IVF/ICSI Support Group

For both fresh cycle, 7 of my eggs fertilised but slow growth. 1st cycle, 1 embryo is 2-celled and the other 3 celled on day 2. 2nd cycle, 1 embryo at 2-celled and the other 6 celled + fragmentation on day 3. I did past the et stage but during both et, dr and embrologistics were not too positive about it.. so I guess the quality was really bad.

I agree abt Dr loh's attitude, he seems ya ya to me. But he does suggest additional supplement for me to take for my condition such as dhea and arginine on top of coq10. I went to look for him mainly to seek the dosage for dhea upon a suggestion from a fellow ivfer and also seek 2nd opinion for a condition like mine as given his high success rate in kkh.

One funny encounter I had with him was I asked if the embryo does not grow, is the issue with the hubby or the wife. He said it might be the hubby.. then I added that from my understanding from dr yu and the internet, it seems to point to the wife. He kept silent thereafter.. then I further asked if my hubby shld take any further supplement for sperm issue (if any), he said ur hubby sperm is ok. I am confused...

Why don't u try try out dr tan HH at kk for 2nd opinion, I'm sure he'd give you pretty gd advice.
I was monitored by him throughout my Ivf conceived pregnancy. Worth to hear another pov before u embark on your next Ivf.
To be honest, I hv read n heard from dr that most failed cases are due to bad eggs (80-90percent). Husband sperm can be picked up by picsi in sgh I heard. The sperm that binds with the dish are selected. Did u go for that?
H0peful, sorry just re-read your original post that your hubby has male factor. Surprised they recommended IUI for you?
usually shld recommen
I've just emailed the centre two days ago and they recommended an independent agent who can provide donors!! Some of the donor photos look familiar as they are the same batch whom I screened in 2013, anyway there is still donor availability, the fertility centers just worked around it.
Aiya...actually my hb prefer to go thailand as it is cheaper. In KL, donor also from agent, but we are not allowed to view pics. and cost for donors and ivf is much much more ex...
Jmec, currently under dr loh too. And yes, he is very ya ya but used to it. During the ER, he told my hubby the wrong day on producing sperm for fertilising. Lucky my hubby found out from TFC otherwise can't produce enough swimmers loh. :confused:
the staff a bit blur blur one...better double check. They ever gave me wrong med while still insist it is correct. in the end, need to go back and change. luckily not yet start on the med yet
Hi all, just started my stim today after 17 days of lucrin. Do u all roughly know how many days of stim is roughly required for a long cycle in kkh? Am having some issue at work as 19th that week I will have some major issues that I need to be around on 19th or 20th. My boss is away on long leave fr 19th to 2nd feb. & I will be the only person left in the team. Haii which also mean I will likely to need work most part of tww. Just hope my eggs will grow slightly slower and drag until at least 21st for ER. Feeling stress just to think abt the work. :(
do u have any side effect on Lucrin? I keep having tension nausea, breathless and cramps. just recover a bit from bust pain and joints pain.
usually shld recommen

Aiya...actually my hb prefer to go thailand as it is cheaper. In KL, donor also from agent, but we are not allowed to view pics. and cost for donors and ivf is much much more ex...
I've tried a reputable centre called TMC in Johor Bahru, their hq in kl. been to both kl n jb clinics, I'm not impressed with the facility n staff. Bangkok much better facility, dr, donors, service etc..
Yes cannot view pic of donors in Msia, quite stupid.
Last time I can even interview the Thai donor, now not sure but u can actually catch her during er day
I've tried a reputable centre called TMC in Johor Bahru, their hq in kl. been to both kl n jb clinics, I'm not impressed with the facility n staff. Bangkok much better facility, dr, donors, service etc..
Yes cannot view pic of donors in Msia, quite stupid.
Last time I can even interview the Thai donor, now not sure but u can actually catch her during er day
i am now with TMC KL as i was told can't do in Thailand. Sigh..shld not trust Dr loh and shld find out more before proceed.
do u have any side effect on Lucrin? I keep having tension nausea, breathless and cramps. just recover a bit from bust pain and joints pain.
So far I am ok except usually wake up in sweat and yesterday and today abit of bleeding. I googled and they say quite normal to have bleeding. Did you check with the clinic if the pain u are experiencing is normal?
i am now with TMC KL as i was told can't do in Thailand. Sigh..shld not trust Dr loh and shld find out more before proceed.

Opps...which dr are u with?
I remember consulting a dr Singh.....sthg....
Ya cannot fully trust people as this involve a lot of $, pain, tears so must do the research yourself.
Why don't u try try out dr tan HH at kk for 2nd opinion, I'm sure he'd give you pretty gd advice.
I was monitored by him throughout my Ivf conceived pregnancy. Worth to hear another pov before u embark on your next Ivf.
To be honest, I hv read n heard from dr that most failed cases are due to bad eggs (80-90percent). Husband sperm can be picked up by picsi in sgh I heard. The sperm that binds with the dish are selected. Did u go for that?
Yup, did icsi for both cycles. Now, I am taking alot more supplement than before to prepare for my next cycle. ok, will consider the seeking a 2nd opinion.
So your 2 fresh cycles were done at SGH? did you manage to get to ET?

Perhaps you should consult a gynae at kkh for advice. My pte gynae did mention different labs may yield different results.
Hi bbpony, yup, 2 fresh at sgh. Managed to get to et but embroyo quality are bad in both cycle. In the last cycle, only 1 multiple but v slowly to 6 cell on day 3. Yup, will consider to look for another doc for a 2nd opinion. Thanks for the advice.
I see a lot of you ladies did IVF in SGH or KK
Mine is in NUH under private
subsidize $6000 government , any want know the full cost of the process.
Coz doc told me is like abt $2000 cash, medisave $6000
Which I'm surprise, tot would be more X.
So far I am ok except usually wake up in sweat and yesterday and today abit of bleeding. I googled and they say quite normal to have bleeding. Did you check with the clinic if the pain u are experiencing is normal?
all the mentioned signs are normal :( understand that period may be lated too.
Hi Nakano, I'm also new here, but starting slightly later, in March.
May I know if you are both Singaporean couple? I'm a PR, my husband is Singaporean. Not sure if the cost are the same or not.
Hi all, just started my stim today after 17 days of lucrin. Do u all roughly know how many days of stim is roughly required for a long cycle in kkh? Am having some issue at work as 19th that week I will have some major issues that I need to be around on 19th or 20th. My boss is away on long leave fr 19th to 2nd feb. & I will be the only person left in the team. Haii which also mean I will likely to need work most part of tww. Just hope my eggs will grow slightly slower and drag until at least 21st for ER. Feeling stress just to think abt the work. :(
Hi from my experience its very difficult to pinpoint exactly how long u need to stim esp if its the first ivf. I think I did about 8 to 10 days. Also must consider that the cycle can be cancelled suddenly for a number of reasons eg cysts or ohss. This is one of the main reasons why ivf is so tough becos it can be so uncertain.
Hi all, just started my stim today after 17 days of lucrin. Do u all roughly know how many days of stim is roughly required for a long cycle in kkh? Am having some issue at work as 19th that week I will have some major issues that I need to be around on 19th or 20th. My boss is away on long leave fr 19th to 2nd feb. & I will be the only person left in the team. Haii which also mean I will likely to need work most part of tww. Just hope my eggs will grow slightly slower and drag until at least 21st for ER. Feeling stress just to think abt the work. :(
Hopeful13,maybe u request to work from home while on hl leave. Hl leave is official leave to rest,think they shoudnt fault u on that.
Doc says im young so suggest iui cos hb sperms can be washed. I have risk of 4 fertilized eggs for iui cos 4 of my follicles are of the right size for ovulation already. Dey gav me option to try naturally and cancel this iui or proceed with iui with risk of quardplets or convert to ivf but told me usually people of my age r not keen on ivf yet. We decided to go with iui after discussing ... im not sure if is a wise choice cos there are risks of killing the embbies if tested to be bad and risk of miscarriage ... im really at a lost now

30 yo is still very young and you don't seem to have major female infertility issues from what I read. To do iui with 4 gd size follicles n lining is a big risk you are taking..

Many of us have went thru ER and ET and I guess most will feel that it's not as scary as what we 1st thought it is..

Usually I Thot if it's sperm issues they will go for icsi. Cux washing of sperm may not b that effective..

Anyway, regardless of your decision, just wan to wish u all the best!!
Hi Nakano, I'm also new here, but starting slightly later, in March.
May I know if you are both Singaporean couple? I'm a PR, my husband is Singaporean. Not sure if the cost are the same or not.
Yes both Singaporean
I not sure if PR also same rate
But mine is private under NUH
If subsidised clinic I think mayb cheaper abit
Hi Nakano, I'm also new here, but starting slightly later, in March.
May I know if you are both Singaporean couple? I'm a PR, my husband is Singaporean. Not sure if the cost are the same or not.

Cost of whole ivf procedure is the same but probably you may not enjoy the grant. You can call kkivf to find out.
Hi from my experience its very difficult to pinpoint exactly how long u need to stim esp if its the first ivf. I think I did about 8 to 10 days. Also must consider that the cycle can be cancelled suddenly for a number of reasons eg cysts or ohss. This is one of the main reasons why ivf is so tough becos it can be so uncertain.
@mqiu, thanks. This is my 2nd fresh. First fresh was on short cycle and 2nd fresh is on long cycle. Abit blur on how long it is to ET. Just hope the days I need to work doesnt clash with ER.
i am now with TMC KL as i was told can't do in Thailand. Sigh..shld not trust Dr loh and shld find out more before proceed.

I emailed bkk clinic in late August and was told they cannot accept my case because they have ban all donor eggs in Thailand. As long as monetary cost is involved in paying donor it is illegal. However u can bring your own donor and they will do the procedure for u. Maybe their rules have changed recently? It is best to make a trip down to find out.
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Hopeful13,maybe u request to work from home while on hl leave. Hl leave is official leave to rest,think they shoudnt fault u on that.
Those 2 days can't loh as major restructuring in the company and my presence is required as my boss away. Think other days I will work from home. Hubby tell me take one thing at a time.. Dun stress. And I have not told my boss that my ER might clash on those 2 days. Don't know how to tell her. Hopefully all ends well!!
I hope so but after the first failure it is very hard to stay positive esp when I am so old.i am now racing with time. As for blastocyst,my dr did say it is very encouraging for old aunties like me to have many follicles and 10 eggs to reach blastocyst stage though eventually only 4 can b used. However this cannot guarantee good quality eggs tt wil results in implantation . Chromosome issues can't b seen with naked eyes . But I told myself fann Wong and many other celebrities as old as 45 can b preggies , I must try too!

Yes nothing is impossible till we give it a go.
Hi Ladies,
I'm a new here, just starting the IVF journey.
I'm 32 now, have ttc for about 2 years. January 20 is my first IVF consultation, so I decided to start reading through this forum to make myself more familiar with the process and see the real stories. I feel a bit stupid coz often do not understand what you are talking about, it took me a while to figure out what TTC stands for, and I don't know most of other abbreviations, but it's a learning curve, right? :)

I was considering IVF for about a year, very reluctant, as I hate anything hospitals- and doctor-related. But as there was no luck for the past two years I've decided that it's time. Initially I did not want to browse any mother-to-be forums, because I was afraid that it will make me more stressed, but I realized that I lack the knowledge and friendly advise, and that's why I'm here.

Looking forward to IVF adventure (trying to think of it this way makes me less scared). :)

Ivf is not as scary as u thought to be. Jabs are not painful just need to take the first step and everything is a breeze. U need the courage to face the result after 2ww and if positive all that u went through is nothing. If negative pick yourself up n try again.
we all wish to see a kind nice doctor but I think what my hubby said is also true . I always complained abt the nurses and Drs and He asked me to b focused on our ultimate goal and if this dr can help us achieve that , we shouldn't b too bothered by his or her attitude . We r seeing a fertility dr not aunty agony. There r many more unpleasant thingsthat we hav to go through in our ivf journey ..so now I complain less hahah
Actually I think Dr Loh maybe a bit arrogant but he gives me the feeling he is very confident in what he is doing.
I hope so but after the first failure it is very hard to stay positive esp when I am so old.i am now racing with time. As for blastocyst,my dr did say it is very encouraging for old aunties like me to have many follicles and 10 eggs to reach blastocyst stage though eventually only 4 can b used. However this cannot guarantee good quality eggs tt wil results in implantation . Chromosome issues can't b seen with naked eyes . But I told myself fann Wong and many other celebrities as old as 45 can b preggies , I must try too!
ER. .. my turn to ask ur fav question. How are you? Sorry. . I might have missed it along the thread.
Jmec, currently under dr loh too. And yes, he is very ya ya but used to it. During the ER, he told my hubby the wrong day on producing sperm for fertilising. Lucky my hubby found out from TFC otherwise can't produce enough swimmers loh. :confused:
Hi, Wat do u mean told the wrong day of producing sperm?he should have told before er date when he needs to produce rite?
Cos I never ovulate last cycle after my failed ivf

Hence I'm scared I won't ovulate again so I asked for medicated fet
Hi, perhaps this might help.

A medicated FET allows the couple to avoid some of the pitfalls associated with a NC-FET. In this type of FET, estrogen pills, shots, or patches are used to prepare the endometrium for embryo implantation . Three days prior to embryo transfer , the woman begins taking progesterone to modify the endometrial lining so that it will be receptive when the embryos are placed. Some clinics prescribe GnRH agonists (such as Lupron) to their patients the month prior to a medicated FET cycle so as to reduce the chances of spontaneousovulation . The use of Lupron reduces the chances of cycle cancellation owing to unexpected ovulation to near zero.
30 yo is still very young and you don't seem to have major female infertility issues from what I read. To do iui with 4 gd size follicles n lining is a big risk you are taking..

Many of us have went thru ER and ET and I guess most will feel that it's not as scary as what we 1st thought it is..

Usually I Thot if it's sperm issues they will go for icsi. Cux washing of sperm may not b that effective..

Anyway, regardless of your decision, just wan to wish u all the best!!

Thanks. Looks like I dont have major Issue
our issue is with hb spermies cos odd shape.
Only 1 percent of good shape which is very
little. Doc thinks im considered young for
conception so put us to 3 cycles of iui but who
knows I over reacted. Lucky to have a understanding female boss as I have been taking time off for u/s and she has been very supportive. Im mentally and emotionally stressed over iui already so i salute u ladies who have been through ivf. Jia you and be brave!
Thanks. Looks like I dont have major Issue
our issue is with hb spermies cos odd shape.
Only 1 percent of good shape which is very
little. Doc thinks im considered young for
conception so put us to 3 cycles of iui but who
knows I over reacted. Lucky to have a understanding female boss as I have been taking time off for u/s and she has been very supportive. Im mentally and emotionally stressed over iui already so i salute u ladies who have been through ivf. Jia you and be brave!
Hi there,i was told odd shape sperms was no issue for icsi by my embrologist. 1 percent good shape is not too bad.that will be good enough for icsi le. (Icsi sperms required of less than 20 is good enough,also odd shape for e other percentage doesnt mean no good,just that they cant swim far)
Frankly,i been through ivf icsi and i think its not as painful as we imagine. Once started it just gets going and e needles are fine for injection so its not that painful as imagine.
For egg retrival,you will be knocked out. For transfer,its like a pap smear.
I think yr chances for icsi will be good. Dun stress,to do iui for your case may be risk of multiples but for icsi it will be controlled on how many embryos to put in. Its not that scary for ivf. Its more of e results after that on bfp or bfn. And of cos there will be some cramps after er but that is bearable like menses cramp if there is no ohss present. jiayou!
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Hi, Wat do u mean told the wrong day of producing sperm?he should have told before er date when he needs to produce rite?
My husband said he was told to produce swimmers on the day of ET. Aft that found out it was on the day ER. Luckily, he found out early enough for him to time properly to avoid stressful situation?? You know what I mean rite?
Btw gals, a lot tcm advise during our ovulation bracket that we should "gotobed" 2 times on alternate days to increase the chance of fertilisation. I jus wonder nowadays if most men are able to do it within 1 - 3 days times??
My husband said he was told to produce swimmers on the day of ET. Aft that found out it was on the day ER. Luckily, he found out early enough for him to time properly to avoid stressful situation?? You know what I mean rite?
Btw gals, a lot tcm advise during our ovulation bracket that we should "gotobed" 2 times on alternate days to increase the chance of fertilisation. I jus wonder nowadays if most men are able to do it within 1 - 3 days times??

Should be able to lah..
My hb did freeze his swimmers over 2-3 days bracket and all looked good. We only need a few good ones in the midst of millions to fertilize the eggs.
Normally, can you choose the doctor yourself, or you are assigned the doctor during consultation?
Can choose but normally for gov hospitals if u choose doc, you will be considered as pte patient and will hv to pay higher rates. Which hospital r u with?
I emailed bkk clinic in late August and was told they cannot accept my case because they have ban all donor eggs in Thailand. As long as monetary cost is involved in paying donor it is illegal. However u can bring your own donor and they will do the procedure for u. Maybe their rules have changed recently? It is best to make a trip down to find out.

ah.. I read on news that someone brought her mum or her sis.
My husband said he was told to produce swimmers on the day of ET. Aft that found out it was on the day ER. Luckily, he found out early enough for him to time properly to avoid stressful situation?? You know what I mean rite?
Btw gals, a lot tcm advise during our ovulation bracket that we should "gotobed" 2 times on alternate days to increase the chance of fertilisation. I jus wonder nowadays if most men are able to do it within 1 - 3 days times??
I think dr loh speaks too fast,so say out er as et. E sa will be enough after 1 to 2 days of resting for normal trying.
Hi ladies,

Sorry for the abrupt gatecrash. Can i just ask if anyone knows whether there is any conducive space/room at TFC (dr sf loh's clinic at novena) to produce sperm sample? Tks in advance!
No not icsi
Its a petri dish that you put sperm in n the motile ones bind to the dish.

http://origio.com/products/midatlantic devices/picsi.aspx
Nope, never did picsi. Shall check with dr yu in my next review with her.

Btw, I just emailed dr loh today on dhea issue and he promptly replied me within 3 hrs! I think he still cares for his patient though face to face consultation may not be as pleasant as we expect it to be. Moreover, I will not be doing ivf with him so quite surprise by his prompt reply.. he is also v assuring in his mail...
Nope, never did picsi. Shall check with dr yu in my next review with her.

Btw, I just emailed dr loh today on dhea issue and he promptly replied me within 3 hrs! I think he still cares for his patient though face to face consultation may not be as pleasant as we expect it to be. Moreover, I will not be doing ivf with him so quite surprise by his prompt reply.. he is also v assuring in his mail...
He didnt reply to my email when i ask him abt polyp removal which day of menses is best to remove and whats e cost if dping at his centre. Maybi i ask stupid question. So guess he replies email selectively.

He didnt reply to my email when i ask him abt polyp removal which day of menses is best to remove and whats e cost if dping at his centre. Maybi i ask stupid question. So guess he replies email selectively.
Did u send to his gmail account? Maybe he missed it or he hasn't had an ans to ur qn..I rem I read somewhere in the forum that someone asked him abt cost too and he replied that he is not a cashier, won't know the cost.. but ur qn are relevant mah.. were u a patient under him previously?
