IVF/ICSI Support Group

opps, I pee almost immediately after I got up from ET. Cld that be the reason for my missing embryo?

Had an 1st scan with Dr Loh..he told me can be 1 in 1 out...was so scared that I kept asking him till he has to assure me it shouldn't be the case lar...he said jus in case i had to go to other hospital, i have to tell them i'm a ivf patient, and it cld be the case of 1 in 1 out...


ya im also surprised they allowed u to stay for 30mins..usually they ask us to get up immediately, unless we 'chat' longer with the embrologist.
I didn't get up after the ET and was told to lie down for 30 minutes if I can.

Yeah different people different view. Like the nurse who told me to do early BHCG and another nurse who attended to me the next day told me not to do BHCG coz day 13 is too early. Since I was there, I might as well do the blood test which I did.

I did check with 2 different nurses about peeing immediately after ET. They said I can do so. But after the ET, the doc (or was it an embrologist?) told me to lie down for 30 minutes if I can.

Maybe I was the last patient that day?
Seems like most gals manage to hold for at least 30mins.. My dr ask me to hold for an hr if possible.. Ask me not to drink too much.. If really cant tahan he will empty my bladder for me.. He will try not to cos i kana bleeding for my fresh cycle after the tube was pulled out.. I thk the tube scratches my bladder which cause the pain n blood....
singapoh: i also did my bHCG on day 13 after ET.. i had appt on that day also cos i did HPT the day b4, n was +.. so nurse sara say do lor..
Hi all,

I made it! My BHCG level has increased to 591. I am so happy, and will look forward to my first scan on 10 Nov.

To all sisters embarking in this journey, dun give up hope, you will make it one day.
Hi Mik Mik,
Congrats congrats!!! U make it!!!
See, our BHCG level will increase as the day goes by....great great!!!
Meanwhile, please take good care!
To all ladies wif NUH....
In case u are not aware...the Emerald clinic has shifted to the 1st floor....very well renovated!!! Nice...
thanks rostrum, you jia you too!

for this cycle, i abstained from all cold food and drinks and my favourite coffee for over 3 months. i went for brisk walking 3 hours weekly and jogging twice weekly plus the twice weekly acupuncture. i believe these have helped me in some ways or another.
hi meow,

hee, u r right, no symptoms can even be BFP.

this is my best birthday present
thanks for sharing in my joy.

i m sure u will succeed soon.
Mik Mik,
I m starting to keep away from cold drinks also...bt sometimes it is really difficult esp wif the warm weather...
U went brisk walking during yr 2ww??
I suppose u went for jogging during stage 1 and 2 or before tt?
thanks oxidised and lina,

i can never be more than happy, though there may be hurdles ahead during this 9 months, i just want to enjoy this pregnancy as each day comes.

lina, any food that i should avoid during this pregnancy?
rostrum, i started exercising since june, making effort to go for brisk walk and jogging cos my blood circulation was not good. i stopped when i started puregon injection.

i failed 1st cycle in early june, then started this cycle on 1 sep, after 3 AFs, including the june AF.

i exercised since mid june and stopped after sep 25 when i started puregon. my brisk walk was every weekly at Macritchie trail.
I'm going for my ER tomorrow, can anyone tell me what to expect? Will I know there and then how many eggs are harvest or will the results come later? I'm doing ICSI. Many thanks
Ic Mik Mik, Wah...u really v well prepared for the cycle...I m not so active la...I m lazy...will do more hsewk to make up for it..haa...
Congrats Mikmik!

Food to avoid during pregnancy:

Soft cheese
Raw seafood/fish
Undercooked food (including eggs)
Pre roasted poultry
Soft ice cream
Deep sea fish longer than 1.5 M long (Shark, King mackerel,etc) Tuna once a week is fine.

Beware of Vitamin A intake.

Try to avoid steamboat coz food may be undercooked or contaminated by raw food.

I also avoid cut fruits and salad while dining outside coz don't know if they have washed them properly.

So happy for you
hi berrybaby,

after ER, you will rest for a few hours and before u r discharged, nurse will let u know how many follicles are retrieved. as to the no. of matured eggs and fertilised embryos, u will know on day of ET before the procedure. this is based on KKH process.

best wishes to u tomorrow

come to my place to do my housework too.. hahaha
good for blood circulation

u inspire me to start jogging .. hehehe..
Mik Mik,
I have started on brazil nuts, chix essence, full cream milk and red dates drink now...

Tt is wat I can do now...and most impt is I m trying to stay relax & happi now....
hi mik mik,
Glad all your preparation paid off. Do avoid pineapple and coconut (gynae advise). But also stay away from those "liang" food and fruits. You may like to continue with pregnant milk.

hi berrybaby,
if ER at kk, they will only let you know the number of fertilized egg on the ET day itself.
hi singapoh,

thanks for the well wishes.

I will take note of those food to avoid. i love chili padi but i know i need to cut down on this as well.

i also lah.. but nowadays i try to jog twice a wk loh.. got to start somehow. hehehe

u try .. if not.. go for brisk walk like what littlemik did.
While we are making preparations for our cycle, pls do ask yr dh to eat healtily also and maintain a healthy lifestyle...so tt their soldiers are in top form on ET day itself...
Ya..will try....I cannot jog one, no stamina...will give up aft 10 mins..mabbe will go brisk walk instead....bt I got do volunteer work which requires me to walk a lot and sweat...so I guess tis is a form of "exercise" too...
hi spiffy,

i was pregnant last sep, but it was a 'blighted ovum', that is the sac is empty so i went for D&C surgery to remove it.

i did 2 IUIs subsequently in Jan and Feb this year but both failed.

Started 1st cycle IVF in May this year and failed too. This is my 2nd cycle, hope it goes smoothly for me throughout the 9 months.
Mik Mik,

I have been having craving for chili padi. Ha ha..In fact I ate a lot of chili padi during the 2ww.

Can hardly eat these days due to my morning sickness. Have to take more small meals.

I am also taking gassy drink to induce burping.
mik, i see. Well, this is a fantastic result for you. You can look forward to your scan now which i'm sure cannot come soon enough.
Yes...even though they are not smokers, try not to to be passive smokers too...I hv ask my dh to stop drinking for a few mths already...

i also nvr really jog one.. mine less than 3 mins i will feel like dying liao .. ahaha.. so now i tell myself... persevere a bit more to reach the pillar, temple etc. hehe..
hello meow,

i brisk walk for 3 hours covering 10 to 11 km. the trail is very long if u take from the reservoir side, all the way to tree top walk and back... to me, it is better than jogging, though more time involved. brisk walk in the trail is very challenging exercise cos it is like trekking, tiring but worth it.
At least u make the 1st step...I cannot..I m hopeless in jogging...really!
I can do anything except jogging la...Cannot swim cos TCM advises tt it is cold to us...so no good...so I can oni do hsewk...lolx..

O ya...jus now I checked wif the nurse on my D20-D22 BT...everything seems alright...I hv ovulated based on her checking...not sure of the readings...bt I m sure my D2/D3 BT is more impt...and tis is the result I m most worried.
