IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Potato chip AND Peacy,

GONG XI GONG XI...pls take good care.

BTW PC, u mentioned to take more Zinc food, can you share what are they?


chicken has been jab with hormon jab in order to make them grow big and quick.and the hormon can disrupt our hormon balance. bean can affect the quality and give more problem to women who has eggs problem.
Hi Candysweet,

Heh..I went on Sat Morning. 1 x Herbs for hubby to 'bu' his spermies & 1 x herbs for me to take tomorow to 'gel' the sperm & egg together??!
Strange hor?

I seeing him again next weekend... sigh got to wait for 1.5 hours.
Hi Peacy,
No problem just take care of yourself and dun move too much during this crucial period. Have a good rest ya?

Hi Sunrise,
Oh it is? I went in the afternoon so didn't get to meet you. Huh? your herbs can be taken the next day? Mine have to wait till 10th then I can consummed. Now hidden inside one of the paper bags. Dun dare to put out cos afraid mil will find out and query. My hubby have two packets of herbs..hmm dun tell me he is more serious??? aiyo, next time if I go and see sinseh must ask him whether is my hubby's condition is not too good.

He said that he will give me a very strong medicine and my hubby take twice before we can ml. hmm.. so try first. Maybe you want to go in the afternoon? We dun really have to wait that long for him you know. 1.5hrs quite long leh.
Hi renee
I think the only symptom I have around D9 onward was bloatedness and I think it is due to OHSS. I remember reading somewhere that if you suffer from OHSS, the chance of conceiving is very high. Do you have any symptom?
Peacy.. Best wishes & congrats!on ye triplets!
Juz pass on ALL housework to HB.. hehehe

Yah, I think the herbs for yr HB for him to 'bu' the sperms.That was what the sinseh told me. ah, make it stronger so can swim better to the egg. So when u going again?
Hi sisters,

Sorry for not posting for a long time. I have returned to work for more than a month and was really busy. I was also outstationed in US for 1 week+ and just return yest! I'm really worn out man!

I see that our old friends like P-chip, peacy etc had suceeded. Congrats!!! How abt tnsw, adria etc? Any good news to share?
Good morning ladies,
Rainy day and gosh I'm drenched and totally wet when arrived office. Now like ruo tang ji.

Ya I guess that herbs is to help him on strengthening his sperms. Maybe wasn't listening to what he said cos focus more on his sneezing..hahaha afraid that he will sneeze at me. Probably next year then will see him again when I've confirmed my ICSI date with the doctor.
Have you started the IVF program yet?
Hi peacy,
I had OHSS a very bad one during my fresh cycle. It happened right after ER.It got worse after ET.Then the following one I was like a 4 month pregnant woman. even my neightbour went blur.Though the nurse told me I got good chence... Now mind is FET ,so it won't be OHSS.yesterday I felt a bit of cramp.But don't know it was due to me been eating rubbish whole day or my mensus is coming.
those who start to bloat up are normaly end up with alot of eggs. good la!!just bear with it a bit ok. take care ya.
Hi renee
as what other sisters had said, different pple have different symptom. In fact, I do not have any symptom at all beside OHSS when I tested positive. So you must hang on and be positive.
Tons and Tons of baby dust on you.
Thank you so much peacy. I'm sure you are the mommy here with the most BB dust to share.I'll hold on all the way. I promise!!
Peacy, congrates on having triplets!!

blurblur, I tot i felt bloated soon after starting Puregon. Maybe I am just growing fat

I have just gone for my scan this morning Day 8 after Puregon. There are about 16-17 follicles and ranges from 6.5 to about 10/11. A handful, maybe about 6/7 are in the range of 10-11mm. Need to continue for 3 more days and scan again on Mon.

Renee, to your question, so is 16/17 a lot. And I also have no idea whether this sizes at this stage (Day 8) is considered good.

Oh yes, maybe the egg white help. I try to eat 4 everyday but only manage to do it every other day. But at least I will have 2 a day. Thanks for the tip.

So blurblur, remember to eat more eat white.
Congratulations to PC and peacy!!

Do take care and rest well.. do remember to sprinke tons and tons of bb dust around here whenever you pop in.
You are most welcome, didi.

Thanks for the info, Peacy.

tch, me too. I also tot I feel bloated. Today, when I wear my jeans and it feels tight...may be I am also getting fat

I read somewhere that the follicles are considered mature when they reach 18-22mm.

So soft boiled egg white will help to reduce the bloatedness?
i was about the same as you. we respond to puregon very well.i started to have alot of folicles at day 6. then the following scans were getting more ang big also.But I did not get OHSS so early.yes 16-17 is consider many.Do you have any prob with ovulation all these while?(which I don't think you have,cos ppl who has prob ovulate won't have so many)I was on 150 iu for puregon. what about you?at the end I got 23 collected.according to nures it's alot. but only 9 fertilized.

Egg white is to help us to reduce bloatedness.and for ppl who are trying through the natural way egg whites are for growing good egg.(if i am not mistaken)I was told to eat lot of egg whites after my DR saw my OHSS got so bad.
In fact I was lucky that DR reduced my puregon by half of the norm.Otherwise I think I won't be able to take the pain and bloated belly.of cos, the money also by half la. He he....
Do you have prob ovulate every month? Normally Dr will base on your fertility prob like PCOS or iregural mensus to prescript the dosage.The norm I remember he said is 280-300iu.For me I don't have any above that's why he went ahead with very low iu.and I had 1 so-iui with him and my respond was shown in the record where he could judge more accurately.
i have prob inserting the images from the Emoticons. somehow everytime I type in the tag a box with a cross appear instead of the image.anyone can help? I did follow the instruction though.
Hi Renee, I ovulate every month as I charted my BBT very day b4 i start injection. The only problem we have is me having endometrosis
Hi CandySweet,
I think I will be seeing him for several months for him to monitor my body.

not on IVF yet.. but my gynae told me to be prepared to undergo the programme if my HB next SA is bad and if we still cannot preggie naturally by Feb. So I only got 2 cycles more to go....
Hi Sunrise,
Oh i c, he is not a bad sinseh and I'm sure you will be in good hand. It is good to be mentally prepare for the worst and in fact IVF/ICSI is not as bad as we think. Look at some of the sisters here that have succeed. It is really encouraging.

I'm preparing to do in Jan 06 once confirmed that this month still can't conceived... heheheh
in that case your Dr may want to be very sure you'll able to grow more eggs...rather than waste the whole cycle loh.don't worry, he a Dr. he knows better what's the best for you.
renee, that's good leh. u save half the cost. I am on 300iu though i don't have problem ovulating. It's male infertility problem.

Blurblur, accordingly, the egg white is to help stimulate the follicle.
looks like your chance very good.Normaly,if the woman is not the prob.first time sure strike.not like me,got unpleasant environment for emboys to find a comfortable place to embed....don't worry,you sure successful one!
hi peacy

My pregnancy has eased since taking some bird nest. You can try that as it alleviated 50 percent of my bloatedness. What abt you, how do you feel now? Wow, triplet, very xiong hoh. You have to eat more nutritious food than us ok
hi renee, missmoon

didn't write for sometime liao. cos' at home, too lazy to login.

anyway, i had my ER & ET. now into my 4th day. my results for ER was not good. prof only managed to retreive 6 'eggs', out of which only 3 make it and is now in me. which means to say if i fail this time, i have can't have any FET liao... so sad. i was so disappointed after hearing it.

saw prof yesterday cos i have been vomitting for the past 2 days. prof was quite puzzled why this is happening. he reduced the dosage of my medicine cos' he say maybe my body cannot adjust to it yet. will need to go back to him again on Monday.

other than that, i don't feel anything thing else. kind of worried leh... sigh.
u hv me for company. i only had 5 eggs retrieved, and none left for freezing too. so dun worry, ok? you're not alone. as for symptoms, every body is made differently, so symptoms may differ. i didn't have any symptoms other than some occasional cramping at lower abdomen. as for your vomitting, maybe it was delayed reaction fr the GA on ER day? in any case, prof will monitor u closely, so try not to worry too much and must stay positive

Just wondering has anyone being discovered to having cyst on day 2 (but menses didn't arrive yet) and it will 'come' out together with menses ? anyone has such experience before ?
