Well-Known Member
not sure if it is ok coz the nurse advice me to be on time because trigger shot matures the eggs and it can float free from about 34 hours after hCG, giving a four-hour window for egg retrieval, which is scheduled 36 hours after the hCG injection..
if its earlier the eggs might go out from the follicles naturally...
i been reading so many of you ladies are getting Gonal-F.. and growing so many follicles.. it made me wonder why is it different from mine..
this is my first, my cycle seems to be super short.. i was given oral meds Letrozole n folic acid.. scan.. then follow by 3 of Orgalutran jabs.. then scan.. then Puregon 900.. 2 times jab of 450.. and addition 2 of Orgalutran jabs...scan.. And finally the trigger shot Ovidrel 250.. on day 9.. then my day 11 i had my egg retrieval.. I only had 2 follicles grown, 2 eggs retrieved, and now waiting for transfer day, they didn’t call me to tell me if my eggs ferterlize, just call me for the timing to come..
I am hopeful, please pray for me.. ️
Oh ur cycle sounds unfamiliar to me. 900 puregon 1 shot? Is that too high a dosage? Which hosp are u with?