IVF/ICSI Support Group

live, i can second that immunocal helps to improve immune sys n overall well being..

ladies who are cycling or preparing to cycle.. its impt to be in good health.. prepare ur body before u get pregnant... coz once pregnant, ur baby starts taking nutrients from ur body...

pandawife, but immunocal is too costly for me to start now leh cos I understand tt it is good to let hubby take also right? Or we take is sufficient enuff?
I dun mind sharing the immunocal but how many packets per day? esp during the stimulation period?

I better start taking my hubby's royal jelly suppliments. 8P.
sesame oil, depends if ur hb has soldiers condition? i was told immunocal is very gd to improve the sperm.

for my case, me n hb start taking 3 mths before the cycle... n we felt it made a difference as this is my 2nd fresh attempt, so we were able to compare.

blurlet, i took 1 pack empty stomach every morning .. during stimulation period, it depends on individual... if very bloated, can take up to 3 packs a day... otherwise, 1-2 packs a day is enuff.
just to share.. since there is higher change for multiple pregnancies w ivf... it is even more critical for us to build our health n body before getting pregnant.

for example, eating healthy nutritious diet, exercising and keeping the virus/bugs away.

one thing i regret not doing more previously was exercising... coz it will make a difference.. gynae told me w regular pre pregnancy exercise, we will hv stronger abdominal muscles.. helps a great deal when u r at ur later stage of pregnancy...
Pandawife, so des! Thanks for the info. In sense, to last for the initial jab to ET to BT need about 3 to 4 boxes?

Actually hor, is there any good soup to make for ourselves? I prefer to drink them than to pop pills. Dun mind making them too.

But currently on the pill to regulate my AF and making my body very heaty. Can I still take them or not.
<font color="0077aa">i remembered taking it faithfully for a month before the this lunar 7th mth. Cos I read that it is good for those with asthma.

For past years, MC for days during 7th mth is unavoidable for me. to the extend my colleagues and HOD will have to remind me to take good care, as once i started coughing, it will go on for weeks.

But this year, was a good year for me. Because I did not touch any cough mixture, no running nose, **touchwood** this lunar 7th month.
now that all of you mentioned about immunocal, well it seems like eversince i started it, my immune system is better. Now I am takin it at least 2x a week because need to take on empty stomach in the morning, and usually only weekends and holidays i'm not rush. =)

both you and hubby taking, wow...costly leh.
I'm starting to cycle using sept cycle, so will try to take on daily routine.
Oh, can i check, even before your 2nd fresh attempt, you already started drinking pregnancy milk Anmum? even throughout ivf?</font>
blurlet, one box is 1 mth supply for 1 person to take once a day. so u count how many boxes from there? even if there is excess, good to continue taking after pregnant.. i took it during 1st tri coz i had bad morning sickness..cannot stomach most foods.. so i continue to drink immunocal.

blurlet, i m not a soup person..hehe.. plus if u r talking about herbal soups.. usually they are heaty coz "bu"... might not go too well w the pills/jabs.. suppression stage will be heaty too... n very prone to flu/sorethroat.. thts y immunocal helps.

miracle, honestly... immunocal cost is small compared to the total ivf cost. if it can help.. we felt it was worth it. i did not take any milk powder ... no ensure, no anmum.. these milk are high in sugar content, and some pple also find it heaty.

even now, i dun take anmum
i drink fresh milk which is low fat n high cal.
<font color="0077aa">Panda
yah lor...i getting bui bui le. Think i going to switch back to low fat and high cal fresh milk and take it with my immunocal.

you mix immunocal with milk?
hee..actually when i was calculating the cost of immunocal per day, it is about the same as the cost i used to spent on beverages from coffeebean, starbucks and bubbletea. so now not taking them, then immunocal cost not that pricey mah. haha...but DH feels the pinch even though i'm the one paying it. I still have 110packets of immunocal. start taking again in Sept, will be sufficient for me to last till 2ww. =)</font>
can drink red dates with longan tea, black chicken/lean meat with pao sheng and cordyceps or bird's nest with pao sheng. can also take bottled chicken essence.

whether is too heaty or not depends on individual. some will find it too heaty, i drank once a wk and found it quite ok.
Pandawife, i would assume about 1box before and 1 box during the stimulation stage(preparing for the worse) and 1box after and beyond. Doc dun dare to give me clomid beyond 100. I already feeling very sick at that level, so i am preparing for the worse if i really need to take 3 packs. ^^"

grumpus, hm.. birdnest sounds good. but bad for my pockets.. maybe bottle chicken essence then.
pandawife, my hubby soldiers are "injured" one. either no tails or no heads and hor, soldiers not alot. If I start him now on immunocal, does he need to take everyday? I am v sure he will make noise since now he got to take alot of supplements already. And he is taking TCM once a week also.
<font color="purple">fi_hozali, hi. I didn't feel nauseous during my lucrin jabs and I don't think you should. If its bothering u, try calling the Ask-A-Nurse hotline.

This service is chargeable at 80 cents a minute
08:00 – 00:00 midnight (Monday - Sunday, including Public Holidays)
1900-KK-Nurse or 1900-556-8773
sesame oil,

u can discuss w ur hb....for our case, we did not seek TCM...as we find it too stressful to be running between 2 doctors. Hb just took the supplements from CARE and home brew cordyceps twice a week.
Seems like the listless monster has struck me again. Spent a night of tossing and turning. I thought it was only cos of the ocp + lucrin combi as I had a few gd nites after the ocp stopped. However, it's back with a vengeance. Woke up quite a few times with hot flushes and pounding heart. Not a good sign.
Hey! Didn't expect to see u here, Day.

All prepared for your OPU later? Yes, U r in very good hands. Keep me updated k! Take Care!
I'm having red blood spotting now!!! My AF just reported on 16/8. do I have to call care and highlight this to them?
yes please call up CARE immediately.. sorry I didn't managed to rem who is doing at which stage.. but if you've already done ET, please call now..
morning everyone.

pinkaddict - got your email. i was on mc yesterday, so sick, couldnt get up to come to work...

today back in office but still coughing and flu
<font color="0077aa">winnie
maybe you can sms angela? Heard some ladies mentioned that they sms angela and her reply was fast.

immunocal with which beverage taste good?
I used to have it with Anmum, and the taste of immunocal covered. This morning had it mix with Meiji milk, yeeeks..not nice at all. Tried with milo before, also no good.... </font>
Miracle - I dun have her Hp number but I called the clinic and spoke to the nurse she ask me to go in tomorrow for scan
y not today? y must wait till tmw?

Actually when i was on ocp there was a nite that i also thought my AF arrived. Think that was ard the last 2nd or 3rd pill. Thought i saw slight staining and it smelled like AF (if u know what i mean) I was surprised that AF arrived so soon as usually shld report only a few days after stopping ocp. But in the morning there was nothing, so i didnt inform KK.
hmm..that's strange..I dun have any spotting when on ocp..it's only after I stopped ocp,1-2 days later then I have very light brownish spotting for a few days..that's normal esp for 1st timer taking ocp..
<font color="0077aa">winnie
CARE will say go for scan, I think if kkivf, will probably say wait and see how. if flow heavy then call again...hahahha</font>
Panda: No only immune sys, I think immunocal also help me for daily toilet need. Especially when we started taking iron supplement from wk12. The first 2 days, I constipated and felt so unconfortable that time. But when I resumed immunocal I find I don't have that problem.

Blurlet: I think to see the benefit at least need 3 boxes. If u r planning to take it yourself, it can last u 3 mth so u can plan to start one or one and half mth prior to star the IVF journey. Me also follow Panda, started earlier together with my hb. U can mix with juices or water to drink in the morning or at night.

Day: All the best to you.

Winnie: Maybe you can call the nurse again and ask for Angela number if you are still concern. Then SMS her and see what she reply.

Miracle: Normally I drink it with water. Last time I remember Panda like to mix with Orange juice. Panda : it is correct :>

ocp = oral contraceptive pill or birth control pills (bcp)

some of us were placed on that before suppression to regulate cycle.
Oh... I am at this ocp stage also... But my issue that it makes me so heaty that i have uclers growing in my tongue and nite sweats.

Live, okie.. i am starting suppression next week liao, now abit hugging buddha leg. ^^". Still can help hor. How to get them then.
pandawife, thanks for the valuable advice. I think we will both start soon. After all, it is not wise to be penny wise, pound foolish. You have make a good point.

Is immunocal fattening?
puregon 200iu is the average. usually stim stage is 10-14 days. lucrin need to continue until ready for egg retrieval.
ladies, wanna check. I was being informed by KKH to practice safe s** from now till D21. Then hw about supression stage? Also need safe s**?
Syrah Syrah... I oso din sleep well since I started on OCP. Now I m on third day Lucrin. Me wake up 3 to 4 times ytd nite... so angry. Initially when I stared microgynon I felt breathless too but after KK nurse recommend me to switch to take it to the nite then I feel much better nowadays.
