IVF/ICSI Support Group

dont worry, the side effects wont stay long, will subside soon when you are having puregon too.

thanks. I will try to relax. My sis just asked if it will be accurate to take hpt today or tommorrow. My whole family is also very nervous for me. I dare not test leh, I dont have the courage now still. Really very very scared to take hpt test. Have never seen a positive result before and have seen many many times negatives, been thru so much disappointments... I really feel frightened to even think of taking the test at home.

Hi Debz,
which hospital are you with? How come your ER is under GA and not sedation? GA is stronger and you will be totally in sleep, but sedation has lighter effect. I told the ladies that time during my ER, I can hear docs and nurses talking and even sense the needles poking my ovaries. I was awake throughout the resting hours after ER coz the cramps was clearly felt, too painful to fall asleep.
which hospital are you with too? If KKH, I dont think we are given option to have GA or sedation.
My sinseh told me before that it is better to take lighter injection during the ER. She told me it is better not to let the body take in too strong medication, so sedation is good enough to let us feel painless during the retrevial.
Hi kalki,
how are you feeling these days? Do you feel anything special?
After yesterday's cramping, I feel nothing today again. But the bruises pain from the progesterone injections is still accumulating. No choice, I have to try to ignore the 'blue black' kind of pain especially when trying to sleep on my sides.
Hi Bliss,
I did my ER in Gleneagles. Think the GA was a light dosage. I woke up in an hr. Never heard nor felt anything. Well, no choice now, took the GA liao... *smile*
Hi all,
Morning. Wide awake now. My hubby reach his destination only around 2:30am so was having a bit disturbed sleep.

Just don't worry. Stay cool. According to my parents and hubby my body was so hot after ET all the way till tuesday. But since yesterday i am sweating a lot and my body feels cold. So for me i believe it is all the side effect of the hormones we intake. So just stay calm and don't worry.

Not sleeping much. How are you feeling?

You can acutally call your clinic to check with them and also inform them that your embryologist did not call you,then things will take its own course.
Even i did not know the numbers during my last cycle, but after following the info from the sisters in the forum came to know a lot. So managed to check and question more.
that's good as long as no pain. Better dont be like me, so scary one. Maybe I kaypo that time, thought I can tahan the pain after ER, so choosed not to take painkillers when the nurse asked me. But in the end, I also took one painkiller later at home.
Hi Bliss,
I don't have any symptom. Not even a pain. Anyway i am on crinone and utrogeston both are progesterone basically and so no jab.
Tell me about the progesterone injections, i had it for about 4 days and my sides where totally gone. It is oil base so do not put anything like hot pack on it then will start to melt faster giving more pain.
Just use some cold pack, it will num and you may feel a bit better.
the weather over these 3 days have been very hot, no rain, no wind at all. I felt so warm last night and couldnt sleep without switching on the air-con. Maybe that's why you also perspired alot.
You are so calm! I really have to learn.
hi kalki.
it's good afternoon already! ;)
i'm feeling q frustrated. my ovulation was late this mth, so my entire cycle q "screwed up" (excuse my language). i normally hv a consistent 27-day cycle, but this mth, today's already 6 days past, hv been having v slight cramps on and off the past few days and STILL no sign of AF!
wish it will jus come and end my agony of waiting!
Hi Pooh2,
Dun stress abt your cycle! When I was taking my Gonal F, my cycle also delayed by 6 days! I went to see dr, probably relieved after what the dr told me, I had my AF the very next day! Relax...

Progesterone injections.. My dr asked me to do this cronine gel insert. A bit of discomfort coz I'm still bleeding yet need to insert... *yucks*
I cant use any inserts, I dare not use too, coz I am prone to getting yeast infections. I got it during my last iui 2WW when I have to use the progesterone pessaries. So I do not want to take the risk this time round, and choose to take the injections when KKH did offer the use of progesterone inserts.
just think quanyin will do the best to you. And for me though being a hindu think that the goddess is really powerful. Whoever the god is they know the best.
After all the issues about embryo growth to blastocyst stage i have decided that it is really nothing human.
Sorry way too religious. But that is what makes me stay calm.

Take it easy. As said above there is really somthing above human power. And stay cool. May be things are happening for the good.

Say for me the whole cycle was pushed by a month from the day it was decided,so i had plenty of time to prepare myself for the best and worst.

The first thing during ivf is to destress and make sure you are happy. Remember baby want happy mother.

Just think you are on a holiday and just enjoy staying in the house. That will make you feel better.

Toooooooooooooooooooooooo...............much serious talk...............I want rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!city area is hot i don't see any clouds.(heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........i stay on 30th floor so get to see till bt.timah hill,west jurong island and east cbd).........they have put a hold on the rain for F1
the skies are also darkening at my side, yippee!!!
i luv the rain and hate the hot weather too! i'm suffering fm chronic hives, so the heat makes my hives come out and they itch like mad!
Actually i am prone to UTI but my doc gave me an anti..something to insert so there will be no infections for next 6months. I had one 2 days before ER. May be u should check with your doc, because the issue need to be sorted before getting giving birth.
Mel darling,
Are you enjoying your 2WW, or still having headache. Just thought of you. Just you, me and bliss in 2WW so thought will chat with you also.
How are you feeling? Anything particular happening.

Another 4 days, I have 5 days and Mel got 7 days to know the result . Keep positive.
I used to get some kind of suppositories from my previous gynae too to help to prevent yeast infections. But it had to be inserted even when I was still having the infection, and it was just like burning in the vagina, really painful like hell. So I decided to stop and use the chinese herbs my sinseh prescribed to me. It worked! And it is very much gentle than those suppositories.
Anyway, I was observed that my recurrent infections were due to weakened immune system and probably the skin inside my vagina is rather sensitive and not able to fight against bacteria, so I need to build up my immune system which I have been doing in order to stop infections. I tried taking plum vinegar too, and it really helps alot to improve my immune system.

You are right, I will inform my doc about my infection history if I really got pregnant. Coz I know that it is even easier for pregnant women to get yeast infections due to great hormonal changes.
Hi Ladies,

I'm new here. Was thinking of going thru IVF @ SGH. Anyone doing IVF @ SGH?

I understand that the cost per cycle would be $7k-9k and we are able to claim up to $6k from medisave. The govt is also subsidising up to $3k.

Does this means that we will have to come out wiv $7k-9k cash 1st and recover from medisave and govt subsidy later?

How is the payment like? Every tyme we c doctor/scan?

Sowie wiv imposing so many questions....

Hi Ping

Yes, its normal to pass big clots after a failed ivf.I'm passing out a lot right now. Sadly, some could be the tissues from the embryos. Nothing to worry about.

Hi Kalki,Mel,Bliss

Kalki,you're so positive and a great comfort,I'm sure, to Bliss and Mel. I can truly understand what all of you are going through this nail-biting 2ww. All the best to you all. May you all have a BFP.
Hi Mala,
Are you back in your house. How are you?
Take a lot of spinach during this period. A lot of iron is lost so please eat spinach or iron supplements. Take Care
Hi zaza,
no, no need to fork out $7-9K cash at all.
ok, my payment was as follows:
1) paid in cash for $204 for the briefing of the ivf procedure and consultation w the doc and signing the consent forms.
2)Paid $98 cash for lucrn injections and $38 for baseline ultrasound and blood test.
So far, the above are the only cash I need to pay throughout.
The rest payment of the puregon injections, ultrasound scans, egg retrevial, embryos transfer and progesterone medication and minor costs such as the anti-biotics and painkillers, will be all be claimable thru the govt co funding, thus no need to pay in cash at all.

One more thing, the insurance to purchase after the embryo transfer has to be paid our own then, which is $107 for 2 embryos transferred.

Hope this info helps.
hi zaza,
sorry, forgot to tell you I am with KKH, so not sure the payment is the same as in SGH or not. Should be around the same since both are govt hospitals.
Hi Kalki

Yes, I'm back in my own house. Just sitting around feeling utterly depressed. But life goes on and we have to make a decision soon on our next step.

I think I'll take some time to get over my mood. Right now, I have no appetite. But thanks for the suggestion.You take care.
Yap tell me about the feeling, when i had two failed cycle i was feeling the same way. I see some friends with kids then feel very upset and also did get a lot of unwanted advise from people. All this made me sad and refused to go for my next cycle. But luckily one of my friends sis had a baby boy and thats how i knew doc nair. The first comforting words from him was i will be your surrogate father and make sure both of you become parents. That was the day i recovered. Almost 4months after the second cycle.

So just take it easy if you have any friends who can understand you talk to them or always i will keep my arms open to comfort you. And ofcourse all the ladies here are!

Take care
Make sure you eat well no appetite its ok but need to eat. Empty tummy leads to frustration and that leads to self pity.
Take Care and we are here for you. Don't worry
no problem. No, my doc is Dr Sadhana, she is the senior consultant in KKivf centre. Dr Loh is the head of the KKivf centre. He is very popular doctor with high success rate in ivf, many ladies are with him.
I am more comfortable with female doc, so I called to see Dr Sadhana that time.
thank you for the wishes!
I have just finished reading a book called 'The infertility Survival Guide' by Judith C. Daniluk. It was lent by my ex colleague who had 3 laparoscopy, 5 iuis and 4 ivfs. She was very kind to pass me a few useful books, hoping I will take care of my emotional health while going thru ivf.
I find this book quite useful. It really tells all the complex feelings and challenges and sufferings we are all going through. Maybe you would like to read if you have not read before. There are many things that you will find very similar to your case. I think it will help you in a way to make your next move.

Yes, I'm also more confortable wiv famale doc n tt's y i requested for Dr Yong(SGH). Mayb I shld stick wiv her for my IVF too ;)

i'm with dr. ong at mt. e for my IUI.

if go ivf, then i will go look for dr. loh.

i have had 2 failed IUIs. one before laproscopy, one after laproscopy. so tot to try another 2 more rounds of IUI. if cannot, then give up IUI then pop to IVF liaoz. cos i read that usually not much chance if after 3 IUIs still not successful.



can understand your feelings. or maybe don take the HPT test first? wait for BT instead? like some of the other ladies, the + came slightly later. so maybe don stress yourself first and wait till BT day?

meanwhile, try to relax more. can understand your anxiety. it is a normal reaction.
Hi Bliss

Keep calm and positive ok? I read that you have ET since 5 Sep? Thats a long 14 days ago so should be good news already as long as AF dont report. Wishing you BFP!!
anxious - hi.. welcome.. whoa.. you married young leh..

zaza - welcome..

sue - yup, as far as i know, they will tell you anything you wanna knwo abt the eggs.. at my clinic, they let me know how many retrieved, after washing, how many matured, how many discarded, when they start fertilization, how many are growing/dividing, and they will also let me know the egg grade and embryo grade..
i had 3 grade 1 eggs, that became grade 2 only after fertilisation.. (at CARE paragon, grade 1 is supposed good..), they will give me info on how many cells my embryos have become.. no. of 8 cells, etc.. and what grades they are transfering and what grades they are freezing.. good eggs vibes for you..

Debz - good egg vibes for your ET... divide divide divide...

bliss - though i am an advocate of BBT, but i do think that it might not mean anything.. mabbe you kicked the blanket off in the night, or mabbe you did sleep well.. i know that it's hard, but pls dun think too much...

bliss, pooh2 - so jealous that it rained on your side.. so bl**dy hot here.. i walk 2 steps, sweat like pig.. sian..

kalki - thanks for remembering me.. my headache last afternoon turned so bad, that i puked my guts the whole evening.. sian.. can't eat anything at all... at least today is better.. head is spinning, but at least no headache..

bliss, kalki - nail-biting time for us.. hope we can get BFPs.. i just got a earful from my cousin for being pessimistic.. she was scolding me throughout lunch, when her little boy is climbing all over me... hai...

mala - thanks for the well wishes.. you take care of yourself... how are you feeling?? i was rather inconsolable after my ectopics.. i used to hide in my company toilet and do the 'why me' lamentings.. i think you are stronger than me... do take care...

All - my E2 levels plunged at the 2nd blood test on monday, so, i was quite upset.. my doc asked me to take progynova, and the blood test today shows that it is in the 3000+ range.. so, i am feeling a teeny bit better, but at the back of my mind, i know that it is due to drugs, not by me.. hai.. i better start watching mindless shows so as to not think so much..

shower all of you with BFPs,

and extra few for kalki and bliss...
hi Bliss

I'll definitely go get the book. She had the same number of iuis and ivfs as I did. Thanks a lot!

Hi Kalki

Thanks a lot for your warm and comforting words. After every failed ivf, there will be always be some form of grieving. So I believe that in time, just like in all my other failed cycles and like everyone else, I will get over it. You take care.

Hi Mel

I think my self-pitying stage will soon be over. It'll take a while. Can understand how you felt.You take care!
yah, my ex colleague was really strong and brave, I really admired her strong will, as much as I admired Mala and those ladies here who have gone thru so much.
Yes, she did succeed in her first ivf and her 1st boy is 3 years plus now. Her thawed embryos did not survive from her first ivf, so she couldnt do FET after that. She got her 2nd son during her 4th ivf! The baby is around 6 months old now! So happy, right? But it was really hardship for her to go through for many years. She is 38 years old already. So now, she does not plan to have any more kids, that's why she passed me all the books on infertility to me. She doesnt even need me to return, coz she told me she wont need the books again. I am so happy for her and her stories really have been giving lots of encouragement and support.

Akachan, december,
thanks! I will try and try to relax more. Honestly speaking, I am getting kind of nervous again when it is near weekends... coz the date is really close liao...

thanks so much for the wishes! It feels really good to see so many BFP signs! :D
Good luck to you too.
Is your headaches still very bad now? I also have headaches on and off since this Monday. My bowel system also does not work that well... I try to drink more water, prune juice and eat more fruits.

can understand. maybe go out and walk walk. or see movies!

keep your mind off pensive mood. he he
Hi Mel
Good to see you back.
Hey good that you want to watch mindless stuff. I do the same.
Trying to cope without my hubby, he just reach like less than 24hrs and now we managed to speak to each other like 3 times already. Good that he is away bse if in singapore will call me only 1 time after lunch. Now more concerned.

Anyway just drink plenty of water. Even i had a mild headache and after i had plenty of water to drain out all the unwanted stuff from my body feel better.
Take Care
Babyhopes the one inside bracket is ID cannot change one. The name outside bracket can change. Just go to profile and change the Full Name. HTH.
Hi ladies...
Dr said I've got 11 eggs retrieved yday, 7 matured eggs have been fertilised. Will see me on Sat. I opted for ICSI so I guess that's why the 7 matured eggs all got fertilised. Now, just hoping that the cells will multiply, multiply, multiply!
Hmm.. then can I not have the name in the bracket displayed? Just found out that someone I'm not too comfy with plans to go thru IVF. Do not wish to let her know I'm here!
Babyhopes, i think cannot leh. Wow, you have nice number of eggs! Hope i can have as much. Ya, hope it times times times ... be a beautiful 4 to 8 cell by ET!

All, i went to call KKH just now ask how much is my lining at baseline scan. They say 4mm. Hmm, is that normal? Anybody know? I was on day 4 of AF still can have 4mm lining eh?
I have been seeing the same sinseh as Maykel.
The TCM given(cum consultation) for 2 weeks is around $150, so estimated around $300 per person for a month. If your husband is also taking TCM, then will be around $600 for two persons per monthly. It is quite costly to me.
As for the acupuncture session, it is $50 per session. But they charge $70 per session for iui/ivf patient. Dont know why more expensive as was said the acupuncture will need to complement with the treatment. But I dont feel the difference in the acupuncture points given leh. Anyway, just pay $20 extra lor.
4mm is normal. It is supposed to be that thin during this time. Then they will expect your lining to thicken to at least 8mm during puregon and to prepare for ER and ET. My lining was 3mm on day 5 and was 12mm during puregon.

I think the only way is to register another account and use the new nick name then. Just let us know you are babyhopes. Hehehe!

Wow Bliss, your lining is good! I read that somewhere between 11 to 13mm at ET is good. Ok, then i feel better, hehe. Thanks!
