snuuggly,
Some gals take jabs longer, hang in there... Will grow de, have faith... Eat more egg whites and immunocal...
Thanks all for encouragement, my fever came back again.. Feeling cold & weak le.

Pink_m, may i ask if you do acu during medicated fet? Did u take Dr Zou 2ww meds? I feel so lethargic going for scan & intensive acu which indirectly contribute to increase in stress level. I was thinking to request for Dr Loh give me medicated cycle, dunno if he approve a not?
hi piggy dear,
Wah... So serious hair drop... Change ur shampoo ar... Watever meds we took already inside us liao... change ur shampoo then prob can reduce hair drop...
Now i gg for my scan... Finally finally... Prob this or next week can et liao... Wah... Such a long wait for me...
Piggy, the african doctor upped my puregon dosage to 400iu. Wed come back for scan. She said she also dunno y my follicles not growing.

My readings:
Endo: 10
Right o: 11, 10.5, 10, 9.5, 11, 10, 11.5, 8
Left o: 12, 8, 7.5, 7, 7, 8.5, 7.5, 7, 11, 8.5

I went for intensive accu for medicated FET too. Cos there is a schedule to follow like fresh cycle, I can plan the intensive accu 5 days b4 ET accordingly. During Natural FET I did intensive accu for 7 days straight in the end no ET, it was quite sian. ET for medicated FET falls on the exact day as scheduled. Only 2 scans then it's ET on D18 of the cycle. I have a feeling you falling sick may be due to the stress too.
Maybe you can try asking Dr Loh for his opinion & raise your concerns regarding natural FET this month? To do medicated FET for me was recommended by Angela & I was glad too.

Yes I took Dr Zou's meds during 2ww. 1st week I took as prescribed, 2nd week I halved the dosage myself cos 2ww BTs showed that my E2 & prog were dropping & I had to up alot of support meds. So decided to drop half of the TCM meds.
Good morning ladies ; )

hi janice, Bcube, is buserelin a suppression or stimulation jab? huh.. hair drop.. my hair already veri thin. tink i will bcome botak after taking these jabs : (
hi snuuggly, dun worry wif the increae of the puregon dosage, ur follicles will grow into ideal size in no time. plus today is only ur cd10. you have 5-6days for ur follicles to catch up.
Increase ur protein intake. More egg white n immunocal. hav u bought the immunocal already?
Serene, u really think so? The african doc said mine really small on cd10. Do you know if we have to abort the cycle if follicles dun grow? What is the maximum time that one can be on puregon?

I have not bought my immunocal. Asked the kk pharmacy just now, no one knows what I am asking for. The only protein powder they have costs only $25, so I didn't think it was right. Does egg whites and immunocal help follicles grow?

So upset that I started crying when colleague ask me how scan went. I am so afraid that I will have to abort the cycle.

they will only abort if lining is too thick, and follicles still small. Think kkivf will only proceed with ET if there's at least 3 follicles at 16mm. Egg whites help with follicles to grow...

How many softboil eggs are you taking now?
