IVF/ICSI Support Group


shld not have any impact.. cos stage 1 is suppression stage.

u take care leh.. dun walk so fast next time
hi all,

Received call from KKH for my pregnancy blood test. It is a positive pregnancy but not a BFP cos nurse said my HCG level is a bit low, at 151.7. I am required to go for another blood test on Monday, hopefully my hcg level will go up. Pray for the best.
Littlemik, Might be the embryo implanted late in such cases it will be low. Will keep u in my prayer's.

Linda, how was ur scan today?
Wow...Able to BD while hving our suprefact jab is something new to me...I tort once we start on it, we got to stop it altogether!
Thanks....now then I noe...hahahha...
Hi ladies,
I hv tried the red dates with wolfberries and longan drink....it is sooooo nice...I like it soo much...drink everything up and eat up the longans also....my kolig saw and ask me not heaty meh? I just keep quiet cos I noe wat is my purpose ma...hahahaha....
Thanks for the recommendation!
Hi ladies,
Ive been browsing ,many pages back to look for the Dos and Donts for ladies in 2ww but cant find.
Anyone with any information?

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for the well wishes! My condition is that my pituitary gland is partially not working, so hormones are usually low... Been taking HRT all my life from young actually. Now taking hormones too to get pregnant... I don't know anyone with my condition actually... I read enough to know it is a rare condition and is better known in UK than in Singapore...

I'm going to fast from midnight later on.... Going to sleep early n rest..
Hey Spiffy,

My friend who is a clean freak has 3 daugthers.. if you accumulate dust under your bed, you might end up with mites and other sinus problems...all these are fated and luck, nothing to do with dust hehee
hi monica
my scan is next tuesday...
hoping happy shock news like spiffy and oxidise

hi littlemik
as long as no red alarm then dun alarm 1st...rest and eat well..hope ur hcg level will double on monday

hi sunnybaby
how r u getting on? BFP liao?
Hi all,

I was at the KKH at 410pm. Anyone was there at that time. My first appt with SF loh after a year rest. SF Loh smiled and say that my file was too tight to read thur. Heeee. Today I do a scan my womb linning condition. I was asked to go for another scan on my first day menses. Anyone know why I need to scan again. I planned to FET.
Hi emma, here's the

Do’s and Don’t

Stage 1 (Lucrin)

- Chicken essence

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)

- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- Chicken essence
- Soya products
- Brazil nuts
- Egg whites (after ET increase dosage of egg whites)

Stage 3 (2WW)

- Continue egg whites for at least a week
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- 2-3 pieces of Brazil nuts daily
- No pineapple and water melon
- No squatting or carrying of heavy weights (anything that stresses the abdominal muscle)
- No hot sauna or soaking of lower half body in bathtub
- No intercourse
- Do not stand or sit in a position too long. good to walk a bit to promote circulation
- No raw food and avoid oily and spicy foods as it may cause an upset stomach. High hormone levels cause bloatedness and hence add to discomfort
- No strenuous exercise
- No other medication (eg. TCM) other than those given by your Dr
Hi Linda,

I've 8. I really not sure on the FET procedure after a year. Really lost touch on the information. Thanks for all ladies here. I always get updated information. On my first try of IVF last year, I did not know abt the Do's and Don't, simply go thur the procedure. If I've prepared and tiao my body more, I would not have lost my child.
hi tangtang
i was like u also..my 1st ivf didnt do any preparation..and i really grateful to find tis forum, and of cos dr loh.. may i ask u, u said u lost ur child due to u didnt prepare and tiao ur body enough..how do u so sure of tis is the reason u lost ur child?
Hi linda,

I've PCOS for many years. I was with TMC for quite sometime. Due to many tries and end up in vain. I give up and stop going back to TMC and headed straight to IVF. Moreover miscarriage is more prompt if you have PCOS for normal pregnancy or IVF. Now I went back to TMC and ask my doctor on my condition, she says my womb is cold and need to 'Tiao'
Hi Iinda,

Actually when I was at the hospital today, I still feel kind of sadness. Still remember the day SF Loh broke the bad news. Anyway, I should let it down and look forward for my FET.
hi tangtang
good that at least the TMC dr pointed out the "key" reason. so u have been tiao for nearly a yr after 1st ivf? hopefully tis FET will be a fruitful one for u

praying the best for u.
these few days dun exert urself ok..
no pushing hard for poop also. dun lift heavy stuff..
hope to see good news on mon!
hi meow,
oh yes, should be sleeping soon. Was glad that kk have such talk and should have it more regularly. I am surprise to see a segment on traditional chinese medicine as i thought they are against it. Do attend the talk and share with ladies here. I suppose non patients of kk can also attend this?

i attended one talk at kkh some time back. they also included a section on TCM. although i can see Dr Loh doesnt really agree on the TCM part.

anyway.. non patients of kkh can attend too.cos it's open to public and they charge a fee mah.
Just to share with you ladies,

During my 2ww (FET), I just spent my days like normal. No special diet or so. I also had cold drinks, teas and used my wiifit but I took it easy. Took my usual supplement religiously. The only change I did was not to carry my toddler son too much.

I feel really lucky to get a BFP. Hope to spread some baby dust to everyone here..Good luck ladies...
hi littlemik,
stay relax n dont worry, my friend 1st IVF attempt at first also low HCG .. slight above 100.. she already delivery a cute baby boy in July liao...
rest well and spread your goods news to us..k
Tangtang, just wanted to say the 'do's and don'ts' is just a guide and really varies from person to person..

sunnybaby, very sorry to hear that.
hi monica, rostrum, lina,

thanks for your well wishes. i can't help feeling worried as the nurse told me it was 'a sign of pregnancy but not a confirmed pregnancy'.

meanwhile will continue to eat and rest well for these 2 days, my hosp leave is up to 23 oct only, so monday go for BT and back to work.
hi singapoh

i did my BT on day 16, so it was not early, a viable pregnancy according to the nurse should have a HCG level of 250 and above so mine was kind of low.
hi meow

thanks for your wishes, i hope for the best on monday.

hi sunnybaby,

sorry to hear that, do take care and try again when u r ready.
Hi, anyone doing FET in NOV. I saw Dr Loh today. was told that i can do FET when my next menses came. i was surprised that Dr loh give me a call personally to ask me to see him earlier instead of my initial appt on 4th Nov. Maybe he knew i was upset about my low level pregnancy even though my menses came.

Hello Chin,

I am doing my FET in november. Maybe we can be cycle buddy !! yipee...

My menses come in late nov...so may creep into dec
