IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi bakaholic,

Cant advise on you whether to proceed with IVF. There are many ladies who have unexplained reason of unable to conceive when both party is ok. I know some of these ladies procceed to IVF to give a try.

Hi All

We only transfered 2 embries.... The third one not that good so the embrioligst said only two.. They are good embries she said but I wander does she say to all... Im leaving it to God and hope he gives me this baby or babies...
My Husband has been so great he keeps rubbing my tummy and telling the embries to behave n grow in me if not he wont know what to do with me. hehehehe..
Im bored out of my mind........ at home.. Went down with Husband n doggy yesterday after dinner..
Ladies when shld symtoms show?? after day what ahh?? I was feeling bloated yesterday after dinner and in the middle of the nite it started to hurt n I got up to me pee and felt alot better...I really want this to work so badly..
Hi ML, Im oks.. Off n off sudden spasms.. Sad to know I had nothing to frezze.. so praying this 2 embries tranfered stick n grow.

ML, dont give up oks... Pls pm me if u want to chat.. Miss the countdowns... All the best to u... BNig huhs.
My AF lasted for 11 days. Towards the last few days are spottings. Then when we BD again, there are spotting for a few days. Now back to normal. My flow was only heavy for first 2 days.

You appt also next week? When? When will you be doing your FET? Tiao your body first, ok. Don't give yourself too much stress for your FET. Relax, everything is fated.
Nick Stage Start Date Date of ER Date of ET End of 2ww Hospital Doc
Zeena - - - - - KKIVF SF Loh
Budderball - - - - - KKIVF SF Loh
BlesswBB Lucrin April 07/5/2008 09/5/2008 26/05/2008 KKIVF SF Loh
Cherishball - April - - - - -
Cuteangel ER April 24/04/2008 29/04/2008 16/05/2008 Raffles Dr Koh
Jan 2ww April 24/04/2008 26/04/2008 13/05/2008 KKIVF SF Loh
LFB BCP April - - - TMC L C Cheng
Penguin Puregon April - - - TMC L C Cheng
pretyy Lady 2ww April 06/5/2008 08/05/2008 23/05/2008 KKIVF SF Loh
Nancy BCP April/May - - - TMC L C Cheng
BabyWee BCP May - - - KKIVF -
ML lucrin May - - - TMC L C Cheng
Nicole menogon May 26/05/2008 28/05/2008 11/06/2008 SGH Dr Yu Su Ling.
wishababy - May - - - TMC L C Cheng
chuafamily2003 2ww - - - 26/05/2008 KKIVF SF Loh
rejoice Puregon May 22/05/2008 24/05/2008 - KKIVF SF Loh
Bakaholic - May/June - - - GlenE SC Ng
Naiza - June - - - KKIVF SF Loh
Merlenna - June - - - - Dr Sadhana
Hi all I dont know how to copy into a table n upload.. Pls enter ur own info from time to time.. Im worried I dont log on enough to upload for u all. All the best and hope God bless us all with bundles of joy!

Rejopice I took the liberty to add urs in since we cycling together.. I dont know when ur test date is.. Fill that up oks. How u coping??? Im bored to tears.. My mum n dad keep asking me to go over n stay @ their place.. Im comfy at my own place so not keen on going mayb will go next week.. See how. hehehe
Hi Pretyy

Mine last for abt 10days... first few days v heavy and there're clots... v pain oso...

I've postpone my apt and I'm oso seeing Dr Loh next wk... hehe...
HI ladies,
I did see my dr this morning. Did the scan and he said that everything normal.. No pregnacy revealed and my uterus seemed to have healed on its own. My ovaries are fine too so he said that i will just have to wait for the next AF to report and will probably be doing a natural cycle for FET when the time is right.. (meaning I am ovulating well) He couldn't really explain why my AF did not come.. but he is rest assured that there is no cause of worry as the uterus is fine looking like as if the period is over and in the beginning of a new cycle. Weird right? What to do, at least, I feel better that I do not have any other complication.. now must get back my confidence again to try another round.. I will stay positive and go through it all with the rest of you.. Jia you!
Pinky and ladies doing FET,

can i check whether u have any temperature surge (like after ovulation our BBT will increase) during your FET cycle? Yours is natural FET or controlled FET?

I have not decide whether to do natural or control FET. as i dunno whether during control FET our body temp will increase anot. I think i failed my 1st IVF attempt due to low body temperature, my BBT never increase after EC/ET, it remain below 36.4 just as b4 EC/ET.
Wow.... so qiao, 3 of us seeing dr. loh next week. who knows it might falls on the same day.
My appt is on 03 Jun. What about yours?
Mine is on 7 Jun (Sat)....

I've went to see Dr Zou yest... she din accup. me jus gave me boiled medicine and asked me to do daily measure temp.
Having your AF now?
Have to boil the medicine daily?
I am still taking powder medication since next AF yet to arrive. Yup she did asked me to take temp. daily as well. Will you be doing accup. 2 time weekly? I told her that i can only come once a week due to busy work schedule.
AF haven't arrive yet, missed 3days liao...
she mentioned when AF come, fresh blood then start taking the 5 days medicine.

She didn't ask me to do accup only mentioned that after finish the 5 day med. go see her again... normally will she suggest us to do accup or we request for it?
Probably when u intending to go for ur next IVF, thk mine planning for Nov....

Did Dr Zou said anything after u show her the daily temp?

Hi Ladies
Any ideas we need to "tiao" our body for how long?
Next IVF most likely will be in Aug cos or Sept. She says need at least 3 months to tiao our body.
She commented that looks like I am not ovulating this month based on 28 days cycle. cos on day 14 & 15, i am having fever and after that temp is always at low side - 36.1......once it ever hit 35.94. I am also not sure if my AF will come on time for this round.
went for the scan today. Currently I have 2 size 18, 3 size 16, 3 size 15, 4 size 14, 1 size 13 and 1 sie 12. The rest small ones, they didn't tell me. Dr Cheng said that waiting for most of them to be 18 or above. My ER is on Monday, but ET not confirm. Today on Gonal F and Cetrotide again. Tmr will be Cetrotide and Prengly.
mine was tuned to 300. My last dosage was yesterday. Went back this morning for my Cetrotide. Tonight I will be heading back to the 24hr clinic for my Pregnly.
Hi Ladies,

Just some info to share wif u all...went to my TCM yesterday & he commented tt temp must gradually go up after ovulation...IF temp do not go up aft ovulation, tt means tt mth, we dun ovulate...Unfortunately, tis mth, due to stress at family, I dun ovulate well, only 2 light lines for the 2 days & after tt never test due to the busy schedule...
& Bai Fong Wan shd consume once we finish our menses before ovulation....dun eat after ovulation...
sorry gals. had to post here. just feeling really sad. can't stop crying.. last cycle i managed to transfer only 1 egg as the rest did not survive the thaw. The transfer failed, although, i was hoping for a miracle. Dunno what to do now. the doc said that for the next cycle, it is going to be difficult, i can't do a fresh cycle as he is afraid of OHSS and I can't do a FET as the eggs down thaw properly. I really dunno what to do.
really too tired and too painful to try again knowing this.

really sorry for ranting here.
Dear ML, big hugs... Y dont u get a second opinion....... Tell the other gyny ur history with the FET n see what they say... Dont cry oks pls be strong....
Dun be too sad....** Hugs **
Perhaps can get the help from TCM? Instead of trying on IVF again? I eva heard a lot of ppl conceive naturally aft their failed IVF. Dun give up hope yet!
We are here for u....dun worry abt the ranting...
Dear ladies,
I will be doing my ER on Monday. Any advise for me? I have bloated feeling since 2 days ago, the pressure around my womb area is quite painful at times. I have to work after ER, is this ok? Thanks.
don't give up hope. never ever. it'ok to be sad but with sisters around here, and your friend outside, take your mind off babies for awhile, dont stress out yourself. maybe it's not your time yet. God make things beautiful in time lor, and He never let you endure things you cannot handle. have faith!! go for vacation. you are still young. go for second opinion, find more senior doctor. Not try to advertise but mine was Prof Wong from NUH, he doesnt speak much but very strict one. a friend of mine recommended him for 4years until we seek him and now i'm a mother of twins. another three days they will be 4month old liao. dont think too much ya. relax, speak is easier than do, but try to do it yourself.

probably the bloatedness because you have lots of eggs ler? must tell your gynae ya. after ER you have to work? on the ER day? not sure you can do that ler. the best is you must rest, dont overtired yourself, cause after ER, couples days you will do ET, and then you must rest a lot, at least 2weeks. thts my suggestion lo.

those still on injections and waiting weeks,
jia you jia you.. you can do it. babydust to you all..

pls dun give up hope... do seek a second opinion! my cousin also suffered from severe OHSS during her 1st ivf cycle and her embies didn't thaw well during her FET. she switched fertility doctor for her 2nd fresh cycle and succeeded with triplets!! take care ya??
Don’t give up hope, dear. pls hang on here, we are all here for u. can understand your sadness..try to seek another opinion…

Try to rest well after your ER, don’t tire yrself up! All the best for your ER tmr!
dear sisters, especially those who are with kkivf,
may i check with you if you have your menses when you are on lucrin? please kindly share... thanks alot...
hi zeena & budderball,
it seems both of your AFs (after 2ww) were =>10 days. mine lasted only 5 days (1st & last were just brown discharges/spottings while other 3 days were heavier with some clots, but no diff from my usual menses). there were no severe cramps or pains. i wonder if this is normal for miscarriages??
my apptm w dr loh is not on same day as budderball, it'll be 2 days later. wonder for both of you, would u inform dr about consultations to chinese physician? believe we could typcially try next cycle after 3 months of rest.
hi cuteangel,
it's great to know u have cleared your condition with your gyane. ur case is really a unique one, but glad u return to go through it all again with us

so will your next cycle a fresh one or FET?? I'll certainly be doing the latter, but need to be advised (by my gyane) on whether it'll be a natural or control one & when.
hi lfb,
deasy is right... your bloatedness is sign of your growing follicles. can understand the discomfort you're having now, but there's just 1 day more to endure counting down to your ER. after the procedure, it would be better to rest for at least a week. furthermore ET typically will be conducted within couple of days after ER. Jia you & rest well!!
hi ml,
will seconded that you have a 2nd opinion on your condition. but most importantly (echoing deasy's comments) take your mind off babies for awhile to avoid stresses. if you're working, divert focus on work. take a short vacation (if possible) to appreciate & enjoy what other stuff that life is offering us.
the time for us to succeed having babies will eventually come... if our hopes & efforts are not vanished. HAVE FAITH!
Dear ladies,
thanks for the advise. I will prob stay at home after ER and ET then. Actually had breakfast appt with boss. Will have to tell him cannot already. Anyway, still have work not done, so I also dunno how. Will get colleagues to help then.
The bloatedness comes and goes, so some time I am ok, some times, not. Can't wait for ER and ET to clear then I can read, eat, sleep, watch DVDs till I drop! I will jia you! Thanks again.
Hi ladies,
I tot i can get over with the failure but it's not true. Has been crying alot.
Will meet Dr Loh this month to check out the cause of failure and the next FET
For those in 2ww...good luck and relax.
Did you ask Dr whether this time round of failure is it due to your lining not thick enuf? For our case, if those with thick lining AF comes tend to be heavy and with clots. Could be that reason?
hugz...hugz...feel sad for you too. For the time being just put those babies dreams behind and enjoy your "liang ren shi jie". Sometimes when u really want something to happen it don....so just relax and just let nature take its own cause.
U do take care too...**hugz**....Noes tt its v hard to take it at the moment...b u r v stong already...Hang on there!
i was tested positive after ET in mid May. Now keeping my fingers crossed and hope everything is fine throughout the pregnancy. Just some advice to some of you - what my gynae told me...totally no chinese medicine during the whole growing egg period and whole pregnancy period as well. Also, I had some forbidden food during the start of the IVF, such as chicken, eggs, soya products, evening primrose, multivits, etc - anything that can affect hormones. Only got to taste chicken, eggs and soya products after confirmation that I'm pregnant. Did your IVF doc tell you the same?
Congratulations! Which doc did u went to? Hv a smooth 9 mths ahead! This is certainly a good news in this thread! A booster!
Hi gals,
I'm new to this site.
Had an ectopic nearly 2 years ago....now left only 1 tube.....had been trying since then but not successful. So had finally decided to go for ivf.
I just saw Dr SF Loh last week and would most prob start in july, after june's menses.
A bit nervous abt the whole procedure cos i'm so worried abt the side effects and all the jabs.

HI ML - really sorry to hear abt what happ. Pls take care and take some time to take your mind off this matter first and not be overwhelmed with it.

Maybe u wld like to try another IVF doc and ask them abt their success rates in FET and fresh cycles. Also u can let them know ur history and reaction to the drugs. Sometimes it is a lab issue - the thawing process. Somaybe changing a new IVF doc will help.

Be strong ok... the path is very diff but one still has to walk on...
