IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hello Sri,
The almond that you mentioned, is it those whole piece or those almond paste? Sorry to ask but are u chinese? Bcos i realised you know chinese word, so i m quite amazed if you are non chinese.
Anyway it doesnt matter at all. Most importantly, u have graduated..... Yeahyeah!!!

Happyever, i will sometime cook at home and for some gathering. I m not very good but yes, we can share receipes. There's alot of new ways i have thought of recently. Mayb i can pen them down n send u for ur reading. Heeheee....

Mystyy, welcome to the 2ww. It is good n very high chance to get BFP when u implant a blastocyst. I m very happy for you
Ohh but you can test earlier than me... Mine is scheduled on 24 Oct. 3days later than you. I dun think i can test earlier as i m still on pregnyl till 17 Oct. Let's hope we both can graduate together ok? Take good care from now on. R u on MC already?

Ponytail, cold drinks and "liang food" is a no no. This is bcos we need to keep our womb warm so that it will be conducive for our embryos to grow
Morning Ladies~

My husband came back from his trip last night and so told him he gets to do the injection this morning...heeeeeeeeee

Then, he said.. he doesnt have the heart to poke me... so I said then when you are around you can measure the medicen for me
try to make him feel that he is taking part too

Um.... I realized that ensure is too strong for me... it whitens my tongue and my urine very yellow... any ladies here suggests on what else to take instead???

I can't believe that the date is earlier than yours. So now it's 10 more days for me..so scary like that.

Btw, you took the crinone inserts, rite? Does the glob of crinone comes out a lot for you? Coz I notice as days go by, I think there's already a lot of crinone in me that it got discharged on its own. I started my crinone a few days before my FET. I am glad now that the spotting has stopped after consulting my gynae.

Another question. Do you get terrible backache the morning after ET was done? This morning, it was really painful backache. I had to sit upright on a chair for some time before it slowly goes away. About sleeping positiion, it should be ok for me to sleep on my side or lie on my back with knees bent, rite? Coz I did that last night coz after lying down on the back for so long, my backache worsens.
Hi Ladies

Went for a pregnancy BT this morning and just received a call from KKIVF... We are expecting! The BT confirmed it. Tot of just dropping by to share this news with you ladies...

For those of you still going through the stages, it helps to have positive thoughts, and all the best in your journey... Dun stress okay?

Take care!

Luv, Dwi
Mystyy, I m injecting pregnyl instead of the pill insert. But i think Akachan is using the pill insert. However, she has not log in for a few days already. Not sure how is she.

I dun really feel much at all. Aft ET just felt abdominal area to be abit tight which became alright a day later. Is it bcos of ur posture? I m also sometime sleeping on my side n sometime laying on the sofa with my leg bent. Think it should be fine.
But pls do take care of ur back if it is painful. How abt calling to ask? Play safe better.

Can i ask u do u have fear that the embryo will slip out while u do ur business in the toilet? I might be thinking too much but i m also worried that it will slip out, so i dont dare to exert any strength and go very slowly. Beside backache, are you feeling anything?

Dwi, congratulations!. So happy for you. Please take care ok??? Btw, are u using pregnyl or the pill insert? Mayb u can enlighten Msytyy on the way to put in if u r using insert?
daiso has tat?will keep a look out when i go there next time. Your husband is like my hubby, he also said he dont dare to poke me. So have to do it myself. But he'll tear open the alcohor swap for u. Hehe.

ok, we exchange ideas next time. Meanwhile u rest more first.
dwi - congrats !! wow, so far almost all the ladies who are here before me have graduated. i'm so envious, and really hope to graduate too.

sue - how many scoops of ensure you drink ? i drink 3 scoops for 1 cup water, cos hard to dissolve. 1 day i try to have total 4-5 scoops. maybe you drinking too much ? i got no problem with urine leh.

hopefully - do you consider porridge cold food ? weather so hot these few days and i getting a lot of pimples on my face
so i take porridge hope can balance out heatiness

ladies in stage 2 - i hope to be able to join you next week. can i know how many mg gonal F you take ? just want to know what is average amount.
Hi, sorry to intrude here.. I bought 2 vials of Puregon 300 IU in Jul from TMC gynae when I was preparing to start the injections. Am selling them as I found out that I was pregnant even before i started treatment. Receipt is still available for viewing. Bought at $400 for each vial and willing to sell at $600 for 2 vials. Interested parties, pls email me at [email protected], thanks.
Happy to hear you in your 2ww now. Wow...your have 2 embies transfer so nice. Don worry too much just relax ya. It's normal to have discharge after the insert. Even i did it thru the rectum it will stil hv discharge. The nurse did say that it will be messy having it done thru vaginal.
U mean we don hv to follow the instruction to hv it 6 scoops? I have been puting 6 scoops of Ensure and feeling very bloated after having it hehehe...

Thank you for sharing. btw do you also tend to have some discharge somewhere in the mid of ur 2ww? When I did my first fresh cycle in July, sometime after abt 1 week, I have a lot of discharge. Yest and today some slight egg white like discharge, definitely not crinone, coz crinone has that white colour. Also just want to check. coz I think it's mentioned somewhere abt chick peas. Its ok to take them during 2ww rite? I have a habit of wanting to munch on things. Do you tend to want to munch on things?


Sorry got everyone mixed up. Abt the fear on embryo slipping out. So far, my stools are loose coz I just started on Ensure a few days before ET and I asked the nurse why loose stools she said could be coz of the substance in Ensure that caused me to have that. My body needs adjusting.

But during my first fresh cycle in July, I did have days where I had hard stools. It comes to a pt that I have to check if any discharge came out. Coz normally when i have hard stools and I 'press' too much, white discharge comes out. I think if you have hard stools, drink lots of plain water first and eat fruits and vege for fibre. If still persists, call up your doc and he/she can prescribe medicine for you.

Oh I asked abt prune juice. One nurse told me I can take it to soften the stools, but on another occasion, I asked another nurse, she told me better not too and just call up the doc. Coz she says to avoid stuffs that are sour.

So happy to hear good news from you.

Enjoy this wonderful news over the weekends and celebrate!
Take good rest still and welcome to motherhood!
Hi all,
Need some advise,
I will be going for my IVF#3 next week. Was wondering if anyone or heard of anyone requesting to stay overnite in hospital after ET?
And regarding brazil nut, when should we start eating, during supression or after ET, and how many to take a day?
Hi all,

Just wondering if anybody experience, nauseous feeling, stomach cramps, fever, flu and sore throat when on Lucrin, im on my stage 1 of IVF but after inj Lucrin i feel quite sick...11 more days to go to test my E2 to go to Stage 2...Is this normal?

OHSS happens before ER or after ER?
hi Sam,

I hope you are much better now. I was on Lucrin for two weeks, but didn't have any of those listed by you. Think it's best to be sure to check with your clinic, ok?

I started taking brazil nuts recently after hearing from the goodness of the ladies in this forum. I took it a few days before my FET and a few hours after my FET was done. I took between
3 - 5 nuts a day.
ladies who have graduated and in 2ww,

juz wnt to check with u if u have any yellow discharge but no itching during 2ww? i had dat in my first cycle, but after swab no infection. juz wnt to chk if its normal. btw, i am oso on augmentin, antibiotics for 5 days. btw i am using crinon inserts.
hi ladies,
wonder if anyone of you who is doing ivf now is seeing TCM Loh Kim Gek? i'm planning to do my ivf in the next 2-3 mths' time. I got her name from Thomson Fertility Centre. I was planning to try out Dr Tan Kian Seng in clementi. so now not sure which tcm to see. altho TCM Loh Kim Gek is located in people's park centre - so its nearer for me.
Dear Sue,
Try AnMum. It comes with chocolate flavour too. Its specially formulated for pregnancy and has higher protein content than Ensure.
Hi dwi ,
Congrats on gradauating.

Hi hopefully,
The almonds are dried ones, with or without skin.
I'm from India. ohe, the chinese word jia u, i learnt from this site only
Hi Msytyy, Thanks for your explanation. So just to confirm, it wont slip out so easily right? I also have abit of white discharge these 2 days even though i m not on insert. Dun noe is it normal too.

Hello Sam, while i m on Lucrin, i had flu too. I remembered ladies mentioned that we cant take other med except panadol. But i secretly took those flu pill which i was prescribed last time to cure the flu. Bcos i thot if i m goin to stage 2 which is "growing egg", better not take any more medication from there on. So i quickly wanted my flu to go. However, i would suggest u to see a doc n tell the doc u r on ivf n currently on lucrin so that the prescription is something ok. Hope this help. Pls do take care of ur body

Ponytail, hmmmm porridge if serve hot should not be consider cold food. Actually wat i meant was
1) To eat ur meals while it's hot n not to wait till it's cold to consume.
2) Liang Food such as Barley, green bean soup, herbal tea and stuff which has very cooling effect to our body.
3) No cold drinks, food or fruits from the refrigerator. This is bcos they have become cold and will affect the warmth in our womb.

The above are actually the pointers given by my TCM.
Hi Sri, Oic, Heehee. How are you feeling? So far i m 5dpt but i m like normal n dun feel anything. DO you think it's ok?
Morning ladies~~

boy did I have a night.. last night... me and my husband was out just shopping, looking around at buggis street.. then I had dizzy spells.. thought its just another side effect... so was still walking and walking.. till.. thought I will faint.........

Then, my husband sat me down and got me cold water... after that to be seated comfortablly we went to a cafe.. had some soup my hb had dinner there. after we got home.. I think I must of been feeling very tired wasnt feeling comfortable too so lied down on the bed then right away went to bed then woke up about 30 min later... then had stomache ache and back ache.. threw up a little........har...

Then this morning.. feel like somebody have been punching my stomach.. and body feel very very dull and tired... my hands a bit swellen...har...

Ladies word of advice... dont think your body is as the same as before starting the injections... I learned my lesson the hard way....dont push your body too hard........phew......that was a bad bad.. experiense....

Ponytail, BlessWBB, GraceBB
Yesterday I thought I will just not take ensure and see how it will be....
Well, I think it was helping me to keep my energy... I will try to cut down though on the scoups... I started with 6 then went down to 3 a cup, took two cups one in morning and evening.. still urine so yellow... so then just made it to 1 and half scoops, per cup and maybe twice a day. seems like that is the right amount for me..... and it is better to take than not taking... for sure.........
Hi Sue,

Are you feeling better now? Is it dehydration? Are you drinking enough water each day? The dizzy spell is it those with stars stars?? If yes, it might be lack of iron too. Can try to eat more spinach. Take care ok??
Hi hopefully,
It's absolutely ok dear.
When i used to complain about no symptoms on the first few after ET, he said, "Only 4 *2 cells were put inside you, what more do you expect." , Then I felt it made sense.... I too stopped worrying, all my symptoms started only when the BT was nearing
yes yes, Im feeling better... it wasnt dizzy spell with stars.. but more like being in the sea on a small boat dizzy... the kind of floating floating and turning turning.. kind...

thank you.. Im going to take it easy today..............
I start to hv discharge 1 day after my ET. Yes is like egg white kind. I check on the website on sympton for pregnancy its say normal to hv discharge and it will hv more as the days go on. I only tend to feel hungry every now and then but can't eat much cos of bloatedness.
Sorry donno what is chick pea anyway i just take normal diet as long as is not too cooling.

Thank you for the assurance!

Oh dear, twice I took apples from the fridge on separate occasion. I hope everything will be fine. Up till now no symptoms, but only having loose stools coz of the milk I just drank.
Did you try urine test before the 2ww? I contemplating whether to test.
Btw what are the symptons that you hv? I'm having bloatedness alot of gas and sometimes feeling giddy. Wonder do u hv that symptons?
hi all, Have been silent observer of this thread during my ivf cycle. I have got a wealth of information from this forum & has definitely helped to give me some confidence.

Have just learnt that I failed my 2nd ivf cycle, was devastated for a day but now want to move on & try some more. Have heard of DHEA which helps egg quality, where can we get it in Singapore. Also what is the antagonist cycle?

Congrats to all those who have graduated, definitely gives hope to all those of us trying.

Oh no, yesterday i took flu tabs, panadol, cough syrup for my flu and fever and cough, than i took famotidine, antacid and another medication for my gastric, naseous and cramps.. I thought i wanna get better so quickly take all the medicine.. Hope it does not affect my jabs..

BTW ladies who are taking ensure for protein intake, please use 6 scoops as recommended by abbott as that is the min no of scoops required for the amount of protein you require.. If you find it too think or too sweet dilute further with fresh milk or water..
Hi Sue,
do take care. I do agree with you that sometimes we tend to assume that we used to be healthy before the injection and tend to overlook that body needs proper rest.

Hi AC,
welcome! my previous failed ivf, i cried for 3 days. I didn't join this thread earlier, if not would have got encouragement from everyone here and not have difficulty accepting the truth.

Hi Sam,
only normal panadol is the accepted medication, the other medicine you will need to consult doctor. Do double check with your doctor.

Not to worry. THe embies will not slip out that easily, just need to remember to eat fruits and vege in your diet, coz it will prevent constipation. Abt the discharge, blesswbb has assured us that its normal. and she says that as days go by, discharge will increase. So far, I too doesn't feel like I have gone through ET. Just that today when I wake up felt my boobs feeling sore. But I don't want to speculate further, coz I am also taking medication that can have such things as side effects. Like what the ladies here have assured us, some don't even have any symptoms at all. I am also trying hard not to read into those signs and symptoms. i can't believe I have only 9 more days to go before my BT. It seems shorter wait for me as compared to my first fresh cycle. LEt's continue to take good care of ourselves, ok?
Hi bless,
I did not have the guts to take a urine test dear.
Yeah, bloating is a good sign... don't worry.
For me, i had bloating & crampy feeling too after day 10 of ET. Almost from Day 13 after ET,i started waking up in the night to pass urine.
Also mostly, the first urine in the morning, i started feeling some pain while passing.
Dear Sue,
I hope you are feeling better now. If you don't feel well during injections, do highlight to the doctor when you see him the next time.

I bought Ensure Life but realised that it is for patients undergoing tube-feeding... Is that the same Ensure that was recommended in this thread?
Thanks....i too feel abit crampy this 2 days and also has been waking up to urine in the middle of the night. Its so tiring.
Really hope this is the sign thanks!!
Dear BlesswBB and Fellaine,
I believe Ensure was recommended by one of the nurses at KK (bcos it is used in hospitals), and the info was passed on to us in this thread, right? Ensure is not the only protein drink available. Do a quick check at NTUC and you'll find that there are other beverages with higher protein content that Ensure. Eg. AnMum, EnfaMama, Friso Mum. I think those for pregnancy are more suitable for us trying to conceive, some even contain folic acid and DHA. Check them out yourself..
And have fun trying out the different flavours. I'm currently drinking AnMum chocolate. It goes well with 2 egg whites.

Here's my little recipe:
1) Put 2-3 egg whites in a mug.
2) Pour boiling water over the egg whites and simmer for 5 mins.
3) Add 4 scoops of AnMum (chocolate) milk powder.
4) Stir and enjoy your drink.

BlesswBB, Fellaine,,,

Im not sure what the difference is between ensure ife and ensure... you might want to check out the difference from the label in the back... it might be that there are more vitamins in ensure life since it is for people who cannot eat other foods.....

I also realized something, that ensure for me has been numbing my tongue... I am going to try complan tomorrow to see if there is any difference with my tongue ... I thought it maybe the side effects of superfact... but lesser I took the ensure my taste budds kind of came back..... my hb was telling me that there is a sugar substance that some people might have that kind of reaction.... so will see tomorrow
