IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi sisters... Jus feeling like spilling my unhappy and frustrated thoughts here....

4 years and still trying for my no 1.
Did 2 fresh cycles, failed 1st and for 2nd, bb stopped growing at 6 wks. Never had frozen embies as I have severe endo and low AMH. Gg to do my last fresh next jan...

Despite all my prayers to god, all my efforts in taking whatever sisters here take before stim, during stim And 2ww... It's still fruitless... I feel lost and do not know what else to do if I fail again....

Thank you! I have decided to put 2 instead of 1. Had a discussion with doc. The conclusion is that my embies would be less perfect when compared to someone in the 20s. So having both implanting, if they ever implant and be normal is not so high cause I'm 39. So we are taking the chances and hope for the best. How are you connie?
hmm do u mean that it is not easy to implant at our age (i am 41) due to sperm and egg quality or due to our 'aging' body?
Tsf0205, I feel you. Although I have not been ttc-ing as long as you do, I understand at times we question a lot. But hope you’ll get out of it soon and focus on other things that make you happy too. I must admit that although I believe most things are fated, to me what had happened to me (my MCs x 2) was a pity. Nevertheless, we should let bygones closed its chapter. Hope god will grant your wish very soon.

Kymkym, in a way yes that because of our age, the eggies have lower quality thus impair good implantation (that’s nature at its work. Sometimes the nature can tell that since egg/embie not so good, it rather not implant and purge). My doc told me although I am 42, she believes my womb is still capable of implantation but I just need younger/better eggs. Statistics have shown that donor eggs from younger ladies yield much higher success.
hmm do u mean that it is not easy to implant at our age (i am 41) due to sperm and egg quality or due to our 'aging' body?
It really depends on the age of the embryos. One of the reason people go for donor eggs is because the eggs would be younger hence less or no abnormalities. If I knew the future, I would have frozen my eggs at 21 years of age. :)
It really depends on the age of the embryos. One of the reason people go for donor eggs is because the eggs would be younger hence less or no abnormalities. If I knew the future, I would have frozen my eggs at 21 years of age. :)
hiaz...local hospital dun allow egg storage :( 1 yr + ago when i first enquiry, i already ask if i can store eggs due to my age.
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Anyone here responded well during stim and retrieved many follicles but only managed to transferred 1? I was on short protocol for 1st fresh.

Did your doctor advise alternative procotol to take?
Anyone here responded well during stim and retrieved many follicles but only managed to transferred 1? I was on short protocol for 1st fresh.

Did your doctor advise alternative procotol to take?
yup. 0 transferred. if u have one, consider lucky too. Dr said will introduce 'growth hormone' ie saizen in next one.
Saizen is usually given if you have a second ivf treatment. 1st ivf treatment is pretty standard. Lots of people respond well to the minimum dosage. Only if your body doesn't respond to the usual drugs given , will other drugs be administered. I was on puregon only for 1st ivf. 2nd ivf, I was given menopur, gonal f and saizen.
Saizen is usually given if you have a second ivf treatment. 1st ivf treatment is pretty standard. Lots of people respond well to the minimum dosage. Only if your body doesn't respond to the usual drugs given , will other drugs be administered. I was on puregon only for 1st ivf. 2nd ivf, I was given menopur, gonal f and saizen.

meaning u inject 4x daily?
Dear all, I'd like to have a little help please. I google but can't find where is the famous Dr Boey acupuncture TMC located, anyone have his number or address? I need one at Chinatown as it's near my office. Thanks
Girls I realised the discharge from My inserts have just turned brown

N when I used tissue to wipe, there r a bit of brown stains But it doesn't look like spotting yet.
I'm v worried. Anyone knows why? I'm 12dp2dt today
BT on mon

If I go blood test today, is it too early to see any results
Ttc77, should be able to see the results by now. I did my BT on D13. If BFP. At least can get pio support and minimize movement. Could be implantation spotting.
Ttc77, implantation may have happened earlier and the spotting only happened now as it takes time for it to "travel" down. That's why it's brownish. It can be either way. Why not go for BT tomorrow and know the results earlier. Life can go on with the known results. I fully understand how tough the 2ww is. Hang on there...
Hi sisters... Jus feeling like spilling my unhappy and frustrated thoughts here....

4 years and still trying for my no 1.
Did 2 fresh cycles, failed 1st and for 2nd, bb stopped growing at 6 wks. Never had frozen embies as I have severe endo and low AMH. Gg to do my last fresh next jan...

Despite all my prayers to god, all my efforts in taking whatever sisters here take before stim, during stim And 2ww... It's still fruitless... I feel lost and do not know what else to do if I fail again....
hugz hugz...gal, dun give up! At least it shows that there is implantation, jus that this might not be the right one. I did 3 fresh den got implantation leh...I do believe god has and will plan the best for us...tiao ur body these few months and strike in Jan! Jiayou!!!
Ttc77, implantation may have happened earlier and the spotting only happened now as it takes time for it to "travel" down. That's why it's brownish. It can be either way. Why not go for BT tomorrow and know the results earlier. Life can go on with the known results. I fully understand how tough the 2ww is. Hang on there...

I called up the clinic n they say come down for support jab

I'm now waiting
I will ask if I can do BT today too
yup. 0 transferred. if u have one, consider lucky too. Dr said will introduce 'growth hormone' ie saizen in next one.
Have you started ur 2nd fresh?

Did doc say it is due to poor egg quality for our case? Are you taking any supplement to boost for your next cycle?
chuckler post: 7580125 said:
Saizen is usually given if you have a second ivf treatment. 1st ivf treatment is pretty standard. Lots of people respond well to the minimum dosage. Only if your body doesn't respond to the usual drugs given , will other drugs be administered. I was on puregon only for 1st ivf. 2nd ivf, I was given menopur, gonal f and saizen.
Thanks for the reply.

How did you fare for your 1st and 2nd cycles in terms of ER and ET? I'm thinking of trying 2nd fresh but v v worried about failure though doc said to change protocol. Scared there is no ET cos have aged.
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I called up the clinic n they say come down for support jab

I'm now waiting
I will ask if I can do BT today too

I just took the support jab n have arranged for earlier BT on sat.
But the nurse response don't seem v positive. She told me actually by now hpt would have shown positive. So I told her But I tested today n it's negative. Then she turn quiet n asks me How many more frozen embryos do I have.

I'm really v sad now. Cannot.stop crying
Don't cry ttc77. Can't you do the BT today instead of waiting till sat. It's quite agonizing. Maybe yr hpt not sensitive enough?
I just took the support jab n have arranged for earlier BT on sat.
But the nurse response don't seem v positive. She told me actually by now hpt would have shown positive. So I told her But I tested today n it's negative. Then she turn quiet n asks me How many more frozen embryos do I have.

I'm really v sad now. Cannot.stop crying

Anyone here responded well during stim and retrieved many follicles but only managed to transferred 1? I was on short protocol for 1st fresh.

Did your doctor advise alternative procotol to take?
bbpony, I asked a similar questions to the ivf mothers-to-be and some responded to me that they had successful outcomes with only 1 embryo transfer.
I think it's really gone case

Babe... I think all of us here feel u... Trying for a baby is really not easy. It's like riding on a faulty roller coaster with endless downward drop.

But I have read from one blog by a fellow ivf sis and it motivates me a lot. She says no matter what happen GoD has a plan for us. He knows what is best for us and his plan is always the better plan. Although his plan is not always what we hope for but we know that his plan is superior.

So although failing to conceive have cause us many heartaches, but we have to lift our heads high to know that we are on our way towards the better plan.

Not trying to be religious here...just sharing what helped me and hope that it will be of help to u too:)
Dear all, I'd like to have a little help please. I google but can't find where is the famous Dr Boey acupuncture TMC located, anyone have his number or address? I need one at Chinatown as it's near my office. Thanks

Here u go, @riverone:

Tan Siew Buoy
Health & Beauty Pte Ltd
No. 38 upper cross st,
Singapore 058341
Tel: 65344131 (By appointment)
Bring your own cooler bag.. They wont provide.. They'll only give u some ice pack that's all..
Ur DH will go to the sperm bank room and queue to use the room while you're in the ER procedure area.. You cant see him liao.. You'll see him only when you're awake.. And please ask him to bring something along to do.. My DH brought his book along.. So after releasing troopers can go eat or what.. The nurse in the ER procedure area will call your DH and inform him when you're about to be "discharged"..

Sorry but can i ask will it be possible if DH produce it at home? Or have to be at KKH?
@Archie7 & @hopeful_still Thanks for the reply... hahaha.. was shock when i read on the post that need to use their room. I think my DH will faint if i tell him that.. lol Luckily can bring from home.

Btw, Dr THH was telling me that he will put me on this med that only need 1 jab and can last for 8 days... have any of the ladies here heard of this jab before?
@Archie7 & @hopeful_still Thanks for the reply... hahaha.. was shock when i read on the post that need to use their room. I think my DH will faint if i tell him that.. lol Luckily can bring from home.

Btw, Dr THH was telling me that he will put me on this med that only need 1 jab and can last for 8 days... have any of the ladies here heard of this jab before?

What kind of jab is that? Did he say why he uses this? Is this your 1st fresh?
What kind of jab is that? Did he say why he uses this? Is this your 1st fresh?

Yes it will be my 1st fresh.. according to him, this jab will help lesses the amount of jab i need as i will still need to do other jab. He said that this med has been in the market for a couple of year already and it is also from those well known company that produce all those med.
Yes it will be my 1st fresh.. according to him, this jab will help lesses the amount of jab i need as i will still need to do other jab. He said that this med has been in the market for a couple of year already and it is also from those well known company that produce all those med.

What other jabs you taking?

I'm seeing Dr Tan too. He did not tell me about this jab. Just say will do short protocol.
U started your jabs already?
Just wanna share an encouraging story with all ladies here that is on this journey including myself...
A friend of mine have been trying for a number of years too but found out that both her tubes was block and the only option she has was IVF. At first her DH didn't want to go through it at all but somehow something has change and he decided to give it a try. She got bfp on the first try but sadly mc at 5 months. After that, she didn't want to go through the whole emotional process again so she did nothing. Surprisingly, she got pregnant naturally and give birth to healthy baby boy at the age of 36.

So nothing is impossible.. there is always this saying..' it comes when u least expected it'... Just relax and enjoy the process. It is also a time to know that your DH will always be there for u and u for him.

What other jabs you taking?

I'm seeing Dr Tan too. He did not tell me about this jab. Just say will do short protocol.
U started your jabs already?

No.. i will be starting mine in Jan. Had my consultation with him and this is what he say to me.. That's why am wondering if anyone tried that med before...
