IVF/ICSI Support Group

are u doing a polypectomy? i did it before once at pte hosp and once at public hosp... the pte one cost me only 3.6k whereas the public cost me 1.6k... so i wonder why urs is so exp...which hosp are u with?

hi bunny
thks for the suggestion. yes i'm doing tcm now. but the medicine tat i had to take during the few day of menses was really very very hard to drink. i couldnt stomach it, just threw up the minute i try to drink.
i guess it's a double edge sword... we can choose to come out of it a stronger person, better relationships with our close ones and become happier despite failures cos we learn to be contented with wat we have... or we can come out of it being bitter and cynical....
hi eskimobaby
i think mine is a hysteroscopy, doc didnt mention the medical term & i also forgot to ask...blur blur
am with gleneagles. which hospital did u do urs?
may i ask what is ur situation? as in you had ur polyp removed so that u can start ivf? did u try using the pill to clear it?
i'm going onto my 3rd pack of pill .. getting a bit worried if too much of the pill for my body and if its doing any harm.
hi suyana... i will. you too, k.

hi eskimobaby... agree. after my last failed IUI, i was upset with myself and my husband. i blamed him for smoking too much. i blamed him for his 'incompetence'. i blamed him for 'making me go thru all the troubles' for problems that are not even mine! we had many unpleasant moments where i resented him for the many failed attempts.

later, i realize that the so-called problem is not just his. its mine too. perhaps over the years, my unhealthy lifestyle affected my ability to get pregnant naturally. or perhaps, life has been really good for us that everything work out to be the way we wanted, for once, we are given this challenge. we prayed and prayed yet we received no answers. eventually HE did.

it is still a long journey for us till the baby is born. for now, i can only pray for the best.
hi su yana,
i just read on internet about the baby gal being found, so sad. The news had colour photo of the lovely baby, just don't understand how the mom could do that. By leaving behind diaper and milk powder next to the baby is not going to help.
i did D3 transfer last aug, my bb was healthily delivered in may.
so i guess a D5 or blasto is not necessary for healthy bfp, but may help some people...
the pte one i also did it at gleneagles... i did a hysterscopy + polypectomy.. the former is a scope to see inside the womb to look for other polyps that are not detectable by u-scan... while polypectomy is the removal of the polyps itself... i think it's better to get it removed before u start on ivf... i did another one in mar this yr before i embarked on my ivf in may as this current gynae said that my polyps are still not cleared.... and as polyps can be recurring and it cause disturbance to the womb and prevent implantation... i think it's good to get it removed and shortly after that go for ivf.... anyway there are no cuts... all done thru the vagina... so healing is very fast too... i guess i'm glad that i heed this current gynae's advice to go for polyp removal the 3rd time before i embark on my ivf... i was successful in my ivf and am now 15 wks pregnant
Thanks, Suyana for the info on the catheter.
because i thought will be inserted for the urine then i really hate that. =)
if through vagina, then should be the same as procedure of IUI.
I also failed 3 IUI + SOIUI already.. that's why now try for IVF finally. chose ICSI because of hubby sperm quality too.
Hi Juju, thanx for your info on D3 transfer. I guess it really depends on each body.

Vi4n, I also did quite a number of IUI but failed. My first IVF was done with ICSI too coz of the same problem with yours.
Where r u having ur iVF?
Hi Su, at NUH with Prof PC Wong.
Btw, I think earlier someone was asking about the payment with NUH.
I only paid for the initial test and consultation. total can't remember. but less than $2K.
From Suprefact onward, I don't need to pay anything unless Govt grant and Medisave can't cover, like the Insurance and Freezing if necessary. =)
Hi Vi4n, I am with Prof Wong too.
Yes, after u start on suprefact it is so called "free". They will inform u if you have reach to the max of the amount and there is a need to come out cash.
For my first cycle, after totalling everything, I did not have to pay anything.
Thanks, Su. =)

Btw, what was your dosage for suprefact? I'm starting with 50units. then after 15 Sept scan may reduce to 20units according to the nurse.
Hi Su_yana
I did D2 or D3 transfer 4yrs back and deliver a boy.

Now trying for 2nd child...but not succefully. Was very down & disappointed but after reading the forum...help me to be strong...shall rest for a few mths den try on the FET
Hi ladies,
im new in this support group,just start 1st jab of lucrin this evening by the nurse coaching..
this is my 2nd cycle with KK Dr Loh...im fail the fresh cycle ET , conceiving after the FET but sadly miscarriage on week 7
Hi vi4n, u be jabbing 50units of superfacts then reduced to 20 units based on BT? Didnt know nuh have this practice and i wonder why kk patients r jabbing the same amount of lucrin all the way
i was with kk and also jab 50 units during stage 1 and reduce to 20 units in stage 2...

su yana,
mine was a D2 transfer and also bfp...
Hi all,

I will be doing my IVF next Jan. Trying to be positive, but after 1 failed SO-IUI, feeling quite despondent. Hope to get more inspiration and encouragement from the stories here.

Good luck to all on the IVF journey
Vi4n, same here. 50 units than reduced to 20units.

Eskimobaby and blissfulfate, thanx for sharing your success stories with D2/3 transfer.
So my theory is wrong. Coz u ladies had proven so.

Am resting my body rite now. Doing fresh cycle in Dec/Jan. However, in the meantime, I do hope to get BFP in our natural way
Hi miracle baby,
ya lor, have not heard from you for a long time, a little miss la....anyway, during my 2ww, i also can't find the mood to participate in the forum, I also don't understand why...don't think too much, spreading lots of baby dust to u!!! Wish you all the best for your BT!!

Hi maggie mee,
What support medication do you have? I only have the folic and duphaston. So far, how do you feel? Do u feel sleepy and get hungry easily? I start to take naps in the afternoons now and gets hungry every 3-4 hours....i hope what i eat will all go to the baby/babies....so i will not put on too much weight...
Hi Jas,
are you with kk? I remembered reading in the past postings that there are some ladies who had enquired about the short protocol but i am not sure whether they had opted for it though. Have you check with you hospital? Maybe you can indicate to your doc on your consultation with them.

I had considered short protocol before but i had decided to go for the long one cos i want to give my body more time to adjust to the ivf medication and response.
Hi bb,

IVF has higher success rate than SO-IUI, so your chances are definitely higher! Wish you all the best in your ivf journey!

Hi ladies who are ttc and ladies who are in the ivf journey,
Spreading baby dust to u!!! Wish you all the best!!
hi eskimobaby
thanks so much for sharing.
how long did u rest after removing the polyp before starting ivf? my doc said i can do it immediately.
can u PM me who were the docs you went to? thks!
Wah, May - u shd be resting early for yourself and your baby(ies) growth oh! =)

If I remember correctly, u were with Dr Thong at Raffles right? Thinking of moving to another hospital?
I think for short protocol, it is available at all the hospitals. It depends on your body's situation and is usually recommended by the doc.
For myself, as my period does not come regularly and am pcos, my doc also recommended short protocol for me.
I think there were a few other ladies here who went through the short protocol as well.

I have an overian cyst also. But i did not go for any removal before my last ivf fresh cycle (the assessment is under 5cm, it is still ok not to remove). But my doc did tell me, if we were to go through any of the ops, we can rest for 1-2 mths before embarking on our ivf journey.

Dear sisters
Anyone able to share on their FET journey? Whether you did D3/D5 transfer? Any symptons during the 2WW and what you did during your 2WW. Thanks!

(i'm currently going to finish my 1st week of my 2WW, going to work starting today but don't really have any symptons....)
Hi May.... me having same medication as you... i dun know what is the side effects of the medicine..guess its bloated stomach? Me so far so good except for bloated stomach...n ald can't fit into any of my bottoms liao...

Me also looking forward to my 1st scan.. to get more assurance ...
Good luck to u too!
i waited 1 cycle before proceeding for ivf... for removal of polyps, i was with LC Foong at gleneagles then switched to SF Loh at KKH and also did my ivf with SF Loh at KKH..
I dont remember any sympton & was supprised when BFP.
For the last failed I have tummy cramps.

Dont think so much but i know it is not easy.
Hi, im new in this forum, i had my 1st ivf under dr. shiela loh last 2007 and it's not successful with final diagnosis of premature ovarian failure and advised to stop ART and suggest adoption..i didn't see any dr after more than 2 yrs...my nice neighbor advice me to see dr again.. in short, i'am now under Prof PC wong in NUH for second opinion and say that he is going to check my AMH (anti-mullerian hormone a test to know my ovarian reserve or evaluation of my remaining egg supply)..to confirm my POF
May i know who may undergo this test already, pls help me.. thank you all
Hi Poppy
did u feeling heating... i mean yr body temperature will remain in high rate all day? if yes changes are vy high for positive result
i did my FET in Mar'09 with KK Dr Loh, during the 2ww , i only take 1w MC and back to work on the follwing week, symptoms like cramp stomach quite often in 2nd week n feeling tire and sleepy.
Hi Poppy,
Np worries, i had a good nap in the evening till 11pm, so can't sleep till then but got sleepy again at 2am.....

hi leo baby,
Your ER on fri right? So, your ET is Mon? I followed the instructions given by KK but upon arrival at KK, while waiting for my turn, I drank 1-2 cups of water every half hour interval (max 3-4 cups are sufficient for me to have a bladder full enough for the ET but not very urgent type). So, I managed to only relieve myself when i reach home. I also rest my bum under a bolster to elevate my pelvic for at least an hour. Not sure whether it works but i just did what i think will help. Wish u all the best!!
hi Poppy,
mine was a fresh cycle but during my 2ww, i realised my pulse rate (from the home-use Blood Pressure measure) had risen from my usual of 60-70 beats/min to 90-100 beats/min. I took my blood pressure on D8 after ER. Pulse rate will be slightly higher during pregnancy and it turns out that I have BFP.
You in contact with aris? how is she getting on as i dun see her here and i m too distressed to read all the postings after BFN. My menses is still spotting after more than 2 weeks. sigh...
hi everyone,
oh because i can only use the grant a final time, I thought of going to NUH to do this 3rd round. Short protocol works better for me. So I will definately be doing the short one with 525iu gonal F or more if dr allows. Will be seeing him on 16th
hi eskimobaby
oh i'm also with Dr LC Foong now. do u remember how much he charged for removal of polyps? were u comfortable with how he did it? did u do ivf with him?
I actually had 2 unsuccessful ivf attempts before, decided to change to LC Foong this time. ok, now i'm a bit curious why you moved on to another gynae. how long have u been see him before you moved to KKH? sorry so many questions..
Eskimobaby, i was on same units of lucrin all the way... I remembered this clearly coz DH asked her twice and she say yes continued with the same amt of lucrin 2gether will puregon....
Hi jas, U started off which wat dosage of gonal f the prev time? 525iu was very high leh... Even with u will be on short protocol there will also be supression. Diff doc have diff suppression drugs and diff administration timing.
Do u remember how much is the cost of gonal f per vial in RH?
Hi happyhippo, i m with dr f too. I guess many ladies choose kk coz of the govt grant and maybe some other reason(s) this i m not sure. Have u exploded the charges of ivf with dr f yet?
hi poppy, which doc are you with? I am diagnosed with pcos and irregular AF, but my doc put me thru the long protocol. Is this ur first ivf cycle? With your short protocol, can you share with me no. of eggs retrieved? and no. of fertilized? wondering if I should suggest to my doc about short protocol.. thanks
Hi Ladies,
So you mean, it is possible to go straight to Gonal F without suprefact or Lucrin for hormone suppression?
What "criteria" must be met for this short protocol?
Poppy Poo, I just got BFP from FET. During the 2ww, I did not have much symptoms except feeling slight feverish, I measure my temp every am and noted that it was consistently high. My boobs got quite sore and they still are now. Mild cramps but they disappeared in the 2nd week and lower backache. You would see that most of the symptoms are similiar to pre-menstrual so it's really quite hard to tell if its a BFP until you do a HPT and HCG blood test. In the meantime, rest well and try to keep your womb warm to create the best environment for implantation to happen. All the best!

short protocol has got no supression. They will only give another injection call Orgraton to stop ovluation. Lucrin is not require in short protocol.


Is 525ml of gonal F same as 600-700 IU purgeon? I heard gonalF dosage is higher.
