IVF/ICSI Support Group

Piggy, yeh hope they will not explode into ohss. Just hope they grow to ideal by Monday ley.

Sticky buddy, yeh I dun want to worry too much. Just try to eat more egg whites lor.

I had to bug nurse to give me readings today. She say she busy no time. In the end still gave me a piece of paper with all my readings. Haha.

My readings:
Endo: 9
Right ovary: 8, 8.5, 7.5, 7, 8.5, 9
Left ovary: 10, 9, 8, 7.5, 6, 6
Piggy, I dun dare to think so far. Now only hoping that I can do er/et next week. If not ah, 2ww is during cny, then chumz.
Tks for your words of comfort anyhow
Nip... Tat means u gg back to work on mon & tue? So far, had 3 pregnyl jabs... For the 2nd one, spotting stopped the next day for 3 days then came back again...
Ceraine, so far I haven pay for anything yet so not sure actual amt. Heard from faithbb, we only need to pay upon et.

Snuuggly, today only cd8, you got so much follicles liao?lining is 9? looks promising le.. You may er/et tis wk! With tis qty, I worry u may have ohss le, cos b4 o they will increase at great speed. Better increase protein intake!!

Faithbb, I hope they faster catchup so everday took red bean soup, 4 egg-whites, 4 quail eggs, fish & immunocal.. Overdose on protein.. Ha!
Minako, my follicles very small though, u still think I am in danger? Chumz. Dr loh upped my puregon ley....how ah?

I never managed to get immunocal. Think monday I go kkh and buy. Will red bean soup help my follicles to grow? I scared wait drink liao lining become too thick.
My gonal F in my last 2 cycles were 600iu which is the highest liao...coz i am a poor responder, meaning poor FSH..even with such a high iu, i only got 6 embryos..i am going to have that 600iu for 12 days for the next round..if enough embryos, then reduce dosage, but gyane predict the result will be almost same as last round..as for IUI, i have tried 2x before but at another hospital..so, tot of trying it under my current gynae...my problem is hard shell...so have to wait till after semen analysis this tues...if good, then iui, if not good, then IVF...he also recommended 3 embbies to be put in if i have that number..coz 35 and above, he said the chances of bfp really drops a lot...
I am not sure abt govt hospital...have not tried...not being biased here, though i also work for cheng hu..but hor, i dun like cheng hu service, quite slow and red tape...sorry to offfend many pple...
Snuuggly: great to hear ur follicles are growing well..hopefully mine will turn out fine like u..kinda scary to do e puregon jab..i still hv nt eaten egg whites..can white milk do?
Rashal, actually my follicles not growing very well wor. That's why dr loh increased my dosage of puregon to 300. Controversial since the young docs inside the kkivf this morning did not want to increase coz they worry about ohss.

Oh well, I can only pray that Monday scan tells a different story and I go on to do er/et next week. Think I can't avoid ohss, only hope it's not so severe until I cannot proceed.
Snuuggly: oic.. Hopefully ur ohss wun b tt bad..a fren if mine got ohss so bad she was hospitalised..but she stillmanaged to get pregnant with twins..hope u can do er n et late jan..dr loh on leave during cny but i dunno hw long..
U at kk today for ET?
Im the one sitting alone outside the ultrasound scan room after my ET for quite sometime cos hubby go collect medicine

I dun know if this helps in follicles growth, maybe you can check with Dr zou next time u visit her. As I was taking raw egg white, during my 1st scan, Dr zou says I got alot of small follicles, hopefully it can catch up by the 2nd scan, so I ask her for our part, what can we do to help it to increase fast, she said take more protein. So I took 6 egg whites and 15 quail white 4 days all the way to my HCG(Previously I was taking 4 egg whitw n 10 quail egg, all raw). So I had the 1st scan on fri, then the following monday, most of my follicles catch up le then I have HCG on Tues nite le. So Dr Zou says eating raw is more helpful than taking half boiled. you may wanna double check with her..
Bobzai, think it was me asking how to make follicles grow

I am not sure I dare to eat raw egg whites wor. Quail eggs very small, how to separate the yolk ah?
Hi gals
Am abit worried now and really hope someone can help me..;( hv gone thru my polpy removal one wk ago... That time the nurse and doc say will bleed around one wk but till now after 9 days post operation, i am still getting on and off dark brown spotting like menses going to finish for past two days..;( also, i feel my private area is itchy occasionally.. What happen? Why will feel itchy? How can i relieve the itchiness??? Any gals who had gone thru the polpy removal has bleeding for more than one week? Pls pls give me ur advise..;( Help!!
Hi sticky
Thks for ur prompt reply.. Shall monitor for another two days.. Hope all will be well soon.. Really feeling uncomfortable sometime..;(
Hi all, i been a silent reader here for a while. Been Reading up tips and info before i embark on this IVF journey. jus a quick background of me. I been TTC for coming 3 years. Did SO-IUI back in July 2010 but of coz didn't make it. I m wif TFC. so thinking not to waste anymore time and money. DH and i decided to go for IVF in nov last yr.

But due to the TMC ivf baby mixup, we postponed the cycle. But till now they r under suspension. I called them up few days ago and found that they are also unsure when its gg to b clear for them to peform ivf and pending clearance from MOH.

I been waiting to start since last year, I do not wish to wait further hence now looking to switch hospital so i can start. I was recommended to go SGH, but i m not sure of the review of the centre and which doc to go to as well. i m also wif dr zou as well been gg to her for 4mths now.

I'm sorry for the long post. Would greatly appreciate if anyone of the ladies here can share any comments or reviews of SGH ivf centre and recommend good doc there that i shld c. thx lots!
hi blessings,
i jus did my sgh fresh cycle... =(
is so exp... my bill is 11k with et... while our gals here did theirs in kkh and onli cost 6k to 9k... with et....
Thanks for sharing ur GonalF dosage. So I think I am getting a normal dose.

Don't be upset with ur DH. I am sure he is also very stressed about this whole IVF journey, and probably thought if don't want baby, then u will not b so Xin ku as well. Once baby is born, he will sing a different tune. Men are usually like that. To them, the pregnancy is surreal until the baby is born. And some men are even 'dis-connected' till the child can respond to them nearer to one year old. So don't worry....just concentrate on ur cycle ok? Hugs!

Wow that's very high dosage, you must have spent a lot on ur cycle since the Gonal F is quite expensive.
When will you know if u are going for IUI?
Wow that's a big diff! I thought since SGH and KK are both govt, they should have comparable costs? $11k is almost private price!

Actually I share your sentiments about public hospital. Especially in this case, where IVF is a very emotional journey. You really don't want to risk having to face disgruntled, overworked nurses giving you 'black face' or attitudes during your visits.
agree bcube...
some men really dissconnected with their children de... =)
i not upset anymore, cos i give up liao...
this ivf is my choice, like i force him to do...
his attitude is, if u really wan then u do lorz...
Hi sticky

Thks for your reply. Oh You are also w SGH. Is their team good?
actually i managed to fix an appt next week under Dr Ham...(the Indian female doc, but i forgot her name) as this is the earliest date i m given.

ya i guess it will costs more than KKH. i also gather that i need to Q as KK has many patients. i din wish to wait v long so decided to see SGH. hope it will be my last hospital hopping. v tired already.
My DH was also quite reluctant for me to go through ivf coz he dun like to see me suffer wit the injects but i told him we hv to since we want kids..

Blessings: i did iui at TFC too but failed. Wanted to go sgh but nt comfortable wit the whole process..since i did checkups with kk, i tot might as well do at kkh so tt they can refer to all my tests easily..the nurses at kkivf centre are quite friendly and warm..unlike those at the clinic counters..so far i do nt hv any bad encounters with them..btw i juz started my lucrin on 31 Dec..still the choice is urs..choose a ivf centre wuc u r comfortable
Hi rashal, thks for ur reply n sharing. may i ask y u r not comfortable wif the process? so i b prepared meeting them next week. u noe its so diffcult to fix appt there. i like TFC, as nurses there r helpful n friendly. but too bad they still have not gotten d green light.

good tat u have started urs. all d best to u and bfp to u soon.

i was wif KKH too before gg to TFC. i must say i find kkivf nurses r pretty warm to me. But i witness them talking v rude to the drs there. i abit scared and put off la. scare also i get bad treatment from them.

Erm.. maybe i shld really consider KKH too again. and plus point is really near my office so anything checkups etc i can just go down. will c how again.
hi blessings,
i personally dun like kkh services...
sgh ones are better... doc wise i no comment...
i'm with dr yu... there's onli 2 ivf docs in charge in sgh... if u do opt to do it in sgh, then dr yu is the onli female doc...
=) but based on my bill... is as if private rates at care paragon le... and their review is alot better...
hi blessings,
if kkh is so convenient then go there ba... =)

hi rashal,
so late still online...
u got to take some egg whites le... soft boil like ya kun type... else u take immunocal also can...
milk not enough...
I use a teaspoon and a soup spoon, scoop up the raw quail egg yolk from bowl using soup spoon, then use the teaspoon to "cover" the yolk n drain out excess white as much as possible, then i throw away the yolk.
Stickybfp: aft my last post i went to sleep..my eyes cannot take it liao..hehe..tink i m gg out to the mama shop n buy eggs already..but i love half boil egg yolk..mayb eat 2 egss wit yolk and 2 without..

Blessings: i do agree with stickybfp tt dr yu is quite gd and sgh nurses are also nice n friendly but because dr yu's clinic and the CARE at sgh is a few doors away, it made me kinda lost..at kkivf,everything is done at the plc itself except for collecting medicine wer u hv to go to e pharm at lvl 1..but itz up to you coz our experiences may differ..hope this helps..
Hi ladies for replying me, tks so much for ur advice n sharing. I guess I will still go down SGH n c if I m comfortable wif them anot. Then decide which ctr to go to. Really reali hope I can make up mymind n start soon.
Otherwise no more time Liao n not young anymore coz Time flies.
So envy u ladies here r already beginning. Hope i can join u ladies soon.
Tks again!
Hi blue, tks for ur recommendation. Heard a lot of good reviews of NUH. But cant consider it as it's reali far for me. I m working in town n stay in d east area.
Rashal, I did put dark soya sauce. Dunno ok a not but me so used to eating soft boil eggs with soya.

Just ate 5 egg whites with little bit of dark soya and pepper. Mil told me to put some sesame oil so that it's more palatable.
I have also resorted to buying more expensive eggs coz the stench is not so strong for half boil, if it makes any sense.
should you decided to take raw, please do not take it empty stomach just in case your stomach cant take it. ALways drink some hot stuff, maybe milo, then eat your eggs, then drink hot drink again.

I would pop 1 strawberry or cherry for each mouthful of egg white after drinking hot water.oh yes, I drink the egg white holding my breath, then water then strawberry.

Again if you visit dr zou, pls double check with her if this raw egg method do helps in faster growth of follicles.
my stomach is bloated. Before ET, dr says i have 10% chances of developing OHSS, asked if I wanna wait for maybe like Day5 transfer, I thought 10% is quite slim, so i went ahead with ET. Then talk to Dr zou about it, and she says day5 transfer is better than day 3. Haiz...anyway embbies inside le, no regret too, just hope that they stick to me, be it day 3 or day5, still my babies...

my stomach is bloated now, some pain, quite painful, but i can still endure, is it when you take deep breath, you will feel stomach area pain for OHSS case? Then pain at gastric area too?
Bobzai, I never eat raw. Dun dare to. Dh dun wan me to eat raw also coz I am usually very allergic to lots a of things. Eyes will swell for no reason.

As for dr zou, I stopped going liao. Partly was coz no time and all the jabs each day, dun feel like more accu. What's more, I can't take her meds coz again, I had an allergic reaction when I did.
if i not wrong, i read from forum someone says that soy/soya( if they are the same thing) harden egg shell so difficult for sperm to penetrate, however, i am not too sure in the case of ivf/icsi.Maybe stickybfp can help in explaining this??
hi lynn, yup suprefact is similar to lurin. they r suppression jab. i will start on tis jab on 28th jan which is 10days later than u. we might b cycle buddies : )
Hi gals,
I experiencing mild cramp on & off since last nite, I think my menses will come Liao but a litle bit too early coz my menses due on 25 Jan. .. Feel worry n sad now..
Bobzai: so is u ;) I was at dr Zou there when u called her telling her about the day 3 or day 5 transfer ;) u saying ur hp is outside so can't call her right ;) anyway seem like ur chances of bfp is high so don't worry try to relax ...All the best to ur 2ww
hi rita,
some gals here in 2ww got pms cramps...
*pat pat* cross fingers ar...

hi bobzai,
ohss could cause ur stomach acid to increase... the discomfort would be ard ur tummy... also, some common signs is backache, cramp on the ovaries...
=) no worries... work on ur immunocal

hi snuggly,
hm, cut down on soya... soya sauce is ok cos is abit onli... tofu etc, take lesser... cos u need ur egg shell to crack open in blastocyst stage... once the sperm penerate into the embryo, the external shell will harden too... later too hard cannot crack open... =) this one is in layman's terms...

hi blessings,
i see u ard in sgh care... i having my scan tomolo...
Hi sticky
Today my spotting becomes dark red discharge with more liquid every time i go pass urine..;( looks like first day menses as it turns dark brown to dark red now.. Sorry for sounding gross...very worry as it worsen instead of better..;( I dun think is AF as my last cycle end at 25th Dec and now only 20days past... Wht happen to me? Hv email doc Loh and hopehe can advise me soon too...
