IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Catherine ,

I am at pvt suite all the way

Hi Develyn,

Gd Luck to u this time!
jia jia you!

The pvt suite cost only slightly more rite? Wat abt the opening hours?
how did u tell them u wanna make appt with dr loh at the pvt suite?



Thanks for ur well wishes..
HOw's ur 2ww coming along?


Sometimes u have to trial and error b4 getting the right doctor to help u.. Can understand.. Let take it as had to give the money away somewhere soo if it had to be this way then no choice
Good thing is at least now things will juz get better..
HOw's ur 2ww at home coming along? Any signs of pregnancy?

Catherine: Im very the pvt suite at KKH
Hi Catherine ,

TPS cost slightly more like $20 or so.. anyway if u are going for IVF.. u will not be visiting that often as most prob. transfer to KKIVF centre... over there .. the charges are equal to all... To make appointment , just call 62944050 and says that u wanna make appointment wif Dr Loh..
sierra79 - i will sms u soon regarding the tribestan.

develyn - its so sweet of u to be so concerned
i have 5 frozen embies... why and how are you detoxing? should i do it too before my FET?

sweetmama - congrats to u!!!! wish u all the best for the 8+ months ahead
may i know what is a natural FET? if not natural, then what would it be like?
Hi lina,
how r you doing in 2ww so far?
Long time didnt see u online, hope you are having a relaxing and restful period now.
Just an update, I am now in my 30 weeks, going to 31 weeks this Wednesday. Just saw Doc Sadhana last Friday, baby is doing well and he is 1.6kg now. But I have gained 3 kg in last 3 weeks!!
I am looking forward to seeing baby in about 10 weeks time, partly becoz I am getting much heavier, quite uncomfortable most of the time. Wish to hear good news from you very soon.

You rest well and stay positive!

Btw, long time never hear from Mel in the thread too. Wonder how she is now.
Hi Hi , ,

Will u gals see Dr SF loh after tested +ve after 2ww ? Should i stick back to him or change to my previous doctor ( Dr June Tan ) who recommand me to KKIVF ( Dr SF loh )

I m suppose to see Dr on the week 6 .So who should i see ? Pls advise ..
Hi Bloated ,

Ni sia si wo le la.. (scare me to death).. i sms u on the day u have scan ..
then u didn't reply.. then next day gathering , u also didnt reply.. I thought what happen.. woa.. u have 5 embies.. good good .. at least not like me , i have to redo everything.. welcome to my "jab house" .. keke.. all ready for it.. chiong all the way..
For the detox, only GNC Johor have the stock.. abt RM180.00
and is only 2 days program.. at least not those that need to continue one..
If u want, i will get from u if i am going in to Johor.. or u can go with us to see it yourself :p

Read this : http://www.thebridgecentre.co.uk/assets/Bridge%20-%20Preparing%20for%20IVF.pdf

Hi Fresh / Catherine ,

Clinic D and private suite (TPS) is different clinic.. TPS is at level one.. :p Over there , they got free serving coffee, tea but not ME.. Heez TPS opening hours are the same as clinic D.. is just that the queue is shorter and service is better bahz... Anyway , u only visit there when u need consultation or you will be at KKIVF.. :)

Hi Pink Panter ,

To be honest , it will be good to stick to Dr Loh when you are pregnant. Alternatively , u can switch a gynae if u find that he is too busy..
it is personal feel.. But if u want a gynae outside , do look for one who is experience in IVF process.. u will need to call up individual clinic or hear remarks from others inorder to check if the gynae is experience in IVF process. Hope this help.
Hi itjabi,

hahahaha its tooo early to tell, cos anyway i had mild OHSS since last week so have being resting at home lor...eating yucky egg whites and consuming at least 2litres of water...
hi ltjabi,
thanks, so far no symptoms for 2WW. Hope you join us soon.

Hi Fresh,
private suite or also known as TPS is another section of the hospital, at the children's tower side 1st level. Dr Loh has consultation room inside the private suite.

hi bliss,
yes relaxing now, never had proper 2WW rest, this time round really making good use of the HL. No worries about the weight gain, it is normal and good that baby is putting on weight quickly too.
Does Mel chat at the MTB thread?

Hi pinky panter,
if multiple pregnancy, think seeing Dr Loh will be better as he is experience. But if singleton, any gynae should be fine as Dr Loh has long queue.
HI Develyn, what is microgynon?

HI Libby, mock transfer is optional or compulsory?

I have a retroverted uterus, was wondering if it means more difficulties during ET then. If mock transfer is done, I guess it helps dr better understand with my situation also during ET

HI Greenie, I was told to take painkillers b4 the HSG also. To me is very discomfy process, and legs are trembling all the way. The painkillers did not help me much lei...
Hi develyn,

Yes, its progesterone insert. I checked with Dr loh whether I can do insert instead as if not, i got to go to KKIVF for daily jabs of progesterone for around 19 days!!!!! Faintz manz.. Think by then my buttocks and thighs all swollen and blue black liao..sob..sob... hahaha and luckily Dr loh says I can go for progesterone inserts instead just that its more troublesome and messy got to insert 2 pills 3 times per day. So now me stuck at home most of the time, and try not to walk around most of the time as got feeling some of it leak out...

Very brave of you to go through so many surgeries.. Hope you will succeed this time, and all pays off.

Welcome back. So, during Lucrin jab, it's still ok to take the herbs?

My hubby was actually beginning to feel frust with me, for switching to different sinsehs/gynae, each time i was recommended by someone else. He think that I shd at least do the proper research and not waste time/money, and jumping from one doc to another. Due to my inexperience/inpatience, I have also spent so much unnecessary money. Now am sticking to Dr Loh, hope he will be the one!

So happy for you, take care.

What is chemical pregnancy?

Good luck to your ER this wed.

Hope your HSG goes fine, without pain.
glad to hear that you are having sufficient rest so far.

No, Mel did not join the MTB thread since preggy. I am sure she is also busy with the preparation of babies' arrival. She is having twins, will probably deliver sooner than me.
Mock transfer is not compulsory. It is recommended to me, due to my history of difficult transfer. It could be helpful in your case, as doc can map out the path from cervix to uterus, thus save times, and reduce pain on ET. No harm check with your gynae..
Hi Chris ,

Haha.. ok, i thought Puregon got inserts :X ..

Btw, which stage are u in now ? So funny , KKIVF only give me HCG jabs during 2ww.. when i ask them for progestrone , they say KK dun use that.. is it because u are doing FET ? Pls advise.

Hi Libby ,

Too be honest , i am with Dr Loh.. i believe should not take herbs once started jabs.. as my lucrin only starts 04/06/09.. i decided to take for 5 days as Dr Zou says it will help the eggs quality.. 2 times a week for accup.

Hi earthling ,

Microgynon is pi yun yao (prevent pregnancy one).. usually it will be used at KKIVF when u have irregular menses , i think.. cos last cycle, i am also using that to attract AF to report. :p
Hi libby,

wow your hb same as my hb also dun like it when I switch chinese sinseh, but i bochap cos I know what i really want and he altho grumble abit but end up accompany me to see sinseh..heehee
I very bad always joke with him that being guys is sooo easy, we gals poor life have to go thro all the jabs and surgeries... btw no offence to the guys in this forum ah.

Yup i got to admit that i really regretted doc hopping from my existing gynae to Dr Fong yang after recommendation from JE Sinseh and went through the 2nd ops which is not necessary..(was initally told by existing gynae and later dr loh). I should not have decided hastily and should have seek 2nd opinion. heehee really learnt lesson the hard way.
Hi Bloated,
There are two ways they can do the FET, one is natural wherein they will monitor when you will ovulate by ovulation test and the follicle development by scan, follicle should be at least 14mm.
If you're cycle is not regular and you don't ovulate every month then, most probably its Medicated FET.

THANKS TO ALL..and i hope everything will run smooth.

Hi Bliss ,

Do send my regards to Mel too okie

Will always remember Bliss, Mel & lina for the support during MC in Jan and support thru the 1st IVF stage.. Hugz !
Hi develyn,

Me with Dr loh too, and he prescribed me progesterone pills to be inserted daily from date of ET all the way to Day 19 of blood test.
I've being taking tcm and acupuncture since December and continue to do so even up to the stage of ER and ET and even now.
Hi chris,
i didn't know got option of choosing insert or jabs for 2WW. The nurse said jab so i thought this is the only choice. Sometimes taking jab also need to wait quite long.

Hi bliss,
hope Mel is fine. I will try to log on msn later when my mom is not watching me. Actually i asked her to nag at me whenever she sees me using the pc. If she don't control me, think i will overuse whole day.
Hi Greenie, your HSG should be done by now.. hope it goes well for you. Rest well ok? Sometmes baby issue can cause a lot of stress to both husband and wife. Try to relax and take one step at a time. At least now you have done your HSG, wait for the next step - see Dr loh again for his further advice. In the meanwhile, have a calm and nice chat with your hubby over baby issue. We women are more eager to start family due to age. Let him u nderstand your point in a calm way and I'm sure he will understand

You are a strong lady. Do keep your spirit high always.
Hi Lina,

When one of the senior nurse went through with us on day of ET and gave us the prescription to purchase progesterone jabs, we got a shock when she told us that i need to come down daily to kkivf for the jabs. When i asked them if i can jab at home, she says can't as the needle used is quite long and will be quite painful and they will normally jab at buttocks and thighs.

Hence i kpo asked the nurse for other options such as inserts instead and requested to talk to DR loh. The nurse says that i can discuss with Dr loh and see what he says cos some of the patients here do inserts too...

hmmm i got to know about inserts cos 2yrs ago when i do s0-iui i've done inserts before just that now 1st time doing ivf not too sure if they allow.
Yalor, we really learnt lessons through the hard way.. but we always wanted the best solution each time mah..不直他们辛苦,我们也是嘛。I'm also so heartache throwing away our hard earned money

Just wonder if Dr Zou will be unhappy if we only see her for accu, she already commented it's ok to mix herbs with injections. scared she do accu for me later pain pain leh..
hi gals,

i just called KKIVF to reschedule my IVF to June and was told that June already fully booked. So, booked for July instead...

Really scary... the q seems to be getting very long...
Hi Greenie,

i agree with baby, do relax and find a gd chance to talk to hb... i too have a lot of arguements with hb over baby issues and ops. Hb dun understand my situation and keep asking me to try naturally....which i did for 3yrs but no news leh .. heeheee even up to the week when we going to start lucrin shots, we still argue all the way until he finally compromise and allows me to go thro ivf..
Hi Greenie,

i agree with baby, do relax and find a gd chance to talk to hb... i too have a lot of arguements with hb over baby issues and ops. Hb dun understand my situation and keep asking me to try naturally....which i did for 3yrs but no news leh .. heeheee even up to the week when we going to start lucrin shots, we still argue all the way until he finally compromise and allows me to go thro ivf..
Is your inserts, crinone?

No joke, how to rest everyday, if everyday must travel to KKH for injections? Won't it be very disruptive?
Itjabi, I have about 18 follicles with the biggest size of 18mm during my last scan. But only 8 eggs are retrieve and 4 eggs fertilized. 2 eggs are grade 4 and the other 2 grade 3. Initially I thought grade 1 is the best, so when Dr loh told me my eggs are not bad, above average, I was like.. oh no.. not the best. Then my hubby spoke to the embryogist and she told us best grade is grade 5. So grade 4 is good. I feel relieved.. hee..

When I know I got only 8 eggs, my hubby and I hope that at least 4-5 will be feritized so that we will have a few frozen. So now still glad when told that we got 4 eggs fertilized with 2 frozen.

I feel very happy and excited after my last puregon.. so just relax for your ER. You will be blessed with a lot of eggs since your FSG is not high. My FSG too high already, so from what I read from the websites, those with high FSG will have less eggs in the follicles. So don't worry too much

I am super bored at home during 2WW leh..
You are joining us in 2WW soon.. Yippeeee...
Hi Libby,

Yup its really a tough journey..esp when you see friends who got married after you becoming mums and asking you when is your turn. And mum-in-laws and in-law's relatives side keep asking your during special occasions and cny why u don't wanna start a family. Pheng ah ....

Can you imagine, even my mum-in-law asked me whether the problem lies with me or hb. I told her upfront that hb got no issue (sperm report results quite gd) and problem lies with me lor. I get fustrated with her when I decided to go thro ivf and she keep asking why and why don't i try the natural way and i have to repeat same story of my scan results to her... Hb asked me to ignore her if she ever asked again.... hahahaa
Chris, I'm sure Dr Loh's magic hands will make our wishes come true.. and not to forget our embryogist who did a great job too. KKH embryogist are said to be good..
dont mention it, always glad to see you so positive still from your postings in this thread.
I have no other avenues of contact with Mel except in this thread. Always get to know her latest update thru this thread only. Hope Mel will post to us here soon again.

haha, you should rest more and stay away from the computer indeed. Heehee... must spend less time in front of it lah.

I so sad. I hope I can start soon. My first appt with Dr Loh is suppose to be this wed. My stupid boss suddenly reject my leave (She approved it previously) and says she need me to work that day cause it's Month end T_T

I'm so disappointed leh. I thought I can meet Dr Loh earlier, hence starting on IVF earlier. Sigh.. I'll be seeing Dr Loh next Friday (3rd Apr). It'll be my D17 lor.. hopefully Dr Loh let me go on Lucrin on Apr 7 which is my D21.
Huh baby, soo good you get to talk to embryologist...we have alot of qns to ask also like the egg quality..but didn't know whom to ask cos the nurse who brought us in to the ET room was in a terrible mood and rushed us thro all the way. we only heard dr loh say " gd you have alot of eggs, very gd 10 fertilised" thats all lor....so hb and i thought that is what he usually say to ALL patients .. heehee
Chris, no diarrhea for me already but still got stomachache. Hope no constipation again..

Initially gastric and everyday feel hungry. But can't eat too much due to gastric. Now feel bloated and nausea. Abdominal feel pain after every pregynl injection will get feel better after 2 days then next jab comes.. haha..

How's your gastric? Better already?
How are you feeling during 2WW?
Hi Blur Sotong,

Dun be sad, just tell Dr Loh during your 1st visit that u intended to start your lucrin shots on 7 Apr and if there is still room he will ask you to inform kkivf directly to book and schedule for you. During my 2nd visit, i also told him i intending to start in feb and he wrote me a short note in an envelope to pass to the nurses at kkivf and i also told them personally i intended to do that period. So when 1st day of menses, i immediately called kkivf to confirm with them. When you call up kkivf, remember to ask for the nurse's name who took down your instructions cos they are very busy, and may forget to register for you.
develyn, good luck. Hope you have a lot of eggs fertilized for this cycle

You can stop your smoking habit one.. baby got the power!!
Jia you.

Orangey = Blur Sotong :p

Really? But I scared later he might want me to re-do D2 BT? Cause my D2 BT was done in Sept

Nurse Sara says shouldn't be that's y she didn't ask me to do when I went down that day. She says it's only 6 mths, should do fine.

Maybe I try try lor! Let's hope I can squeeze in to Apr Slot and if can, Develyn I can share tonic soup with you ;)

Hi baby,

my diarrhea finally stopped this morning. still have some loose stools.. Still having gastric and bloatedness (esp jia lak at nite)and cramps too. hahaha last 2 days keep visit toilet when the cramps and pain comes. Me too can't eat too much and threw up after taking ensure lite

So now take milo only lor ....

Oooh me felt better today...but very bored as i'm a hyperactive person, now got to lie in bed most of the time due to the progesterone insert cos when i stand up feel like something dripping out from bottom leh. scary manz....
