IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="0077aa">sesame
i think they goes according to your af. Think they want to make sure when you go for your scans and BTs, your af shld report already.
Thats why i oso sian. Means my lucrin jab will also be more than 14days.

But then again, most jab lucrin a total 28days, inclusive of puregon, so lucrin also ard 14-19 days....</font>

sesame - mine used to be 28 days, last month became 33 days, this month 30 day still not here yet ... anyway when it comes I will be calling KK to start FET

you very hardworking lor, exercise 2-3 times per week ...
miracle, really ah? Initially I tot jab lucrin will only be 14 days wor. Now additionally 5 days and somemore duno can start puregon on the day of scan or not? If delay somemore, then i will jab more than 19 days of lucrin wor. Dr Zou really v well informed, told me nowadays kkh will ask patients to jab more than 14 days of lucrin.

flowers, hv not report...hmm...maybe will be good news

No choice, actually my main motive for exercise is to lose some weight la. Hopefully will be slimmer when I embark on the cycle.
miracle, I intend to apply leave on my last week of stage 2 cos also need to shuttle btw kkh and Dr zou there for scans and acu. I guess will be tired out, so already tell my kolig I might go on leave.
<font color="0077aa">sesame
dr zou so many patients frm kkh doing ivf, so of cos will be the most updated one. If the day you go scan, and af still no report, the nurse will ask you to go hme continue jab one. So i rather jab and af come then go kkivf, else waste time. Lucrin long, then just hope puregon stage will be 1 week. Cos seems like most ladies able to clear their puregon at 1st scan =).

Now im worried my af be late... Looks like i realli gota relax...n pray af come!</font>
miracle, I am worried will be overly suppressed and later need more drugs to stimulate. I duno whether my thinking is correct or not la, just tot of this lor. From what I read so far, not all ladies will clear at 1st scan leh. Some will response faster, some slower.

Even if your af will be late, just treat it you got more time for tiao-ing your body, dun be too stressed abt it.
<font color="0077aa">sesame
i din think so much. The tot of the needles i already dun wan think le.
Just hope we dun have to jab so many days..heee......
I cant imagine hw u can drink dr zou med for 7mths. I drink dr zou ovulation med, i seems to get hungry very easily... So scary...</font>
Hi everyone, got my BT hcg and it is BFN ..I already know it earlier as my bleeding is fully flow and very painfull with cramping below my stomach

2morow is my actual BT but due to heavy bleeding I hv to do BT this morning.

Very tired, painful AF &amp; sad moment for me for d time being. Will see Dr in 2 wks.

I pray &amp; wish to those on the way for the ER, ET &amp; have done ET may all of u be BFP.

CC, ur not alone I am also here with the same situation as u. Take care.

I already cry a lot and I think it takes sometimes 4 me to heal the pain of loosing my embies.

Take care every one..
Miracle: ovulation medicine still taste ok, e af taste horrible. JuZ taken it n e taste in my mouth. Strange leh, after my 1 nth plus of tcm, my cycle improve leh. Fr 36 2 30 tis mth so I will oni start my fresh cycle 30sep if cycle remain same.
Now that u gals mentioned it my AF was also delayed after taking TCM. Prev was around 35 days but with the med it became 46 days. I didn't think it was the med n tot was cos of the laparoscopy.

Cos of the delayed AF that's y started on ocp n AF came today aft only 26 days.
Shaine &amp; cc **hugs**

hi eveyone,
can anyone advise, doing medicated FET or natural FET better.. for medicated FET, is there any harmful side effect if one fails? coz after failed the fresh cycle, my AF gone haywired but I'm v happy this round coz finally I ovulated on CD16 (using OPK) however strangely my bbt is still at 36.38 today on CD18.. did anyone has the same prob? can advise?
I'm the same as u. This month also ovulated on D16 according to OPK. On D18, BBT only 36.28. Spike to 36.52 only happened on D21. Dr Zou said this is ok but just that BBT on D22 (the day I saw her) should be at least 36.6 &amp; above. With such low BBT, most likely body is not producing enough progesterone. So she immediately changed my med to include deer antelope (lu rong) to correct this.

Hope this helps.
Do any ladies here take 100% fresh royal jelly? Finishing my 250gm bottle soon. Bought it from a roadshow at taka for $200 (usual $200). Want to buy again but looking for a cheaper option.
<font color="purple">hi snoopy44 &amp; shainie
Sorry to hear of the BFN. Dun lose heart.
Advice from a fellow crybaby: Have a good cry, so that the healing can start.

Lynn, I'm not sure how close Asherman is to Endometresis. I googled Asherman and both seemed to be inherent conditions of the endometrium. To share a success story with u, I have a girlfriend who had beautiful twin gals via IVF. Her fresh cycle didn't succeed but she took a holiday to prep herself and succeeded on her 2nd attempt FET. Depending on how your AF comes/goes, it could be 3-6mths till your next try. Have faith and take the break to recharge. Btw what progesterone support are you on? I was on vaginal progesterone inserts (little white balls) + oral Dydrogesterone and AF came 2 days after I stopped them. I read it as our bodies react well to these medications and hence, are responding to what these meds are trying to do. Take it as a positive sign.
<font color="purple">
hi lynn_li &amp; Daylesford
Lynn, though your cycle was cancelled, did NUH harvest the mature follicles? I think Daylesford's doc is continuing with ER but not ET.

hi tokkie

hi yenyen63
I was sharing with the ladies that a natural FET with no meds felt less taxing on the body, compared to fresh cycle.
Btw I think your doc will determine whether a medicated or natural FET will work best for you. Seeing that you are O'ing, they will prob try for a natural FET. Relax and let ur body work its magic


hi sesame_oil
Wanted to say that Im full of admiration for your dedication (since Jan!!) and the amount of "homework" in preparing your body for IVF. There's always a listener here when u hv questions/concerns after u start on ur cycle

For a start, I dunno how you feel abt jabbing urself *o* Its rather painless if u get the technique right + the tips from the forum(using an ice-cube to numb the injection area + alternate jab sides + squeeze ur fats just enough so that you don't feel the pain of the jab + quick withdrawal of the needle).
And like u, my cycle is long (~36 days) and I was put on 3 weeks of suppression because it was CNY. Other than having to pay for an additional bottle of lucrin, there wasn't much trouble/pain/side-effects. All the best!

did your bbt raises after taking Dr Zou's medicine? which CD are you now and are u doing your natural FET in Sept? Did Angela suggested it? My bbt finally raises..to 36.61 today.. hopefully it will continue to raise..

Thanks for sharing..naturally after seeing my hormones abit off line, Dr Zou is more favourable of me doing natural FET..although I'm of coz would like to do it naturally but the tots of not being in control really makes me worried..
Sigh.. i see many here are so prepared for the ivf in terms of tcm and downing suppliments. I am on non currently. I gotta start supplimenting.... But I hate poping pills or anything like tat.

mina, yeah, i am with kkhivf. ^^"
me too, hate to poping somany pills in a day, some smell so yucky... Baby aspirin usually take from day 3 when af, once a day thru out 2WW. Are u under Dr loh? may be u can request from him.
winnie/ineedmiracle: can i find out why did you mention tat if have severe endometrosis should not consume royal jelly?

i hav cycst n m consuming royal jelly now
good morning sisters

I've gotten a very big flu bug, usually my flu will be gone within a day, but now my nose is still dripping like a tap without a faucet to turn off! now I'm really desperate, I just hope some miracle pills can stop this flu cos I'm starting suppression this sat

Hello...my original buddy. Glad that U're starting your journey soon!

I don't think u need to worry abt the bb aspirin. Unless the doctor prescribes it, it's not advisable for u to consume it on your own.

Just take the other supplements that the other ladies suggested. But again, do note that usually it's stated that the recommendation is to take 3 months prior for effect to really take place. Nonetheless, folic acid is a MUST so if u've not been taking that, start asap.

Supplements that I started taking for pregnancy/IVF purpose:
Folic Acid
Blackmores conceive well gold
Royal Jelly
COQ 10
Flaxseed oil (for omega 3/6/9)

In addition, these I've been taking all along:
Salmon oil (this is for my eyes as recommended by my eye specialist)
Cranberry (to prevent against UTI)
EPO (which I alternate with Flaxseed depending on cycle period)
syrah... looking at wat u wrote... i feel like i m fainting soon... me too like blurlet and mina, never well prepared myself... sob sob... how? Dr Loh only prescribed folic acid to me...
hi winnie: thanks..it jus left me confused wen u said severe endo cant eat...

maybe u can try drinking manuka honey...for ur flu..recommended ones are the ones thats more than 10+

I started researching on supplements after I had an ectopic. At that time was devastated and thought my body was to blame. That's y started on a rampage on searching for remedies. Prev I've never touched a single supplement. My prev gynae did start me on folic acid and suggested a general well-being multi-vits for DH and I. Before conceive well, I was on GNC woman ultra-mega. Supplements like spirulina and coq10 I learn from the ladies here.

FYI, EPO is good for cervical mucus and also acts as a blood thinner. Can help with FSH levels too. However only take EPO from mens to before O. Once O starts, switch to Flaxseed. Do not take EPO during 2ww or suspected pregnancy as it can induce cramp-like condition in the uterine.
Err.. I read somewhere flaxseed is a nono as it may cause miscarriage or something and for omega 3/6/9 must get from fish source.
blurlet, there's mixed reviews for flaxseed during pregnancy. I'd say best to avoid if unsure. But EPO def shld not take during preg.

I'm taking flaxseed still since it's in additional to my salmon which has the omega and I find that EPO and flaxseed helps with my cycle.
miracle, so now you can understand y I am so uncomfortable with the 19 days of lucrin???? I tot at most is 15-16 days. ArgH!
I also v "pei fu" myself for able to stomach her yucky medi for so many months. At certain point I almost want to give up, but hubby ask me to continue...sigh! The af one is the most yuckiest one! I almost vomit each time I drink it..luckily is only for 5 days.

Hugs Shainie, I know no amount of words can console you, just hope you can get over it soon. Cry out if you want. We are here for you!

syrah, so you also experience the same. I tink some will affect and some not.

pink martini, Dr Zou starts to add "lu rong" to my medication a few mths ago and it is more expensive. I am not sure why she add it and I also duno for wat purpose. She just told me is good for me.

JCX, haha, so I am not the only one whom need to jab for 19 days. Thanks! I am more assured now. There is nothing to admire for, I believe all the girls here work as hard as me. I also take junk food at times as both my parents and pil dun cook. So most of the time, we dine out which is unhealthy. Are you with KKH? You bfp already? Sorry as I dun keep track of everyone's progress.
winnie, when you go home tonight, apply a v thick layer of "vicks" on both your foot and wear socks overnight when sleeping. The flu will be much better when you wake up the next day. I tried before and it works. Hope it works for you too! And don't forget your H2O!
Sesame - I'll try vicks tonite and hope I'll be better tomorrow cos it's really driving me crazy. I also down a lot of water cos I feel so dehydrated
Thank u sesame.. today feel more better. Maybe also so emotional bcoz of my Af this time was painfull, cramping &amp; feel very cold. Taking kampong chicken soup with red dates as advice by my mum..and feel more better 2day.
Will go for 1 week holidays with DH this coming Nov. Think abt FET after that.. hopefully b4 FET i can conceive normally (who knows..)
<font color="0077aa">hoping
according to dr zou, royal jelly will cause cyst to grow bigger....

oh dear, your nose really notti.

i just wait for you to shower me your baby dust. so far those with dr loh come back with good results... I'm feeling more and more motivated =)</font>
winniepooh, don't on the aircon if possible. and the fan cannot blow at you directly also.

Shainie, that is very +ve! Good to hear that? Yes, who knows you will conceive naturally after tt? Try to have one made in Nov la..holidays not so stressful

miracle, I am adopting those "Don't pin too high hopes" or "be +ve" attitude. I am trying to go with the flow naturally and try not to think so much. Hope Dr Loh's magic hands will work on me and all of you here!

Congratulations Susan! So happy for you! Are you the one who make it with no more frozen??
Susan, good level! I know RH testes BT very early at d14/15. KKH only tests at d17/18. So on KKH standard u r at d18 yesterday n the level is good! Congrats! When Is ur first scan?
Grumpus- thank you... Now should take what supplement huh? I only eating folic acid.

Sesame- ya, you still rem.. I only got 3 surviving embbies, no frozen one. Lucky 1 of them cling on n win the war.
dun worry, just continue to take folic acid first. after heartbeat scan, dr loh should prescribe u with prenatal multivits and calcium supplements.
if not u can ask her on the 14th

i miss u by a week, my next visit is on 7th sept.
