IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congrats Potato Chip
so happy for you, pls take good care okie.

Hi Didi, how are u? Just started my Puregon today

Thanks tch, I was very much encouraged by all of you and so glad I took the first step. Now I am feeling a little sick, not sure if it is the effect of Puregon. Do you feel headache and nausea?

Renee, must have faith. I am sure you can make it and join all the MTB

Hi Vege,
ya, too been busy with work and finally the project is over so quite relief. Yes, with KKH and starting next year Jan 06. Now trying to get my body back to well condition. A bit worried though cos my office is renovating in April and just got the news today so a bit sian. No problem will keep you ladies update abt the progress. How abt yourself? hope you are recovering well.

Hi tomatoes,
ya.. bu zhi bu jue, your BBG 5mths liao. hehehe learn to "fan1" and teething period. must take extra care ya?

Hi Potato Chip,
Wow congrats!!!!! TWINS. I wished I would also have twins hehehe.. take extra care ya? keep us update of your progress too. really happy for you. I told my hubby that one of the sisters have twins and he is very happy too.. boosting his confident in IVF/ICSI.

To the rest of the ladies,
Take care too and hope to hear more good news from you all.
Hi BlueBlur,

You are starting puregon already ? me on the seven days of Lucrin, when do we starting injecting Puregon ? is this your first attempt at IVF, I am really afraid and needed to hear more success stories.....
Wow Potato Chip, congrats!! Twins, wow that's my dream!! So happy for you

Peacy, keep us updated too ok. Then we can collect more twin babies dust! Hehe... so greedy

Hi Shasha,
You said yr TCM place is YYS @ PS. But sorry, what does it stands for? Eu Yan Sang at Plaza Sing?
By the way, did yr doc explain why you're given Suprefact? Is it to control the high testosterone level? Cos I've that condition but I wasn't given that by KK's protocol.

Hi blurblur,
I'm with Dr SFLoh at KK. You too?

Renee, you take care too. With your reported food cravings and all, sounds like good news coming!
Stay positive. Jia you!
Hi blurblur, yes the lucrin makes me a little nausea and gives me headaches as well. Also makes me constipated.

didi, fyi, I started my Puregon on Day 18.
hi p chip,

CONGRATSSS!!!!! twins!! so happy for you
must take good care hor

hi tomatoes,

i think i will get to see you and BBG at last this saturday.. kekeke... bb is fine now.. 14+wks liao
Hi Didi,

yup,I have endomentrosis and my doc advised that I do ivf as mine is quite serious. I was on lucrin depot (one jab that will last 3months), had it in sep 05 and now starting on puregon. As for when to start puregon, i heard from pple ranging from 14 days onwards (maybe the other ladiescan help on this).

In a way, I was quite blessed to be spared from the daily lucrin jabs (I am totally terrified of needles) but no worries,you will be fine
I managed to muster enuff courage to poke myself this morning of course with the encouragement of the nurse, DH and all the sisters here
I am really grateful.

And yes, this is my 1st attempt. Like you, I am also afraid but have to stay positive no matter what so forum like this is very useful. I am sure there are more good news to come.

Hi ladybird,

I am with Dr Sheila Loh.
Ladybird, forget to ask you abt ur refresher course today...what time did you reach KKH. I was there ard 7.30am and left abt 10mins later.

Hi ladies,
just curious, any one know if we can still continue our daily skin care regime during ivf cos I saw in the earlier postingto avoid heavy makeup?
Hi blurblur,
I was there very late ard 4pm plus. My DH gave me the lucrin injection under the nurse's guidance. Besides that we both kena poke on the arms cos our those hepatitis, hiv blood tests already expired. Have do it again.
Now, I hope I won't get the side effects of lucrin. I got a driving test on monday!
P_Chip.. Congrats congrats!! Am going green with envy. twins leh!!

The herbs from MP sinseh is it 3 bowls water boil to 1 bowl? Basically, u start boiling 3 bowls of tap water... place the herbs in.. and monitor it for 30 mins. usually 30 - 35 mins later, it will be about 1 bowl. Ay Ya, I also agar-agar lah.

BTW, was wondering if I may have seen u last Sat? U at the MP sinseh then?
harlo, candysweet1,
read you looking for me, huh..i am very busy with work and other personal commitments....how are you and yr progress?

potato chip,
so glad to hear yr good news after me being absent for so long.....cheers and take good care of yourself during the next few months, hor...
Hi Sunrise,
Good morning to you.
I've seen the MP sinseh on Sat in afternoon. During that time, there are quite a nos. of pple and saw a couple came in when it is abt our turn. Not sure are you one of them.

Ya, they have given the instruction to brew 3 to 1 bowls. But they told me to brew abt an 1hr and the sinseh given me a packet contain very strong herbs. Dun dare to keep in the cupboard cos afraid my mil found out and start querying abt it. How many packets did he give you? I have one and hubby 2.
Hi hi tnsw,
so nice to hear from you. Yap yap.. all of you suddently "disappear" from the thread.. so better find out where are you ladies "hiding" too... hehehe
How is your boy doing?

Oh I went to see MP sinseh and given some medicine to take but one side ovary is very weak. If I go for ICSI next month then will continue to see to help me strengthen my ovary. hehe the only problem is now have to take the medicine... sigh I think I have to couple with some sweets to take the medicine..

I don't know the reasons why Superfact is the choice of drug, I think it is just NUH protocol, I have read some thread that they were diven different medications. I think they are the same function but justslight different depending on the clinic you go to. From what I know, everyone in NUH were given Superfact, different dosage depend on your blood works follow by GonalF again different dosage.Then one time jab that is 34 hrs B4 ET.
Hi good morning ladies!!!

I guess my cravings are just being too boring and start thinking of food only la.cos, besides eating what else can I do??he he... well of course I do hope what you say would turn out to be true. Thank so much for your positive taught for me. I will jia you!!

Yes, I'm holding on my faith. Hopefully can be the good news maker,and give more motivations to all our sisters here. YOu know what? I've been hoping I'll be able to give others BB dust all these while you know? Ha ha....

Hi didi,
ya I've long for a child since 2 years ago... This is my first FET. Failed my fresh cycle in oct.I have no more frozen embryos left though. So I hope I need not to go through from the scratch again.
Thanks to all SISTERS here. Will be extra careful from now on.

Lotsa of
to all sisters. Enjoy yr Christmas and CNY, guess I wont be having any Christmas and CNY shopping for this year liao.

Hi Renee

Prof Chen list, hmmm.. yup think i avoid chicken and soya product (but i still take soya sauce). I took chinese herbs after I complete my antibiotics. I stopped coffee from Sunday to Friday (which I oso couldn't believe I managed to do it). Now I do not have the crave for coffee anymore. I did not do hpt prior to my beta test. Btw, try to take more high zinc food which will help in implantation. Remember to stay positive. Btw, I had transferred my very last 3 embries.
Thanks so much potato chip,
I've doing the similar thing as you.I've been on chinese med since 2 weeks before my FET day.But I use kampong chicken for my red dates soup.other than that I eat fish most of my meals.I also take soya sauce sometimes.Oat with milk every mornig,at the same time I take zinc tablets.
Did you see any signs and symtoms while closer to beta test? If I can have positive result, I also don't need any xmas and CNY shopping man!!Ha ha....Thanks again for BB dust. My job these few days would be sweeping and sweeping......
Renee, hope to get baby dust from you soon
and all the best for your driving test on monday.

Potato chip, what type of food contain more zinc?

tch, how are you feeling now? Do you feel bloated?
Hi ladies
Wow! so many msgs but I will finish reading after I post my progress. Just did my week 6 scan today and got a shock of my life. Actually, like wat P_Chip said, I am expecting a twin coz I did saw 2 sacs during week 4. My asethican who is also a gynae scan for me. Today, the sonographer did the V-scan for me and fortunately, she allowed my hubby to go in and see. I didn't manage to see but she did describe in details to me. She started scanning from right to left and very fast, she saw 2 sacs and detected 2 heartbeats. Then...she saw the 3rd sac but unsure if it is a fetus. As she measured the heartbeat of the first and second one, I was holding my breath. Finally, when she reach the third one, and yes, heartbeat is detected. I am still trying to recover from the shock. I am expecting triplets. Both hearbeats were 118 per min and the third one is 112 per min. Even both my mum got shocked. We didn't expect this first cycle to be so successful till we get all the 3s.
So all the sisters out there, hang on k. I am sure all of you will be blessed like me and P_Chip.

A lot of baby dusts on you!
peacy, oh
you are having triplets
congrats, please sprinkle some of your lucky baby dust on me. This is your first attempt ? any special things/ recipe that you can tell us here ???
Oh my goddness peacy!!!
3???? Oh what a great breaking news!! millions of congrats! You are so so so lucky. please take good care from now on ok.

By the way sister,do you mind tell me why you need to do IVF? sorry I miss all the previous posting and too many ppl to remember.I got edenomyosis,and my hubby low sperm count.
Hi didi and blurblur
Yup. This is my first attempt. I don't have any special things/recipes. I just rest most of the time during the 2WW and really pray hard.
I guess age is a factor coz my doc did say that she might only implant 2 based on my age but ended up she still put in 3. We also didn't expect the results to turn out so good.
Hi renee
I need to do IVF is because of my hubby's problem. He got low sperm count and plus a lot of abnormal sperms. We tried 6 time of IUI but we failed and that is the reason why we resorted to IVF.
pot chip,
wow looks like hese few weeks all are having good news man. Hope I can be one of you gals.sister,can I ask your reason why you go for IVF as well?
Thanks peacy for sharing.Since you are not the problem,I guess you have lead a very good chance for IVF.anyway,I'm really very happy for you.

congrats on having triplets. Do take extra care ok ? My fren's sister got triplets and according to her... its really not easy... may need some bedrest at the later stage... her sis bedrest completely in hospital for more than 1 month towards the delivery stage... i really peifu the endurance. Will pray u will have it all smoothly

but really envy u .. can close shop after this...
Congrats Peacy. I hv guessed u either twins or triplets cos yr beta reading was much higher than mine. CONGRATS. (Btw, r u the one who mentioned u are a teacher?)

Hi Renee

I hv the same problem with Peacy. However, TCM said I have cold wombs which caused me to fail 2 IVF.
Hi poohy
That is what the nurse told me also. She said that the most crucial period is around 5th to 6th months. So she said I may need complete bedrest in order not to experience contraction.
Hi P_Chip
Yup I am a teacher.
My beta reading on D26 is 68 000 plus shooting from 24 000 plus from D22. So are you still resting at home?
Do you know your EDD? I have yet to see my gynae.
Hi Peacy

I was not asked to do anymore beta test since my D17 test. I have been working since the 2nd wk after transfer. My EDD is 29 Jul 06. U mean u have been resting since yr ET? So nice.
hi P_chip
On and off I do still go back to school to do some work. They are still continuing with my twice a week blood test till the doc gives further instructions. Really hate the idea of needle poking on me coz I have thin vein and sometimes they need to poke twice to draw my blood.
hi peachy,
congrats, unbelievable, triplets! really happy for u on yr 1st attempt.may i know who is yr re? pls take care of yrself.
Hi Peacy,

Gosh!! Congrats to you on having triplets. It is very encouraging instead and hope can get some BB dust from you and PC. Very happy for you. Must take extra care and let us know your progress ok?
sorry to post this again.

may i ask why shld't one take chicken or soya products while ttc? can someone pls explain?

thanks very much
Hi peacy

Really a big congratulations again!!!
Must really take extra care.... Dun exert yourself hor and have lotsa of rest... Must keep us updated of your progress hor
Hi quando
My gynae is Dr Tan HK from SGH. But Dr Yu Su Ling is the one who monitor my IVF progress. She is the head for Centre for assisted Reproduction(CARE) in SGH. She is an IVF specialist. Heard that quite a few twins/ triplets this year under her.
Hi AH,candysweet1 and tomatoes
Thanks so much for your well-wishes. I am really glad to have support from you gals. I guess it is not going to be easy for me for the rest of the journey. But with your support, I will do what I can to take good care of my babies. will constantly update you all my progress.
