Hi, I’ve not done PGS in SG Govt hosp before, however I did ask NUH. The PGS will be done at NUH very own lab by the embryologist, won’t be transported overseas.
As for pte clinic or hospital in SG, because PGS is not approved to be done in pte hosp, I Guess they can only do it overseas.
I Rem there’s a lady here who did it overseas, can’t Rem it is Thailand. However I think for her case, she did her stimulation in SG, then oocyte retrieval overseas, and so PGS was done at the particular overseas hospital. Then have to fly there to do embryo transfer. I might have recalled the process wrongly cos it has been 1-2 yrs ago
Why don’t u do a search in this forum and see if u can find any infor.
In my opinion, it seems quite a risk to transport the embryos overseas..