IVF/ICSI Support Group

Oh can jab on our own for the pregnyl? I think 2 Sep I will have a long list of questions.

Ok we like to "work". But too bad work so hard also no use:oops:
Can, if backside one need hubby to do it.

Lol, work harder!!! Jiayou ... you'll never know.

Oh can jab on our own for the pregnyl? I think 2 Sep I will have a long list of questions.

Ok we like to "work". But too bad work so hard also no use:oops:
Can, if backside one need hubby to do it.

Lol, work harder!!! Jiayou ... you'll never know.
Hi, anybody knows if can eat multivits and tcm for pre body preparations? Eg: multivit in morning n tcm medicine at nite. Is it to stop e multivit cos too over prepare? Anyone succeed with bfp having both multi vit n tcm consumption?

I am under tsb but i forgot to ask her abt it in my 2nd visit with her.
@connie_hopeful.. Dunida ask TSB.. She'll tell you dunida take.. Cos I asked before liao.. Lol.. And I very guai.. Si mi oso nvr take :p

Btw ladies.. Anyone knows what's the normal progesterone level we should be in?. I wonder what's mine cos THH nvr mentions it to me during reviews.. And we got that BT before our ET right?.. Sigh.. I wonder if mine's normal..
Hi, anybody knows if can eat multivits and tcm for pre body preparations? Eg: multivit in morning n tcm medicine at nite. Is it to stop e multivit cos too over prepare? Anyone succeed with bfp having both multi vit n tcm consumption?

I am under tsb but i forgot to ask her abt it in my 2nd visit with her.
Connie, I'm taking multivits n tcm. Sometimes I take them together too. I bfp with a daughter who is now coming to 3
@connie_hopeful.. Dunida ask TSB.. She'll tell you dunida take.. Cos I asked before liao.. Lol.. And I very guai.. Si mi oso nvr take :p

Btw ladies.. Anyone knows what's the normal progesterone level we should be in?. I wonder what's mine cos THH nvr mentions it to me during reviews.. And we got that BT before our ET right?.. Sigh.. I wonder if mine's normal..
Actually u can request for your report. For private CARE, I think it's about 1000. Can't remember
have you all tried IUI before IVF? I tried IUI twice and it doesn't work on me. so now waiting for menses to come this week and start on IVF... feeling anxious and worried of failing IVF...
Ya, I jab myself de

First few time sustain cuts (the breaking of bottles not easy, esp early morning just woke up, blur blur de..)

Picture below...
have you all tried IUI before IVF? I tried IUI twice and it doesn't work on me. so now waiting for menses to come this week and start on IVF... feeling anxious and worried of failing IVF...
Piglet, I tried 6 iui n 1 SO-IUI b4 embarking on ivf. I did bfp twice with iui but both MCs
Piglet, I tried 6 iui n 1 SO-IUI b4 embarking on ivf. I did bfp twice with iui but both MCs
i tried 2 iui but both failed... last iui was in feb... went to see tcm and see if can help... I was with Ban Choon Chan TCM and he has given the green light to try IVF.. so now waiting for menses to come and start on IVF...
Ya, I jab myself de

First few time sustain cuts (the breaking of bottles not easy, esp early morning just woke up, blur blur de..)

Picture below...
View attachment 368065
Oh...so they look like this. But i don't want my hubby to jab me because i don't trust him lol. No la...He may travel for biz and i rather be the one doing it myself. We can't jab our own butt?
Good morning ladies!
Need some advice here.
I know it has been posted before but I just couldn't find it.
Can someone enlighten me on what are the food to take and to avoid during stimulation stage and 2ww.
It's my D1 of stimulation today.:)
Hoping for the best this cycle.
Oh...so they look like this. But i don't want my hubby to jab me because i don't trust him lol. No la...He may travel for biz and i rather be the one doing it myself. We can't jab our own butt?
Lol need to jab at the back, there is a specific region to jab n some techniques. U can request for med to jab tummy though.
Hi All,

Been here for a long time just havent log in for long. I tried to search from Ban choon chan contact but seems to miss it? Can someone inform me of the contact? Thanks ladies.

My story :
1. IVF#1 with LC Cheng . 2FET, no fresh. 1 BFN, 1 chemical also BFN
2. IVF#2 with SF Loh. Fresh trasnfer, BFN on Sat. 4 frosties left.

this journey is shit.
Thanks pigletyn! Wow they only operate wed-fri on weekedays What a challenge to go on weekdays. :(

I always go on weekends... usually reach around 645am and I will be in queue no. 4 or 5. by the time I finish seeing him is around 10.30am. I never go on a weekdays before so I can't say how long the wait will be.
I always go on weekends... usually reach around 645am and I will be in queue no. 4 or 5. by the time I finish seeing him is around 10.30am. I never go on a weekdays before so I can't say how long the wait will be.

wow 645am. Everything for a baby! Right now, I just want to rebuild my body for next FET. Unsure where to go if this fails again. :(
have you all tried IUI before IVF? I tried IUI twice and it doesn't work on me. so now waiting for menses to come this week and start on IVF... feeling anxious and worried of failing IVF...

I've tried iui twice b4 i move on to ivf too. Kinda regret cos spend quite alot of money there. My frens did told me that iui success rate not really high but i thot since me n my hubby have strike naturally b4 hence iui shld works for us. All the best for yr ivf!
Hi, anybody knows if can eat multivits and tcm for pre body preparations? Eg: multivit in morning n tcm medicine at nite. Is it to stop e multivit cos too over prepare? Anyone succeed with bfp having both multi vit n tcm consumption?

I am under tsb but i forgot to ask her abt it in my 2nd visit with her.

Connie, im taking both tcm n vit too but i make sure theres a min gap of 2 hours in between.
Hi All,

Been here for a long time just havent log in for long. I tried to search from Ban choon chan contact but seems to miss it? Can someone inform me of the contact? Thanks ladies.

My story :
1. IVF#1 with LC Cheng . 2FET, no fresh. 1 BFN, 1 chemical also BFN
2. IVF#2 with SF Loh. Fresh trasnfer, BFN on Sat. 4 frosties left.

this journey is shit.
i sort of agree with you..esp when go private n come back bfn. I failed my 1st fresh with a private with no frosties. Money gone, confidence gone. I find yr heading funni," if only cats can be kids" lol. Press on! Jiayou! I am trying to self moltivate oso...
Jie jie n mei mei men, thanks for yr inputs on e multivits n tcm. Feeling stressful on 2nd try uh..scared of failure n no frosties. So many question marks n problems on e head. But no try no chancE for 1st ever bb. Try also chances low according to docs due to extremely poor soldiers tt may not make it to fertilisation. Sometimes feel like giving up.
I think we all go through this roller coaster ride. Sometimes I feel so geared up wanna chiong. Sometimes after a bfn I'm cursing *^&%$#!@ inside. Like waste time waste money waste my gan-qing.

But then we think.... life goes on. Make the best out of our ttc journey. Sometimes when I failed one cycle, I go shopping (online). Quite shiok. Hee.
Jie jie n mei mei men, thanks for yr inputs on e multivits n tcm. Feeling stressful on 2nd try uh..scared of failure n no frosties. So many question marks n problems on e head. But no try no chancE for 1st ever bb. Try also chances low according to docs due to extremely poor soldiers tt may not make it to fertilisation. Sometimes feel like giving up.
Are you trying for 2nd IVF? Did u transfer 2 during your 1st IVF?
Are you trying for 2nd IVF? Did u transfer 2 during your 1st IVF?
Contemplating on trying 2nd. Now going for pre tests n waiting for results next week..dunno wat e doc will say for e sis results..feeling scared. As radiologist like got see somethg but not saying. Ask me to wait for doc visit n ask him.

Yes, first cycle i got 14 eggs. 9 can be used. I transfered 2 embries on day3. With assisted hatching too. Results bt 1.2, bfn. For e 7 balance embries, 1st 2 days they are doing good. But they arrested on day5 due to poor quality soldiers according to embrylogists. So i got zero to freeze in e end. 2nd attempt got to do fresh all over again.
I think i realli need god's blessing.

Redvel, u are right. N waste gan ching also. It hurts emotionally.
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Contemplating on trying 2nd. Now going for pre tests n waiting for results next week..dunno wat e doc will say for e hsg results..feeling scared. As radiologist like got see somethg but not saying. Ask me to wait for doc visit n ask him.

Yes, first cycle i got 14 eggs. 9 can be used. I transfered 2 embries on day3. With assisted hatching too. Results bt 1.2, bfn. For e 7 balance embries, 1st 2 days they are doing good. But they arrested on day5 due to poor quality soldiers according to embrylogists. So i got zero to freeze in e end. 2nd attempt got to do fresh all over again.
I think i realli need god's blessing.

Redvel, u are right. N waste gan ching also. It hurts emotionally.
Are you trying your 2nd cycle at the same pte clinic? I'm also contemplating for 2nd one. My 1st cycle failed with 1 egg transferred. Poor egg quality i think.

Why must take HSG Test? I don't remember I did it for my 1st cycle
Lol need to jab at the back, there is a specific region to jab n some techniques. U can request for med to jab tummy though.
Oh...so they look like this. But i don't want my hubby to jab me because i don't trust him lol. No la...He may travel for biz and i rather be the one doing it myself. We can't jab our own butt?
No leh. I jab myself on my tummy
Just like Gonal-F lor...
Are you trying your 2nd cycle at the same pte clinic? I'm also contemplating for 2nd one. My 1st cycle failed with 1 egg transferred. Poor egg quality i think.

Why must take HSG Test? I don't remember I did it for my 1st cycle
I m not taking at e same pte clinic due to money considerations. My first ivf i wanted to do hsg test cos i have small fabriod but my 1st gynae says no need to do sis n e fabriod are small its ok. He only did amh n some bloodtest.
1st ivf failed. For 2nd, i go kkh, met with kkh dr.told him i got fabriod n ask him need to do any test to scan? He says yes n send me to do sis scan.
Sis scan is to see polyp, fabriod clearly with e help of saline solution.
seems like the success rate for ivf also not that high after all... I hope my first try I can succeed...

For me, ivf success rate is very low based on my age group. But since I tried ttc natural after mcs with no success, any other methods would raise some hope. It's all about trying out our luck.

Don't worry too much about the stats..... if you've decided to go for ivf then go with a positive mind.
i sort of agree with you..esp when go private n come back bfn. I failed my 1st fresh with a private with no frosties. Money gone, confidence gone. I find yr heading funni," if only cats can be kids" lol. Press on! Jiayou! I am trying to self moltivate oso...

haha ya! I have 2 cats at home. Really my babies for now. I go where the docs are but I can tell you, the lab is important as well besides the doctor skills. So far, I know that Mount E has a very good lab, more than 80% success to bring embryos to Day 5 blasts and they score well with FET. The only down side is their lab is a little expensive. But having said all these, a D3 has an equal chance with a D5 embryo. It doesnt guarantee anything, just shows the D5 grew further but not 100% will implant.

Rocket science to get us pregnant. We rock.
For me, ivf success rate is very low based on my age group. But since I tried ttc natural after mcs with no success, any other methods would raise some hope. It's all about trying out our luck.

Don't worry too much about the stats..... if you've decided to go for ivf then go with a positive mind.

Thanks redvel! I am actually excited to start the ivf but at the same time worry of failure... money is also a constrain cos is a huge sum. I will be doing it at a private clinic.
pigletlyn, last week I failed my 2nd fresh ivf. Today is my last day of HL. KNS. Haaa. Tomorrow going back to office.

Will be doing my FET later this year.
Piglelyn: you hv to be ready that it won't work. Sorry it sounds a bit harsh but it's the reality. However, ivf is a gift to all of us here.

Many many many sisters succeed on their 1st try and go on to hv successful pregnancies. They do move on to the MotherToBe group forums.

Stay positive. Look at this as a gift of opportunity. The money, yes, damn alot, but if we dont give this a try now while we all still can, time wont wait for us.

Happy jabbing :)
I m not taking at e same pte clinic due to money considerations. My first ivf i wanted to do hsg test cos i have small fabriod but my 1st gynae says no need to do sis n e fabriod are small its ok. He only did amh n some bloodtest.
1st ivf failed. For 2nd, i go kkh, met with kkh dr.told him i got fabriod n ask him need to do any test to scan? He says yes n send me to do sis scan.
Sis scan is to see polyp, fabriod clearly with e help of saline solution.
I did my 1st cycle at a pte clinic too. Now going kkh. Which doc at kkh are you seeing?
When are you starting your 2nd one?

Are you going to tiao your body before the ivf?
Pregnyl trigger can jab at tummy. But butt less painful lah hahahaha... l DIY too for cycle#2 but the thought of breaking the glass was v scary to me even though the nurses do it effortlessly..
Piglelyn: you hv to be ready that it won't work. Sorry it sounds a bit harsh but it's the reality. However, ivf is a gift to all of us here.

Many many many sisters succeed on their 1st try and go on to hv successful pregnancies. They do move on to the MotherToBe group forums.

Stay positive. Look at this as a gift of opportunity. The money, yes, damn alot, but if we dont give this a try now while we all still can, time wont wait for us.

Happy jabbing :)

sad... then I will be so disappointed if it really fails.... is it best to do the ET on the same month or to freeze it and do it the next month? heard from the ivf counsellor that freezing it and do it the next month a higher chance... but it still up to individual.... hmmm....
I did my 1st cycle at a pte clinic too. Now going kkh. Which doc at kkh are you seeing?
When are you starting your 2nd one?

Are you going to tiao your body before the ivf?
Hi there, snap. I also private for 1st,now going kkh. I seeing dr matthew lau for now under team clinic. Dunno to chg doc or remain same doc when starting ivf. When to start depends on sis review with doc next week...see wat he says.

my hubby n i am tiaoing my body with tcm for a mth plus le. Still tiaoing.

Wat abt u? Under which doc?
Pregnyl trigger can jab at tummy. But butt less painful lah hahahaha... l DIY too for cycle#2 but the thought of breaking the glass was v scary to me even though the nurses do it effortlessly..
I was asked if I wanna have my trigger jab on my butt or thigh. Huh? Thigh? I think it's gonna be painful. I prefer to jab on my jiggly butt. :p
then I shall not have too high hope on first try...

I agree with Ron that we have to be prepared for failure #1. That's why I was rather ok with the bfn but only damn disappointed I didnt have frozen embies.

I mean must have positive thoughts... but at the same don't strain ourselves by thinking "must strike at first try". Like that very stressful on our mind and body.
