IVF/ICSI Support Group

dr loh is right lah. better to do 1st scan a little bit later, closer to 7 wks than exactly 6 wks cos sometimes heartbeat cannot be seen yet at 6 wks then u panic again.

never mind, i'm sure in the next 8 mths will hv a lot of opportunity to bump into each other
Hazel- I have 3 embbies only, all transferred. So no frozen one left

sesame- what I think most important is to relax and treat everything as per normal ( though I also worry at times) I never do anything special or eat any tonics foods cause no one know I'm doing ivf. I go out as per normal everyday. Only things I change is force myself to drink milk, I hate milk. And eat 4 eggs everyday. That's all.

Grumpus- ya we sure got chance to bump into each other, still got tokkie..
Susan, no one knows about my upcoming cycle except one goof friend also. So for tonic side, I can only depend on myself when it becomes busy, sometimes I will depend on TCM. I will try to relax myself.

Btw, u take fresh milk? I only like fresh milk, but I take it warm cos I cannot stomach formula milk leh.
Ladies, I have stock up 2 boxes of immunocal and only intend to take during stage 2. Will it be too late? Cos its too costly, I dun want to start too early.
Hazel- I don't know le cause my af always not accurate one.. Range from 30 to 34 days... So I donno how to count.. Last fri, dr said is early week 4.

Shainie- hope you are feeling better now... Don't give up okie? Dr give me enfamama sample to drink, I chose chocolate flavor one.
Sesame- I don drink milk one, only young time drink. Haha.. Fresh milk is those buy from supermarket chill refrigerator one? Sorry le.. Nvr buy before...
Syrah, currently I taking tcm thus no take any other supplement. Once I start lucrin I will continue on my folic acid and spirulina. I also bought royal jelly but still thinking if i take.. Scare overdose! May iask what brand of spirulina you bought? Sesame, I also bought only 2 boxes of immunocal and intend to take during stage 2 cos that's where all the bloating starts.. Too expensive to buy too many boxes
Its ok Susan, think I wil ask Dr Zou again when I meet her. I asked before and she says its fine, but don't drink it cold. But I rmb someone posted that fresh milk is liang.
<font color="0077aa">sesame
you are also taking leave during stage 2. Hw many days are you taking? Cos stage 2 can range from 7-10days.... as i will be taking as mc, i need to calculate hw many days and when to start as i'm left with 8days of mc...</font>
miracle, I still hv to "reserve" my mc till end of the year so don't think will apply mc.

1st scan of stage 2 is on Day 7. So I might apply leave from Day 9 onwards. So I only need to apply a few days of AL if it stretches over the weekend. I think for the 1st 7 days of stage 2, follicles still quite small, don't think will affect much.
<font color="0077aa">sesame
i dun have AL....=(
i think once bloating starts, and tummy looks big, i will go on mc... It is tiring having to explain to colleagues abt big bloated tummy.
I know some ladies after 1st scan okie le. Think Mic is one of them. Nadia and JJ issit day 9? </font>
<font color="0077aa">sesame
i just asked dr zou abt milk. She say now we just need take low fat high calcium milk, those sold in supermarket one can take. =)
sesame_oil, i do have a "little" bloated tummy. But Dr Zou mentioned that considering the no. of follicles i have, I looked good. So it varies from people to people.
I can't tell for sure if my BBT raised after taking Dr Zou's med cos only started taking BBT mid last cycle till now. Today is CD25 and BBT was 36.5 this morning.

Yes should be doing FET in Sep cos Angela suggests 3rd cycle after fresh mah...
Did BT for E2 and progesterone yesterday which will be able to confirm what Dr Zou said. Results later.
V.scan on D24 yesterday also also showed that lining no good, too thin so this month is really not a good month to do FET. During natural FET, if lining no good can take med to boost it before ovulation.

Your BBT is good for CD19.
Are you with CARE too?
Sesame and syrah, how many tablets of spirulina are you taking per day? My recommend dosage is 8 tablets 2x a day, if I'm taking other supplements may decide to reduce to only 1x a day.
<font color="0077aa">sesame
yah... Nw doing accu.... Yah need to warm it,..
I very prone to bloating de.... Just hope i wont hv bloating then no need get mc frm dr loh....</font>
minakochang, I am only taking 10 tablets 1 time per day after meals. But my friend told me 10 tablets does not have any effect. So I am considering to take 5 tablets 3 times per day after I stop my TCM.
I'm taking the gnc spiralina. I'm not religious with taking all the supplements everyday now. Mainly folic n conceive well now that I'm on Lucrin. Those other supplements I took prior to start of ivf.
miracle, actually getting an mc is good also so that you will not be so stressed up during stim and can relax while shuttling btw Dr Zou and KKH.

Happy acu!
ladies - wat is spiralina for?

miracle - my nose super duper notti this time round! no sign of recovering now too!!

sesame - my hubby cannot sleep with aircon, so I suffer with him lor. hide under my blanket, if not enuff sometimes I snatch his portion then he'll complain to me in the morning hahahaha
Susan, sorry to interupt this forum.
You transferred only one n got bfp?
Coz, i'm having one embby too from my 2nd attempt. Had somehow given up to do 3rd fresh. But I'm worried my one and only embby will not survive thawing.
winnie, spirulina is good for general well being. I don't know about other benefits. Maybe to build up immune system?

You mean your hubby cannot sleep without aircon? Orh, like that then your running nose can stand it ah?
when I hv running nose, I will sleep separate room from my hubby cos with air con, my running nose will not recover de and it is no good as the air from the air con keep ciculating with all the bacteria. In this crucial period, both of you also cannot afford to fall sick.
<font color="0077aa">winnie
spirulina contains plant protein. Actualli for overall well being. So not a must to take. Just that used to take it, and last time my massage lady recommend, so i just continue lor.
U can go google on elken spirulina, the benefits are listed.</font>
sesame - my hubby cannot sleep without aircon, my nose cannot stand last nite so this morning my hubby complain my nose very noisy but he just let it be cos he knows its stuck! but I think tonite I better sleep in the study room with door and window open wide!
blurlet: FYI, I am taking Immunocal daily (regular basic even after pregnant). In fact, i always share with sisters from this forum, so if you want we can share.

For those who are interested, JFYI inside 1 box there are 30 pouches and its cost S$100. If order 10 boxes will get FOC 1box so the ave cost will bring down to S$90.90 (still cheaper than OG 5% discount).

I always have one to share with me and each can take up to 3 boxes each so last us at least 3 mths. so if anyone wants can share together. Eg 11 boxes share with 3 person or more persons (however for this offer, the Company only allow deliver to 3 places).
winnie, ya, think you need fresh air and not air con room. Just bear with it for 1-2 days and I am sure u r able to sleep with your "Ah Lao" v soon

Su_yana, We never try, we never know.
Best of luck.
sesame - I think he'll miss my "karate" kick very much! wahahahaha. I take vit c every morning still can get this stupid flu, its time to change another brand
Mic : Sorry I didn't really follow the past post so I am not sure about your case and esp your dosage. I remember last time KK gave me too high iu started from 500iu and then increased to 700iu at the end my stimulation also shorter less than normal (9 days). I remember Dr Zou did mention too short is not good, normal should get 9-11 days.
<font color="0077aa">Mic
yeah i remembered you are one of those with short puregon jabs =)

supplements need to take for 3 months to see the effect. so now that you've started, just continue with what you're taking. Else supplements will be never ending =)
Try look for vitamin C that are known as Ester-C. erm....i cant remember what is the difference. But from what i can remember, Ester-c is more easily absorbed into our blood as compared to Vitamin C.</font>

Winnie: Since you are with Care, u can check with Angela whether immunocal will benefit u. JFYI, I learnt from sisters here who mentioned immunocal and since then taken till now(I think my immune system has improved so far when my HB sick I am fine, during my IVF journey and till now)
