IVF/ICSI Support Group

first of all... you are already very very skinny.. you should see my tummy.. hahaha :p Anyway, see ya for lunch soon..

try taking museli for breakfast. it works wonders for me and it is a very healthy food.

Spiffy, i think refer to employment act.....either this or another one....coz I remember my gf warning me after her case happen:

>>Right to benefit unaffected by notice of dismissal given without sufficient cause
84. —(1) Without prejudice to sections 81 and 84A, no notice of dismissal given without sufficient cause by an employer to a female employee which —

(a) if given before 31st October 2008, is given —

(i) within a period of 3 months preceding the estimated delivery date for her confinement (as certified by a medical practitioner); or

(ii) within a period of 3 months preceding the date of her confinement; or

(b) if given on or after 31st October 2008, is given —

(i) within a period of 6 months preceding the estimated delivery date for her confinement (as certified by a medical practitioner); or

(ii) within a period of 6 months preceding the date of her confinement,

shall have the effect of depriving her of any payment to which, but for that notice, she would have been entitled or would, on or before the date of her confinement, have become entitled to under this Part.
singapoh, I'm supposed to be luckier coz no MS mah..but this headache and bad appetite is really killing me......and I'm trying to avoid taking panadol for the headache though GP says it's ok......quick quick, tri 2 comes quickly....
Rostrum & Happy,

I am just doing my job as a mother. No big deal lah. I am sure both of you and the rest here would give the best to their kids.
Thanks..all the best to you too k..must keep the prune juice in the fridge after you open it. Its healthy stuff that is why..

Heheheee..k lah, will take your advice and not try to loss weight so much so that become underweight in BMI sense...

K k, lets arrange for something next week or the week after, will sms you next week...

Rostrum..Thanks sister..

Now I change from googling about ivf to where to eat in kl...don't know good or bad, i get distracted quite easily..heeee...
being a full time mother not so easy..need to sacrifices a lot of things..sometime i wonder can i do it..therefore i admire those who can do it.
ohhhhh, this is good, Soon-to-be. Thanks.
Yes, i see what you mean now.

babygalore - take care and have fun in KL. The key is positive thinking!
Thanks Spiffy...I am very touched for all the well wishes..heeee
Yeah, to me, KL is singapore's equivalent if not more as a food paradise...sure will makan like siao there ;p
hi babygalore,
hugs, but i am glad that you are very strong about this. All these while you have been giving good advise to sisters here. Do hope you can still come back to join us. But stay positive, never give up in the journey. We can fail but must never give up. Do take a good break, go for holiday and stay fit.
Hi Babygalore
{Hugs}, pls take care! Am sure you'll become a mommy soon! : )

When u r at KL, remember to try Madam Kwan nonyah restaurant at Mid Valley/The Pavilion or if you have time go to KL Tower Resolving restaurant..

Be careful when you are in KL. Don't wear so much jewellery and put all your money in your handbag. KL is not a safe place.

Other than that enjoy your shopping and makan there.

It's very true that being a full time SAHM (Stay at home mum) is not easy at all especially when you don't have any other adult at home with you. I took care of my son after his fullmonth celebration. It was really tough being first time mother. I was so tired as I total breastfed him and got to do everything myself. I had post natal depression and I told myself to be strong, that I can do it.

I am still taking care of him myself now. Only recently I have 1 lady coming in once a week to help clean the house. Other than that, I am on my own and the only help I get is my hubby after his work and weekends.

I have no regret for choosing to be SAHM coz I was there when my son took his first step, first smile, laughter, etc. Motherhood is a wonderful :p
yeah *hands up* i was a victim when crossing the road... my bag got snatched...couldn't even identify the colour of the bike/helmet when i reported to the police later. Too shocked, too fast.
aiyo Spiffy,

I hope you were not hurt. I understand that you were too shocked to identify the snatch thief. I witnessed 2 snatch theft in KL before and I couldn't identify them. Was too shock
today is my 7dpt after fet.. Starting to feel the pre af suan suan feeling cramps... Have a feeling this fet is a failure again.. I also have this pre af cramps when my fresh cycle failed.. Feeling quite down now... I know u gals will tell me i still hv chance as long as i hvt get -ve bt... But i cant help it to feel sad abt it..

I have headache from mon till wed.. I think maybe its one of the symptom.. But now no more.. Instead i start to feel my usual pre af cramps.. Sigh.. By now implantation will have already happened... I dont feel anytin.. I know most people who have bfp will have at least some kind of symptom..
Hi Hazel,

centrum is multi-vit. dhea is for low ovarian reserve. I did 1 ivf cycle in Aug but poor egg qly so did not proceed to ET.

dr loh is giving me these to prepare for next cycle in Jan next year. hope to get better egg this coming round.

anyone seeing tcm and western doc at the same time?

Hugz Hugz. You are a very strong lady and I'm sure one day you will succeed!

See when maybe I can join u gals for lunch too.

Meanwhile, take good care and enjoy ur holiday!!!

And like Singapoh say don wear too many jewellery. Cos now coming yr end and CNY hor, crime rates tend to go up.

Hi baby,

Don think too much at this moment. Just try to relax and be as normal as possible. Who knows you might get a surprise at the end of 2WW.

The keywords are NO STRESS!!!

Hi Liz,

How are you doing lately?
hi eskimobaby, develyn and singapoh
right now i m just taking little bit but more frequent meal..thanks

hi babygalore
hugs on wat hearing from u ... u r such a strong and positive gal i have seen... and yes life still need to go on , and may u find urself get ready again to try one more tme or may natural pregnancy strike ...take care
smgoh, how old r u if u dun mind sharing.

Spiffy, I was not as lucky as u... I was dragged for a short distance n my initial response was to resist being snatch coz I was holding tightly to the straps on my shoulder. I was bleeding n my ankle was swelling. but the motorist did not manage to get away with my handbag. If not, wld hv lost my passport n dh's.
Hazel, wow, you're one plucky woman! I dont know if it's good or bad but now i'm very paranoid of KL. And i have to travel there every now and then for work...always miss home after that (for the safety aspect and traffic). But KL has good and cheap food...that i can't deny!
baby79, breast tenderness..since 2ww until now, 1.5 months later, it's still slightly tender/sore. Nothing much else for me.

Marmite is yeast extract. You can spread on a toast, add in your porridge, soup...

I am quite surprise that you have not heard of Marmite before. Not local?

The food is not as cheap as before in KL anymore. The cost of living has become higher now. A bit expensive for the locals there.

Buy local products when you are in Malaysia coz imported goods are still cheaper to get from Singapore.
baby79, mine was also breast tenderness, with stomach bloatedness in the 1st few days. then 5 days later, i felt light cramps for 2 days as if my AF was coming, followed with spotting....

well that was a scare at the end of the day. i surfed the net for information and the cramp and spotting cld be signs of implanation on the lining.....
Babygalore, hugs...
sorry to hear about your experience but glad to know you have picked up yourself and hubby is full of support to you. Take care and now just be happy and enjoy your life first.

Rostrum, I spent about $10125. Means paid extra by cash/credit of $1125.

Baby, i did feel the 'suan' feeling like pre-AF during 2ww. and other than that i didn't have any symtoms too. No implantation cramp, or bleeding. No nausea or anything. Fatigue - yes, but for me pre-AF also normally fatigue and will sleep more.
Maybe what you can do is do BBT every morning. As long above 36.7 I think should still have chance.
That's what I did to reassure myself.
Oh ya, breast tenderness is one of the effect too, till now and nipple, orea area also darker i found. discharged have more only when i tired or walk slightly longer.
for me i also have breast and nipple tenderness...towards the end of implantation period can feel something like pulling inside.
Xie xie ladies... Thks for sharing all the 2ww symptoms to me..
I hope my suan feeling is a symptom of bfp too... I dont have breast tenderness thou.. I just had my last pregynl injection yesterday... And today is 7 days past fet.. When is the earliest i can test hpt?
Seems like most gals here have breast tenderness... What kind of tenderness? U mean like bigger and painful?

I shall try to test my bbt tml to see whether my temp is above 36.7 not..
er slightly painful around the sides and i *think* they're slightly larger (haha).

vi4n - now that you mentioned it, yes i think there is a slight darkening of the areola.
Last time i used to have sore breasts before af... But abt half a yr ago no more this pre af symptoms..

So many of u here have sore breasts as a symptom... Seems like its a slim chance for me.. Esp when my embryos grade are not too great...
baby, sore breasts is also a pre-AF sign for me so having it during 2ww was a big worry in itself! Better not to speculate as everyone's different...some ppl have no symptoms at all. Let's hope for the best.

same words goes to you as when you console me during my aborted cycle, you are one strong woman and i salute you for that.
Take good care of yourself and enjoy ur break
