IVF/ICSI Support Group

May i ask whether white fungus is consider liang food?
I just had white fungus chicken soup with lily buds, lotus seed and red dates... After drinking then i realise i dont whether i can drink this during 2ww not... I drink two bowls and ate the white fungus...

hi rose,
congrats on your twins.
Take care
dun worry abt loss of weight during 1st trimester.. i lost 4 kg during 1st trimester.. u'll worry abt weight gain in 2nd and 3rd trimester.. kekeke.. just take small meals and eat watever u can.... dun try to stuff urself u'll feel worse..
Haha u really is a living proof that light physical activities and food will not impact chances... I read u did some hsewk right after et when u bk hm... And u didnt cut down on tea and cold drinks and yet get bfp with twins!! Means both yr embryos stick! U r so lucky gal.. Both times yr ivf fresh cycle and fet worked.. I hope this fet can work for me..

After u get yr bfp.. There is no need for the progestrone pessary insert? I tot have to insert thruot the first tri..
Baby i've been given oral Dydrogesterone pills after bfp. So far two months worth.

Suyana, 2nd scan i'll be 9.2 weeks..and yes, first pregnancy.
oops...yes last nite the injection is puregon injection. the nurse says that they wan to make sure my lining is enough so i need to inject lucrin too..
linda, for now I can only eat porridge with dishes. Don't feel like eating rice. Snack with porridge and marmite

Baby, I just do my things like normal but I was still careful though. I try not to carry my toddler too much.

After 2ww, I was given oral Dydrogesterone pills. I am also taking folic acid and Vitamin C.
Its ok since my cycle is delayed for another 1 mth...I tink I m partially at fault too for not specifying which mth's AF I shd use...Well, I wil take this 1 mth to build up my body...and take it easy..I realise once my program is delayed, I can attend most of my company's functions...
Hmm nvr heard of dyrogestrone.. Is it a form of progestrone tats y no need for the insert? Im taking duphaston now with progynova...

Btw wat is marmite? Seems like alot here like it..
Rostrum, great spirit....one month longer to enjoy the good happenings. So now you can look forward for your company gatherings.

Anyway, during my first counselling with CHR, i was already very stressed. I kept asking about the leave i had to take..hehehe...was worried lah coz ppl might not be happy if you are away for too long. Anyway, at the end of it, i cannot be bothered. Went ahead too..
Dun worry too much....since heartbeat can be detected, tt is already a big load off yr mind right? Stay relax!

I went for the counselling alone..cos I din noe tt is the actual counselling...anyway...I come back home and counsel my dh....and he sit patiently there and listen to me...and look at the paper...I dunno whether he is concentrating or not la...bt he seems to me tt he is understanding...I hope the talk next week will get him more involved

Wow, recently really a lot of twins news..congrats Rose!!!
Ya...perhaps it is a blessing too...or perhaps my dad wans me to go and pray him...it is going to be "dong zhi" soon...I was still worrying whether I can go pray him or not if I start this mth and my 2ww will be ard tt period...since now delay, I can go ahead le...

I m also worried abt my HL before I did my IVF...tts y I got the blessing from my boss before I go ahead....and I really v grateful to him for being so understanding..
Convenient to share wif me hw much u spent for yr entire program? Cos our dosage is quite near and I need to b mentally prepared....hee...Thanks!
Hello all sister,

New to this forum. need some advice. I saw dr loh last wk and given appointment to start IVF in Jan 2010 on long cycle protocol. he prescribes me with centrum, folic acid & dhea.

Anyone taking dhea and tcm medicine at the same time?
Thanks Singapoh.
So am I right to say that ivf pregnancy usually, if not, always requires additional support in the form of progestrone jabs or inserts etc as compared to normal pregnancy? Sorry for sounding ignorant...
Hi Hazel
had my jab at 10.30pm, think my hubby hit a vein, got some blood but other than that ok. did not feel any difference.
How's yours?
Oh is it.. Its the same thing ah.. Then how come no need to continue with the insert? I read frm web that progestrone is needed till first tri.. The insert must be continued.. U with kkh? Kkh practise stopping insert after bfp? Or they give u other kind of progestrone support?

How are all coping? Hope all r fine !

TNT n anyone in first trim weight loss.. do not worry at all.. beat my record of 17kg loss.. haha.. is really normal de... as long bb fine, u r fine... weight can gain back later.. =)
develyn, u lost 17kg? That's not good. yes, as long as bb is fine, healthy n gaining weight is fine. But is not good for u as a mother. If pregnant ladies lose too much weight, hv they wonder where does the baby gets his nutrition from to grow? in this case, the baby sucks up all mother's stored resources n nutrition. End up the mother will suffer in the long run n she will know each day she passes. Maybe some women will say, Nvmimd bb healthy can already, their health suffer Nvmimd. But think abt it, a mother is a key care giver, she needs to be healthy n strong also to bring up the child. A weak n sickly mother will not do a child good. For ladies who do lose lots of weight during first trimester n did not manage to put back n gain weight in 2nd to delivery, pls make sure u "bu" during confinement. Just spend n buy all the good stuff n nurse back ur health. That is very impt.
gan, dun inject that spot again. Cld be a vein there like wat u said, coz it shld not have blood. inject slightly lower than yesterday night. I hv been injecting since sat, only one time I hit a vein n saw blood n it will swell a bit. Subsequently I just make sure I dun hit that level again but slightly lower.

I am not sure wat I m feeling now is coz of the jab or coz AF comING. I feel breAtHLESS N I am very warmth.
for sisters who plan to continue breast feed after they return to work, please continue to eat well n healtHy. Because, most outside food has lots of MSG n is oily. So must really be selective. B'cos what u eat, u bb will eat via ur breast milk.

I hv Gfs who dun care, eat fast food, n unhealthy stuff. if So, Wat's the pt of feeding the bb with their breast milk? There is not much nutrition at all. They just think that breast milk save money. But in the long run, is not going the bb good. Also, by 6 mths, can feed the bb with semi solid food already, such as fish porridge, more nutritious compared if the mum breast feed n eat junk outside.
Hi, for those who have BPF with Dr Loh, can I know whether it's going to v-scan or ultrasound scan for the 2nd check up? Going to see my precious little one this week. Should be going into my 10th week liao. Can't wait for Tri 1 to be over......
hi hazel,
thanks for your advise on breastfeeding, fully agree with it. Still need to eat healthy to provide the best milk.
soon-to-be, can't wait for 1st tri to be over too. But then there's another stress factor - I have to tell my boss. Ackkkk. She's a mother but not exactly the biggest hearted woman around.
Muski & Baby,

I wish I have all the answers :p I guess it all depends. Doctor will give you what he thinks is the best. Trust your doc.

We may be seeing the same doc in the same hospital but given different treatment coz we are all different individual with different conditions.

I am with Dr Loh in KKH.
Spiffy, you haven't told ur boss yet? Well, if she's not an easy person to deal with, please only tell her when u r in ur 4th mth (i think so, please check on MOM website). My gf was asked to leave when she told her boss about her pregnany in the 4th mth based on the reason on non-performance (which is total nonsense). She managed to get her compensation after going to MOM.

My boss and my peers, and I think all my staff know liao. Luckily I have a very understanding boss as he knew that I was trying for a family for few years before he recruited me recently again.....8)

I consider tri 1 bad leh, though i don't really have morning sickness, but I have super poor appetite, can't eat but feel hungry all the times...then always feel giddy.....most people tell me Tri 2 will be back to normal, and I should be able to enjoy my pregnancy then...i'm keeping my fingers crossed now....
During the time when I breastfeed my son, I didn't eat instant noodle at all. Also avoid those food that is prohibited in pregnancy like large fish (sharksfin soup, etc) , raw fish, undercooked egg, etc.

I breastfeed my son for 22 months. 16 months of full breastfeeding and the rest supplement with formula.
i am taking the chinese detox medicine "Pai Du Mei Yan Bao" every morning..do u tink i should stop the medicine since i am injecting myself with lucrin and puregon?
U hv a v supportive boss and koligs...tt will help in yr pregnancy too...

U r not only strong, bt v good mother...salute...
I dun tink it is good to take "Pai Du Mei Yan Bao" when u r injecting yrself..perhaps others can give u more opinion...
soon to be, thanks for the advice. Actually MOM does not stipulate a time for employees to inform employers, as long as you let your employer know 1 week before your actual maternity leave!

"Advice to both employees and employers:

Give your employer advance notice before going on Maternity Leave. The employee must inform her employer as early as possible, at least one week before she starts taking maternity leave. She should also reach an agreement with the employer on how and when she intends to take the leave before she starts taking maternity leave. The four weeks of maternity leave immediately after the delivery of her child is compulsory. "
Lina, Tangtang, Eskimobaby, Sunnybaby, Rostrum, Fond, Berrybaby, January, Vi4n, December and all other sisters who are concerned about me.

Hey sisters, its me again. Sorry that I was missing for so long as actually I did not log on after my egg collection because I had very bad after effects of nauseous, bloating, breathlessness, UTI, whole body weak and then things moved very fast that all the next thing that embryologist called, my embies did not develop well and I did not proceed with ET.

Over the last few week, I wanted to give myself a break from ttc and stuff. The emotions slowly evolved, from that of sadness to tiredness and to regaining the energy to enjoy life again. I do not want to over analysis on how this cycle failed as deep down inside, we have really tried our best.

So over the past week, after I got better physically (recovered from the aches after ER, UTI and yeast infection, for your info, cranberry juice from market place and paul yogurt from any supermarket worked better than any other antibiotics on UTI and yeast infection), hubby and myself did a major retail therapy and burnt a big but meaningful hole in his pocket ;p, and will also be going to KL to visit a good friend over this weekend and more shopping and eating.

Sisters, I have not decided on my next step, to do natural or ivf but I never regretted this journey so far. At least, hb and myself really tried our best, I came to know you all, such great girls who showed me first hand what courage, determination and sisterhood is all about
Right now, I am at a stage that I want to regain my flat tummy (I am quite a vain girl
) before the ivf and to enjoy life all over again after these ups and downs for 2 years. And after the past week of resting, I have found peace in my heart again and to leave things to my deity. Actually due to the mcs and ttc over last 2 yrs, I have neglected many other things. So now on my agenda is to enjoy my work that is still intellectually stimulating, cook more good stuff for hubby, exercise more and spend more time on hobbies. So please don’t worry or feel sorry for me because indulging in self-pity is self-destructing.

So to all the sisters who are in the midst of babymaking and planning to start the journey, please continue to show the courage you have shown, love your hubbies for loving you
, take care of yourself in every possible way, stay positive and mostly importantly, love yourself for doing something so noble. Also, most importantly too, may all your baby wishes come through.

Little Mik,
Congrats, little mik, heheheee..I am still tempted to call you little milk as its very cute to my ears
Congrats on your little little mik and have a smooth delivery.

Lina, Eskimobaby and Develyn,
I want to say special words of thanks to the three of you for being so giving throughout and when the day comes for your deliveries, my spirit will be with you all the way…thanks and jia you k sisters..

Newly BFP Vi4n and Linda and Monica and I might have missed out some as I did not read many postings
Take good care and may you girls have smooth 9 month and many bundles of joys in your hands thereafter

Meow, Liz and Lyn,
Thanks for your great friendship, lets continue to keep in touch k

I may not log on as often as possible in future as do not want to keep thinking of ttc but I really hope you girls continue to stay strong, positive and maintain the sisterhood and BFP ultimately. Jiayou and jiayou
Yeah, Rostrum is right, stop taking the chinese detox if you can...don't worry about past doses, if you stop now, you body will flush it out quite quickly.
thanks for the advise..i need to take the pill in order to go to toilet coz i got constipation prob but i tink i will stop immediately coz i dun wan any complication..

also, can i check how would i know whether my egg is good? do i check with the nurse or doc when i do my scan next tue? normally, how long do u inject puregon?

No problem at all...Drink prune juice (those bottled type) if you have constipation. Start from half a cup first and if does not help, increase to one cup a day.
Dear Singapoh, i really salute youfor being a good mother and your courage for not giving up on ivf..not easy to do coz a lot of sacrifice..3 cheers for u..

thank you babygalore...will buy prune juice later..heehee..

i wish you all the best and i believe baby dusts will fall on you very soon..
