IVF/ICSI Support Group

Huh? I didn't know we already paid the money for social woroker counselling....
will make appt for counselling on monday when i collect my lucrin

make the appointment now & fix it on the day u are collecting lucrin. in that manner, u dun hv to keep going down.

go for the counselling late AM, then collect ur lucrin thereafter and lucrin needs to be put in an ice-bag. the one the pharmacy gives u will at most last 3hrs... if not, u bring along a cooler bag... can last longer
hi rostrum, I am starting my cycle real soon

good luck with your appt with prof. you know, its probably a good idea to freeze some sperm sample before ER, just in case DH is not feeling well on that actual day. But fresh sample is always desirable.
or u can go for the 2pm counselling. collect the lurcin at 3-330pm.

PM, KKIVF is not as pack & the wait for the nurse to teach u how to use lurcin will not be as long
gan, u shld hv the social counselling form signed by the doc. there is a no there, call that no to fix appointment.

also on Monday, ask the nurse for the medisave deduction form. complete & return back to them. stage 2 onwards can claim medisave.

i took the forms back home the other time to complete. tomorrow, i will return them
Hi Hazel i have the form signed by the doc but I tot I can don't go fo counselling
will call tomorrow.
counting down to stage 1
have u attend the counseling for ivf?
i am seeing prof also next wed.....yup so we ard same time la..within that wk.

i am also excited....coz is my last hope.anyway me and my huby also got problem..that y decided to go ivf,
su yana,
did your huby sperm improve after vite E and C? my huby took for 6mths also no improvement
Hope, i am not too sure if there was any improvement. Maybe not that great. During his sperm test, Prof did mention it was not good. So before IVF, we actually just freeze his sperm just in case. On the actual day, he gave his sperm. I guess he was also tired on that day as the night before, he had to work night shift. I guess that was also another factor that make his quality not so good on the actual day. However, his sperm did fertilise 4 of my eggs though only 2 were good and the other 2 did not survive.

What I will suggest him to do for our next iVF cycle is not to work the day before ER so that he will have sufficient rest and hopefully can perform better.

One of the gynae i saw in the past did say that his sperm may not be very good but still able to make me pregnant. So like what u ladies said, just need one however that one does not want to appear in him at the moment
suyana, quality of sperms take 3 months to improve though men can produce sperms everyday. Thus, the night before ER will not affect the quality much. But an accumulation of stress n lack of stress n medication such as anti biotic over a period of time will. Google the web u will find more info
Yup im sure icis will help if yr hubby sperms are not too good cos in icis the best looking sperm is picked N injected to the egg.. The sperm dont hv to swim n look for the egg and do not hv to drill into it esp when the sperm is weak and the head is not strong to make it thru the egg.. So icis will solve the prob..
sunnybaby, yes, I'm working. I actually joined a new company after my 2ww. My new boss is an ex colleague and he knew that I am trying to form a family. Thanks god that he's very supportive. My boss and peer level (within the team) all know that I'm preggy now...nowadays when i wake up, i do wish that i can stay at home till my EDD, but it's not practical lar...there are so many things that I wan to buy for the kid, and also the insurance after delivery, all need money and lots of money! hehehehe..

rostrum, yes, i talk to the little one before BT and now....i even made my hubby do it every night nowadays if i can remember....my mummy fren kept telling me now no point doin it coz it won't be able to hear....err..but i think if it's growing in my body now, it can at least feel what i'm talking and how i feel...that's y i am learning to maintain a positive and happy attitude to allow it to grow happily within me. Oh, I'm slowly introducing it to the family members including my dog...hahaha, whenever my dog is noti and try to jump onto me, I will explain to the little one that our dog needs a lot of attention and she doesn't mean to hurt mummy or the little one.....and i'm sure our dog will love and be the little one's companion when it arrives! I wan my little one to grow in an envt with a lot of happiness and love, and that starts from my womb! 8)
Linda, Congrates!! Please take care and eat well.

Sunnybaby, Sorry to hear the news. please try again. do u have frozen embies?
December, thks for the finding...will take note on it.. but too late.. during my 2WW my MIL make me bird nests.. if dun drink she wont be happy.. now know wat might caused my failure.

Spiffy, thks for the encouragement.. its really a gd place to share the experience in this forum

Now am still thinking whether to go for a fresh ivf, its really a pain to go thru it.
Hazel, I'm not too sure which one is it..as this is the 1st time doing it, we jus blur blur and do watever the nurse or dr loh ask us to do....
sunnybaby have you failed ur earlier attempt? don't despair...the nurse was telling me most people will get it during the 2nd attempt....go for it, but remember to be happy and positive and do take care of urself during 2ww.
Hi Lina,

today is my first day taking it..hope no side effects


both inserts and jabs work the same. dont worry too much.. they both work extremely well, there is no doubt on this..usually it depends on the number of eggs retrieved. If you have more that 15 eggs, usually is the inserts..
so far the twins I heard in this forum are all the same sex... Wonder any sisters got long2 feng4 tai1???? Just wondering...
Ashley, will this be your 2nd attempt if you go thru a fresh cycle?

Linda, congrats! you must be super excited! Remember to eat as nutritiously as possible during this period of rapid growth..!
Hi Ashley,

I'm so sorry to hear about your news...

Nvm... Try again and I'm sure you will BFP soon!

Hhm.... if can't tell ur MIL that u are on the program and can't take too cooling food. Maybe suggest you tell her you not feeling well when you do the next round and can't take bird's nest lor. Try to find some excuse or ask ur DH to drink for u. he he...

Let's work hard and hope our dreams come true soon!


All the best and hope everything go smoothly for you!!!
Hi Lina,

I remember previously you posted a link to purhase those online pregnancy test strips. Can trouble you to post again? Cos i saved that link at my home laptop. Thanks!
hi soontobe,
i inspired by your cheerful and positive attitude,must learned from you.
fail 2nd cycle on 22/10..sob sob..
i need a "break" from the needles...

Hi monica,
i have frozen 7 embies , planning next year do FET ..

so happy for you, rest well and have smooth smooth ahead...

Did you insert into your vaginal or rectum? I just insert into rectum and go lor. Never lie down. Where got time lah..

Sunflower, I had over 15 eggs retrieved but I got the oil progestrone jab lei.

We tried IVF after 3 failed IUI cycles and many years of trying. DH's low sperm count improved after taking Vitamin E. Doc couldn't find the cause for our infertility.

We didn't discuss whether to use IVF or ICSI. The lab decided for us.

most pple over 15 will get inserts because of the high risk of OHSS. Once u get OHSS, you cant take jab because it will make u even more bloated and worsen your OHSS.
hi rostrum, spiffy, lina, december and ladies here:
thanks for well wishes...wish wish will be a smooth pregnancy journey ahead

hi hazel and other ladies
me too have 15 eggs..and also given progesterone daily jab...so is reali depends... but the usual practise will be on insert if >15 eggs
linda, but I understand not every one needs the daily progesterone jab or insert leh... I thought below x number of eggs, dun need?
I did my ER yesterday, total 15eggs. This morning CARE called and informed that of the 15, 13 were matured enough to do ICSI. 11 have successfully fertilised. They are planning to extend the culture for more than 2 days.

Babygalore, how was your ER?
linda, pregnyl support also dependent on whether needed or not right? Eg, spotting. Some women just dun need any during 2ww right?

Berrybaby, 2 more days to culture is good right? Higher chance of success?
hi hazel
all this progestrone support are needed in the 2ww (regardless daily jab, daily insert, pregnyl, crinone, etc)..cos is to enable embryos to implant on our uterus, and is very essential in the ivf... bcos is not a natural pregnancy.
Berrybaby, I understand only good quality fertilized eggs can be cultured... It will cost more also.. Maybe the sisters here know more?
