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  • Hi, I have a polyp in my uterine. My gynae from gleneagles suggest d n c. But the whole procedure is too costly. I made appt with sgh to start over again. Do you know how much the whole procedure cost ?
    Hi, I would like to check with you , you went for the hyteroscopy surgery. Is it used to remove polyp and fibroid? How much roughly did it cost? U went to NUH?
    Yes, they removed 3 polyps, I the surgery was 2566$ for a private patient at nuh.
    Before that I went for diagnostic hysteroscopy, 530$, 250$ claimed from medisave, it was a simple procedure, no anastetic, doctor put a camera and see what is there in womb(you also can see that).
    Hi, thank you so much for sharing with me. Yes, I think I went through that procedure but they ask me to go for another check-up. I read online that hysteroscopy can be used to remove it. What is the name of your surgery called?
    It called therapeutic hysteroscopy under sedation anesthesia(not laparoscopy), not sure if they can remove fibrosis with this procedure. If you have both polyps and fibrosis, maybe you need a laparoscopy. Don’t delay! These things should be removed if you want a baby. About NUH, I was pleased with the service)
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