IVF/ICSI Support Group

mi now at dr zou here. anyone here?

traffleapple, u can get from OG supplement dept at e cashier there.jus tell e cashier u wan to buy immunocal.

Truffle, I'm on medicated FET. Never do opk. Care scan mine lining is 9.3mm on last sat.
I schedule ET on this tuesday.
Hi Shoes
Am fine.. Now waiting for my next sat checkup with doc loh to hear him say green light to start ivf next cycle or not.. Stress..
Hi gals

Just had my first Gonal-F jab today. The needle so loooong! Yikes!
It's Day 1 of stimulation. Another 13 days of jabs = 26 jabs to go! Counting down!
<font color="ff0000">Home Massage</font>
Am helping this massage lady, whom I have been using the past few months get a few more clients.

She is PRC and is one of the best masseur that my DH and I have used, and believe me, we have very high standards. She is very clean, brings her own bed covers and towels when she comes and has veer good techniques.
She is also very nice, which is why I am helping her.
Her charges are very reasonable, $45/Hr, $80/2hr and this is house call rates.
She is certified in post-natal massage as well as essential oil massage from Spatec.
She only covers east area and she stays in Bedok. She do not mind traveling to Punggol or Sengkang too.

I really like her and it's hence helping her get more income, as she is singlehandedly supporting her son in SG.

So try her out if you love massages!

PM me for her contact number. ;)
hi bcube,
gonal f needle long meh?
12mm rite?
then wat suppression u using?
jiayou wor... =)

hi truffle,
hm... during my jabs i got occassional appetite... like craving for burger... i got eat ar... but jus upkeep my diet all the way la... and i ordered burgers without the fries lor...
no worries, all in the mind de... i got no discipline at all de... but i did it... so can u... moreover, is a temp diet for ivf... bfp liao... jus eat balanced diet and give in to ur craving abit more... like that think not so xinku le...

hi bobzai,
sounds like begining of ohss liao...
take care and rest well... bed rest more and dun walk so much...

welcome rite... anytime...
Look really long to me leh! Much longer than the syringes for the buserelin. And the pen is quite 'stiff' when dispensing the medication.
Am still on Busereelin but reduced to 0.3 from 0.5. Gonal -f at 225 units. Was initially told it will be 325 but dunno why got reduced to 225.
Minako, I do not think I can eat so much on a weekday when working. Will try my best bah.

Sticky, you are right. I have decided to take it easy and not stress too much.
Hey! Nadia thanks for the information. Can u guide me through the fet procedure? Have u done it yet? How make embryos did u et n what the difference between natural n assisted? Sorry for asking too many questions. As for the rest of the girls, I have realized that u can't please anyone so Juz turn a deaf ear n what is important Is u n hubby r happy. I remember recently one aunt for hubby side mentioned so next one boy ah ( I have a daughter through ivf) I Juz turned looked at her n said I'm Juz happy I'm blessed with a child boy girl is for old fashion pol n she shut up. It can be painful to hear such comments but Juz tell urself if pol can't be bothered to understand how u feel y let urself be bothered by them. Be happy n all will go well
hi bcube,
lolz... dun be scare... must be brave... needles onli... i tell myself 4 times a day... till today still scare but still jab... =)
i agree with wat u say... must learn to ignore such people...
=) good luck for ur fet...
dun worry, things will be fine fine and good good for u de...
me waiting for my fet end mth... so excited... finally can do et liao...
Bcube, jiayou. Me same as u but I'll hv extra 2 more jabs then u leh. Buserelin, saizen, gonal f n metopor (dunno how to spell)... 4 jabs @ 1 time =.=""
Morning Sistas....

Itjabi: me haven't gone for FET...this coming Feb...waiting for AF to report...I have abt 8 embryos left...Since I am doing medicated FET...I will be taking the E2V pills from D4 of menses I tink...till 2ww...My scan shld fall on D14...once lining is at its optimum can do ET...I opting to do D5 transfer instead...At blastocyst stage..Higher chance of success but the risk of the eggs not thawed successfully is also high..so it's a risk..But I wan to try it..I ave done D3 transfer during my fresh...

When is ur FET?

Gals do u know when is KK close for CNY?

Mina: me me..gg to Dr Zou...
Morning Girls

Remember someone share the long protocol process with KKH DR Loh but i cannot find it.. Can someone share it again... I remember something like you have to start daily jabbing for a month before you can start the ivf?
Hi Truffle,
Sorry for reply late.

Insert thru rectum is not pain.
It just abit uncomfortable.
You'll get used to it later on.
Is good to insert at rectum better than vaginal.
Is absordable better.

Just push your right hand 2nd finger inside the rectum until the end.You'll feel the bullets will automatically move inside to the hold.

Yes, u need to push deeply so that you could feel the hold will close back.

Need to try inserting several times than you'll find easy without stress ar~
It is a progestrone for supporting our hormone.
The medicine is called Cyclogest a sort of tablets but it looks like bullets type.

Is meant for FET cycle insert until to bhcg test.
lynn, faith is doing progestrone insert for pregnancy support. It is done during 2ww.

faithbb, i have crack in my anus b4 due to bad constipation so dare not insert in rectum. Today still test -ve on opk .. haiz! I was just wondering is if tmr go scan &amp; still -ve will they abort the cycle? Cos tmr already cd18 *stress*

piggy, refer here: http://www.ivf.ca/calcu2.htm it is estimate calculator of the long protocol but suppression stage is usually longer than predicted here.

Nadia, wat time you going Dr Zou place?
hi Truffleapple morning and all sisters morning ,
no not yet thawing la... must wait for Feb AF to comes than call kkh than got to take asiprin and proygonova from D4 of AF than got to do scan of lining, lining ok (thk 8-11mm, sticky correct????) than they will thaw, once thawing survive than they will inform when ET... thk when AF comes everything will be very fast forward alr .. right now only wait for time lor.. actually Dr Loh ask me to do in Jan. but I cannot cos work commitment if done today will be on asiprin and progynova alr ... hahaha
Minako: Thanks. No stress No stress... maybe tomorrow you tested positive

Jok you also waiting for the AF to come hee hee
I also same same with Nadia also doing in FET in Feb ...

Janice also doing in Feb right?

Stickybfp: Your ET coming ?? next week sorry i think you say before but keep forgetting...
Oh dear...then u dun insert in rectum.
Can suggest injection better for yr case.
I really find that insert in V gives me alot of discharge which I feel that it is a wasted and it won't be supporting all the way to pregnancy if positive !

It cud be abort, ever a nurse told me before.
But dunno when they decide.
Hve to ask the dr better.
Yr O usually not accurate one ar ?
Faithbb, inserts usually will have discharge.. its very common de. As long the body got absorb can liao. Seriously, I rather do insert than jabs. My o usually occur cd18 onwards as I have average 32days cycle. How long is your cycle and when did you o? When is your hcg bt? When u report back to wk?

Snuuggly, my appt is 9.30 but will go earlier. Should reach abt 8am.
but sticky the last time I ask Dr Loh he say 8mm the best one lei .. so now i very confuse ..haha

ya piggy Feb many sisters doing haha than we will all BFP and the hospital will jam when we are all giving birth ... haha ... can imagine the scene. more than 10 of us are doing in Feb.2011
hi jok,
No need stress... Jus rem lining thicker better... Cos some gals get good implantation at 8mm, some at 10mm, some cannot must be above 10mm... All depends on ur coagulation level of ur blood de le... So no big deal... =) as long as u got good heavy af the last cycle, ur this lining is fresh... Is good enough...
oic .. okok will loads up protein ..

i asked Dr Loh for my last fresh cycle, he say mine was 8mm (he say very good- the best type) and I did bpf but sadly MC at 5th wk...haiz
My O is similar with you cd18 onwards and average 32days cycle too.
Bhcg bt on Jan/19

I go back to work already on Wed.
Cannot stay at home do nothing very bored.
So cancel 3 days leaves resume back to work.
Enuf rest for me le.
mina: me will be there only before 7pm..u will be there early?

Does any of u know from when to when is Dr Zou clinic is closed during CNY?
StickyBB: yup me wear specs la..hehehe...me gg there tonight..I am worried my FET will clash with her CNY closure...Will have to ask Dr Zou how...

When r u gg to her place again? U r doign FET too rite? When?
Lynn... U will be fully knocked out during er... Will hv cramp after er... For me, no more cramps the next day... But think some gals will still hv...
Lynn, you will be fully sedated. You cannot feel anything throughout procedure, but after wake up will feel very sleepy. No cramps but got some spotting. For me, I got low BP so keep feeling dizzy. The nurse made me rest till my BP normal then discharge me. DH must be there to accompany you home after er.

Nadia, if my bus is early.. I will reach 6.30pm if bus late will be 6.50pm but my appt is 7pm.

Faithbb, so you rest 8days b4 go back wk ar?hcg bt on 19jan? Wah.. time passes so fast!! Are you excited?

rabbit &amp; Bobzai, good luck for your et!
Thanks girls.

So ET will be the same process too rite? After ER, need to wait how long for ET? Then after ET, must straight away go home for bed rest rite?
Lynn, if you with kkh.. it will be 2days after er provided you dun suffer from ohss. For et, you will be wide awake! The procedure like pap-smear &amp; your DH can accompany you in for the transfer. The best part is both of you get to see your embbies from the screen *so sweet* The only discomfort is need to have full bladder for et. Best to go home straight after et, minimise movement as much as possible.
ET pain or not? I low threshold for pain leh..mayb i will faint hahahha…

So full bladder for ET, then after ET go pass out the water..the embbies will not come out also rite?
Lynn, the pain is similar like pap smear la, slight discomfort only. After et, you can pass water but do it SLOWLY. As long after et, you are consider pregnant liao. Just do everything in slow motion. Most impt, during 2ww, do not force poo.. may affect implantation.
