IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi FatBabe

My FET not schedule yet. I need to do a scan again. Will call for an appt when my first menses arrived. Appt to see Dr on 13 Nov. I've 8.

Hi Spiffy,

I know. Thanks. Just happen I saw someone post it and wanted to share with emma. I don't even know the do and don't during my first IVF.

the newspaper report said they didnt succeed after 2 rounds of ivf.
her duaghter was conceived naturally with taking herbs from Tong Ji Hosp.
Speaking of celebrities, those celebs in the US who have twins probably have undergone some form of ART too. Many of them are in their late 30s to 40s..J Lo, Julia Roberts, Marcia Cross etc etc.

Yes, let jiayou together
Berrybaby, you know, strangely, now my mind is not full of BFP but rather that I want to give me best shot and leave the rest to my deity. By doing that, I am trying to retain the zen and mental balance that I have built up over these years loh

In anycase, I have not heard of the eggs being too matured that they popped out. Don’t worry k, I believe the scans purpose is also to track the eggs development…

My ER is on Monday.

And like what Hazel said, birdnest is cooling and not suitable for even into 1st trimester…bear that in mind k…

We don’t have to return the needles, so I am still keeping them in a tin as instructed by the nurse…

I really want to thank you for the protein powder, I believed it helped me lessened the side effects of gonal F last night such that this morning, I can say byebye to the nightmare I had yesterday…It is really a good quick fix when we encounter those side effects and yet got no more energy left to cook eggs/stomach to stomach the eggs…;p

For the needles, I mainly kept them to remind myself to be strong and regardless of BFP or BFN, it is like a testimonial to the efforts I (we) have put in loh
Actually, I believe in future, I will not let my kid know about the hardships I went through because I not sure if it’s a heavy burden to shoulder. But of course letting them know will allow them to the benefit to appreciate life better and treasure life…so its really a personal choice yah…

Yes, jia you
Since you are so strong mentally, I am sure you will make it in life, be it making baby or all other aspects…

Little mik,
Take care of yourself and treat yourself like you are pregnant, just give it your best shot and think of the results later k…

I am very weak physically but going strong mentally. The past week, morning scans, fullswing work, acu everyday at night has taken a tool on my body. Yesterday, 10th day of gonal F and scan showed about 12 to 14 follicles and there have reached maturity. So my OR is on Monday. Then the side effects of gonalF took its full force yesterday that gave me breathlessness, a stomach full of gas, nauseous, hot flash, and diarrhea such that my whole body was degraded to a piece of rag. My hubby was really dear, he went around running errands for me that I am so scared he will fall sick too. Then I downed two cups of protein powder and two cups of ensure very slowly and burping won’t stop and always feel like vomitting. So its basically protein powder and ensure with sour plum. This morning, I finally feel that my body belongs to me once again…

Meow, Liz and Lyn,
Sorry that I have not appeared in this forum so often lately I just wished that I have 48 hours a day instead…
hi babygalore,
all the best for your ER. Yes, do go to the process with a calm mind and everything will work out smoothly. Do rest properly during 2ww and less usage of pc and handphone. Take care

12 to 14 follicles is a lot!! good good!! hope all of them have good eggs in them.

good luck for ur ER tmr!!!

then ur 2 ww will be a well deserved break from work for u.
all the best for ur ER tomorrow and from ur attitude now can see that u are prepared for anything that comes... u will be a strong mummy for ur embies... rest well ya...
hi sunnybaby
sorry to hear abt it...rest and get urself full ready on next cycle.
i didnt take any TCM from dr zou, just did few consecutive accups before ER and ET
Hi Linda,
when is your scan? update us the progress..you needs plenty rest and eat well.. take care
planning FET next year liao.. meanwhile go Dr Zou there for accups..

time flies .. is your time to go for ER liao
all the best to you, more protein in take to ease the bloated.
hi sunnybaby
thanks..my scan next week...kinda anxious

u still got how many frozen? yes...get review from dr loh and see what his best advise...take care
Tt is wat I tort also...bt my fren said Mark's wifey recently disclosed she actually had tis daughter thru IVF...I mean its nothing to be shameful of...bt I tried to search thru the web..cannot see any news of this leh...I wan to c wat she say abt her views on the journey of IVF ma...bt cannot find any information....
I hv the same torts as u...hahaha...those tt hv twins in their late age and hv no history in the family in hving twins might hv went thru ART to hv their child...jus tt they din disclose it oni...
Hugs hugs! Jia you....Yr strong mentality inspires us who are going thru IVF soon...
I m also worried abt the side effects...not sure hw I m going to get thru it..I tink this thread is my best mental support...
Wish u BFP soon....hope to see u ard as yr post is always full of sunshine and hope!
Hi Ladies, got a call from the embyrologist and it wasn't good news. Had good 10-11 fols but only retrieved 3 eggs. and they haven't fertilised this morning. I think they have another 24 hours to fertilise... quite worried now.
Hi Tang,sunny and Jude, we can be cycle buddies. im not sure what my HCG level. Was told 19.5% low level pregnancy.Dr loh said its biochemical pregnancy as my pregnancy came. I wrote to him telling him my abdominal still pain even though my menses ended. So he called me personally to ask about my condition and asked me to see him in a few days times instead of 4th Nov which is still quite long.
nurse told me that Dr loh not available from mid dec till 1st Jan. Thus if i didnt do FET in Nov, will have to wait till Jan.
Hi Lina,

Actually she is my senior. We used to work in the same company. I know her thru my buddy. Never in contact la. I was surprised she went thru IVF.
Hi ladies,
Im in my 2ww since last Friday and have been vomitting at least twice a day. Should I be worried or is this a norm for ladies in 2ww?
Emma, is this your fresh IVF cycle? I remember when I did mine, I had a lot of side effects. I have having diarrhoea many times a day, nauseous, bloated, gastric, etc. I gained 5 kg during that 2ww. Worse part is when I checked with the nurses and the doctor on duty, they didn't have a clue. Then I checked with my own Doc, she told me it's normal.
Hi Oxidised, during my ET, another doctor did it for me because Dr Loh rushed off to a course that day. She was so young but she has lucky hands..

How are you feeling? I had Morning sickness since Wednesday and it's getting worse!!!
Yes. This is my first fresh cycle. Everything i do is so uncomfortable, i lie down i feel bloated, i sit up i feel nausea.. I puke almost after every meals and my body is aching all over. Even my nipples are so feeling so sore. Anyway, thanks for sharing ur experience, at least i dont feel so worried now.
Hi Emma,

I had sore nipples too and if I am not wrong, my discharge increased too. If you are still worried, you can call your doc tomorrow.
Singapoh: me no m/s leh.. jus heartburn and had cramps in my legs 2 nights in a row..

worried, how come i dun have m/s but shd be ok right? haha..
Thanks, will call up centre if condition worsen. Btw, is the dosage for progesterone insert d same for every ladies or does it varies from one person to another? Just curious at the number of times one has to 'poke' herself to insert the progesterone in a day.
singapoh: but my tummy still bloated from ohss.. 84cm.. not going down.. haha.. but the symptons no more already.. feet also not swollen anymore..

i stretch thats why cramps! so pain that i shout and demand a massage frm my hub.. haha

In my fresh IVF cycle, I had to go down to KKH everyday for 17 days for the oil progestrone injection. Very very painful. First I took the jab on my thigh till I jalan limping then changed to buttock, at night can't sleep on my back. That's the worse part of IVF for me lah. But it's all worth it now that I look at my son.

For my FET, I inserted twice a day.
Aiyo Oxidised then take it easy lah. He he..I think it will slowly go down lah. Once I stopped the progestrone injection, I slowly lost the 5 kg that I gained.
singapoh: yah been cutting back on my chilli padis.. if realy cannot tahan i take one Gaviscon tablet...

by the time it slowly go down then my babies will start showing.. i m telling myself to get used to this bump already haha..
Hi Ladies,

Can someone advise me. After FET, need to go for the oil progestrone injection or simply insert?
Kind of worried for the inserted due to infected before during IUI.

Oxidised, I have a friend who didn't experience any MS. She had 2 healthy boys. (2 pregnancies). If I am not wrong, her mother and sisters also didn't have MS.

Your bump will show faster than singleton.
