IVF/ICSI Support Group


I was with DR Fong Yang for abt 1.5years before i switched to DR Loh recently. It costed me a bomb with DR Fong as well.. Y dun u try Dr Loh. The waiting time really depends.. If Dr Loh doesnt have an emergency it's usually quite fast at the suites.. If not have to wait quite a bit...


10 fetilised is very good... Im going for my ER this wed and ET on fri sooo juz keeping my fingers crossed.. U were allowed to do ur ET with the mild OHSS rite? Juz have to take more egg whites i guess. I try to make french toast to eat the egg whites maybe u can try that..
At least more tastier compared to juz full boiled eggs
)) All the best..


Have u done ur ER yet???
with your experience, during 2ww got clear mucus but no blood is it ok and normal? hehe... tot ask you or those in 2ww.
Richard, Itjabi has replied u on Dr loh waiting time
If u keen to give Dr loh a try, just call kkh to book appt with Dr loh. I just called and make the appt one.

Humbug, my hubby also.. haha..
You mean clear discharge isn't? So far I don't have leh. You have?

Itjabi, good luck for your ER and ET
Must be very excited now. I am very excited when I am getting ready for ER.. super happy.. hee..

Those who striked, do you all have implanation spotting ah?
Hi Catherine, baby

Thanks for the advice. As I have imagined from the research on the procedure, the HSG test should be very painful...

The senior midwife who has assisted to make appt for me asked me to take painkillers 2 hrs before the procedure to relief pain... i can't imagine how painful will it be since ultrasound for the ovaries already caused so much of discomfort...

I will be doing the HSG test at Gleneagles tomorrow morning..KK diagnostic Imaging is fully booked till Apr. Dr Loh asked me to go private hospital in order not to waste time...

Had my first appt with him last friday and he wanted the test to be done on monday.. of course the diagnostic imaging center won't allow la...no choice got to go private hospital lo.. will cost me about $180. The ultrasound showed that one of my ovaries is quite small..

Will be doing D2/3 BT for my next flow and husband will go for semen analysis early Apr..

Any advice how to relief pain during the HSG test? Thanks...
Hi Richard,

just saw your thread. Pai seh, I'm not very gd with figures, think its consultation is slightly higher by $15-$20 then the other doc in KKIVF as he is the head of KKIVF. As for the IVF charges, they showed me a generic chart is around $7k-$9K estimated and it is definitely much much cheaper than Prof Chris Chen. He is definitely a blood sucker, I heard about him even b4 JE sinseh recommends to me..

But you have to be mentally prepared as going to Govt hospital and Pte have different protocols. Govt hospital has alot of SOP (standard operational procedures) to follow and you seldom get to see the doc during your consultation unlike pte clinic. Over at KKIVF, you deal mainly with the nurses there. Like me, I only get to see Dr 3x, ie my 1st appt, ER and ET only.
Hi Itjabi,

My hubby was also wondering why I suddenly have soo many eggs. We have a few guesses that most likely is becos during 1st scan dr loh finds that i'm not reacting well to 400mg puregon (8eggs with the size way below average) hence increased dosage to 600mg for next 4 days. And suddenly eggs increased to 20. Another guess could be that acpuncture consistently during this 4 days coupled with taking TCM plays a part too..

Anyway these are my hb's guesses.

Btw what makes you change your Dr from Dr Fong yang to Dr Loh, is it becos of the charges??? Cos the counsellor at KK also knows him and commented tat he quite famous.
Hi Richard,

Yup i agree with humbug too that maybe you and wife should take abt 3mths of tcm to tio your bodies 1st b4 embarking on ivf, who knows your wife may get pregnant during the process of tio.

Only slight discharge once in a while not everytime.. cause the nurse ask me to drink a lot of water... might be flushing the hormones out hehe... so far I am ok.
Hi Greenie, I think I am given antibiotics and painkiller after HSG. Don't think there is any way to reduce the pain as they have to keep you fully awake during the procedure. Just have to be strong and endure. You don't stress yourself too much over it now.. just go into the x-ray room when the day come and get it done and that's it. The more you worry now, the more nervous you will be, on that day.

After the procedure, the pain will not be so great but you can't walk fast. Make sure your hubby is there to support you after your HSG. Think the pain will go off after a day rest. So don't worry too much.
Hi Baby

Thanks for the encouragement.. guess I don't have a choice if I want to have bb... I am so desperately wanted to have my own child...had been quarelling with my HB over this issue and finally he agrees to have our bb.. long story to tell...

Anyway, my HB won't be there tml and i have to be strong...
Hi Chris,

@ Dr Chen places also the same...sometime we waited for him for almost 3 hrs..just to see him for less than 5 mins...

after which the nurses will take over everything..

The main thing is that is the doc gd anot..not jst like say nothing...

infact before I go to JE, then Dr Chen.. I was in KK too..but at that time i was jst seeing the normal gyan...cos the services they give me is so poor...that why i change doc...
hi chris,..

that is the purpose why we go to see a TCM...but we want to got to the right one...make sure we are properly tiao li..then proceed to the next step..
baby: I am excited and worried at the same time.. hopefully have enuff embroys after fertilization. hows ur 2ww staying at home?
anything in particular that u refrain from during this period?
did the doc mention the grades of ur eggs?
I'm going toms night for pregynl jab.

Chris: I changed because of govt subsidy for IVF and also my aunt recommended Dr Loh because she was with him during her pregnancy and she said he is very good and patient.
which doc are u with?

Richard: only met Dr loh once during initial consultation. seemed like a funny guy. however my aunt was with him and based on her experience, she says he is pretty good. I'll be meeting him on wed and fri...can update u again.
when i first met him, he gave me the feeling that he knows what he is doing. I actually told him about my IUI and SIUI which i did with Dr Fong and he told me i shouldnt have wasted my time and money and done IVF straightaway. During the IVF, you will be handled by the IVF nurses and only meet the doctor during ER and ET. no bad experiences with him or the centre so far. only problem is the long waiting time as he is very booked as he is the head of IVF centre in KKH. honestly, i cant even remember how he looks like. hahahaha
Hi greenie, i did not have any pain during my HSG all i felt is slight discomfort eg doing pap smear. I wasnt given pain killer or antibiotics coz its a very minor procedure. HSG will increase the change of pregnancy too. Gdluck
Hi yong wei, glad to know ur colleagues r supportive. Ya seeing ppl getting pregnant are stressful and like no one to confident to. But happy to find this forum. Trying very hard to be very postive during this period of time. So hows ur situation now? Wats the advice given by dr?
Hi Itjabi,

Mine long story..heeheee initially I did a emergency operation at KK 3yrs ago. Ops to remove ectopic pregnancy at my left tube and also 2 ovarian cysts left n right of ovaries size between 4.5cm-6cm. Didn't have very gd experience during my recovery at the KK ward and also the gynae who operated me so I changed to pte Dr seng from gleneagles recommended my in-laws. He was really good and nice, I tried IUI using clomid with him around 2x but not successful and also so-iui with his son and the next step is propose ivf as they don't wanna waste too much time n $$ on further iuis. Hiaz..during the window period when i was considering the ivf option, my friend recom JE Sinseh to me who then recom Dr fong yang (did my 2nd ops with him) and there i did the switch of gynae lor... Finally thro the forumm, i saw alot of sisters out there mention abt dr loh and with the govt subsidy me and hb decided to give kk a 2nd try and now with DR loh
I don mind purchasing the extra pckt of Tribestan. Tried to PM you but you disabled your pte messaging function. Could you SMS or e-mail me? (98476506 or [email protected]). How long did ur hubby take Tribestan for? Did u see any improvement?

Thank you for being willing to help
If I can't get the pkt from bloated, maybe trouble you to help get one for me? hee ... btw, any side effects when your hubby took it?

U bck from your yet-another-cruise/holiday? Wah ... u can be Cruise Queen oredi. Khekhekhe!
Hi Greenie,

The nurse will ask you to rest for 1/2 hr there to monitor you, dun worry you be fine after a day rest.

Be strong, i'll mentally support you.

Some men are very sensitive abt this issue, it's like doubting their ability.
Hi itjabi,

During the 2nd ops performed by DR fong yang, he told me that both my ovaries are bound together by tissue-like membrance (adhesions) to the back of my womb and this is usually due to the major ops I had with KK. He took quite a while to remove most of the adhesions and then the blood cysts fr left ovary. He mentioned that the mass adhesion makes it almost impossible for me to conceive naturally as the egg is not able to pass out from the ovaries. He proposed that i go for iui again 1mth after my ops and to try to get me pregnant within 3 mths as likelihood the adhesions will grow back eventho they are removed. We didn't go back to him cos i didn't have a gd recovery partly due to him..long story............

I've also have the same pleasant experience with Dr Loh when I met him and told him of my past health history. He told me not to waste any $$$$ doing IUIs and also commented that Dr Fong Yang didn't do a gd job in my 2nd ops as from the post ops pics i showed him and after he did the scan for me, he said that my ovaries have shrunk alot and the reserves have depleted alot. He propose me to go ahead with IVF. He was very confident and a straight to the point no nonsense man. So i placed my trust in him and decided to give it a try.
Hi Richard,

I understand how both of you felt as i believed alot of us here has gone through the same path. Choosing the "right doc" is like a trial and error thing and also depend on fate with the doc. Like my friend, they still treat the JE sinseh as god as they have gotten pregnant by taking her herbs. (altho we did tell her that stress is a major factor as they have decided to give up trying after almost a yr. This is becos my friend has already sign up for a part-time degree course and wanted to concentrate on her studies and she got pregnant during that period).

It is very important that you both find a doc that you are comfortable with and eventually trust. For me, heehee i give myself around 3-6mths with the sinseh and if I still don't see results then I may switch to another based on friend's recommendation.

So far, I'm quite comfortable with Dr Zou as she has alot of patience and is willing to explain to us abt our conditions. Unlike JE sinseh, eager to chase us out as there is long q of patients waiting to see her. hahaha imagine queueing and waiting for her a few hrs get to see her only 3-5mins.
Hi baby,

How are you feeling, better??? Me still have abit of diarrhea. Still feeling very bloated around the upper abdominal, like an inflated balloon, suspect could be caused by gastric.

Hi Humbug,

Are you going for your BT on 6/4/09 too??? If yes, maybe we may see each other there. Me phobia of eggs and needles now..cos wednesday still have to kena poke again by needle (blood test)
Hi Ladies ,

No la.. last weekend at Sentosa only... this weekend then go virgo.. Aiyo , holiday finish liao.. full stop..
Just to update all on my visit to Dr Loh on Sat... Keke .. i am starting with Microgynon on Sunday and
lucrin on 04.06.09.. haha.. finally man.. but i have to jab additional 10 days lucrin due to the slot for ER.
Calculated that the ER & ET will be around 2-4th May.. Hopefully this time round , i will have more
fertilise embies man..
I will see who will be my cycle buddy now..

Hi Richard ,

Welcome to the thread.

I am trying to drink more water to flush the toxic out from my body :p As for smoking , stop liao.. bo pian cos starting 2nd shot

Hi Bloated ,

I am so worried... Okay , u finally getting better and back to the forum. How many frozen embies u have ? I will be starting fresh cycle as i dun have any freezing... :p
Hi richard,

I chose Dr Zou based on the recommendations from the forum and also becos I kiasu wanted go for acupuncture cum tcm to tiao by body. Cos after the 2nd ops, my body was in a mess.. Hence I switched from the Hougang sinseh(quite famous, recom by my in-law) to Dr Zou.

Reason, why the switch altho my mum-in-law keep pestering me to stay on with Hougang sinseh is that, hougang sinseh is very traditional thinking and doesn't believe in western medication. And me and hb already decided to go for ivf after seeing Dr Loh. She only prescribes traditional herbs to brew daily and doesn't do acupunctures.
Hi Chris,

i do believe mental stress plays a part in our getting preggy naturally...

i was with Dr. Zou previously to build up my body before commencing IVF and i also gave up hopes on getting preggy naturally and waiting to go for IVF...

and i think i did indeed prob gotten pregnant but had a chemical pregnancy... so i believe more or less stress does affect

we have also heard a lot of stories where one get preggy when they stop trying or give up hopes... sometimes life is contradicting... keke...

all the best!!!

tnt, temp still high!!!

we are rooting for you! Jia You!
Hi December ,

Yupz.. i waited from End Chinese New year until now... Hmm some might feel that it is too fast to go for 2nd try but i just want to do it when i am ready.. :p

Hi Zaza ,

I went for accup yesterday morning and Dr Zou wants me to take the herbs to strengten my eggs quality.. so bo pian.. i am taking that $8/day.. lolz.. accup. 2 times a week :p

Hi Chris baby ,


Hi Orangey ,

U starting soon too ? I can share tonic soup with u... Ooppss.. :X
sierra - my hubby used to take Centrium Silver and after that MalePro ....

bee - had u gotten the pics?

develyn - so u taking the tcm all the way for injections?
Hi Zaza ,

I dun think so.. i only eat before puregon.

Hi Jane ,

Yes , i m taking microgynon now..
Lucrin on 04/06/09.. nw inside my fridge :p
u wanna cook soup for me since we are so near..
Oopppsss :X Thick skin.. keke..
Hi Ladies,
Just to update you coz I was not around for some time...I had my blood test last 19 March and it was a BFP!!!! Thank God, my first scan is in another two weeks...long wait again.Hope everything will be fine.

God Bless to all!!!
Hi Develyn,

O that gd that u can start on Apr, isn't it KKH packed with IVF, u still can get Apr slot.
Hopfully I can get Apr slot as well.

Hehe...I am not good at cooking....hehe but i can bake cake and cookies for the next gathering.
Hi Tnt,

i think about $90+ for 2 pax for 1 month consumption.

Hi Richard,

I have been with Dr Tan at Clementi for 10 mths.. alot couples strike under him, but im one of those unfortunate one.. But he is a nice doctor, and very patient too.. i will start my IVF journey in May.

Hi Greenie and Catherine,

I felt a sharp pinch for my HSG, because my cervix wasnt coorperative, the doctor has to snip it so that it opens.. After that , i had cramp for a few hours..but wasnt so painful..i can walk straight, but i have 3 days of spottings which the nurse told me is normal..

Hi Sierra,

He only took 2 weeks, so far ok..can go toilet daily..

My peer just help me checked with DR Cheng from TMC.. he said Tribestan is a type of multi-vitamins...
hi baby,
agree with you, 24 hour clinic nurse are sometimes not experience, the injection is super pain.

hi Richard,
i am also with Dr Loh at kk. There should be only one Dr Loh for kkivf center, his name is Dr SF Loh.

Hi humbug,
think strolling around house should be alright, just try to sit more often. I didn't have muscus, you may want to ask the nurse.

Hi ltjabi,
all the best for your ER on wed.

hi sweetmama,
congrats! have a smooth 9 months ahead.

Hi develyn,
you are starting on the new cycle, that's good. 2-3 months rest period between the cycle should be good enough. Getting slot also got tips?
Hi Lina ,

Haha.. got tips la.. but is for KKIVF under Dr Loh only hor.. the rest i dunno.. cos i tried two times (both suceed to squeeze slot).. Keke... I will detox with GNC products this weekend at virgo .. i think should be good to detox before i start lucrin.. That's a two days programme.. bless that it helps man.. anyway it contains only fruits & many types of veg :p
Hi Richard,

I'm also with Dr SF LOH at KKH. He's a very nice and gentle guy. At the 1st visit, he will give u his name card and said u can email him on any questions.

Has anybody went to the pvt suite at KKH?

Hi Catherine ,

Ermm.. i am doing my 2nd IVF.. failed the one on January.. so dr loh say dun waste time.. straight go for second shots in two mths time :D
