IVF/ICSI Support Group

hihi Ladies..

Thank u all for ur support.. I will jia alot of you this time.. hehe..


Yah..dun despair.. it's the quality, not quantity that counts..
stay positive!!


nope..me with Dr SF Loh at KKH..


I have my last 3 frozen embryos left.. last 3 liaoz.. i really hope i can make it this round.. coz otherwise i will have to go thru the puregon stage and ER /ET again.. i Really dread that.. coz i experience very bad OHSS then.. feeling is horrible...i dun wish to go thru that again..


laksa got coconut milk leh.. dun eat too much ya..hehe..


welcome to the most friendly and most informative forum on Earth !! hehe..

feel free to ask ur questions here.. the experience sisters here will be very on 24/7 to advise and answer your questions !


ur MIL in South Africa..? wow..nice place i heard.. !! really hope to visit there some day

dun lose hope....al the best

hi gals,
i seem to be having a little brown spotting on and off and there seem to be a little white discharge today.
anyone knows what does that mean?
and i seem to have cramps on and off

they wanna c if there is enough progesterone in yr body, so as to increase the dosage. think not all hospital does it. today my bloating got worst. some days bearable, some days bad. also got slight ab cramp, think constipation but i jus release bowel today. perhaps some unfinished business. how many cell embryo did u put in?
thanks to Michelle, Littletwin, Pupi, and Hopes. I am feeling better today.

Welcome to the thread Shazzer. All of us are on this journey - just at different points of it. We are definitely more than happy to share our experience here.

Babywishing...wow...South Africa, I would love to be there. It is one of my dream vacation destination.

Littletwin, pupi, may I know if you feel bloated right after ET? I have heard that it is a good sign to be bloated. All the best girls :)
hi, thanks for all your warm welcome... i feel like a fish out of the water with this.. can't really talk to anyone about this cos all my friends are either single or busy (v easy get preggie)mommys... my hb is supportive, but you know how men are... anyway, just want to ask if there's a list of food that i should avoid / eat more of? i've heard that chicken and soya is a no-no, and i've also cut down on eating out. currently, just trying to eat lots of fruit and veg. really appreciate your advice.

hi hopes, i'm also with dr sf loh at kkh.
hi Shazzer,

I did ask Dr Zou and she did say all food are fine. You might just want to avoid cooling fruits like watermelon, papaya, coconut and pineapple. Beef and chicken is fine by her. She didn't mention abt soya. I didn't hear that soya is a no no. As long as it is not excessive, I think it should be fine.

I am with Dr SF Loh as well. :)

Yes. SA is a beautiful country. A fantastic place to visit but not to stay. My hubby followed his mum to SA since he was in his teens and lived there for quite sometime before he came over to singapore. Crime is a big problem there. I went there twice but still never got sick of it. Beautiful place.
helpme, i read from other thread that some experience a little staining, (as long as not a lot), is not too bad, just continue to monitor and dun exert yourself. If it becomes more regular, perhaps you should call the DR to see if they can see you earlier... take care..


Brown staining can be a symptom of unstable implantation of the feotus and you body is indicating you need medical help. Esp for us go through IVF proceess to conceive, we may have a lots of complications compare to other mtbs that conceive naturally.

Take good care.

np, hey i got an individual wish,hee

now my turn to have gastric like pain all of a sudd. last nt, i can't finish my dinner at all. i was hungry but only managed to eat abit then i felt v full n if i continue, i feel like i wanna vomit liao. i also ate some "preserved wo hua kuo" to help dunno if it's ok. then 6plus am this morn sudd awoken by tummy ache. like gastric like tt so i send my hubby out to buy mc's bf for me n felt better. i can't really sleep on my full side now n constantly need to put a pillow to cover my tummy. i dun dare sleep in aircon room, scared not healthy so only switch on fan.i also felt like abit of heartburn going on...cannot take too deep breath liao.................

everyday also got pattern lei. how to fully rest...
Hi Sunshine,
Try not to feel so down... you've made it to 2WW...I know its probably easier said but try to think positive thoughts and take it easy. I read that it helps to also visualise positive things eg visualing implantation etc. Also each body's different... so don't worry too much and just relax.
As for me, I'm only on my 4th day of 400 iu of Puregon and I also don't have any symptoms. I read that most women experience stomach bloated, breast ache etc, but I feel nothing... dunno if thats good or bad...
Hi everyone....I'm new as well. Hope you gals dont mind if I join in.Found this thread by chance and have been following this thread for quite a while. I got a lot of courage from you gals out there...and so happy to see so many has succeeded in getting preggy.I had 2 failed cycle of IUI before moving on to IVF. My DH has poor morphology. so, doc say better to proceed with IVF/ICSI.
I started the programme 2 weeks ago on lucrin and today will be my first Puregon jab. Is it a norm to start Puregon on the first day of period?
Dear all,
I have zero symptoms too. I was like " ok, this cycle not going to work." but then 2 days before the blood test, the clinic nurse call me and ask me if I wanna do my own urine test. I did, and it was positive. So girls... dont give up. Think positive. and be positive.
hi hi,

welcome all, the more the merrier.

help me, deerdeer

how i wish i have no symptoms as well n can go out shopping etc .n not so uncomfortable with the bloat! walking like a granny
Hi, long time didnt post anything here.
Is there anyone here did HSG b4?

I just did HSG last Thurday.
And I had bad luck, cause the doctor told me he didnt take the picture clearly, so I have to did HSG again same day.
After that I feel slight carmp around my underbelly, but no bleeding ,only have a bit pinkish LIQUID.
and since my hobby need to do sperm check, so we make love on Sat morning to help him to clear the stock.
Now I am very scared as someone told me that after HSG, I shouldn't have sex within two weeks .and doctor should give some antibiotic, but doctor didn't give me any medicine lei.
So just want to ask is it normal that i have slight cramp and is it fine if we made love ?
i start my puregon on 1st day of menses too

yup...used cyclogest

aiyo...dun think abt shopping and rest at home
the nurse told me not to go out and go shopping..heee

Welcome to the thread! Sunshine when is your bhcg test due? Also very excited for you...


Welcome too! There are some ladies who starts puregon when menses is here. Isn't it good that you dun have to suffer so long with lucrin? I had to jab for 4 weeks before I started puregon bcos my E2 wasn't sufficient suppressed.. Don't worry...you are doing just fine.


If you need to clear stock and dun wished to jeopardise your cycle.. I suggest you use protection (Durex).

Don't mind if I ask, what was your diet like during your 2ww? Any eggwhites or special stuffs that u particularly took?

Haha! stardiva probably had the urge to shop becos I told her I went for a quick shopping trip for essentials.
i got the brown spotting again after i went down to get food....think i better call gynae tomorrow

no special stuff i ate, i still have eggs (yolk and white).

Just catching up on all your posts- was offline for the last couple of days. Yeh girls for being so positive and encouraging. I really think it helps- thanks for eveyones positive comments too- I have been feeling really quite down since my last FET failure and wondering if this is ever going to work! When I saw my dr the other day (after the FET failed, I've now done a fresh and frozen), he looked a little confused and dejected- saying it's obviously an implantation problem, because lining and embryo's are good. This left me feeling really dejected- I did acu last time, chinese herbs, massage once a week, was very relaxed and I thought I'd done everything right. I also have a 3yr old son who was conceived totally naturally and 2nd mth of trying, so this is all a big blow.

Looking at all your comments and successes though I feel much more positive again! It's wonderful to see your posts and successes and I don't feel so alone!

Helpme- I REALLY think you should go and get checked out ASAP about the spotting- you don't want to risk it, and better to set your mind at rest

Viviself- I'm sooooo sorry to hear your news, but don't lose heart (as everyone is also telling me not to do!) Take time to grieve and then pick yourself up for the next chance

Rejoice, no I'm not under Dr Loh- under Dr Tseng at CARE, Paragon

- anyone else there (CARE Paragon?)

Shazzer and Alone- welcome on the journey!
Thanks to all for the warm welcome. I'm so alone coz apart from my hubby, nobody knows i'm doing IVF, not even my parents. So, it's kinda of comforting to get support and advice from you gals out there...Am dreading the puregon jab which supposed to start today.Anyone started the puregon jab without going thru the scan or blood test? The nurse just ask me to start puregon on the first day of my AF. Wonder if that is a normal procedure? anyone out there starting on puregon soon?

pls dun walk so much now. must bed rest 4 awhile to stabalize yr baby k. call the dr. u may need pro jabs.take extra care hor

wa u like expert lei, hee.

hsg is like tt one. might have cramp n discomfort for a day or so. yr dr jus release u w/o having checked first?!!!! make u go thru all these, but gd news is by doing 2x, it may jus clear yr tubes

if implantation is the prob, ask yr dr about assisted hatching.they will poke yr embryo to make yr embryos easier to hatch. cos it might sometimes damage the embryos so dr.s won;t use it unless it's really implantation prob. but don't worry during er they will collect more follicles so they can try this method. m sure u'll make it with this. dun give up k
ask yr dr to do this 4 u.

i remember when i did my HSG test.. i had very very horrible cramps.. so bad till i can hardly walk!!

later when i consult the doc again...they say actually it's a good thing..precisely there are no blockage in our tubes that's why our tummy felt the irritation of the liquid and therefore the cramps

as for whether it is safe to have intercourse right after HSG, I think should be ok. Only before HSG not advisible to have intercourse from what i remember.


yes.. pls go and see the gynae again just to play safe.

i dunno whether it's true or not.. but my TCM doc (Dr Zou) advised that if got spotting , try to avoid Virginal scanning if possible. she says sometimes the more V scan they do..the more it might weaken the embryos..which according to my previous experience , could be true.

Ask them for jabs to stabilise the pregnancy.. unless no choice, gotta do v scan then do..see what doc says..

my situation is also similar to urs.

i didn't tell my parents i'm going thru ivf also.. dunno why.. feel that if i tell them i'll be more stressful :p

this forum is great as everyone is in one way or other, going thru a similar situation.. so.. it's really a great place to share our feelings, thoughts, fears and other questions ...

Btw... are u currently going thru any TCM treatment like acupuncture ?
ML, alone, hopes
Is it the ones that need to go GP? I am doing the jab currently and another jab pregyl on my own. I sweep the floor and iron clothes over the weekend as well.
I will call the gynae tomorrow.
helpme, better stop all housework and dun walk around. stay in bed as much as possible. Pls call your gynae first thing morning.. keep us posted.

My bloatedness is getting worse, last time used to be the upper waist is big, now my lower abdomen is also getting bigger and i cant zip my skirt fully and can feel ppl staring at my huge tummmy... this is so wierd, i should only be 4+ wk, why is my tummy so bloated??????
thanks. i will definitely do so tomorrow first thing in the morning
tell me abt bloatedness...my tummy is like 3 mths pregnant although im abt 1 mth pregnant too...
continued bleeding or spotting is not a gd sign. Pls call ur doc immed n stop ur housework n rest in bed. Try not to go out n u can order home delivery. Ur preg is precious, more impt than a dirty house.
Hi helpme,shazzer,tigg3r,deerdeer

Thank you sisters

Go see GP asap, take care

My bhcg wl be nxt week

I wish to be like you, at least some symptoms
I had been going out shopping lately

When I read your story, I find it so familiar. I share the same story as yours. My first child is already coming to 5. My child was conceived naturally on first attempt. In fact I had a miscarriage before which was also conceived on 1st attempt.

As such, I didn't understand why I cannot conceive after that. I had 7 IUIs including 1 SO-IUI and all failed. Finally I decided to embark on the IVF/ICSI journey and I am halfway through it now.

I have been taking chinese medicine for close to a year, doing acu for the last few months too. I am not sure what the results will be. Yes I am stressed but I don't want to think too much at this point of time.

I was hoping that I would only need to do 1 fresh cycle. If I fail on my 1st attempt, I can do FET and continue till I run out of embryos. But now that I have so few follicles, I really don't know what my next step will be.

But I told myself to put all aside and just do my best. And I am now prepared to go for my 2nd fresh cycle if I have to. :)

Let's encourage each other. :) I met 2 other ladies having the same problem as ours (already had 1 child but been unsuccessful with the 2nd) at the Support - Infertility thread. One has successfully conceived through SO-IUI and is expecting to deliver in Feb. Her daughter is already 8 years old. THe other is going to embark on the SO-IUI journey too.

So let's all jia you together.
Hi Jade

Thanks so much for your note. It's difficult- I feel quite guilty because I already have a child and some can't understand why you're so upset that you can't seem to have another, but for me it's about giving my son a brother or sister someday for him to not go through life alone... he comes home from school and asks why other friends have a brother or sister and he doesn't. Now I've been trying for 2 years and he will be at least 4 by the time I have another child even if I got pregnant soon. As I say, I feel guilty because I already have a son, so that should be enough... My hubby is away and I've been feeling very low, and completely broke down last night... I know I have to get myself 'back up'into a positive frame of mind before the next transfer.

It's great to meet someone with the same story- we can support eachother. Good news stories are very encouraging for us all at the moment!

Stardiva- Thanks for your note on assisted hatching- yes, I'm afraid they did this to last 2 embryos they put in, and I'll try it again this time too...

Hopes- It's great you have a date for your next FET- is this your third transfer (2nd FET)- if so then we're the same. I'm going for my 10 day scan tomorrow so should know more about my date then (although I still have some brownish menses, so don't know if my cycle is a bit delayed this mth...) We might be going for our ET around the same time!

Going for Chiro adjustment (aparently it can help with nerves and circulation?), and acupuncture tonight


Yea, i also feel more stressed if i tell them. Do not want them to worry about me also...I'm not on any acupunture or TMC. Just taking some vitamins. Any advice on what i should take to increase and get good quality follicles?

The thot of having more needles poking me really scared me off. Last nite, i took my 1st puregon jab and it was really painful. Have diff pushing the med in.

tigg3r,sunshine, star diva ....Baby Dust to all of you who are on 2WW. Cant wait to hear your good news!! jia you....

pls do not shop la.must take care of yrself. try to rest as much as posssible. i woke up today feeling tt the bloat is gone n was so happy only to start the tummyache again. so resting now. slept v late watching tv. strange, y am i not tired at all

u feeling better?

when i did my painful jabs, the seniors here taught me to numb the area with ice first b4 jabbing. it really took away alot of the pain. put it in a ziplock bag so not so messy ;)

Everythings' back to normal for me... no symptoms.. only slightly bloated. Both butt's sore from the daily jab..oouchh...

Other den that, I'm feeling very lively.. which I'm scared bcos I tend to be more careless...moving about the house more frequently.

Looking at what it is now, I doubt I'll make it this round...
But, I'll try to stay positive.. too early to cry over it.. wait till the battle is lost den I'll have a good one..


How are you doing? Hope everything's fine...

u did yr pro test? mine will b lunch time. hey everyone respond diff. some have ab no symptoms n r preg. wouldn't u rather have no symptoms n have a smooth preg? i would man! some pp r sick throughout their preg. some pp r blessed with no symptoms n r happily shopping away n working thru out their prregnancy. so don't base on signs n symptoms.........not accurate at all one!
to add on...........some have all the symptoms n end up false alarm...not preg....worst right? so stay positive. it aren't over yet
i dun dare to think too much into it now. jus enjoy the time n take things one step at a time
i called the gynae this morning and was told not to worry. just continue with the jabs to stabilise the pregnancy and rest more.

great news but pls take xtra care ok. dun do too much hsewk. take time off here n there n rest more


the 2ww is like : days of our lives man! " as sand thru the hourglass so r the days of our lives"!!!!!!!!! faint!
hi ML,

it's ur 3rd try too..? hope we can really succeed this round.. !! where are u doing ur acupunture at..?


remember to rest hor.. dun move ard too much

hi ladies,
i think i spoke too soon about not having symptoms... today 5th day of puregon jab and been feeling bloated, nauseous and somehow peeing very often... dunno whether that's a side-effect also.

to everyone in 2ww, take care, relax and enjoy the calm... i can't wait to get there myself. feels like its still a long way to go for me.

Hi Alone, are you injecting yourself? My hubby does for me cos I can't bring myself to do it... so far, its been ok, excpet today, dunno why, but think he hit a vein or something and the point was bleeding slightly.

Hi stardiva, thanks for the ice-at-jab-area tip. think will do that tomorrow!
