IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ladies,
I went for follow up today after blood test is neg on 20 oct. Dr say i can do fresh cycle in jan if i wan. As thaw cycle dun need to wait for 3 menses cycle.now plan for u/s pelvis before proceed for ivf in jan.

Should i do?
Hi jieqi,y dun u do frozen cycle since u have frozen embries? Since frozen is less taxing n lesser injections..

Did u check with doc y e reduce menses flow after ivf?
Just wanna share an encouraging story with all ladies here that is on this journey including myself...
A friend of mine have been trying for a number of years too but found out that both her tubes was block and the only option she has was IVF. At first her DH didn't want to go through it at all but somehow something has change and he decided to give it a try. She got bfp on the first try but sadly mc at 5 months. After that, she didn't want to go through the whole emotional process again so she did nothing. Surprisingly, she got pregnant naturally and give birth to healthy baby boy at the age of 36.

So nothing is impossible.. there is always this saying..' it comes when u least expected it'... Just relax and enjoy the process. It is also a time to know that your DH will always be there for u and u for him.
Hi kevangie,thanks for e encouragement post. Its always nice to see miracle post happening but somehow it seems like happen to others but not for some of us. Sometimes,i wonder if miracle exist or reality speaks e truth n knocks u hard with e obstructions in be it man or woman for natural pregnancy or even assisted pregnancy to occur.
Nonetheless,i still cling on a little ray of light hoping that miracle will 1 day exist n blessed us with a healthy little 1. Not hoping much in life,just hoping for a healthy little 1 of our own n it seems so challenging to achieve. Press on for e ray of little miracle to occur while we strive to eat healthy,live healthy n sleep enough n with a happy heart n mood
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Hi kevangie,thanks for e encouragement post. Its always nice to see miracle post happening but somehow it seems like happen to others but not for some of us. Sometimes,i wonder if miracle exist or reality speaks e truth n knocks u hard with e obstructions in be it man or woman for pregnancy to occur.
Nonetheless,i still cling on a little ray of light hoping that miracle will 1 day exist n blessed us with a healthy little 1. Not hoping much in life,just hoping for a healthy little 1 of our own n it seems so challenging to achieve. Press on for e ray of little miracle to occur while we strive to eat healthy,live healthy n sleep enough n with a happy heart n mood

I believe everything happen for a reason... Personally i have been ttcing for 8 years+ too and i too have ask myself this question countless time especially when friends around me getting bfp so easily. Though it's not an easy journey but at least we know we tried our best.. and hold on to the hope. Who knows one day it will be our turn to hold that little one in our arms.

Remember to stay positive and positive will come to us!!
Hi kevengie,i certainly hope so we have little 1 healthily in our arms. I be getting results for my hubby frozen sa report soon at kkh n my post op hysteroscopy review tomorrow. I dunno wat is installed for us n whether we are eligible for ivf at kkh or not. Feeling scared. Sgh has earlier on rejected us due to little spermies. N recently dh feeling so stressed at work. Dunno if his soldiers can survive e freezing test ma...cross fingers n hope for e best.
Hope all goes well tomorrow Connie. You've waited quite long for this session .
Thanks redvel. I am really feeling scared of e aftermath results of e surgery n frozen samples verdict.

I hope miracle happens to u redvel. u always bring us very useful information to share in this forum. Its very much appreciated
Thanks a lot Archie7. Just now I tried to call 1 number I google on Internet, the person doesn't understand what is IVF and my Chinese is limited :(

IVF is 人工受孕 ren2 gong1 shou3 yun4 or you can try telling them 试管婴儿 shi4 guan3 ying1 er.

Actually I guess you can just book an appointment without telling the clinic assistant that you will be undergoing IVF, just tell the Dr during the appointment.
Hi ladies,
I went for follow up today after blood test is neg on 20 oct. Dr say i can do fresh cycle in jan if i wan. As thaw cycle dun need to wait for 3 menses cycle.now plan for u/s pelvis before proceed for ivf in jan.

Should i do?

Hi, i was also told that I can do fet with the coming menses. I asked doc if it is a better idea to wait. He said statistics show that the results are more or less the same whether wait or not. So if i feel i am ready, i can go ahead.

I am waiting for af now to start. I decided to go ahead, partly cos i am a little anxious and I guess all these lies in God's hands. It is all in His time and not ours.

Good luck to all who are doing ivf/fet soon. ☺
bbpony, I asked a similar questions to the ivf mothers-to-be and some responded to me that they had successful outcomes with only 1 embryo transfer.
Hi chuckles, I put one embryo transfer only per my doc advice cos he said I'm petitie n putting two is at risk for mother n babies eg complications, bedrest, premature etc.
Heard the Orgalutran injection is more painful then Gonal f jab. I'm going to start Orgalutran tomorrow. Any tips on making it less painful?
ttc77, it could be due to the progesterone level. my progesterone was closely monitored this time , every 2 days need to do blood test and I can see mine keep dropping, which is not good at all. yesterday during my first scan, my gynae asks me how i feel, i told u besides cramp i dun feel anything else. He told me, the cramp is due to the low progesterone. If progesterone is enough, should feel bloated instead of cramp. I am on max progesterone support but seems i dun absorb it well. the level keeps dropping until i use back my progessence plus which is the natural progesterone ( though i din inform my gynae), the next test i can see my progesterone increase and cramp also less.
After ET , can go swimming or its really bed rest?
Not adviseable to go swimming not because of fear of embbies falling out but to remove the risk of getting any virus or infection from the pool water. No need to bed rest (ie lie down 24/7), just take it slower.
Gooiee and ttc77, sorry hear abt the outcome for your wife and yourself. Pls know we all feel with you for every BFN and we will be here when you get your BFP. Every BFN cuts deeps - nothing beats a good hug from the spouse, a good cry and do something comforting. And then bounce back stronger.

Again, sorry to hear.
Heard the Orgalutran injection is more painful then Gonal f jab. I'm going to start Orgalutran tomorrow. Any tips on making it less painful?
Same lah. Just that the syringe is a bit thicker. do as you do w the gonalF and slowly press the meds in. Jia you!!
ttc77, it could be due to the progesterone level. my progesterone was closely monitored this time , every 2 days need to do blood test and I can see mine keep dropping, which is not good at all. yesterday during my first scan, my gynae asks me how i feel, i told u besides cramp i dun feel anything else. He told me, the cramp is due to the low progesterone. If progesterone is enough, should feel bloated instead of cramp. I am on max progesterone support but seems i dun absorb it well. the level keeps dropping until i use back my progessence plus which is the natural progesterone ( though i din inform my gynae), the next test i can see my progesterone increase and cramp also less.

My full menses just came now also. I'm waiting for my blood test now.quite Sure it's a negative

But my Qn is if it doesn't implant, even with Max progesterone also no use right?
Hi kevengie,i certainly hope so we have little 1 healthily in our arms. I be getting results for my hubby frozen sa report soon at kkh n my post op hysteroscopy review tomorrow. I dunno wat is installed for us n whether we are eligible for ivf at kkh or not. Feeling scared. Sgh has earlier on rejected us due to little spermies. N recently dh feeling so stressed at work. Dunno if his soldiers can survive e freezing test ma...cross fingers n hope for e best.

May i ask what is the problem with your DH's sa? Cos my DH sa also not good.
Went for the blood test 2 days back, our 1st ivf unsuccessful. Very disappointed, but hubby and I are thinking of how to move on from here.

Would like to check - is the follow-up consultation with Dr necessary or useful (I'm with kk)? I doubt Dr can tell us more about why it's unsuccessful. Is it for more discussion on the 2nd round ?

I've tried making appt with tcm Dr TSB, but earliest appt is in late Jan 15. Can any sister recommend other TCM? Thanks.
Same lah. Just that the syringe is a bit thicker. do as you do w the gonalF and slowly press the meds in. Jia you!!
Thanks! Don't know why today I jab gonalf at right tummy (past few days jabbed on left) is more painful. Isit less painful to jab if the liquid is at room temp?
Thanks! Don't know why today I jab gonalf at right tummy (past few days jabbed on left) is more painful. Isit less painful to jab if the liquid is at room temp?

I alternate the sides daily, hoping that it will spread more evenly. Ha, I know it doesn't work this way, but at least it really was not so painful for me.

Even for days I need 2 injections, I will alternate the sides.
Hi sisters, i am preparing to do a SIS scan. But I'm unsure which is my CD 1. My full flow came on tue, but spotting( red and brown) started from sat to mon...

Any sisters can advise? KKH nurse telling spotting is my day 1 cos there is some red blood... I'm not convinced.
Good to hear that. Guess I have been scared by the youtube videos. :confused:
Hahaa dun look at those youtube videos. Some of them jab in the syringe like killing cockroach. Slow & steady hands is much easier and less painful. You can do it. I alternate the sides daily too.
My full menses just came now also. I'm waiting for my blood test now.quite Sure it's a negative

But my Qn is if it doesn't implant, even with Max progesterone also no use right?
Yes. If no implantation actually the rest of the 2ww is just passing time. But no one knows if implanted (although some feel implantation cramps).
Happypeanut I was with KKH.

It's not a must to see doc after the failed cycle. You have a choice. Yes doc will cover what's next for you(if you plan to) and a platform for you to ask her questions about the bfn, although don't expect her to have all answers. Ivf also needs fate.

So really up to you.
Gooiee and ttc77 – My heart goes out to you right now. Nothing can prepare you emotionally for the sight of AF. I hope you find your own comfort – perhaps the support of your spouse, perhaps something to look forward to after this. But I will say this – you are simply awesome for having had the courage to go through IVF for a baby! You did the best you could.
May i ask what is the problem with your DH's sa? Cos my DH sa also not good.
He has less than 30 soldiers. Me now alone at kkh waiting for post op review. Father in law just passed away this am. Hence hubby cant do sa freezing n accompany me to this long waited appt as need to attend to his wake matters. Maybi its all fated. Hope i will not get bad news on my surgery review later facing it alone.
Happypeanut I was with KKH.

It's not a must to see doc after the failed cycle. You have a choice. Yes doc will cover what's next for you(if you plan to) and a platform for you to ask her questions about the bfn, although don't expect her to have all answers. Ivf also needs fate.

So really up to you.

Redvel, thanks for sharing! If it's not for discussion on the next cycle, we are not inclined to go for the consultation cos have to pay and take leave again.

hugs... ttc77, happy peanuts and gooiee

Lyn, thanks for your support.

It's not easy to accept the outcome. I kept wondering, is it something I've done, or I've not done.... but I know that I'll never know, and should not dwell too much analysing it. Have also try to garner strength from the experiences of the sisters here. Really grateful for this thread.
