IVF/ICSI Support Group

the other ladies here may be in a better position to comment, but i also dont understand why need to abort just because you have more follicles?

a few of us here are with prof wong, and so far, our experience with him has been alright....sorry that yours did not turn out ok and you are looking at switching clinics.

did you ask him what went wrong?

<font color="0077aa">tokkie
thanks. Will go check it out.

congrats!!!!! So happy for you!!! Now i feel so much motivated....
Try taking oats. Think it works for some ladies... So happy!!!! Heee</font>
take small meals to ease the bloating. bloating is one of the symptoms of early pregnancy and may follow u for the 1st tri, so no choice can just manage the situation only...
1 Sep, 2 more days !!
Should be more or less accurate !!
If u have spare hpt just test 1 more time on BT morning .... I like to see how it turns positive !! cos try many years &amp; nvr seen a positive hpt until now...

U can try lingering around kkh nearby cos for me I opted to go back in the afternoon around 3pm to get the oral supports &amp; book the 1st appt for scan...
grumpus - omg.. i already hate this feeling. Tot is less exercise so just have a shopping at hougang mall. But cannot walk much, my leg feel the suan suan.

JJ - most probaly i will go home first, sure dh not allow me alone at there..
it's a happy prob

can take slow walks lor with more rest stops in between.
i find sitting upright between meals also helps.

some ladies say taking gassy drink like 100+ or ginger tea helps them 'burp' out the gas and ease bloatedness. but it doesn't work for me cos i dun burp very well.
u may want to try.
100 plus help me ease abit of bloating ... but i feel generally soupy food or porriage type food will help the bloating ...

or can just keep farting &amp; burping lor ... I'm still farting &amp; burping ... then sometimes will have bloatedness after a meal
mic, congrats!!! must collect the baby dust from u le....
we're supposed are Aug cycle buddy but due to my late AF, at the end i do my ET 2sept.

My GonalF dosage is 300iu and am 34. Your entire IVF cycle has been aborted ? How many follicles did you then had ? Dr Cheng is very firm that I should not proceed with Fresh cycle transfer as he have his patients interest at heart. But he still allows me to continue my gonalf jabs so that I can have a decent yield.
yes, the cycle was aborted becos it is likely that i will develop OHSS if I continue. I did not continue after the aborted cycle. Thot of changing clinic.
How many days of Gonal F did you inject? Thanks.
mabbe you should also consider sticking it through with the same doctor coz afterall, the doctor knows your history and what does not work for you.

its personal preference i guess but sometimes i dont like changing clinic/doc coz gotta go through the whole medical history etc etc again. also every doctor is different and every lab is different, then new doctor may order the same tests again...

just my personal opinion lah....
tokkie! *wave*!
Me will be on natural FET, how abt you????

Went to my 3rd scanning this morning, i was told my biggest follicle already "gone" due to my ovulation. Checked with the sonographer &amp; doc on duty, lucky both said it will not affect anything... phew...
Mel : haha.... Me on medicated fet. Coz I wana control as much as possible. Just finished ocp yest. Now waiting af to visit so tat can fix my doc appt. Hope for gd news this time rd. Let's jiayou together!
what is the bb asprin for? I am to start lurin on 8 sept. hubby said to try ivf without tcm, but I would want to improve my chances with good vit. Besides folic acid and chicken essence what will be good?
Blurlet : bb aspirin is usually prescribed. It's to help to thin the blood and improve blood flow to the womb. As for folic acid is help to prepare for pregnancy, more for the foetus when pregnant, to prevent some disorder or something when it's in the early stage...
miracle, I am still here and am become a silent reader cos I got nothing to post and the thread is running too fast for me to catch up..Sometimes I only do speed reading.

I will be starting my jab in mid Sep. Now every week bz with exercise, TCM, and try to drink homecooked soup &amp; fish for at least 3-4 times per week.

I will try to update when I start on my jabs..Now getting jittery as the day approaches..Wonder hw I will react?
Ladies, just want to share if you are taking Brands chicken essence, can call up Brands @ 1800-7324748 to order. It is cheaper and delivers to yr hse with a minimum order of $100. I work out, if the normal chicken essence is only $14.50 per box. You can mix with other types like the inner shine berry or cordyceps etc.
<font color="0077aa">sesame
you are doing so much preparation work! Come to think of it, im not eating healthy lately. Practically just grab whatever thats within my reach. What soup you drinking? Im trying to take fish 2-3 times a week. But im just not as disciplined as you. Looks like my jab will start 1 month after you. Cos my sept af only come on 21st sept. </font>
miracle, in fact I hv been exercising regularly since Jan this year. Dun worry, I am not eating v healthily for every meal also. Other than these few days, I will dine outside. Sometimes is junk food also.

Sometimes I will cook sweet corn, red carrot, Huai San, lotus root soup. Sometimes also out of ideas. And sometimes I also lazy...so will only drink 1-2 days per week. Mabbe will cook black chicken soup this weekend.

Hw come you know your af will come on tt day??
<font color="0077aa">sesame
my af is a 35 days cycle mah. so can calculate lor. so far on the dot. so by time jab will be 11th oct. sesame, you take dr zou med, got by any chance ur af comes earlier? how i wish mine can be shorter than 35 days. </font>
<font color="0077aa">flowers
hmmm.... So far this aug af is the first af after taking dr zou med for 3 weeks, still on the dot... Not sure abt sept one. But mine 35 already very long, if longer somemore, i sure very sad...</font>
flowers, I hv been jogging, 2-3 times per week and hubby goes swimming as well - 2-3 times per week.

Actually walking is a good form of exercise also. If u got no time for exercise, walking up the stairs is also v good. Bt be careful of the knee cap.

I hv been taking Dr Zou medi for so many mths and my cycle is usually 31 to 36 days during this period, seems to delay after taking TCM. Last time my cycle is a perfect 28 to 31 days Not once so accurate like this mth, only 30 days!!! I tot will only report these 2 days, who knows it report last Thur, but KKH only consider Fri as 1st day and they ask me to jab for 19 days of lucrin!!! I duno y issit so long!!! I keep asking whether they make a mistake and they says its correct.

flowers, I also finds TCM delays my AF cycle. Last time used to be only 28-31 days. After taking the medication, it seems to prolong to 31 to 36 days. Nevertheless, I still continue to take the medication for so many mths. Come to think of it, its already 7 mths!!! I just treat tt I O late each mth lor.
