IVF/ICSI Support Group

For IUI, ur gynea will need to monitor ur ovulation, so u may hv to go KK for some scanning prior to the actual day of IUI. Ur gynea will give u MC on the day of IUI.

Hi December ,

PERFECT trip.. just got sunburn.. haha..

Virgo is a great place... i am gtg for gym and swim there.. hope to cut down more fats .. keke..Great that u enjoy it too

Hi Itjabi ,

It is perfect.. but now is bad as i am back infront of my office computer.. heez...

Who buy Puregon for $400 per bottle ? Only $280 per bottle at KK pharmacy.. consider cheap compare to GonalF..

Planning to do IVF/FET
Libby (19 Mar 09 will start lucrin)
Equin0x (End Mar09)
Piggy09 (Apr09)
Develyn (Apr09)
Zaza (Apr09)
Sierra79 (May09)
Tany (maybe May09/June09)
Boon (maybe May09/June09)
Fresh (June09 will start lucrin)
LYn (June09)
Orangey (June09)
jas1982 (June09/July09)
Jane Neo (May09/Jun 09)

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
WY Koo

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)

Stage 3 (2WW)
Ladymiz (6Mar)
Ellsa (13Mar)
Krisz (16Mar)
hi Itjabi,

If i am not wrong when you came to stage 2 (puregon) onward we dun have to pay in KK, from this stage to ET all cost will be deduct from co-funing n medisave.

Hi Develyn

welcome back ...... am i correct on the above ?
Recipe for the Lotus & Glutinous Porridge. (copy from the other thread)
5 thin slices of lotus root. Cook with glutinous rice in a pot ...till it’s like porridge and eat it. You may throw in some red dates.
Dr Zou says twice a week.
Hi Ladies ,

Please advise any good gynae (Female) .. my friend is looking one for both check up and fertility treatments.. Best if there is choice of Mt. A too..
Thanks Fairyrose.. If that's the case not soo bad.. Was thinking am gonna spend more now for puregon..

At least dun have to worry abt that now.. thnks
Humbug, Chris, Micky, thanks for msg, I must say I am really blessed, being 37 means success rate is much lower than some you, so be positive, don't give up. I wish you the best too!

Boon Boon, I use Doc Sheila Loh at Raffles Hospital (heard she was previously from KKH, a friend I bumped into @RH, told me her brother did IUI with her when she was in KKH but after she tfer to RH, they all followed).

Fresh, you are welcome! You will succeed, have faith!

Lyn, my doc said there is no implication of fibroid even when I asked if the smoothness of the uterus may have caused the embryo not to attach to the wall after fertilization.. But my colleague's doc from Glen said the uterus has to be smooth and cleaned.. She also said for me, it may be the outer layer of the egg is too tough for my hubby's sperm to penetrate (this is usual in eggs produced by older women). Now no such test for toughness of eggs so I can only say, I kind of concluded that this is the case for me.

You have to be careful with those doc who are just out there to want to make extra bucks fr you since we are all so desperate. Suggest you seek 2nd even 3rd opinion!

I did find that the pte hospital waiting time is shorter, but there are occasions where my doc is so fully booked, the nurse had to book me way in advance for subsequent follow-ups.

Re: painful in injection
Another colleague of mine told me that her friend had to use hot towel to roll on the spot where injection is done to sooth out the lumps. In my experience, I did not have any such "lumps" but do feel that when I started the Puregon, the area where injections were done was indeed tensed. I only apply hot towel/ hot pack over the area, and the next day, it was painless when needle is inserted.

Re: higher success rate in Govt hospital
If you have read the ST not too long ago abt more ppl seeking ARP after the govt announcement of grant. A doc from the pte hospital says because the grant is given to govt hospitals, more ppl are seeking treatment from them and will definitely affect the success rate in these hospital.

Success rate: when I raised this qn with my previous OBGYN, he said there are many ways to define "success", e.g is it successful up to the stage of fertilization, or transfer or successful implantation or when the no. of embryos transfer are all successfully growing in the mother or after the mother is successfully given birth?

I had 3 embryos implanted and only 1 stayed, I wonder how "successful" this is considered?

Re: Multiples:
I do not know how many of you (1st timer are aware that if your choose to deliver you (IVF) bb(s) in Singapore, you have to take up an insurance? Apparently only GE has such ins. the premium is payable the day of transfer according to the number of embryos you decide to put in. This will help you ease the financial stress in case of ICU (esp in case of triplets).

After all I feel IVF is all about balancing the risk and gain. I asked my doc how come she only target to grow 12 eggs, when my colleague in Glen had a target of 18. She said if I am hyper stimulated, I have a risk of water retention in lung and kidney and the cycle would have to stop; When she said we plan to do the 50%:50% IVF/ICSI, I asked how come we do not want to do 100% ICSI to boost the success rate, she said, there are risk of damaging the egg in ICSI; When I asked her why cant we wait till the embryos have cells that grew to 16 before we do transfer, she said the lab's envt is harsh, leaving the embryos in the lab for another day may cause the embryo to collapse (die)..
List of Fertility Specialist I was told to go:
1. Dr. Lee Wei Hong (MD Specialist @ paragon, recommended by a doc friend when a patient of hers (40yrs) had only 2 eggs and after tfer, one of the embryos splited into2 so she ended up with a set of twins and a non-identical triplet all healthy boys!)
2. Head of Dept from NUH (but was told not to expect "hi" or smile, he would just go straight to do what he needs to do, friend's problem is big, abnormal sperm and wife's ovary is blocked on one side and ovulation very irregular, they tried 3 times and all unsuccessful and gave up. They may be my remaining embryos' potential adoptive parents.)
3. Dr. Joanne Thong(RH, head of women's clinic, a friend used her for normal check ups and IVF and had twin girls. You sometimes can find her in Zouk, ;P)
4. Dr Christopher Chen (Gleneagles, do a very thorough cleaning before treatment, expensive but friend said worth it)
5. Dr TT Yong (SGH, recommended by cousin whose hubby had low sperm count, took the multivit and conceive; another friend currently seeing him after I told her about this doc, she conceive naturally after 2 IUI failed)

TMC--the very experienced doc but very old, patients need to remind him the stages or repeat what they had just said to him..

My best of all, Dr. Sheila Loh (RH, recommended by a specialist in KKH. During my IVF, I learnt she also helped my friend and her brother in IUI, all successful first time round)
joycelyn wong is my gynae.. i prefer her than e kk gynae i went to earlier. she doesnt do IVF, she will refer patient to TFC or KK which IVF centre u t comfortable with
hi kimberly,

how are u.. u must be wondering who am i.. we used to work together..

heard u did ivf fm a ex-team mate of mine fm brunei and i contacted u.. does it ring the bell???

so are u expecting a boy or gal?? when are u due for delivery??

my 1st attempt of ivf is a failure.. now im giving another shot.. hopefully this time round it work out for me.. cos e last attempt only retrieved 9 eggs and only 1 fertilised for et..
Hi kimberly,

I would not recommend Dr Christopher Chen Gleneages as have heard negative comments of him (JE sinseh always recommend her patients to see him and he is the kind that always recommend operation. However if you seek 2nd or 3rd opinion elsewhere you will realise that it is not necessary for ops in most of the cases).

I've 3 girlfriends who has gone to see him.

For the 1st couple he diagnosed her with pcos and 2 fibroid 2cm each and hubby varicose. He advised operations for both of them which cost a total of around $20k. They both when for 2nd & 3rd opinions from other gynaes and was told that the operations are not necessary. They conceived their 1st baby through tcm.

2nd couple also diagnosed with 2 fibroid around 2cm each and was told to go for operation too. Luckily my girlfriend didn't and went for 2nd and 3rd opinion and was told the same story that it was not necessary. She too conceived her baby girl through tcm subsequently.

In both cases, he told my girlfriends that they will not be able to conceive if they do not go for the operations. This made both my girlfriends very stressed and traumatised as they have tried for 2-3yrs without success. I advised them not to make a hasty decision and to seek 2nd or 3rd opinion which they did.
Bestberries & koko,
I did get the 20% the give to members during the 2 days preview and the $5 rebates cos first thing I did when I go on the 1st day of sale opened to public was to go customer service and find out why all my sisters and I have been left out. Then I told them they should extend the privi to me. I told them I was so looking forward to this sale (honestly I have been)!

Well, for sake of saving, I have to make my skin really thick. I have decided that if they cant extend, I will wait for the June Motherhood fair (which may be abit late)..

When I arranged for the delivery, I thank the store manager for the extension and request that they do not leave me out in future.

(Secretly, I still "sayang" about not having enough time to shop, I left out some items, baby monitor, beddings, frying wok, claypot, hand-held blender, underwear, shoes... I didn't win and they did not gain either..)
All the best to your ER

Don't worry too much, i heard before staining is quite common during 1st stage of pregnancy..

Thanks for your prayers, and information. I also heard that Dr Sheila Loh is very good and used to be Head of KKH, before she starts her own clinic. And Dr SF Loh took over as Head, after she left. How much did you spent in total with Dr Sheila Loh? Did you try accupuncture at Raffles TCM, since it's so convenient at same place?

Happy to hear you guys had a great holiday!

All the best to those who has promoted to the next stage.
I agree with you, I was referred by JE Sinseh, both she and Dr Chen diagnosed me with PCOS, I seen Dr Chen only once, first consultation with a blood test cost me close to $400+, and I decide to seek 2nd opinion, and was confirmed I do not have PCOS. Am glad that I did not do any unnecessary sugery which I heard Dr Chen always ask his patients to do. However, I also heard his success rates are high too...
Hey, I am not aware that she has her own clinic though cos she is there everyday.. I did not do a detail calculation but I know is in the range of 15k. I claimed 6k from medisave.

Honestly, I was also recommended to go different TCM or acupuncture but I have not visited any. One of my friends went for Eastern & Western and his western doc "worked" with his eastern and he said that's why when his son was born, he cry was powerful! Ha! ha! ha! ha!
twinstars, itjabi,

you guys are lucky that you can proceed to stage 2.. i have been injecting for the past 23 days and only can proceed to stage 2 tmrw.. btw, what is your dosage for puregon?
Ya.. that's what I read, she set up her own clinic (must be doing very well). Can I know your dosage for Gonal-F? Do you still remember your FSH level?
Hi Ladies,

Please add me to the list. I've just seen Dr Loh, and will be starting IVF in May.. He commented that we are not suitable for IUI and recommended us to IVF. However, for my next cycle, i asked to inject Purgeon for Super-Ovulation but without IUI. The Purgeon cost me around $300 for 7days. And its a pen-injection, not the traditional type. I'm not sure if its similar to you gals? I have to go back starting Day8 to Day12 of my menses to scan my eggs progression. The scanning package costs me another $300..So in total adding on to other costs, i have to pay about $700.

Hi Kimberly,
i have a different opinion for Dr Shiela Loh. She was my previous gynae, but i switch to Dr SL Loh for IVF. I remembered my first consultation with her for fertility, she prescribed me with 3 cycles of clomid straightaway. At that time, i've only gone thru the hormone test, but my hb hasnt done his SA test. So fast she concluded i cant ovulate withoug doing more tests. After my 2nd cycles of failed clomid, i decided not to continue..so she asked me to head straight to IVF which i think is abit fast without going thru other detailed checks like HSG, SA Test etc. I also have a friend ttc-ing the same time as me. She also consulted Dr Shiela Loh. She was diagnosed with endometrosis (not sure of the correct spelling). Dr Shiela Loh gave her a death sentence say its not possible for her to have baby, She can go for adoption as IVF will not be successful as well since she has problem with the uterus linings. Implantation would not be possible. But she did not heed her advice and went ahead with TCM. She was preg after 3 mths of TCM, and her baby now is so healthy.

But of course its up to individual's preference.
Hi Chris and Libby,

The JE sinseh always diagnosed patients with PCOS and poor sperm morphology. And she always recommend patients to look for Dr Chen because i read from other threads that they are related. I've also been to this sinseh and she also diagnosed me with PCOS, but after some tests from gynae, i did not have PCOS. Later on, i switched to Dr Tan at clementi. He is better, he has more personal touch and he tries his best.

Dr Chris Chen always recommends male patients for surgery to improve the sperm count and quality. Actually surgery is one of the best way to improve, but it cost alot.
Sagimoo, why 23 days of stage 1? not enuf dose of Lucrin?

Libby, i didn't use Gonal-F, I had puregon. I must check my med record so I wont give u wrong info.. I now in office, maybe I PM u tmrw?
Maybe Dr Chen's high success rate, is only after sugeries.. I ever heard a case before, 1 couple went to do surgery, both husband and wife, and the surgery went haywire, in the end the wife is in even worse condition, and health deteriorate and not able to conceive. It does sound so scary.. but of course, not sure if it's true..
Hi Libby,

oh! thats bad! but y the wife wants to go surgery? i thought usually its the case for men..
I've heard from my colleague that her fren's hb went for surgery from Dr chen. From 2% morphology, it improve to more than 10%, which is already very good.
The surgery should be for PCOS..
Ya.. the sperm morphology seem great improvement.. but then, if can use ICSI, it doesn't really matter right? We only need to use 1 good sperm... am I right? Don't tell me, it's even so difficult just to find 1 good sperm out of the million?

How come yours is super ovulation not for IUI, but for IVF? and days of puregon injection seem so few, and thus cheaper..

The 280 is for the 300IU purgeon, the 400 plus is for the 600IU purgeon hehe...


Rest well and lie down completely flat, watch tv, read books or magazines lor when lie flat then you won't feel bored. Guess we are going into the same thing soon.. CRIB... hehe. Jai You


Did not know which is you. Was there at 8.10am.. maybe too excited... 2 more days of purgeon but this time 700IU each time... painful man..


Hope your ET went well, saw a lady in wheelchair there today... not you rite? at first tot it was you going into the ET process... good luck.. waiting to hear from you again..
Hi Libby,

Oh, i have to wait till May then i can do IVF.. so i ask for Super-Ovulation without IUI for next cycle. Since its the same as we do it naturally, so we opt out IUI... this super-ovulation works similarly like a clomid, i need to inject Day2 onwards for 7days.. I shall ovulate between Day10-12..i opt for this so that i can try to see if it works without going through ivf.
Hi Sunflower, I am very sorry to hear about yours and your friend's experience with Doc Sheila Loh. Somehow, your experience and mine is very different..

She made me go thru all the tests before I was prescribed dosage of injections.. Also, she told me that although endometriosis can be a caused of infertility, but that doesn't mean everyone that has will not conceive (later, my gf became a good example for me on this, she went to TT Yong for 2 IUI and failed but conceived naturally after the 2nd failed IUI).

Then again, endometriosis is not about the lining of the uterus..

I do agree that different people has different experience even from same doc, I m glad your friend's dream of a healthy bb came thru and wish you best in yours!
Hi Humburg ,

Oh .. got difference de ar... omg.. anyway, Dr Loh starting me with 400IU too .. seeing him next Sat.. i am counting down.. hope my 2nd IVF will be smooth.. :p
hi kimberly,

was told that my hormones was not fully suppressed. that is why i need to continue with lucrin for 10 more days (which is last week).

this tues just went for another bt, nurse told me to start puregon on fri which is tmrw.

just wondering that since i done my bt on tues, why do i start puregon on fri?? it doesnt make sense right? cos i dun recall e last attempt i did i have to wait for few days later then go into stage 2..

haiz.. guess its no choice.. we are relying on them........... what to do...
Hello gals,
I am suppose to go for my BT on my 2nd/3rd day of my menses b4 I embark into the IVF journey. May I know whether KK Hospital does handle BT on Saturdays? I tink my AF is coming soon and the 2nd/3rd day could fall on this coming Sat/Sun.
hi sagimoo, sorry to hear what you went thru, when I did mine, I was told the lucrin should be adjusted to the amount required to suppress the hormones... guess your doctor must be very careful with the amount prescribed to you.

I have to check my file to determine how was mine like.. but before I started the lucrin, doc already gave me a time chart of roughly how long it will take for each stage and purpose of each injections, and I enter the dates of my injections on the chart, it seems not much diff from the projected dates.

You must take good care of yourself, don't stress too much k?
Hi Sagimoo ,

To be honest , there is another reason for getting additional days on the lucrin.. it is due to the schedule of ER & ET.. as u know KKIVF is super packed now.. and they need to schedule correctly in order to get the OT.. anyway like u have said , we depends on them.. so no choice but to self inject.. keke.. I took additional 5 days lucrin that time and the nurse did tell me on the tight schedule.. but some will just keep it low profile as they do not want patients to jump up and down.. another reason might due to not enough supression.. so , just do it and stay positive okie.

hi develyn,

i know what u mean.. which stage u at nw? i think we did our last cycle almost the same time right? mine er/et during dec..
