IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="0077aa">pinkf
i stop my immunocal and Anmum. so many things to take, can't find room for them le..haha...so thinking will keep my immunocal to lucrin stage onwards.
As for my Anmum, i will drink at least 2-3 times a week. I also take chicken essence alternate days...haha...but i try take all these when hubby dun see, else he will shake his head....</font>

<font color="0077aa">soul
yeah! I'm also with Dr Loh. Then we can be cycle buddies! =)

dilute in water then just gulp down. easy mah. Thong Chai need brew leh..more troublesome.

Remember take Vit C too. Guess for immune bah. cos Dr Loh only ask me take folic and vit C. But I kiasu, take more. I married for 6 years going to 7 le....now then have the courage to try IVF. hee....=)

Don't worry, you are not the oldest..Will BFP this round!</font>
I don't know how to squeeze my Ensure and Immunocal. Mabbi should bring to office and drink. *lol*

There are alot of us here with KK. But I'm with NUH. I was with Thong Chai too and I'm more impatient than u. I tried abt 3 mths ad I stopped. No time to brew and very mafan lo. Guess I'm lazy. Yes, Dr Zou med is in powder. Its ok lei. If you can take Thong Chai one, powder should be no problem.
<font color="0077aa">pinkf
yah lor, bring to office drink as breakfast lor since ensure can replace be a meal replacement.

Maybe I take Immunocal on weekends. haha...cos must drink on empty stomach. </font>
miracle, ya. If I remember, I will take Ensure on weekends. :p

Every morning after take those supplements, I will feel bloated then will want to go toilet. *lol*
<font color="aa00aa">morning! fever came down thankfully, now 37.2 degrees, so think just borderline?! Leg also much better, at least can shuffle along now

Now am feeling famished! haha. Going to find food!!!</font>
Morning ladies,
This morning gave me a fright..i went to toilet to pee, then saw 50cents blood stain on my panty. Tis happened afr I injected puregon yest nite at 11pm (1st day). My spotting stopped completely on 2 Aug...but tis morning got spotting again. I called up KKIVF, nurse told me its normal as long as not full flown.

I stopped putting panty liner on Wed but now afr the puregon injection yest nite &amp; seeing the blood stain tis morning, i got to put panty liner again.

Any1 experience spotting afr puregon injection?

Tis IVF path is making me stressful.
shoes - bring BFP back for us !

went for my day 18 scan today, my 10mm follicle disappeared completedly
now my left ovary has 9mm follicle. doc ask me to go back next tue (day 22 scan) to see how. sigh....
looks like i may have to go for medicated FET next cycle since this cycle like got not much ovulation gg on...
Ladies- Anyone taking DYDROgesterone 10mg tablet? I got some to spare, given by KKH. But now seeing pte gynae, taking another type of med. Pls PM me. THKS
yup, hopefully AF will report on 15th Aug... dun delay any more... Mine also on natural one, pray me will ovulate &amp; follicles will reach ideal size
yup, since stage 1.
I find very difficult jab in the night at same time. Sometime back from Dr Zou there oledi late and sometime have other activities.
pinkf: my menses still come out as brown. Not yet red. If considered brown as Day 1, mine is punctual. Maybe you waited for a week, before you check with the nurse. Coz i have read at one of the forum, some of the miscarriage gals have delayed menses too.
When to see Dr yesterday. Lining only 5mm. But Dr say is good for a start. Going back again next week and see if i can proceed with FET... haiz.. so sad ...
morning gers

Today is my 1st delivery of tingkat meal: Mum's Cooking.

Peeping at the food looks nice ... today's menu is:

1.) Nonya Fried sliced pork with apple
2.) Deep fried tau kwa with fish paste
3.) Green Vege
4.) White Fungus chicken soup

The container does state that no msg is used... I will take it as it is ...

going to eat lunch later at 12pm ... I'm trying to set a schedule during my 2ww so i won't just laze around .... haha
<font color="0077aa">JJ
looks yummy!
2ww you are suppose to rest well for at least the 1st week. so do laze more. Sound like you are in a tip-top condition for tmr ET!
Any idea what preparation for our body must we do between ER and ET?</font>
i couldn't help worrying abt my blood stain on my panty afr the 1st injection of puregon. So I called KKIVF again. Nurse told me some patients will experience tis coz we r stil on lucrin jab. Ok, now at least feel relax afr hearing.
jj - am drooling just reading your menu. enjoy your lunch

mel - yup all the uncertainties with the follies. just hope they cooperate !

bbrj - your doc measure lining ? my doc only measure follicles. how many days is your scan yest ?
baby33, I thought whenever Dr measure follicles, he will also measure lining. Else, how to decide whether or not can go for ET after ER. Hmmm... I am confused as well.

Yesterday's scan was day 14. I am also not sure of the actual procedure now. This is my first FET. Which hospital are you with?
Miracle - if u with dr zou, she will request that you come back to her (if possible) from ER date to ET date .. so she can help to do 'last min' acupunture before ET date.

Think still continue with the supplements list &amp; have positive mindset would be the rule during the ER --> ET dates ...

I submitted my mc liao ... they didnt request a copy just ask me to retain in for 1yr in case of audit ... (^_^)
<font color="0077aa">JJ
yesterday 1st appt with dr zou.
she told me go twice a week till ET. were you going 2x a week previously?
Yup going twice a week plus eating herbs, but i dropped the herbs portion once i started ivf jabs. inform dr zou on this she is ok with my decision.

Nearer to yr ER, like last day of scan &amp; before ER she will ask u come back daily for accupunture. She will even open the backdoor on wed (her rest day) so can accomodate daily accupunture. She is a very nice lady.
ladies, i need your advice lah.

I feel like quitting my current job coz i dont feel motivated working here anymore. When i got my degree, they promised me to promote me but until now im doing admin job. I thot i will stay here first because after embarking ivf, think will get pregnant. Now after my ivf failed, thot of changing job but worry new place and new job scope will give me new stress and difficult to conceive. My brother have say his intention to ask me to work for him with my current salary but no bonuses. Scared we cant cope financially as my hubby is not drawing high salary either and at least with the bonus, i can have some standby for medical and etc. Coz now we have loan to settle and with our current pay, just enuf for our mthly expenses. I really dont wish to stay here as sooner or later, we will be merging with china company and i heard tehy preferred chinese. In this company, left with 2 malays only and we not sure what will happen to us in future. we got no retrenchmnet benefits also.
just finished my lunch ..
Yummy !!
The soup is not those diluted type, it taste quite like my own mum's soups ...
the portions of meat n vege is slightly more then 1 person. I'm so full now ...
JJ - Their portion so that explains their charges too.

now I'm waiting eagerly for shoes to announce her BT result!
<font color="0077aa">P
you can get royal jelly from GNC. they have in capsule and liquid (royal jelly + honey) form.
According to the lady in GNC, liquid can be easily absorbed into our body. Having to take many other supplements in capsules, I chose royal jelly in liquid, like the honey taste.
See whichever is convenient for you =)

you mentioned that you co is merging and that leads you to having to leave sooner or later. Perhaps you can try to look for a new job in the meantime... and also see how this merging will affect you eventually. Working for family members may not be stress-free either.
Changing a new job, you may have to look into the terms and conditions in applying HL and ML. But i understand that there are bosses who are rather pro-family. Too bad, in sg, difficult for us to take a break and ttc...
Doing ivf, ttc is already stressful for us, try to work out what is the better way. Take care. Discuss with your hubby. </font>
Hi ladies,

I need to get some advise from ladies who ever need to abort IUI process due to follicle not growing.

My scan at cd12, one 8mm follicle at right ovary. Scan again at cd15, one 9mm follicle at right ovary and one 10mm follicle at left ovary. Scan again at cd18, my follicles had stopped growing and in fact they are getting smaller. Fertility doc told me to abort IUI this cycle. He increased the dosage of the clomid for next cycle and see if my follicles will grow to the mature size b4 proceed with IUI.

I felt veri disheartening. I need to wait for another mth again. Months and months of frustration n disappointment. I m wondering since my follicles dun respond well wif clomid, should I proceed with SO-IUI. Do injection to help my follicles to grow. Instead of taking clomid pills which might cause my linning to be thinner.
Should I suggest SO-IUI to my doc? But my fertility doc is those type who likes to do things step by step. There was once I told him since iui successful rate is veri low. Why not do ivf straight away. He insisted we shld try at least 3 times of iui. But time wait for no man. Our sperms and eggs are getting older each day. And the chances of successful IUI/IVF will be lower also.

If you were me, what will you do?

I so agree that working in family biz is even more stressful then working for others, sometimes have to work beyond hours. so now I'm thinking if I shld take a break during puregon stage
