IVF/ICSI Support Group

Under what circumstances will the doctor give us clomid? The nurse asked if the doctor prescribed any medication for me. I said no (well, she was in the room too, unless she did not pay attention). She said if I am ovulating, I don't need any medication. I wonder if she was referring to clomid.

Clomid was the first fertility treatment I was put under due to PCOS and hence irregular ovulation. So in a way, your nurse is right. Clomid regulates ovulation and together with the scans, they'll be able to advise which two days you can try naturally to maximize your chances.

Hmm Shd hv get it from you 1st. I just ordered 4 bottles since I need to take for 4 months. Not very motivated to take hearing all the side effects :/
hiaz...i try not to think so much on side effects when i am taking...i understand that all hormone related pills which used in ivf have hori side effects...
Everywhere is so busy. My private gynae is fully booked on February. The nurse managed to squeeze a slot for me on 29 January. My first consultation for IUI procedure and check out the costs too. As planned, maybe the earliest time I can do IUI will be on Mar-Apr already.
Definitely his. I congratulated him on his new centre when I last saw him and he sounded really happy abt it.

Yea Im supposed to go for BT tomorrow & wanted to see him about why my body has been extremely warm this week but he is going to be away the whole day for the opening ceremony tomorrow at this clinic. His nurse called me to ask me to go in a bit later for my BT.
with Kkh too.. maybe we passed by each other yesterday? ;)

for me 1st 3 days orgalutran only.. left my paper at home but if i not wrong den next 4days menopur den both for 2 days before gg back to scan..

got optimal lining at D3 ah? i only know during implantation is ard 8-11mm? shows how mountain tortoise i am sia...

im not too sure abt the lining.. just asking if you know. So you are going back for scan next Wed? Did you take the jab yourself?
hee.. i dunno much.. did ur sonographer tell u ur lining? i think my apptmt is on thurs.. when's urs?

yup, today 2nd injection.. nt as bad as i thot it would be..

My next scan is Monday.
I'm missing my mensus ... sigh... cannot call kkh for my thaw cycle :(
Judging from your comments, kkh is full till Apr ... sian
To top it up, my colleague just send out baby shower invite :(
Trying for 1st bb:
2. Redvel
3. Star.star
4. Anamika87
5. Rachelt
6. Ashkea
8. chunkles
9. Peaches21
10. baby_sparkles
11. mesara
12. pigletlyn
13. acadia
14. Meilingg
15. Hopful13
16. Jmec

Feel free to add to e list yrself although i hope not to see a lot in this list, but rather we can proceed to e ivf mummy thread n see ourself there. We motivate each other.

Congrats to those in this list who has up e shore with 1st level passed! :)

Me too!
actually , i would try other options first. 30 yrs old is very young. babies conceive tro iui or otr simpler methods u can worry less. ivf hormones jabs are no good for us. long term may cause side effects or as some reports mentioned, increased in risk of cancers. ivf is also more expensive and needs alot of time . there r ladies who failed ivf and succeeded an iui later.you may succeed with clomid or iui etc as u wil be more stressfree and body less tormented. so if if it is me, i will go with dr's suggestion
hmm I did try other options with my private doc. 1 rd clomid which I dont respond to at all, then 1 rd clomid plus gonal f which result in ohss. After that my doc recommended ivf and nothing else cos for me ivf is the highest chance for my condition and response to the meds. I think I ohss on like 50 micolitres of gonal f. Kkh did tell me they have something alternative to clomid so I wilk check with them this week. If I dun respond to that either then guess my options are limited.
actually , i would try other options first. 30 yrs old is very young. babies conceive tro iui or otr simpler methods u can worry less. ivf hormones jabs are no good for us. long term may cause side effects or as some reports mentioned, increased in risk of cancers. ivf is also more expensive and needs alot of time . there r ladies who failed ivf and succeeded an iui later.you may succeed with clomid or iui etc as u wil be more stressfree and body less tormented. so if if it is me, i will go with dr's suggestion
Oh I also thought that clomid is no good as well. I heard that doc only recommend 3 rds of clomid cos its also hormones. Basically any treatment isnt very good cos messing with hormones. Hmm maybe I'm wrong.
im not too sure abt the lining.. just asking if you know. So you are going back for scan next Wed? Did you take the jab yourself?

My next scan is Monday.
ur scan quite soon.. i was wondering y mine so long in btw, more than 1 week.. n i thot shld b quite close monitoring.. maybe i shld ask Kkh..

e bad thing abt Kkh is e waiting time.. n lack of clarity...
Trying for 1st bb:
2. Redvel
3. Star.star
4. Anamika87
5. Rachelt
6. Ashkea
8. chunkles
9. Peaches21
10. baby_sparkles
11. mesara
12. pigletlyn
13. acadia
14. Meilingg
15. Hopful13
16. Jmec

Feel free to add to e list yrself although i hope not to see a lot in this list, but rather we can proceed to e ivf mummy thread n see ourself there. We motivate each other.

Congrats to those in this list who has up e shore with 1st level passed! :)
Hi, i'm trying for 1st baby too!
ur scan quite soon.. i was wondering y mine so long in btw, more than 1 week.. n i thot shld b quite close monitoring.. maybe i shld ask Kkh..

e bad thing abt Kkh is e waiting time.. n lack of clarity...
Wat is e scanning interval at kkh? Is it day 3,day 7 and day 10? Want to plan for my escape at work
ur scan quite soon.. i was wondering y mine so long in btw, more than 1 week.. n i thot shld b quite close monitoring.. maybe i shld ask Kkh..

e bad thing abt Kkh is e waiting time.. n lack of clarity...
I have the same qns also. For my first fresh, my first and only scan was D7 or D8 and then proceed to ER whereas others still have scans in between. For my 2nd fresh which is long cycle, I had first scan on D8 and D9 of stim and then to ER.
I have the same qns also. For my first fresh, my first and only scan was D7 or D8 and then proceed to ER whereas others still have scans in between. For my 2nd fresh which is long cycle, I had first scan on D8 and D9 of stim and then to ER.
No scanning done at day 3( ie Start of injections)?
@chuckles You did ivf in his clinic?
Yup. 3 fertility treatments but got really lucky 1st time with him. I like him. When I told him I was bored staying at home, he syggested watching glee cause that is what his teenage daughter watches. Family man, business man and a very confident doc. He can be a bit cocky but that guy knows his stuff. Good luck with your bt results!
I'm currently 12 weeks 3 days today.
Yup. 3 fertility treatments but got really lucky 1st time with him. I like him. When I told him I was bored staying at home, he syggested watching glee cause that is what his teenage daughter watches. Family man, business man and a very confident doc. He can be a bit cocky but that guy knows his stuff. Good luck with your bt results!
I'm currently 12 weeks 3 days today.
Do you know does he treat male infertility issues or is better at treating woman's issues?
Yup. 3 fertility treatments but got really lucky 1st time with him. I like him. When I told him I was bored staying at home, he syggested watching glee cause that is what his teenage daughter watches. Family man, business man and a very confident doc. He can be a bit cocky but that guy knows his stuff. Good luck with your bt results!
I'm currently 12 weeks 3 days today.

Wah Thts good first time lucky! This is my second cycle with him. My previous gynae recommend dr chieng when I decided to do ivf. Yes he's very very confident! Haha. Each time I go to him I feel like Woah! Because he's super confident I'll conceive & here I am feeling negative all day all night. Thx for the wishes...my BT got pushed to Thursday now Curz I wanna see him as well.
I have the same qns also. For my first fresh, my first and only scan was D7 or D8 and then proceed to ER whereas others still have scans in between. For my 2nd fresh which is long cycle, I had first scan on D8 and D9 of stim and then to ER.
i had D2 scanning den followed by D12?! sigh.. now feeling more concerned.. will it make a difference in outcome wif lesser scanning?
Wah Thts good first time lucky! This is my second cycle with him. My previous gynae recommend dr chieng when I decided to do ivf. Yes he's very very confident! Haha. Each time I go to him I feel like Woah! Because he's super confident I'll conceive & here I am feeling negative all day all night. Thx for the wishes...my BT got pushed to Thursday now Curz I wanna see him as well.
Do u mind sharing the approx cost for ur IVF treatment with Dr Roland Chieng? Able to use medisave or govt subsidy at his clinic?

Thinking of seeking another opinion.
Hi, i'm going to start ivf in this cycle. Menses just came so i'll be going for my first scanning. Think it'll be messy!
What do they check for?
Oh I also thought that clomid is no good as well. I heard that doc only recommend 3 rds of clomid cos its also hormones. Basically any treatment isnt very good cos messing with hormones. Hmm maybe I'm wrong.
too much of clomid is also no gd. but as compared to the injections and hormone pills, the retrieval surgery etc, way better lo
Connie, he lists male infertility as one of his interests. Not sure how gd he is in this area though.
Jmec, he is expensive for sure. I burnt my pocket for this treatment. Another gd ivf doc people recommend is his buddy, dr fong yang. Heard good reviews abt him too.
Connie, he lists male infertility as one of his interests. Not sure how gd he is in this area though.
Jmec, he is expensive for sure. I burnt my pocket for this treatment. Another gd ivf doc people recommend is his buddy, dr fong yang. Heard good reviews abt him too.
Chuckles, thanks for e reply. :)
Connie, he lists male infertility as one of his interests. Not sure how gd he is in this area though.
Jmec, he is expensive for sure. I burnt my pocket for this treatment. Another gd ivf doc people recommend is his buddy, dr fong yang. Heard good reviews abt him too.
Thanks :)
Do u mind sharing the approx cost for ur IVF treatment with Dr Roland Chieng? Able to use medisave or govt subsidy at his clinic?

Thinking of seeking another opinion.

To date I've spent up to $20k, for consultations, scans, medicines, and ivf treatments. Yes can use medisave but as mentioned is $6k for first claim, $5k for second claim & $3k for third claim. I've used 2 of my claims already...
Woohoo! 16 is a good archievment!! :) u should fare better this rnd n should also have frosties :)

Wat injection simulation jabs n dosage did dr give you this time?
I really hope so. :)

I was on lucrin for 27 days, then from day 18 onwards, added menopur 150 and puregon 300. I think long protocol allows better control for me and allow time for my eggs to react to the drugs.
That's such a great improvement from yr previous cycle. Mind to share if you took any supplements after your previous cycle for better egg quality? and are u doing accu?
Actually I did not really take much. Cos I keep forget to take the supplements. I took a bit of conceive well, nuskin ageloc (which supposedly help to rejuvenate cells and ovary which appear old). Think the more consistent thing I had was TCM herbs. I did not do acupuncture as I was seeing Xia Rong from EYS and she doesn't do acupuncture.

I did not tiao my body for first cycle after removing fibroids as the surgery might have "injured" my body, which could be one of the reason why I fail. Maybe the TCM herbs did help me.
Hi hi, new here. I have just started my 1st IVF cycle yesterday. Went to KKH for ultrascan on Day 3 and whole procedure + waiting took about 4 hrs. I was given Puregon 200 units per day for 7 days and Orgalutron 0.25mg for 4 days (to suppress ovulation). Didn't manage to consult the doctor so not sure how they came up with the dosage. I have also signed up with KKH on studies of LH effects from IVF treatment since it will be useful for future improvement of IVF process. Heard that they will select 100 patients in within a period of 6 months. Anyone else has gave consent on the study?

So many sisters are cycling in jan. No wonder kkh keep saying jan is full.

Hi moinie,yr oragaluton is to be injected in e beginning of day 3 too? Or is to be injected in e middle of the cycle?

Wish all gals in jan cycling all e best!
