IVF/ICSI Support Group

My prayers are with you Su_yana. Dont worry ya, lets just keep our mind positive

hi ladymiz,
stay positive and rest well...
may i know what support medicine given to you during 2ww, progeterone jab or the HCG jab?

i was given prog inserts ultrogesteron i think... 2 small white balls the size of 1cent coin to be inserted in vagina 3 times a day.
hi soon to be,
i was asking nurse the different between progesterone jab and insertion type, they telling me that jab more effective.
sunnybaby, thanks. wonder how they determine who get the jab and who get the inserts.

i had the inserts, and at that time, i found it quite troublesome esp if need to go out...but then i now feel lucky coz i m reading that the jabs are more painful....
sunnybaby...*nod nod*....did my 7th week scan last Sat...saw the strong though tiny blinking....my precious little one's heart beat...8) Was so excited that i kept asking dr loh, "so that's the heart beat?" 8)
hi soontobe,
a touching moment to see the heartbeat isn't it?
next check up you should be able to hear the heartbeat, enjoy the moment.
lina, soon-to-be, I think seeing the heartbeats sends shivers down my spine. To think they are alive in me is such a wondrous thing. Too bad my hubby will not be available to see the 2nd scan coming up in November due to work. He also missed the first one...
i'm sorry ashley, don't be.. your time will soon be here..i'm sure God has a plan for all of us. I read a touching blog yesterday about this lady in the UK who had 5 failed IVFs and her 6th and 7th yielded a singleton and pair of twins. Imagine if she gave up at the 5th attempt..! So never give up hope.

Hi ladies,

I have been a silent reader. I have just gone thru a failed IUI cycle and have decided to heed Dr's advise and go for IVF instead. Will be doing it in the Dec cycle. Can I check with you ladies, what are the things that I need to look out for or do?
hi spiffy,
how about recording on video or the sound on handphone to show your hubby? i am sure he would wish to be there with you too.
Lina: 2nd scan would be ultrasound or transvaginal scan? to hear the heartbeat/s?? what to expect during our 2nd scan? mine next week would be my 8th week scan.. Nervous!!
lina, i thought of that, haha. i'll bring my digital camera which has better resolution because you know those U/S images are so fuzzy..thanks!
Ladymiz, i really feel for u coz having to go thru ivf twice is not an easy path but u r alreay tired ur best and now juz have to leave it to GOD.... Hope the traces of blood is implantation blood coz i have read from magazine that some ppl had bleeding after ET and still BFP so now juz see how the BT goes and remember there is always a next try. U have come so far so pls dun say give up..
Do u feel weak physically now? Or did u do anything to "bu" back yr body aft yr D&C?
I wld suggest u try the next cycle when yr body is physically ready for it...dun rush into it...
If all my BT results is ok, I will start the 1st jab on 12th or 13th Nov...so we are ard the same time..I m wif Prof...
Hi Ladymiz,
As long as AF did not report, there is still chance to strike...dun give up hope...
Can u share wif us hw bad is yr dh's SA result? Cos my dh's SA result is not very good also and if the chances is low, I might delay to build up his soldiers first...
If u r not comfortable, it is ok...I understand...
Rostrum, is your hubby taking any medication now? Prof suggested him to take Vitamin E to boost up his quality. However, during the day when he gave his sperm it was not too good either but i guess it was not so bad.
After doing my D&C and telling Prof we do want to do it again, he suggested this time Vitamin E and C. If I am not wrong, Vit C can help to so called loosen the sperm if they are stuck together forming clumps.
Maybe you can get your hubby to take this too.
sunnybaby, lina, spiffy, yes, it's so amazing and relieving to see the heart beat! I was terribly worried before the scan as I have only experienced bad appetite and more frequent urine, other than these, everything is so smooth.....and my hubby was saying i'm siao to wan to have ms.

now, i can't wait for the appointment on next sat to see more....and feel more of my precious little one! Will be my 9th week then

Hazel, this is my 1st IVF attempt (so I will presume it's a fresh cycle) and I was on inserts instead of the jab! The key thing is really our emotions...must stay really positive and happy. Oh, my hubby aso have the vit even though he's ok...oh, I made my hubby release his old army 3 days before my ET, so that we can can have the strongest and freshest soldiers on the day.

I was really v positive, and kept talking to my embryos to grow even though I hadn't had my BT yet. I didn't do any of what the gals mention here as I only visited this forum after i got BFP. But I did try to cut down a lot on my cold drinks....

Today, I'm still positive, though paranoid at times.....but really happy..Keep rubbing my stomach and tell my precious little one to grow and be healthy..tell it how many weeks to go...

Good luck to all those who are still trying....
hi oxidised,
it should be ultrasound, unless still too small to detect then will be v-scan. Hearing of heartbeat also depends on baby growth, so at 8th week still depends.

Hi spiffy,
oh yes, digital camera will be better.

hi soontobe,
i am sure you will enjoy the scan.
Prof is waiting for my dh's latest SA result which he is doing tml...and lets c wat prof will say next Monday to me...
I hv been giving my dh herbs and chinese medi from the TCM...hope it helps...
If Prof is giving me a low % of success rate, I might tink twice...no pt proceeding when dh's soldiers cmi...
U r v cute...talking to yr lil one...U r v positive and do stay happi thru out till delivery...m sure yr baby will be a happy baby also
Hi Ladies,
Wld like to check wif u all....do u start on IVF mainly bcos u got plm, or dh got plm?
For my case is male infertility and I m really worried this might reduce the chance of success rate....aft reading ladymiz's post I m even more worried now cos my dh's SA is also quite bad though there is some improvements aft taking TCM medi...bt to me still very bad...
Can anyone give me any advices/pointers...I dun wan to start on it when the vital part - soldiers is not strong...
I tried inserting standing and probably becos its my first try i didnt insert deep enuff.. So it flow down when i walk... Then i try insert lying down.. I also insert half finger in.. Jus worried its not deep enuff.. But i continue lying down for at least an hr.. Sometimes more than an hr.. U?

Gals who have male issue
Can discuss icis w yr dr.. Cos my dr did icis for all cases.. He say this way no eggs are wasted.. Cos by normal fertilisation, cannot predict how well the sperms fertilise the eggs.. By the time it show its no good.. Its too late.. The eggs cant use icis by then.. I retrieved 20eggs.. 15 matured.. So this 15 uses icis.. And all 15 was fertilised.. But 5 of them is not god quality.. So i have 10 embryos... Im glad my dr made the right call in doing icis for me.. He also says my egg shell is abit thick so normal fertlisation may not be good for me..
hi rostrum, dont worry, with ICSI, the best sperm will be chosen to fertilize your eggs, so I dont think ur DH issue will not be a big factor. I have a friend whose DH has male infertility issues, but she went on to conceive 2 boys naturally.. So must be positive ok?
hi vi4n and ladies here
today is my 1st fetus scan.. was very nervous. and the sonographer asked me is it my 1st time and 1st baby? i answered YES..so she said to me let her measured all 1st then will show me later..and i patiencely wait.. at 1st thru abdomen scan onli can see fetus but nt clear then thru trans-vaginal..and after a few mins...the sonographer showed me and my hubby to see my little precious fetus and the heartbeat..YES..is blinking..so god had blessed me with a singleton...

Must be a wonderful day today to hear the heartbeat. Congrats ...take good care and rest well

Quite busy lately...so only pop by once a while to drop a few words...Maybe got chance i meet you at your workplace when you back to work.
Thanks for the advice...yes prof will do ICSI on me...wah..yr fren is lucky to conceive 2 boys naturally though it is a male infetility...envy!
When r u starting on your cycle?
I shd noe mine when I c prof next Mon...
Rostrum, dun hv to worry abt ur dh sperms. with ivf that is no longer a problem. Unless ur dh has not a single sperm!

dr loh put icis on my form also though dh has no problems. Am not sure if he will do natural fertilization part of it if I hv enough eggs retrieved.

Soon-to-be, thanks, ya nurse phua told me can use insert now instead of progesterone jabs. That time, so she asked me not to think abt it until I really need it. Also told dh to expel his sperms 3 days before ET to hv fresh supply on ET.
ya...I did consult many gynaes & TCM before and they said tt my dh's sperm is enuff for IVF...bt I cannot help bt still worry...wat if on tt day itself he cannot perform? Mabbe we might freeze his sperm first jus in case...(spend money again

Last year when I nearly do IVF, Dr Loh proposed 50% IVF and 50% ICSI...bt when I come to Prof tis year, he suggest 100% ICSI...
Rostrum, maybe he is doing 100% ICSI for our case so that there will be a higher no of eggs fertilised? well, just trust the doc's expertise at times.. so technical for me to comprehend...

soon-to-be, u ICSI or IVF?

am going KKH for social worker counselling & collect my lucrin tomorrow.... time flies...
Rostrum, when i first see my gynae at KKH & he tested DH's sperms, he told me good enough to make me pregnant & no need vitamins. My gynae told me, he has patients whose hubbies have sperms worse than DH are also fathers of few kids!

So, end of the day, we dun need an army of soldiers. all we need is just ONE good & strong soldier!

gan, the fees have been included & paid. So, why not go? initally, i dun wan to go also. but my friend told me is good to go, coz DH has to know the pains & stress that we are going through.. the social worker will explain that to him... we say, he may not take it to heart... but through the social worker, he will know how tough the process is!

So GO!
