IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi little twin, mrs teng petals and helpme,

thanks to all of you.today i am doing office. frm morning very busy..also feeling very sleepy.

yes little twin we suffered a lot. however, are you taking any injection? tomorrow i have to meet with prof wong. every week 2 time i have to take 2 injection. my nurse told it will be very painfull.


take it easy at yr workplace. take quick naps during lunch. i only changed from pregnyl to progesterone from 23-27 nov than now m given duphaston pills daily. tom is my first dr's app to try to c the sac n to check on my ohss. from there they will c if i needed more jabs or pills to support i guess

u have a gd nurse, for me it was very painful n after that very sore muscle ache till i can't walk prop ...hee sigh, so many hurdles
rem to rest well n talk to yr embies ok

Wow...u also have a good no. of eggs retrieved. Congrats. As for me, my ET is only scheduled tomorrow.Cant wait to join you on the 2WW, although i'm scared of the jabs - again....

Although my ER was last thurs, until today i still have the brownish discharge? Wonder if that is normal? am so worried that it will affect my implantation tommorrow. i was told that the brownish discharge will stop one or two day but mine still persist til today....wonder if anything is wrong?

Have a safe trip and take good care of yourself.

congrats.....from now on, u shd work less and rest more..
Yah, depends on who jabs u...most of the time not painful.

Like what stardiva said, can u find somewhere where u can take a quick nap to recharge urself?

You must be v excited abt tmrw.
Do update us, ok?
Petals, Deerdeer, ML, Needlephobia..

Thank u all for ur wonderful support !!

I just came back home..hehe.. went a little window shopping with hubby after my FET this afternoon.. :p

Now a bit sleepy already.. but everything went on really well during the FET.. so..I hope god will bless me at least one baby this time..

Just to check with u ladies..anyone tried consuming Chinese Medicine during 2WW?

i certainly hope so..


Yes.. my flu much better already...Thanks!

Alrite...then i can fang xin consume Dr Zou's medicine.. coz i just want to be extra careful this 2wW

glad to knw ur FET went smoothly.
now must b a good gal n dun walk too much so ur embryos wont lost their way inside n they wil b able to find a nice place to settle down. hav faith in God n urself. all e best!! waiting for u in MTB thread!

think i might join yr club cos dr saw 2 gestational sacs today! hope that everything will b ok n the babies will grow well n can hear the heartbeat next wk or so. i did tummy scan so can't c that well, dr loh scare me by saying mayb 2 or more! faint! hopefully next 2 wks will be able to have a clearer pic.
btw, beside folic acid, shld i take any other vits? did dr suggest eating vits?

how's things with u? hope u r resting well n taking it easy. take care

think i might join yr club cos dr saw 2 gestational sacs today! hope that everything will b ok n the babies will grow well n can hear the heartbeat next wk or so. i did tummy scan so can't c that well, dr loh scare me by saying mayb 2 or more! faint! hopefully next 2 wks will be able to have a clearer pic.
btw, beside folic acid, shld i take any other vits? did dr suggest eating vits?

how's things with u? hope u r resting well n taking it easy. take care
Stardiva, great news on your twins! You must be very happy... Dr gave me vit c cos i sneeze a lot and prone to flu. Wierd, i wonder how does he decide when to do tummy vs v. Scan. Mine was v scan.
little twin stars, mrs teng and pupi
congrates congrates !! Its been a long long journey, so glad u all have made it ! Have a smooth 9 months !

Glad to hear that u r recovering from ur flu.All the best to ur FET.

How u feeling? please try not to exert yourself.Rest as much as u can, listern to some music, u might feel better.All this mood swings are probably due to the increased hormones.

little twin stars
Hope ur OHSS is better now.Twins or triplets..wow.congrates congrates !!Remeber keep us update!

Wei wei
*wave* Its been a long time.R u going into labour anythine soon? Congrates !!

i drink vit c everyday cos my immume is generally weaker than most pp.but i was wondering if we shld eat multi vits or so. i tot dr is goin to do v scan too cos so early in preg but he did tummy. i also dunno wat makes him choose. maybe cos of my ohss. ovaries must b very sore so scared v scan will make it worst.

thanks, long time never hear from u. hope things r well with u
.....ohss still there....can't walk much if not tummy pain. people keep starring at me wherever i go cos of the way i walk

but the gd thing is i lost 4kg of water since i discharge...tummy still huge. need to loose more water. praying 4 a smooth preg

Pupi, congrats you made it!!! happy for u!

It's been a while since I last posted. Have not been feeling great. Mood swings for me. Well I self tested and so far didn't see any double lines. I think I am going to fail this time.

So sad... The missing line on the HPT is so familiar. Sigh...this journey seems never ending for me...
Congrats! Yay, finally someone's joining the twins club!
He also did tummy scan for me during the first visit. Started off with just folic and duphaston. Only on 2nd or 3rd visit, then I was started on the multivits and calcium. Folic acid is most impt during the 1st trimester to prevent neural tube defects, cos don't need to take anymore after that.

Yeap, 2ww is really very draggy and it's tempting to use the stick... Maybe it'll still to early to test.. dun be disheartened.. try again 2 days later... Like u I was very disappointment when I didn't see any lines.. So pls hang in there... Stay positive... if u need someone to talk to, just PM me lah! can msn also

Things haven't been smooth for me either, after testing a BFP, I started to have extremely bad asthmatic cough.. it gets worst each day... these 2 days I can cough until vomit... And the amount of medications I have to take makes me really worried.. On and off fever, perspired a lot... have difficulties breathing...

I'm praying that my cough will go away soon... hoping that I'm only carrying one bcos if my asthma problem persist... it would be too dangerous if there's more den one... Having oxygen for myself is a problem, not to talk about supplying for more den one baby..
Hi tigg3r

Go to the chinese med hall and purchase Chuan Bei. I buy mine from Eu Yen San. stew it with Ya Li (pear) and drink it.

I have tested it many times on many ppel and it works all the time. Chuan Bei is very good esp for your type of cough.
little twin star..

congrats congrats! twins is my dream combination too!! hope u have a cool and easy 9 mths ahead!


dun be too worried.. sometimes our hcg will suddenly go up towards the end of the 2WW .. so.. dun give up ya!! stay positive!


hehe.. u are one of the most informative lady i know here..
just like our in-house pharmacist! hehe.. thanks dear, for ur kind advise and sharing of info with us ladies each time!!

Mrs Teng,

Pls take good care of urself.. try not to eat too much cooling stuff... hope ur cough will go off soon!!
Oh dear...poor thing! you can try that but i find sometimes the sweetness worsens it. Anyone you can call upon for help?

I'm alone at home.. my mum busy with my baby newphew and his 2 older siblings. So I got to take care of myself... that's why I only hoping for one baby , so I can cope in future...

how many days pass et r u? is it too early to test? don;t be discouraged k. wait n c how later?

i'm still not transfered to tps. dr loh ask to to go clinic d next wk first to scan cos he's not around till x'mas.so ask me dun go tps first.

yr turn coming soon....now with acupuncture, m sure yr body is more prepared this round. jia you! everyday i'm praying that God will bless me with a pair of "little twin stars" then can close factory liao
Gd morning gals, I couldn't seem to post anything last nite...kept saying this site was in maintenance mode.

Have u gone for ur 1st scan yet? Do let Dr know abt ur symptoms. Hope u get better soon.

Just let me know if I get too naggy...hee... Prob cos I like to read up on preg and sometimes wonder how come the nurses say diff things. All the best for ur blood test! Do u need to take any progesterone during 2ww?

prob cos cheaper to stay at clinic d while he's on leave. Who will u be seeing next wk?

Some say that honey may be 'cooling', esp when mixed with cold water. Not sure how true it is. I think as long as u take it in moderation, should be ok. I took it to ease my sore throat.
hi Tigg3r
THe other easier method I have tried is Manuka honey. Since before I tested positive I have taken 1 teaspoon every morning. I don't mix it with any water - just straight. I take a big glass of 300ml water after. I do that first thing every morning. For almost half a year I have not caught any bug even though hubby, son, MIL and maid have all come down with the flu and sore throat.

You might like to try?

Will get DH to buy the honey and try the method you suggested... Thanks


My first scan is scheduled to be on the 19th Dec, so it's still a long way to go... just like another 2ww...
hi petals..!!

no lah... dun misunderstood.. u are definately not naggy!! u are really a very very great help here!! Yes..i'm on cyclogest now


my blood test is on 19 Dec.. very long hor..? maybe i'll do some hpt test at home first on day 13 or 14 :p


i also want twins leh..hehe.. coz i very scared of going thru the fresh cycle again!!


i think if u are under Dr Loh, getting MC should be ok..
maybe alternate mths can request for MC?


i remember last timei had a very bad cough, I seek TCM treatment coz all the western medicine doesn work. After a day or two of taking the chinese medicine, cough went off very soon.. so.. i dunno whether u wanna try..?

Further to that, Dr Zou also told me not to eat stuff made of flour (eg yellow noodles, bread, cakes etc). She said tt these things made of flour contains enzymes that induce cough. You might wanna try to avoid these in the meantime until u get better?

Btw.. ur first scan date is my bloodtest date..hehe..

Thanks for your suggestion.. will avoid those starchy food as you have recommended.. wah that will leave me with little choice of food... hehehe..

I'm not considering TCM for the time being... I've countless med to take now, sometimes almost forgotten my folic and progesterone tabs... since doing ivf, I tend to be very forgetful..dun know is it part n parcel of being preggie...

Oh! my appointment is in the afternoon...may not be able to see u, but what ever it is... wish you all the best for your bloodtest...
Hi Gals,

Congrats to stardiva and tigg3r.

Sori to share this matter with your.
I am preg but doctor can't see anything.

i've always like twins right from the start except my mom n mil all panicked when they hear i'm having twins. ya, after i kena ohss...i'm def afraid to do a fresh cycle! so i'm praying for a smooth 9mths
take care of yrself now k...important for implantation. all the best!

how many weeks r u? mayb u miss count yr date n u r still very early in preg that's y can't see. u did ivf?
hi ladies

I am very new to IVF and is considering it after 1 yr of TTC. Can anyone pls advice me on the general costs of procedure for 1 cycle? Also where is a good place to go for it?
Sorry if i make you repeat yourself but really no time to read through all posts now...


Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts... 2ww still going, and only day 6 past transfer today, but thankfully I've been fairly busy in Taipei so it has helped to pass the time! My mind is still on my two little embies though and hoping that they are implanting this time. I think tuesday to today are most critical for implantation so have been trying to stay relaxed. Yesterday took them for a trip to the top of Taipei 101 and a spot of shopping!

I'm praying I don't get menses like cramps like I did a week after the transfer last time.. I just knew last time it was all over, so hopefully no cramps this time!

Jade- Maybe it's just still too early Ok. Put those sticks away! My thoughts are with you- keep your chin up!

Twin- Stars- great to hear your news!

Hopes- sounds like your 2ww going well too... hopefully we will make it!

hi sunshine,

maybe it's still too early to tell? think u have to ask dr loh. mayb the seniors here can help ans yr ques cos i'm still quite new to all these. sorry. but mayb u can request 4 another scan next wk. mayb yr hcg level still very low so can't see so have to wait

take care

Agreed with stardiva that your scan may have been done too early, so can't see yet.. As for me, my scan is scheduled on the 19th, so I really can't commend much...

Just got to stay positive and monitor your situation... as long as there are no extreme pain over a prolong period or spotting.. you should be okay... Take it easy...

eat rice and bee hoon first..hehe... rice flour is ok, not normal flour..


my first two days of 2WW is quite stressed up.. due to some personal issues, hopefully it doesn't affect. implanation is crucial on day 5 and 6 right?

deerdeer ,

i put in 3 this time. my last 3 frozen ones.. so, since all of them survived the thaw, i put all in

hihi!! not so soon lah. i m only 27wks now. stil got a mth or 2 to go. gyn also din said when wil b my big day, just said for now i need to b patient n careful, wait n wait... how r u doing?
5wks could be a little early still. i think for some people, 5wks+ can see only the sac but only 6wks+ then you will be able to see the tiny embryo in the sac. When's ur next appmt? Can you ask them for a re-scan next wk? All the best!
Hi Ladies,

First of all, I will like to congratulate all those on the forum who have succeeded.

Well a little update on myself, I asked for an early test today because I have a strong nagging feeling that I did not succeed this time and I am usually quite spot on with my gut feel. I had heavy menses cramps these 2 days and these are not the stomach cramps.

Well I just called up for my results and true enough, it is a BFN. Although I half expected it but I still cried after hearing the results. Well the bad thing is I am still in the office which is totally open so I can only try to cover up though not very successful. Anyway the worst is over, I actually spent 2-3 hours crying 2 nights ago when the menses cramps first came on. I guess I know my body best. This is a miserable birthday present for me.

I really really wanted so badly for this to succeed this time round but I guess ultimately it is Gods will over mine. Over the past few days, my emotions were swinging from 1 end to another end. For my case, there was no male factor issue and I have no obvious problems so I really duno what is the problem. With no problems on the male fertility, I felt that the whole problem/issue lies with me. I felt so bad for the pple who have put in the faith and hope in me for this cycle. I just felt that I have let the whole world down.

Today, I hit the magic number 8. 8 failed attempts in 3 years is no mean feat! Ha ha and I did it. I have 6 failed IUIs, 1 failed SO-IUI and 1 failed IVF.

I asked myself what else can I do right? I took TCM for close to 1 year, I did my acupuncture, I took leave to relax during the 2ww and for the first time ever, I did not work from home in order not to be stressed up with work. I was hopeful that I will make it in the beginning but this feeling diminished as the days passed.

I have not figured what is my next step. This question has been popping up on my mind the past few days: at which point do you say it is Gods will and I should just leave it to God? Or should I continue trying? I dont have an answer to this. At this point, I am beginning to have a phobia of TTCing.

Sorry to blabber so much. I have to figure a way to break this news to Dr Zou later. Sigh... felt bad for bringing down her success rate as well.

Sorry for not bringing good news to this forum and I really apologise if I have dampened your mood. I guess I just need a place to pour out my grief.

I might be away for a while to figure out what I want to do going forward. But I believe I will be able to get up on my feet soon and move on with my life, whichever decision I make.

So for now, jia you girls!!! thanks for the encouragement for the past 2 weeks! Hopes, ML I have not forgotten abt the 2 of you and I pray that the Lord will bless you with beautiful babies this time. Jia you!!!
Dearest Jade, Not sure if any words can help you feel better, but just want to let you know that you're in my thoughts and prayers... I feel for you... take care in your time of healing...
Hi Noscon,
I'm not sure abt your health / fertility history and your age and this is just my opinion, but 1 year of TTC seems a bit too soon to start on IVF, unless you have been advised by a Dr. due to health factors. Do let me know if you need more info though...
Hi Hopes,
My blood test beta date is 18 Dec, 1 day before yours! How are you doing in this v long 2ww? Me, after 3 days of rest with minimal walking, decided to go shopping today. but that also only went for abt an hr... feel like i should rest some more til at least monday. i'm also on daily progesterone jab at kkh.. what about you?

Alone, are you ok? Did your ET already?
my heart goes to you as well...stay strong. i always believe God has a purpose for all of us. It may not happen now, but i'm sure you will succeed one day. pls dont give up.

Did my ET on Tuesday...put in 3. how many did you put in? since mine was done on D5, my blood test will be on Dec 15. quite fast. am now resting and taking things easy. try not to thing so much. I'm also on cyclogest and progesterone jab. i found it quite painful. How are you feeling now?
I put in 3 as well... apart from the sore of the progesterone jabs, I'm feeling ok... just sore boobs, and tummy slightly bloated, that's all. Also trying to channel positive vibes to the embies as well.. Are you taking off for your 2ww? btw, you didn't do yours at kkh did you?

I'm so sorry to hear your story...

I have failed twice myself.. so..I know how u feel. I will always take half day on the blood test day to wait for the News at home. Just like you, I will break down very easily.

Do you still have any frozen embryos? Would you be able to try FET? It's much more relaxed than fresh cycle and not as stressful.

Jade, you gotta be strong, for ur kid and ur family. TTc is not everything. There is more to life. Take a holiday.. forget abt this failure and try again when u are ready.


my first two days after FET is quite stressful for me coz i was kind of in a sticky situation over my house sale problem. finally..it was almost resolved so yesterday , i managed to catch some sleep.. hehe..

ur blood test is on day before mine!! hope we can all deliver good news to each other!

Alone.. u too! u will be the first one ya..!
hi jade,

m so sorry to hear about it. though i really hope u can make it but we can only believe God has His own timing. never too early, never too late. we jus have to keep on believing n hoping for the best.
i agree with hope, take a break, don't blame yrself, the sad thing is ivf has not 100% gaurantee. it's not yr fault in any way. i went for holidays to relaxed each time i fail a treatment so i can get my mind off n find the strength to try again. at this pt i don't expect u to have the courage to try again but after recharging ......time will help u forget the pain so u'll have the courage to try again.

don;t give up! i'm rooting for u!

Hi Jade,
Sorry to hear about it. Please don't blame yourself one bit, you've tried your best. Maybe the timing is not urs now. Take some time off to get away from this for a while. But you must tell yourself that you've successfully conceived before, and u will succeed again. Don't give up hope, dear. hugz...
