IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi berrybaby and blissful fate,
both your boys so mature.

Hi soon- to-be, by the way, im with Dr SF Loh but my ET was done by DR Marianni Hendrick instead as Dr Loh need to attend conference. Im the unluckily one. You ?
elle - yes, Doctor has agreed when we saw here ytd to start next month ... I'm also would be
on the long cycle and trying to lose as much weight as possible to be healthy ... hehehe .. if I'm preggy then u be the 1st to get my baby dust
I think the no of embryos to put in is not of a concern for govt grant as long as u are in govt hosp... The max law allows here is 3.. Maybe the gals here can share here on this?
Hi baby, but my first cycle,i was told can only put in 2 embryos the max as im using govt grant. Thus i only put in 2 in this case.
Chin, I'm with Dr SF Loh too. I was lucky to have him to conduct the ET personally but I had to wait super long time for him and my bladder was abt to burst anytime then.

Actually my hubby was the one collecting the medicine for me twice coz the moment detected low level, my position elevated lar..heheh...but I think my result was HCG was 30+ or 50+.
With govt grant, u can put 2 embroys only.
For FET, kk will not encourge u to use govt grant as the total charges is less than 2k (FET abt 1.2k, insurance (3 embroys) 711.55). If u use grant, then is very bohua.
Hi Sonn-to-be. You are lucky lor. he got magic hands. My bladder not very urgent. I drank my water when i reached KK as i worried waited to long, bladder cannot tahan. The doctor said i got full bladder. What you mean your position elevated ? When you did your ET ?

Hi Hebemummy, oh i see. thanks.. so i can put in 3 for my FET.
Chin, ya, i aso only found out that he has been labeled the one with magic hands after i visit this forum.

Previously, i had to do everything with hubby. The moment heard got pregnant, hubby will "ok ok, u rest, i go get it." And after i confirmed with the 2nd BT, he took over more of the tedious housework from me...i do simple sweeping and cleaning only..heheh

I had my ET on 18 Sep.
FET is when u hv balance embroys to use. u don need to go thru injection like fresh cycle. just go for a scan on the lining, once ok ET will be arranged. U only pay for ET cum scanning charge and insurance for the embroys.
soon-to-be, ha now you are the queen. Me during the 2ww, my hubby also did most of the things for me. But now... over lor... so sad.. now i have to face next week office collegues. have to tell them my bad news.
hebemummy, thanks for the explanation.

Chin, ya ya...but I tried not to overdo it..must still take care of my hubby's ego a bit..lucky for me, I'm staying with my ILs, so they do help to clean the place too...

Don't be too sad. Not all are lost yet till ur last BT. If really need to go 2nd round, rest well first before doing that. The nurse was telling me that most people succeed at the 2nd round...8)
elle, berry thanks.. but hor, my yeast and uti may come back anytime leh, how ar??

i have booked to see dr yong for first time next month.. all these tests will take how long before confirm we can go ahead with IVF? 1 cycle?
im already prepared for the worst for my next blood test. Thanks . hope my FET will succeed. have to see DR loh first and see when can i start my FET. heard usually is 3 mths after failed cycle.
hi chin,
FET can be done after 2 menses cycle. If you don't wish to rest, they even allow right after one cycle of menses. But i still hope for the best for you.
Congrates!!! Vi4n very good numbers and really happy for you. Please share baby dust.
God bless you and have a smooth 8 months
Hi ladies,

Somebody mentioned KKIVF will be closed for cleaning in dec, is it? So whole month cannot do ER/ET ah? If menses come this mth, it is too late? cannot start n got to wait till next cycle???
monica, of course baby dusts for every1 here. Grasp it ladies.. And lotsa prayers for u all. Monica, u will do bt on monday?
Congrats Vi4n, take care

So you took all the regime for this IVF cycle?
Did you go for accupunture.

Seems good news are here. Hope I can join too.
Hi ladies...

Any ladies here been diagnose with tube infection or block tube? Did you all remove the tube before getting into IVF?
Hi Vi4n,
Congrats,congrats ... rest well and relax
have a smooth pregnancy journey
im having daily progesterone jabs really painfull,countdown to have my BT on 22/10.. hope i can join you too..Please share baby dust.

FET will be given MC for 5 days.
Failed fresh cycle in Aug, when to see Dr Loh he said can start in Sep, but Sep menses was late for 19days. I think better wait for next mth
Hi sisters,
Appericate your help and support from every one here.
Wanna share a good news from my side.
I did my BHCG today which is 693.5 :).
Have to pray hard for everything to be a smooth ahead. Dumping baby dust to all who are cycling and in 2WW.
oh tat means for FET, only need to rest one week ? instead of two weeks for fresh cycle. why is this so ? FET doesnt need to rest so long ?
thanks for all the well wishes.
i had my share of envy times too and finally my turn to pass baby dusts to u all. So your time will come very very soon. Su, i never do accu at all. Last year took tcm but stop since no outcome and hate the taste la.
Congrats Monica.

Hi Sunnybaby, oh you are having daily jabs. Nurse has asked me for daily jabs before if i do not want inserts. I chose inserts. Now think back, maybe i should have choose inserts tat time. might have higher chances.
really happy to hear good news...
congratulation to you. do rest well and have a smooth ahead..
r u with Dr Sadhana if i not wrong?
to what i know inserts or jabs are the same.
for me i'm opp of u i think i should do the jab instead for inserts, but no one ask me which one i prefer.
Hi Blissful_fate, thought need to bedrest after ET. So though should be about the same number of rest as fresh cycle except to deduct 2days from ER. Fresh cycle is 14-19 days. After deduct 2 days from ER, thought should have at least 12-17days.
blissful, yes the nurse said its the same. Nurse asked me to insert. And i asked if there is another way. she said either jabs daily or inserts. I find it troublesome to go down kk for daily jab. so i chose inserts. by the way, For FET, do we need jab or inserts as well ?
