IVF/ICSI Support Group

I did try the strawberry flavour. Love it.
But this time got the vanilla flavor which has more of medicated smell. So general advice go for strawberry or chocolate.

Hi Maykel,
Hahaha :D Yea yea, must "tahan" till AWS.
Sighh... in that case can change doctor already. Hahaha :D
Bigger size is controlling mah.. so before they come out. The big one should be bigger sister/brother. Hahahaha :D

Aiyo, dun think too much. Be happy. who know in the end the smaller one grow bigger than bigger one.

I hope I can follow you, hope can have twins.(so nice)
Btw, last time what is your beta test level? you put 2 or 3?

Hi Dec,
Eat only the egg white. Do not eat the yolk (high cholesterol)
For me, I only eat 4 hard boiled egg white everyday.
Or you can boiled water mix the protein powder + egg white and drink it together (from Ruru). Or most of the ladies drink ensure milk. But during the ER, you can not drink Milk because milk contains Calcium and you must drink the antibiotic (not allow to consume together with calcium or iron).

Dun worry so much, that will affecting your result.

Hi sue,
Welcome to this thread.
Yup, this forum is very active.
Hi Dec,
I got saw it at KK pharmacy. But not sure whether that one that they buy. Because for me, i eat the egg white because it is rich protein compare ensure milk.
You also can try protein powder (I got saw at GNC).
Hi IVF0908,

I think we may have seen each other. How come you are going back on Sat & mine is on Fri? Thought it should be the same day? Strange...

Can you recommend me your TCM? I called KKIVF for their advice whether can have acupuncture during this period. Was quite surprised that they even have a list of TCM for recommendation. Think nowadays TCM + western are going well.

Can i be added in the list? I be starting my puregon on this fri.
Hi Happyever,
Thanks! I have been slept quite a lot this few days. I am feeling better now

Sorry to hear that you are having flu now. May be can take more vit c to boost up your immunity against the virus. Take care ya.

You are in stage one now right? Jia you, very soon you would going to your stimulation stage where things will move faster from there. Good luck to you and hope to hear your good news very soon.
Hi Comfort
Have added already

stage 1: (lucrine or suprefact)
Happyever - 8 Sep
Sue-6 sep

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)
Louise - 5 Sep
Sri - 11 Sep
Comfort-19 Sep

Stage 3 - 2WW:
Bliss - ET 5 Sep
Kalki - ET 11 Sep
Mel Wong- ET 11 Sep

Bebecraze08, Elle, Imel
Feibb, Maykel, Cale
Josephine, Bakaholic, Dimple
stage 1: (lucrine or suprefact)
Happyever - 8 Sep
Sue-6 Oct

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)
Louise - 5 Sep
Sri - 11 Sep
Comfort-19 Sep

Stage 3 - 2WW:
Bliss - ET 5 Sep
Kalki - ET 11 Sep
Mel Wong- ET 11 Sep

Bebecraze08, Elle, Imel
Feibb, Maykel, Cale
Josephine, Bakaholic, Dimple
stage 1: (lucrine or suprefact)
Happyever - 8 Sep
Sue-6 Oct

Stage 2: (puregon or Gonal f)
Louise - 5 Sep
Sri - 11 Sep
Comfort-19 Sep

Stage 3 - 2WW:
Bliss - ET 5 Sep
Kalki - ET 11 Sep
Mel Wong- ET 11 Sep

Bebecraze08, Elle, Imel,
Feibb, Maykel, Juju78,
Cale, Josephine, Bakaholic,

I adding juju in the list.

Thanks for the link. Those dishes look yummy. I read somewhere that chick peas can be mashed with butter, pepper and salt and it'll taste like Tuna on sandwich.

Curry Chick peas sounds good too. Yummy, I'm going to try that.
If you can’t find, I bought my Strawberry Ensure from Guardians pharmacy. Pls check the pricing when you pay. Their system may charge diff from the price tag. That’s what happened to me. Btw, I bought the 400gm Ensure bec I’m not sure if I’ll like the taste. So you may want to try it out first.
Hi ladies, I haven't heard from Care the result of my blood test. I hope no news is good news.
My scan today shows more follicles reaching ideal sizes, so hopefully i will have a good pool on ET day!
Hi Debz, how was your ER? I am 33 this year, how about you?
Oic, so you only start your acupuncture when you are in stage 2. Still ok to do by than hor. Thank you, take a load off my mind. I was abit concerned but keep telling myself to be positive.

Oh ya, Congratulation to you for having a Twinnie. So happy! Envying! So do you have to eat double the share for both the baby right? Don’t worry about the size of the other baby, my frend’s baby born pre-mature around 30weeks is very small but 3 mths after birth, looks like every other baby. She is now healthy and strong. So don’t worry, meanwhile, you try to eat healthily ok. You are only in 1st trimester.

No news is good news. But good to give them a call tomorrow. So when will your ER be. You are on many days of gonal-f or puregon? And what was your dosage?
Dear Josephine and Kalki,
Thanks for the info. I'm going to NUH to sign some papers tomorrow, so I can ask the nurse.

Thank you for including me in the list. I was delighted to find my name on it
Finally, I'm embarking on this journey... I know I'm not alone...and I'll want to graduate!
thanks happyever

My ER is this friday. I was on 12 days of puregon since 5 Sept, 250IU. Also on lucrin 20IU since 20 Aug...Mine is the long protocol.
today i felt teary eyed as I left Care..i was thinking of the daily injections all of us have to endure, not to mention the emotional roller coster some of us may have....all of us deserve a pat on the back !!
I'm also on long protocol. On 10 days of Lucrin. Hopefully I can start my Gonal-f after my E2 test on Friday.

You are right that many of us here are going thru emotional roller coaster. So let's give ourselve a big pat and a big cheer everytime we clear 1 stage. Jia you! Jia you!
hello ladies, wow, so active here at nite?

Comfort, i am supposed to go back KKIVF on fri too and thats just to collect the puregon then start jab on sat. Maybe thats what you mean too?

Ladies, those started onpuregon/gonal F, any idea what are we supposed to do to help boost follicle growth? Eat lotsa protein food? The drinking of Ensure milk and eating of egg whites is after ER issit? So now while on puregon/gonal F no need drink Ensure or eat egg whites?

Sorry, me quite a dummy in this area.
I felt the same when I was first briefed by the nurse on the whole ivf journey. I felt very upset to have to face such a route in order to have a baby. But now, I think it is good that I at least have the chance to make use of such technology to make my wish come true. I am proud of myself to have the courage to try whatever I can. So you must be strong and positive too! You are a strong girl too!

Dear ladies,
I am feeling better now.
I told nurse Noora about my BBT drop and my cramps. She said that the drop is only very little, so I do not need to worry about it. As for the cramps, she said it is ok, as long as it is not bleeding. She told me not to worry too much. I felt better somehow after talking to her. She is very nice.

By the way, I also asked her how come the BT is scheduled as early as 10dpET in some private hospitals. She told me this is the way private hospitals try to make money. She said, it may not be very accurate to test so early, so if the patient is actually pregnant later, the hospital will ask the patient to come again for BT once every two days for monitoring, and that will make money for the hospitals. She said it is very common for private hospitals to do that. I was quite surprised. Anyway, just to share this with all of you.
you should start taking high protein food now. Actually can even start earlier. It helps in the growth of the follicles. Continue to take after your ER to reduce bloatedness too. Even after ET, can still take, but may be not that much. Your embryos inside will also need lots of protein to grow well.
After counting, you on nearly 1 month of injection. No wonder you wanted to cry just now. Oh my dear, you have been so strong. A Big Hug for you.

So when are u getting the Jab for the ER on Friday?
All the best to your ER, may you have good quality and good numbers of eggs. Let me cheer for you again!
Hi comfort,
My TCM is Dr Zhong Xi Min from Eu Yan Sang Paragon, level 13. Their number is 6735 2600.
Yup, i'm with Dr SF Loh at kkivf, he and Dr Zhong knew each other so i think their treatment would compliment each other

I started TCM even b4 my lucrin, but started acup only during puregon stage. Cos Dr Zhong thinks that acup may help in blood circulation and thus help in ER and ET.

Hi happyever,
Yup, started acup oni in stage 2, cos like i was telling Comfort, Dr Zhong believes that acup may help in blood circulation and thus help in ER and ET. Think acup no point doing so early oso bah, unless you got any pain or ache anywhere then maybe she would treat you with acup. Have you started any TCM at all yet?

Thank you
no need to envy lah, your turn would come soon. No leh, nvr eat double, in fact my appetite reduces alot as I am having very very bad nausea and it lasted the whole day

Oh, 30 wks is so small hor...thanks for sharing, makes me feel better. Anyway, now i really just hope the 2 would grow healthily.
Thanks for your concern, you must take care of urself too even thou only stage 1. Cos its better not to be stress at all during the whole process
huh?! Aiyo, Bliss, i havent been eating high protein food! Aiyo, hope its not too late to start tomorrow. Thanks for sharing!
What is your background? How come you always have inside story? Hahahaha.....Glad you are feeling better now. I feel helpless bec I can’t really give you any advice. Lucky those sisters who graduated came back.

Let me see if I can insert a picture for you.

Ya, I've been taking Dr Zhong's TCM since beginning of this month. For you, 1st trimester is like tat, no appetite to eat and nausea. But nausea is a good sign, meaning your hormone level is good.
Hi Babylou,
Good to hear that your follicles are now of ideal size.. Your effort has paid off! I'm 28. I sure hope things goes well this round.

Dear ladies,
Had my ER this morning, going for ET on Sat. Any recommendation on food to take these 2 days? I'm feeling ok, still a little bleeding though. Just did my progesterone insert. Don't really like the feeling. Well, guess we all have to manage!

Hi 0908,
Nothing's too late! Do take protein as and when possible!

Dearest Ping,
Stay positive ok? Take this opportunity to rest and tiao more.. Life's good!
Hehe Happyever
thats cute! I saved it, hehe! I like to collect emoticons, makes me smile.

Ok thanks Bliss, Debz, think starting tomorrow, i must have more eggs and maybe eat minced meat mee for lunch. Hmm..
Hi happyever,
Hmm.. I dun remember my doctor telling me anything.. My hubby called our nurse when I was conscious but nurse said will tell us tmr. Will update my dear frens here tmr! *excited*
Yeh, I managed to upload a picture. Didn't know I can do that. sure, no problem. I save ur hamster icon too.

Sleeping early is also impt, so try to sleep before 11pm if you can. Many sisters having sleeping problem when they start 2ww.

Sleep early, don't be a panda, ok.
hi gals

anyone here heard of a TCM at with branches at race course road & tampines who is very good with infertility treatments?

hubby friends recommend - but i rather see if anyone here knows/heard of them?
Hi happy,
Ok, tats good, its good to start tcm early.
Cale oso told me nausea is good, means got alot of hormones. Hope its really true
i vaguely recall u're wif prof ng at O&G, yes? how's ER wif them, was it painful? u mentioned u din like the feeling....

not sure if u r still reading... do take a break and stay positive until u decide when to do the next cycle.

i'm also taking bbt everyday, like u, it's more a habit now. i know, it can really drive u crazy isn't it? esp when AF is ard the corner and u see a drop in the temp, yr heart really sinks. but one gynae told me bbt is not v gd prediction, cos many factors can affect e.g. whether u covered yrself well wif blanket. anyway, glad u r feeling better already

sorry to hear abt the IUI, but dun give up. i'm STILL waiting for my AF to come b4 embarking on next IUI...

hope it's not too late. i did my HSG at mt alvernia too (like bliss). i din feel much discomfort, so dun worry. u only feel slight bloatedness and cramp during the process, dun recall any pain at all. jus relax and treat it like a pap smear, it'll be over b4 u know it!
Hi, I'm new here.
I've had 3 missed abortions, during my 8 years marriages. Causes are unknown and I hadnt gone for anymore check ups. Recently, after the news on IVF subsidy, I decided to go ahead and check it out from my gynae. Having the appointment tomorrow. 18/9/08
Wondered whether I can skip IUI and stright go for IVF? I dun wanna wait long cos DH is not getting younger, neither am I, I turning 30 next month.
Anyway, shall update tmrw once I am back from KKH
My my! How fast these threads went! And I am now lost!

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think I'm in stage 2 right, since I'm already on Puregon since 11 Sep.
Morning ladies!

I just woke up and, first thing that poped in to my mind this morning...

I was wondering... for you who have already been through IVF before...

After the ER , are you told how many eggs they were able to take out and how many had succeeded to grow into an embryo?

Do they tell you the level of embryo? meaning how well the cells are multiplying before ET?

well... I just had a dream... that they were only able to take..4 out... and was told that there are not enough for ET...

well,, it is only a dream......(+ +)
Morning Ladies!

Dear pooh2,
Yup, I'm with Prof Ng from O&G. ER was fine since I was on GA. Felt a bit of pressure at tummy area when I started walking after 4hrs, but overall was fine. Didn't like the feeling? Hhmmm... Think I didn't like the smell of the GA, stinks man! Hahhahaaa....

Waiting anxiously for my doctor to call with regard to the number of eggs. Many ladies here know their numbers at the hospi.

I vaguely heard Prof talking to a hubby when I was half conscious in the waiting ward, say having 16 eggs, some no gd, low iron for the wife, I thot it was me! My heart sank for a while.. I used to have low blood in the past and my recent blood test was borderline. Guess what? When I was pushed to my ward, I saw my hubby there! Hahahahhaaaa... I asked my hubby, was it him downstairs just now, he said he didn't know where the op took place and needless to say to go down!

Dear Sue,
After ER, they will tell you the number of eggs. I think some of the embroylogists update on daily basis, to tell you how's the growth of the embryos. B4 ET, they'll tell u the grade of embryo too. Many graduates here have Grades 4 and 3 (best Grade 5). Just a dream... Usu dreams are opp of reality. U may get more! Think positive!
remember not to take any preserved food, canned food too. And no artifical flavourings, colourings and so on.

you very cute leh! Why always ask what my background is? Hahaha! I also heard from others, just happened they want to tell me lah.

all the best for your ET! Jia You!

my BBT dropped by 0.01 this morning. Though it was very small drop, I still dont understand why my BBT has been dropping these 3 days. Now I am rather scared to take BBT and see th readings...

Thanks! Will pop down later during lunch to find it at Guardian.


Thanks! Will not give up! Will continue with maybe max another 2 rounds of IUI. If not, will just go for IVF liaoz. Good luck to your next round of IUI!!! Hope you strike this time!!! ^_^

I have also been taking BBT all this while.

Think 0.01 dip is not very significant. Don't think too much into it. At this stage, you have to try to relax more.
"An Tai"
Hi Sue,
it's always good to tell people about a bad dream, then will not happen. So now the opposite will happen, you should have lots of eggs.

Ladies in stage2 or near stage2, do you all intend to take brazilian nuts? Heard that aids implantation. If you are taking, any recommendation where to buy good nuts?

I think i have side effects from lucrin, hot flashes, irritable, sleepless some nites and headaches. Urgh!
hi debz.
haha, glad it was not yr hubby and yr eggs prof was talking abt ;) all the best, hope u get great news abt the number and qlty of eggs retrieved! were u offered a choice - either sedation or GA - b4 ER, or O&G's practice is GA by default? i will prob opt for GA anytime if i do ivf, jus knock me out man!!! :D

all yr bbt drops v small, so dun worry too much k? i think my bbt is terribly inaccurate, cos i wake up at diff times and so the temp fluctuates - lower if i wake up earlier, higher if later. besides habit, the only reason i'm still taking it is becos my sinseh at thong chai takes this chart v seriously, if i dun produce it when i see her, will get scolding

may i ask how many rounds of iui u hv done already, and which gynae u r with? also dr sf loh at kkh like most of the ladies here?

hope u r still napping and resting well everyday

a little lost, hv u started jabbing? hope things r going well for u in preparation for ER...

Hi Pooh2...
Hmm... Till now still no news abt my eggies.. Wondering if I shd call doc.. As for GA, doc did not give me option. Told me to sign form then GA. Hahahhaa.. I'd also had prefer that! Are you with O&G? (^_^) Too many of us here. More concerned abt everyone's health then the doc! Hahhaha....
